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Party time 2: Spooky Boogaloo Edition!
Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70794062

Welcome to /pmdt/! A thread for posting art, writing, and discussing of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Series! Especially if it's saucy~
We have a shared setting for the thread if you wish to participate in that either with writing or RP.

Beyond that feel free to just jump right in! You can start by posting art, recommending comics or fanfics, or just rolling to see what Pokémon you wake up as! If you'd like to join in the RP, the Lore Archive gives a general summary of the setting and history so far!
The TL:DR is a bunch of humans from various worlds have been sent to the PMD world and have ended up at an abandoned town in the desert and have been rebuilding it as a new home together.

>PMDT Lore Archive: https://rentry.org/pmdt_lore
>PMDT Gallery: https://mega.nz/folder/oIYQAT6D#KH5yWG8eBVs6aclQbBhEkw
>PMDT Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/uuSwxMDKDL
>PMDT General resources:https://rentry.org/pmdt-resources
>How do I start?
Set yourself up with a pokemon
Describe Your Pokemon Poll: https://tally.so/r/meEN6J (Roll using the tool bellow or just pick your own)
Roll for New Body: https://randompokemon.com
Bellow are the results for the ones we’ve had so far
Poll Results: https://airtable.com/appIaP91BKPBAJrBB/shr5Ubx6uYuIRjyIL/tblYzuPD1GEXJo5Jc

Tell us about your pokemon and how they ended up at Oasis and come say hi, the Cafe is always open and a great place in town to meet other pokemon, where you go from there is up to you.
Grab a quest from the Job Board: https://rentry.org/2hinxv2w
Get to know the locals: https://rentry.org/pmdt-masterbin

Please avoid discussing drama from /vp/ or /pmdg/. /pmdt/ is it's own thing.
Lastly since anons are from various timezones and have different schedules there can sometimes be a while between RP responses. Please be patient and don’t forget you can always post art while you wait!
>Vex let's out a couple of claps at Audrey's little display.
That looks nice on you. If it's just color changes for that one I might try it later myself.
Typechange potion is mega cool
Hehe, maybe! I've got a match with the Undertaker coming up, myself. :3c
>Mewt gestures towards Wisp with their head, chuckling a bit at the innuendo.
You might do better than you'd think though, I've seen some pretty lightweight people do well in wrestling before. Just depends on your technique. :p
Who knows? Quite a few silly things turned out to be useful for something.
>Lilith grabs a few snacks that most certainly don't contain meat.
It's very impressive! Amazing decor, the food looks great as well and some nice music too.
I love to see everyone in their costumes even if I don't get most references.
>Vex turns his attention to Lilith.
Did you not have a lot of internet or TV where you lived? I know Akuma is pretty well known for how popular Street Fighter is. Though I do agree on not getting some references sometimes.
(Everyone just up and disappeared after the new thread was made lol.)
(Monday morning/sunday evening slump)
(I noticed that around noon or so we tend to slow down for a while, probably just that. Plus, yea, Sunday.)
(It's always around noon till around 5 or so, where most people get off work by then.)
I don't know if I told you that before but I think I might be the oldest human turned pokemon here in the Oasis. I've already been an adult when video games started to get popular.
I know nearly nothing about that stuff. Same with those japanese cartoon shows.
I'm simply from a different generation...
>She shakes her head a bit.
Well... Also I thaught video games... no, games in general were a waste of time. All my life I solely focused on my career.
So... yeah. I think I've heard of something called Street Fighter before but Akuma? No idea.
>all this talk of wrestling now has Zed struggling to not do gachimuchi refs
That makes a bit more sense. I believe I remember you saying something along those lines, but never gone fully in depth at least. If you at least heard of it, then I can assume maybe it was around when Street Fighter 2 was first getting popular that you ended up here. Do you remember how old you were back then? It might give me a frame of reference.
>Lilith chuckles.
Oh, I think you are getting me wrong, darling. My lab accident happened in 2024. It's just that I'm already 49 years old.
I've simply already been too for them when video games became popular with the kids...
(*too old for them*)
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See Lilith? Already another taker!

Finding out what my friends dress up as every year is always fun. I think I'll have something to eat and drink soon.

Wow! You're the same age as my mo-
>She stutters in surprise as she realizes what Lilith just said.
Wait, 2024? You're from the future?
Ah, now that makes a bit more sense. Still, a lab accident? Sorry to hear that. What were you working on back then, if you don't mind me asking?
>He takes a sip of his juice.
>Zed overhears Audrey mention she's in a Dr Who outfit
Oh right, Matt Smith doctor!
>Zed heads over to Audrey
You might want one of these though
>With a flick of his claw he produces a small silver rod with a blue light up tip on the end and offers it to Audrey
>hearing Audrey is not from 2024, Zed tilts his head
Huh, say what year are you from then, must be early 2010s right?
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>Audrey tries to contain her shock and brimming curiosity to the best of her ability while Lilith and Vex talk about considerably more pressing matters. She'll say her part when she gets her chance.
That's right! O-oh! Thanks.
>She's happy to see someone recognize her outfit, wondering if she's familiar enough with the series to have a conversation about the both of their favorite Doctors. Audrey briefly waves the new tool around and makes some noise trying to recreate the indescribable whir of the Doctor's magical screwdriver.
Uh, anyway...
>She speaks a little quieter to Zed as to not interrupt the other conversation, assuming Zed is on the same page as her believing Lilith is unique in being from the future.
Yeah, 2012. Like normal. It was October when I ended up here. If time works the same here, it has to be at least March or April 2013 by now.
>Or so the time displaced doctor thinks.
>Lilith isn't too shy to talk about her 'death' but cuts it short anyway.
Organic chemistry. Pharmaceutics and such. Actually not that different from what I do here.

Hmm... from what I understood we aren't even in the same universe as before. So I'd honestly expect weird time dilations and stuff.
Huh. Interesting. At least you've been making some use of those skills here. Speaking of though, do you have that thing ready for Mewt? It's been a while since we last heard about that.
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>Mewt just about chokes on a piece of cheese when they overhear Lil saying she's almost 50.
Hrk- shit.

You look good for your age! :0 Like- I thought you were around 30 and just didn't get into the pop culture stuff. That's wiiild.

>Sipping his drink Wisp can't help smirk a little himself as he puts an arm around Mewt and gives them a nuzzle
My you're so eager tonight~
>Cato wanders over, a little buzzed, and can't help overhearing the conversation.
Hey, Mewt! Hey Audrey! Hey, Lilith!~ Quite the wingding, this hop is, huh?
Wow, Lilith, I didn't realize you had like 18 years over me!
>Cato sips more of their drink.
I never would have guessed, Mewt's right, you do look good for your age! A real dish, baby.
What's this about 2024 and 2012, then?
Oh, right. Yeah I got that done. Completely forgot to give it to them in anticipation for the ball.

Oh, right as we mention you. I'll bring you the stuff tomorrow.
Thank you! But I actually think that this body is way younger than the one I had before. At least I feel way younger.
>She does a handwave.
Oh stop it you little charmer! You also look way younger than you are.
So apparently some of us former humans were transported here from different times. 2012 and 2024 are year numbers we used back in our world.
Can't believe I didn't ask about that yet but do you pokemon have some kind of calendar?
I know i'm younger then my old self. I came from an egg, which makes me technically not even a year old here.
>He gets a bit of a cheeky grin.
Wonder what kind of legal shenanigans that would make for us.

Ah, just human talk Cato. No need to worry your pretty head over it. Ah, actually while your here there's something I wanna invite you to.
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>Mewt purrs as Wisp loves on them, rubbing up against him as he does.
What can I say, I'm just really gettin into the Spirit of the night! Hehe~
>They take a sip of their drink, before holding it up for him.
Y'wanna try mine? :3c It's nice and fruity~

Hiya, Cato! Love the sailor uniformmm, s'really cute! c:

Oh, yeah! I almost forgot about that, thanks Lil!
It must be, cause like, yeah, you definitely don't show your age. :o Makes me wonder how old I technically am, too.
Thanks, Mewt! You look good, too!
Hold on just a minute, Vex.
A Calendar? Well we measure days by the time it takes the sun to travel around the sky... and then we measure larger chunks of time by the shape of the moon.
Like the in-between time between each shape-change, and the time it takes to fully cycle through all its shapes are different time measurements used as well.
>Cato sips their bottle.
There's a bunch of these lunacycles in our calendar, and they all have their own names and significance.
A bunch of these cycles together makes a year, and a bunch of years makes an Era.
>They think for a moment.
I think we might be around 260 years into our current Era?
But... 2024? I've known humans before, and the latest year on their calendar that they mentioned was 1941...
You guys are almost a hundred years removed from my knowledge of humans...
>Seems the alcohol has loosened Cato up a little. They would probably not talk about their experience with humans so candidly in normal circumstances.
>Vex clams up at the mention of 1941, his eyes looking a bit pained at what he knows of that date.
That's...hrm. Talk about a terrible year to drop in from.
Yeah coming to this world must have been paradise for that poor bugger.
I thought a few of the residents and I appeared at roughly the same time here. If it's time dilation, then the results would be obvious.

Zed, it was 2012 or 2013 when you made it here, right? In fact, it might be better to ask everyone. What year is everyone from, just to compare?
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Thank yooou~ I feel like the eye makeup you gave me really helps, even though I just did a light bit tonight.
>Mewt messes with how their oversized belt is sitting on them while they listen in on the others conversation.
...huh. Wonder if there's anyone around from like, the late medieval or sengoku periods. I'd have to call off for like, a week, just to talk their ears off. :p

2024! For reference, that's uhhh, three and a half doctors worth of time difference. :v give or take a tennant.
>Jack is preoccupied with trying to figure out how to eat the food when he hears the question come from... Audrey?
Uh... Not to but in, but 2024 I think. Last time I checked anyway
I'm actually from a year earlier in 2023. Sucks that things happened during some of the worst inflation so far. Never got to see Trump retake the office.

Oh, there you are Jack. Need some help with that? Trust me, the steak is to die for.
>He moves to help cut pieces to fit into Jack's mask.
(Man it went to page 10 fast)
(Quick day, also work picking up, posting freely again ina couple hours)
(Jack, stop disappearing after a single post)
(I thought my post went through, guess not)
Oh! Thanks!
>Through a little bit of finicking, Jack manages to get the small chunk of unknown meat into his mask.
>The entirely new sensation of taste causes him to double take. It had been a very long time since he's had this taste.
>Meat. A raw wave of euphoria brushes over him, causing his belly to fill with the light warmth.
>Vex might not be able to see his face through that mask, but even he can tell that Jack has tasted heaven, and he wants more.
You taste that? I had nearly forgotten what it was like myself after not having any for so long. This is technically buffolo meat, or Bouffalant rather, but it tastes just about the same as beef back home. Man, I wish we could get that mask off of you so you could eat so much more.
That'll be the day when that happens.
For now though, I guess I'm stuck with it.
>Jack gets another piece through his mask.
I'll admit, it could be worse.
Yeah, you could have ended up like a Magnemite or something and not be able to eat things as all. Oh, the fish is pretty decent too here. Here.
>He sets a slice of Gorebyss onto Jack's plate.
You know, after having an actual taste for what some Pokemon actually taste like cooked, it puts things in a weird perspective.
Yeah, I know what you mean. In-universe I always knew this was a thing, pokemon praying on other Pokemon, you know... lore shit.
But now? to be an actual part of that cycle? I don't know.
>A low chuckle comes from underneath Jack's mask.
Better them then us at least.
>He shrugs at that.
True that. Though that's not gonna stop me from enjoying what's already laid out in front of us. Best to not waste what's already been done and all that.
>He takes a sip of his juice, running low again.
The taboos of this world are probably much more different as well. I've always figured that most meat comes from the more feral ones like in dungeons.
I suppose it may help to know. Zis meat waz from a butchar, at best a human waz going to eat it and at worst it would have ended up in a dumpster.
(Another eaten post Jack?)
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Heeey, Jack-o. Dig the costume, dude. You got a shiny .45 to go with it? :p
Did any kind of big event or phenomenon happen at the start of the current Era?

I overheard you mentioning them earlier. Are there actual humans in this world? You know... not ones that turned into pokemon. I thought there's only pokemon here and you've heard of humans only in stories.
>Nox overheard Audrey's question on his table about 60 feet away and chimes in.
I'm from 2024 as well. Guess you actually are something like a time traveller, Doc.
No. Zis world has only pokemon.
>Luis gestures at the two Haunters who are now roughhousing
Victor and Hugo here have ze ability to slip between zis world, ze distortion world, and my former home.
Ah, I see...
And they can even bring stuff with them. That's useful.
(test post and sleep bump)
>Cato listens to Zed and Vex.
He wasn't very happy back in the human world. Though this world wasn't exactly paradise for him.
>They mutter this softly to themself, probably not wanting the two to exactly hear.
>Cato perks up again when they hear Mewt.
Oh, glad to hear you're using makeup, it does look good!
I don't know what those periods exactly are, but if there's humans arriving from 80 years ago compared to you, then I don't see why not.
Oh, I don't remember the specifics. Something happened with a legendary 'mon back then. I never really paid attention to history.
>Cato changes the subject.
I'm feeling like some fun. How about those potions you were talking about earlier?
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Oh yeah, doing my eyes up is definitely gonna be part of my morning ritual from now on. :3 I'd hope sooo, I learned from the best, after all. ;p
>Mewt adjusts their costume glasses as they prepare to nerd out for minute.
Weeelllll, the late medieval was from around 1300 to 1500 AD, mostly focused on European civilizations, bit of a rough patch of history what with the plagues and century long wars and such, aaand the sengoku period of japan, also known as the warring states period, since feudalism was really 'in' at the time, that was frommm.. mid to late 1400s until the late 1500s, early 1600s? It's not like, suuuper agreed upon when the beginning and end were, unfortunately..
..But yeah! If we've got people from the forties kicking around, then it's entirely possible that we might run into someone from those time periods at some point. :o and that'd be So cool.
...well, it'd be cool to me, at least. (´∀`;)
>Lilith grins.
Oh, another brave soul to try this witch's special brews.
>She reaches in her bag and pulls out three vials again.
What shall it be? Red, blue or green?
>Cato listens closely to Mewt describe human history.
I've heard of Europe, and also of Japan.
>Cato thinks back.
My source was pretty nasty when describing Japan, but I'm pretty sure he could be biased since they were in some war during his time in the human world.
So I don't know as much about Japan as I do Europe.
Blue! Just feel lucky about blue, for some reason.
>Lilith hands them the vial.
Let's see what you get...

(Another one with a random component. I'll roll when Cato drinks it.)
>Cato swirls the vial and then downs it.
When do the effects start to show?
>Audrey didn't expect this outcome.
So... I'M the only one? Oh dear. That's a little....
>That must mean a lot has happened between 2012 and 2024. The world's population could've tripled, modern medical advances will have skyrocketed!
>It's a lot to take in, so she waves off all the weird revelations she's heard, like how that one WWE millionaire guy was a president, three and a half Doctors have passed.....
Wait, Tennant came back?

You guys HAVE to tell me what's changed in the future....present? Did we go to Mars yet? Cure cancer? Did robots take over cooking and driving for us yet?
>She's very eager to learn all the differences between then & now.
>everyone looking at audrey
(Struggling with work fatigue again)
>The ground shakes a bit as Cato suddenly grows to thrice their original height putting them at a whooping 7 feet!
>Lilith smiles in glee.
Whoa, look at you! Now that's a change of perspective, huh?

(This change will last for one hour.)
Ha, wow!
>Cato gets their bearings as they get a feel for the new height.
This is so weird... I'm taller than everyone here!
Wait... this is a bad effect for someone wearing a dress...
>Cato's joking of course, they usually only wear a bow-tie and a boater normally.
Nobody peek up there!
Aww... I'm quite curious how big you got down there~
>Lilith chuckles.
Well, it's lucky that your illusion outfit grew with you. Real clothing would have been shredded by such a quick growth.
(woke up)
Ha! I wish.
If I knew all the parts that went into making a gun I totally would.
We have a butcher?
Anyway yeah you're right, always hated to see food go to waste. One of my biggest irks.
So... we're the first ones then.
>Jack stops eating and puts his head down in complete thought
..yyyeah, I uhm. Don't think that's quite fair, considering what we did to them, but they must have gotten here before the war ended, sooo I guess that makes a little sense.. might have been a pearl harbor casualty, even.
Japan mellowed out quite a bit after that though, started making a lot of worlds best tech and favorite media, kinda just turned into a big tourist attraction.

Yep, fourteenth doc was tennant again. I don't know a whooole lot about Whomst MD, but I definitely heard about that. :p
No manned mission to Mars just yet, just a bunch of rovers, but uh, I think we did confirm there was water and Pooossibly life? I wasn't super up to date on uh, space stuff, to be honest. Kinda wigs me out if I think about it too much. (´ε`;)
Cancer's still bad, although we were making good progress on diabetes, aaand I know One guy cured his own lactose intolerance. For a while, at least.
No autochefs, but we Did get some very cute server robots. :3 They were just a screen on a moving pillar with shelves, but Kerfus' cat faces were so adorable~
And we Did technically have Some self driving cars, but uhhh.. they really suck at it! :p And they're just generally terrible vehicles, for a lot of reasons.
..Oh! We did legalize Marijuana in most of the country. That was neat, even if I didn't really uh, partake.

(I dunnoooo, you seem to be doing pretty good at getting wiped out from work to me!)
(Lol. Hope you get some good rest, Zed. :P )

Oh hey, you tried a potion?-
>Mewt turns back to Cato, only to see that they're now Quite a bit larger than them. That's certainly a bit surprising!
o-oh wow. :o That's pretty cool!
I'll try not to look, but I can't promise much if there happens to be a draft in here! (´∀`;) hehe~

Could just be a prop, y'know. :p Just needs some good paint!
Oh no, I was asking if there are humans here stayed human which doesn't seem to be the case.
But Cato mentioned that there were other humans that turned into pokemon arriving a long time ago.
(*humans here that stayed human*)
>Veg is quietly cackling underneath her pumpkin, until remembering, oh shit, she's ALSO from earth
Well...they did make some neat new Pokemon designs, at least.
Huh, I had no idea Haunters could do that, or is that just a thing those two can do?
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>A 'ghost' (one of the pillow cases from the Inn, freshly washed) suddenly pops up behind Audrey.
>Where did they come from?
Can't forget about the alien invasion of 2022.
While there certainly were a good few things made, it's hard to focus on that when the world took a nosedive on living quality, what with the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the massive inflation and immigration problems in the U.S.

>The fact he can look Cato in the eye without needing to look down is weird.
Jeez, that's some strange stuff man. Though it could be useful if more refined.

Yeah, they did make some pretty neat ones, but also a bunch of dudes too.

Oh, and who's this cheeky bugger? Don't go lying to the poor thing, you'll make her head pop.
Had you been living under a rock? It was all over the news for six months after first contact.
>Vex just shrugs.
Unless you came from an Earth that actually encountered aliens, then it was just another UFO sighting scare.
>Veg immediately spots the chance to mess with Audrey
Man, I STILL remember seeing the mothership in the sky, I didn't know every documentary was right.
Was that before or after the killer clown thing? I forget when that happened, exactly.

..actually, I do remember something about there being aliens in the ocean. :o
That's a lot to keep track of.
>Audrey isn't sure what to comment on. Wars, Doctors, cars, water on Mars...

Oh! There must be new Nintendo handhelds, too! Did they make a.... 4DS?

No way! Did they actually?
>She might be more skeptical if she wasn't in a room with a dozen time travelers.
Did it start a war? Are aliens like animals, or are they like us? Or bugs? I always thought aliens would be arthropods. Tell me more!
>She's immersed.
>Lilith grins.
Poor Vex... You must have been one of the abducted and brainwashed people if you forgot all about that. Hope they didn't probe you too hard...
Ehh, it's really not all that much, especially if you stay out of the political nonsense. Humanities gotten kinda lazy about doing neat stuff.
...teeechnically they did? I dunno, I'll let Veg yap about that one, I was one of the six people that were into the wii u.

I have no idea! I just kept hearing about it, but I never looked into it cause I was like, "that's dumb. Terror from the deep only happens after we dunk a bunch of Grey's into the sea." And I don't remember hearing about any dogfights with UFOs, so.. yea, not sure.

You know, that wooould explain why he's like That. :p hehe~
>Vex can only facepalm from their shenanigans. He needs another drink, only to end up dry again.
>Getting himself a different flavor of juice he sighs.
Alright, I need a break from some of this nonsense. Lilith, you still up for that game?
>She starts yapping upon confirmation that anyone else was into the Wii U
They actually went down and made a 2DS, that was pretty weird, looking back.
Was the Wii U released in your year, or not? Either way, I remember loving it! I don't remember if it actually counted as handheld or not, the controller had its own screen that you could play without a TV, but you still needed the console within range to play, I think.
There was also this...switch thing they released later, but I never owned one or stayed up all night playing it, so I didn't really know what it was about, but it probably can't beat the Wii or Wii U menus alone.
All things considered, you didn't really miss much in regards to technology aside from some new consoles.
(I love writing the occasional reminder Veg was a fuckin nerd back when she was human)
(I'd also love to have Vex spout off more WW2 knowledge at some point, but it's haunted by the existence of his Grandpa, who he still hasn't given a full explanation about.)
(Unfortunately I'm going to sleep now. Feel free to invite someone else for now. Lilith would be up for game later though.)
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What's this about a game? :o

Huh, I thought you'd have had more to say about the switch. I got one close to release but like, I barely touched it aside from Mario kart until this year, I got uh, cyber sleuth and a few disgaeas for it.
I got a loooot more use out of my wii u, I played the Shit out of xenoblade X and monhun 3 ult. I reallyyyy hope they give X a sequel or a remake at some point, it deserves a chance on a console that actually like, sold.

(Grandpa vex was really into the ashtray joke, huh? Lmaooo)

(G'night! :3 )
Oh dear... that's a little freaky.
>Audrey's expression narrows as she thinks about this. She may be getting pranked.

A 2DS....?
>That sounds pointless.
The Wii U came out last year. My roommate had one, but only because I guilted her into it.
>Audrey didn't have enough time or money to justify buying a new console.... but her roommate was a different story.
I was a little sad when I heard the new games were exclusive to the 3DS. My DSi served me well until I lost it in the..... universal travel.
I found a pool table in one of rooms while exploring around earlier. Got it set up for a round, so i'm looking for a player or two.

(He's a german old man who had things donated to a WW2 museum and is still kicking according to Vex himself.. I'll let you put the pieces on what kind of person he was back then.)
Holy shit thats a huge bui!
(Sick plus long hours is doing a number on me)
Well I can safely say the pricks are real, though they never made offical contact in my world, just keep taking me and mutilating my cows. Nobody believed me of course
>Zed now appears quite agitated at the mention of aliens.
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Yeah, I dunno how true any of it is though. I was always hoping for more uh, "heyyy, meatbags, wanna join our galactic federation?" kinda stuff. Get some Garrus in my life.

2ds was duuumb.

Oh, that's neat! I dunno if that'd be much of a fair game, though, cause uhh..
...I probably can't reach, anymore. (´ε`;) and I dunno if using telekinesis would be very sporting either.
(I'll put that down as a 'most likely, yes' then. :p )

(Buhhh, working while you're sick is hell. hope you feel better soon at least.)
Wait, for real?
>Judging by his reaction, yeah, probably for real.
I- uh. I was just talking shit about a rumor, but, seriously, Zed? I've heard stories about that kinda thing, but.. :< That really sucks.
(In fairness he probably wasn't too bad if he's living free in america)
Yeah, I'm hoping I don't have to deal with them again. In hidsight though I guess they had a reason since apparently I had a lot of psychic aptitude if my current ability is anything to go off.
(I feel like she WOULD own one, but I don't know shit about the Switch so I probably wouldn't be able to have her accurately talk about it)
As long as it's just the stick, it should technically be fine. The only real advantage. you'd have is having fine control over it, though that probably requires a different kind of skill compared to using hands. As for Zed's situation, I think he comes from a different Earth from ours. I think anyways....

(Who said his Grandpa lived in America with them? No more spoilers until someone talks with him about it though.)
(Oh I was making baseless assumptions)
You should give it a go Mewt, besides holding a cue is a little tricky for me.
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It'd be crazy if they managed to follow you here, so hopefully not, yeah.
..huh. Maybe they were like, trying to unlock your potential or something? Doesn't really excuse the cows, though.

(Faaaair. I hardly use mine, and the sticks going all junky doesn't help. :p )

I mean, fine control is kind of a big deal when you're playing a game based around physics..
Veeex, that's not nice. He's just from down under. :p They've got all kinds of weird stuff going on.

You think so? I mean, I guess I could give it a shot, it's been a while since I've played anyways. :o
Hey, I meant it literally, not because he's an aussie. Though that wouldn't surprise me either. Anyways, i'm still up for playing if you are. It's just meant for fun, and it's been a while for me too.
>Alice comes over to the group with a rather fancy looking cocktail and a very elabourate Witch getup
Ok so I have a question for you lot. What is a human anyway? I've heard of them a few times since I got to this world and apparently you all used to be one.
Most of us were one. Cato over here-
>He points towards the enlarged Buizel.
Isn't one. As for what a human is, is a bipedal almost hairless highly-evolved ape. That's the broken down basics, but like all things it's pretty complicated too.
(im so excited for the x remake)
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I knooow, I'm just teasing you! :p Also uh, I thought he was a Kiwi?
Sure! I'll go a round or two with ya, should be fun. c:

Ooo, nice outfiiit.. uhm. They're like, big monkeys with no fur, no tail, no.. a lot of things, really. Made up for it with having a hilariously large brain for their size, and making a lot of tools.
You're not missing out though, trust me.

(Me toooooo :33 I can't wait to play it againnn.)
Alright then, if anyone else ends up wanting to play, just follow us. Or you can watch too, that'd be cool. Follow me!
>He marches off back to room, drink in hand.
>alice has an image in her head that looks more like an early hominid
Thanks! This is my old regalia I used for important meetings. You know yours is soooo cute!
Hmmm I gotta say pokemon are at least kind of familliar to the people who lived in my world at least, elemental affinities and all. Humans just sound wierd though.
>having knocked back a couple drinks and wanting to take his mind off thoughts of his old world he'd rather forget Zed turns to Sanaa and offers a claw
So, wanna dance with me?
Right right, lead the way, Kuma. :p
>Mewt hands the rest of their drink off to Wisp as they go to follow behind Vex.
Here, go ahead and finish this for me, I'm gonna get a Weird one once we get back. >:3c

Oh, that's so cool! :o I'd love to hear more about your like, witchy business, sometime. And thank you~ :3c Y'know, if I added a spell book or something, this could probably work as a like, summoner costume or something..
..wait, are you not from here too? :0
(I picked a terrible time to sleep.)
Yes, that's cool that Zed's illusions accounted for that.
Oh and...
>Cato quickly lifts up the front of their dress before pulling it back down again. They make a shushing gesture.
>Cato listens more to Mewt.
>When Mewt mentions Cato's new size, they pat Mewt on the head.
Yep, it's real weird.
It is strange now that you no longer tower over me.
A thought. If I use my water moves like this, will I flood the room?
(You didn't get Sanaa her rosé lemonade yet! :P)
Of course!
>She takes Zed's claw in her hand.
(I feel that. :p )
>Mewt leans up into Cato's paw as they pat them, before realizing they're doing so and looking a little embarrassed about it.
Uhm- yeah, it's a bit strange, but.. I think it's neat, too! You're like a big oversized plushie! :3 ..well, kinda. ^^'
Let's not find out, yeah? Anyways, come, me and Mewt here are about to play a game and I'd like if you'd join us.

>Vex leads Mewt to a more quite area of the house, where opening a door reveals a pool table, already set up and waiting for players to play.
Grab and a stick, and get yourself ready.
>He takes one himself and gets the tip ready with a chalk box.
(bump time)
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Huh, haven't been in here just yet. You just stumble upon this while wandering around? :o
>Mewt picks out a decent looking one and moves to the table, hovering up to a more appropriate height.
Sooo, who's going first?
>Cato follows Vex to the table. They grab a stick.
I'll give it a shot.
Yeah, just stumbled on this place. Got pretty lucky really.
>He puts the box down on a small table nearby.
I'll break. Hope I don't end up using too much power...
>Using one of his claws and the rope wrapping, he steadies his stick in line with the cue ball, taking the time to line himself up. Taking a few test moves, he gives one last breath before he shoots, the cue ball smashing into the pile with balls shooting everywhere.
>Nothing ends up falling into any holes though, so it's Mewt's turn. A few options are open to her, depending on if she wants stripes or solids.
(goodnight bump)
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Nifty. I really should explore some more, Wisp gave me a quick tour, but uh, clearly haven't seen everything juuust yet. :p
>Mewt watches as he scatters everything.. noting a decent angle on a striped ball after it all settles.
>They use their psi to level their stick with the table, give it a slight downward angle, and jab at the cueball just a bit off center, sending it spinning into the side of the 14 ball, sinking it cleanly with a Thunk as the cue bounces off into a small cluster of balls, putting them into slightly more awkward areas, with the cue coming to rest near the side of the table.
Mmkaaayy.. let's tryyy..
>They line themselves up for a second shot, taking a far more aggressive downward angle this time and send the cueball curving sharply around a solid, smacking into the 11, which just baaarely rolls into a corner pocket after impacting the side of it.
>Unfortunately the cue ball bounced off at a weird angle, sending it into the opposite corner, and into the pocket as well.
..shit. (ᵕ—ᴗ—) Well, that's your go.
>Vex finds the perfect angle to get a good solid in, getting it setup for Cato after retrieving the cue ball.
Here Cato, I lined up an easy shot for you.
So, I need to get the balls into the holes using the white one?
I'll give it a try.
>They go to shoot the cue ball, but due to them being a little disoriented with their new height, they end up barely missing the shot.
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:o oh? I've never played with more than one other person, how's uh, how's this usually work?

Ooo, almost!
Calm down and take your time. Give a few test shots before you do it again. As for the rules, Mewt's goal is to get the stripes in, while we're getting the solids in. After either of us get all ours in, the final ball will be the 8 ball that's in black. Avoid hitting it in early, as if you do then it's an instant loss.

It works like teams, with each player alternating between shots. If someone else joins in they'd be on your team to even things out.
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Ahh, alright, that makes sense. So it's my turn again, then.
>Mewt floats over to get a better angle on the cueball, before taking a kinda awkward shot at another of their striped balls on the other end of the table.
>It connects, but the impact angle was a bit off, leaving it near the corner, but not quite in. The cueball is more or less back in the middle of the table again.
Ehhh.. Hopefully that just gets knocked in.
I think you may have skipped Cato's shot there...
>He sighs.
Too late now. Let's clean this up.
>He lines himself up and lands a clean shot on the 3 ball, sinking it into a corner hole as the cue ball bounces onto another of his solids sending it close to one of Mewt's balls.
Nice. Hmm...
>After a bit of inspecting the board he angles his next shot to ricochet into the 6 ball, sending it closer to one of the holes, but not quite sinking it in. The cue ball ends up in an awkward spot near the 2 ball in a corner.
Damn, was hoping that would work.
But- but I thought they just went? ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀) sorry..
>Mewt makes an attempt to get the cueball around the 2 to hit one of their stripes, but just ends up sinking the 2 and the cue in the opposite corner and side pockets, respectively.
... (¬_¬")
>Vex can only laugh at the results.
Guess that's karma coming to bite you there. Lost your next turn there.
>He retrieves the cue ball and sets it up to where Cato can sink it into the 6 ball if he hits it right.
Alright, here's your chance to redeem yourself Cato. Don't rush it this time, and if you hit your shot right you'll be able to get that one in.
>Cato moves to the table again and tries the shot, this time they do manage to sink the 6 ball.
I got one! Now what?
Now you get another shot to play with. Hmm...
>He looks over the board, though there's no easy shots this time, with the cue ball having stopped near a corner.
Break up that pile on the wall here, see if we can get some in better spots.
>He points towards a pile of balls on the opposite side wall near the hole.
(pool bump)
>Cato lines up the shot, and shoots.
>Predictably, none of the balls go into the holes, but the cluster has spread out, hopefully creating some better shots for the other players.
That's the end of my turn, right?
Yep. Now it's my shot. Let's see....
>The cue ball has stopped around a wall, and no obvious shots call out to him. Hmm...maybe....
>Taking aim at the 1 ball he hits the cue ball hard, smashing them together with the 1 ball ricocheting into the 7 ball knocking it into a corner hole. The cue ball ends up bouncing towards the 9 ball in the other corner however, sinking it but just barely avoiding following it in.
Well, damn. Could have been much worse though.
Whateverrrrr. I told you I haven't played like this before.

Good job, drippy. :p

Jeez, could you leave me a weirder position?
Hmm.. actually, this works.
>They set their sights on 15, before shooting the cue ball off the side wall, bouncing back into the side of it and sending the two balls in opposite directions, sinking the 15 while the cue knocks into the 8 ball, sending it towards the end of the table, the white ball coming to rest nearby.
Okay, that's better. Uhh.
>After looking for it for a second, Mewt sends the cueball off towards the 12 ball, but it bounces off the corners of the pocket nearby, ending up doing nothing.
Well. I got one, at least.
Drippy? Where'd that come from?
>Cato is amused by the nickname.
That's not bad.
>Cato moves to the table, examining the positions of the balls.
(I haven't been keeping too much track of the game, nor do I have any pool knowledge. Vex, you'll have to help me with this :3)
(It's fine, I don't mind playing mentor for this. I'll admit it's hard to make a map of things with just imagination.)
>Vex also looks over things, trying to see if he can spot any good shots. He eventually spots a decent one with the 5 ball.
You might be able to get the 5 ball there if you bounce off the wall and hit it into the side hole there. Just gotta aim it right.
Shamelessly stolen from another furry critter with water powers. :p hehe~
Plus uh, "drip" is a newer human slang word for like, good fashion or style, sooo, I figured it fit well that way, too. :3
(I've only been Barely keeping track of what balls are what by having a picture of them up in another tab, lol.)
Got it.
>Cato lines up the shot and shoots it. They get the bounce correct and sinks the 5 ball. Looks like they're getting better at this.
Yes! But, hm... I don't like the awkward position the cue ball's in now.
That's some odd slang... But some good wordplay!
>Oh dear...
>Lilith certainly didn't intend to trigger some sort of PTSD.
>At the same time she doesn't believe abduction stories and such at all.
>She makes a mental note not to mention aliens in Zed's presence anymore.

>Lilith had a pretty strong drink at the food table that made her head spin. To rest a bit she decided to watch Vex, Cato and Mewt at their pool game.

>Drunk Lilith points at Alice
Ohhh, lookit that... another witch!
Oh wait... you're a real one?! Ah, s-sorry...
Hope I don't offend you with my getup...
Cultural appropriation or whatever...
(What pokemon was Alice again?)

>After a while of watching their game and some more non-alcoholic drinks Lilith starts feeling better and gets up.
Hey Mewtie, darling! Mind if I join your team?
>Looks like it's just sitting next to the 10 ball after all that, an awkward spot indeed.
Hrm....best option is to just bounce it from one side to the other and hope it hits one of ours. Maybe the 4 ball? It's just sitting out in the open there, though close to the 13 at the wall there.

The more the merrier I say. I'm also interested to see how you play.
Oh, nice shot! :3
Yeahhh, I don't really get a lot of the newer junk people kept coming up with, but I like drip, it's a fun word. :p
..hmm. You could try to uh, curve it? If you hit it a little low, and on whichever side you want it to turn towards, it'll spin the ball and like, move in a crescent shape.

(I think Alice is a floragato? Or whatever the middle Evo was for sprigatito.)
Sure, Lil! :3c Could probably use a bit of help, honestly. I'm a lot rustier than I thought. (´∀`;)
Hi Lilith! Come to join the game?
>Cato waves at her as she walks over to the table.
I'm getting the hang of being this size now, but it's still strange!
>After listening to the advice, Cato tries for the 4 ball, bouncing the shot. The cue ball hits the 4 ball, but unfortunately it lost too much energy on the bounce and just taps it forward slightly.
Aw... I was so close...
Ah, at least you managed to get it there which is better then I expected. Guess it's your turn now Lilith. Let's see what you got. You're on stripes with Mewt.
(Ah, right. Now I remember, thanks)
Well, I'm not sure if I'll be much better at it. We'll see.

It's supposed to be! I wonder how long it will last. All potions I made for today have a duration of one to six hours.

Stripes alright, let's see...
>Having hands with long fingers actually helps a lot here.
>the 12 ball is still close to a pocket so she tries to go for that.
>The angle isn't perfect. It bounces quickly beween the walls at the pocket and almost comes to a halt right at the edge but falls in eventually.
Gotcha! Haha, phew. Got lucky with my first one. I get another now, right?
Nice shot. Yep, another shot for you. Now where'd the cue ball end up?
>He looks over the board for it.
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Ah, shoot. Good aim though! Just needed a bit more follow through. :o
If it was just us, I'd offer to uhm, help guide you through the motions for some of the trickier stuff. Don't wanna hold up the game too much, though. (,,¬﹏¬,,)

(No probbo)
I mean, can't do much worse than that one shot I had.
>Mewt watches as the ball bounces about before finally dropping in, letting go of the breath they were holding.
whew. Good one, Lil!
Yes, I am a real Witch, greatest Witch in Owel! Or at least I was till my world was destroyed.
Hmm I should turn you in to a toad for that!
>Alice laughs
Nyaaa just kidding, I always make exceptions for pretty ladies. Besides, I hear you're a potion mistress yourself, you should come to the coven meetings!

(Also I just woke up from an afternoon pass out nap wide awake realising I gave Wisp the ability to shape himself with partial phasing meaning he totally could have been playing pool, me being turbo afk not withstanding. Also sorry to sanaa, I got half way through a post leading her off to a dance and then got dragged off by work)
Thank you!
>Lilith does a deep bow.
>The cue ball isn't in a good spot unfortunately...
>Might as well get it as far away from the remaining full colour balls as possible.
>Just a gentle nudge. The cue ball roll slowly to the other side and only grazes the 10 ball ending up in a similar position to here (>>70940620)

Your world was destroyed?! Seems like people from all over the place... or places end up here for some reason.
>Lilith dodges away theatrically.
Oh no, all but that! Haha, well I'm somewhat of a salamander as well, even though I am covered in scales instead of mucus so a toad isn't that far off.
There's an actual coven around? Hmm... not sure if my alchemy is at that level yet. But I'm making steady progress. I'd need a real witch dress though, like yours. Very pretty by the way! I wonder if Mewt could make me one at some point. I don't want to overwhelm them with orders though.
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(I completely forgot to write them getting the drinks, my bad)
>Zed leads Sanaa out on to the floor
>Many townsmons and ghosts are already dancing. A fun waltz is playing in the background
>Zed does a small spin as he takes up a spot and puts his other hand around Sanaa as he pulls her close
Ever done this before?
>Vex ends up frowning a bit having to deal with a similar situation that Cato was in earlier.
>After some thinking he angles a shot in the opposite direction, letting it bounce into the 1 ball which bounces it a bit closer to a corner hole and leaves the cue ball around the middle of the table.
Wasn't exactly the greatest shot, but that works.
(Lmao. Hope you enjoyed your nap, at least. :P )

Ohh, don't worry about me, worst that'll happen is it takes a while to get made. :p I'm more than happy to take whatever work I can get!

Ooooo, free ball. >:3
>I've lost track a bit but I thiiink the 10 is still on the table?
>Mewt takes a somewhat off kilter shot at it, sending it into the corner pocket while the cue cuts off to the side, bouncing off the wall to sit near the starting position.
Okaaay, now, is my drink catching up with me or are we out of stripes? :o
You still need to get number 13 there. Stuck behind the 4 ball a bit, would take quite a shot to get it.
Oop. Okay, yeah, I see it now.
Uhhhh.. hm.
>They take a second to decide what to do, before settling on just trying to separate them a bit.
>They give the cueball a weak hit, just enough to smack the 13 away with the 4, leaving it and the cueball basically right up against eachother.
Hooopefully that works out?
No, never! You'll have to guide me.
>She tries to follow with Zed's footwork.
Ok, just follow my feet for now, then mirror what I do
>Zed starts off with a basic square step as the dancers slowly rotate around them
>as their movements become sure they start to move with the circle in time
>Cato claps at Lilith's shot, their reaction delayed, as they were busy at the bar getting more drinks. They are currently double fisting cocktails.
You got this, Mewt.
>Cato sips from one of their glasses.
>Sanaa follows Zed. Slowly, she gets into the rhythm of it.
I'm getting the hang of this, I think!
Well, looks like someone's having fun. :p
I uh, think it's your go though, Cato.
Oh shit.
>Cato downs one of the cocktails before returning to the table.
I didn't realize.
>Cato looks over at the table, wondering what the best move would be.
Hehe~ No worries, I actually thought I was out of stripes for a sec. Woulda done a dumb and went for the 8 ball if Vex didn't point it out.
..hm.. I kinda left you a weird board. Uhhh, you Could try and get the 4 in, it just might be a bit awkward with it being so close, but it's doable, I think. :o
>Cato tries to line up the awkward shot, but the effects of alcohol is making it hard to.
Oh... I t-think I'm a little buzzed...
This is a terrible position to be in, I'm not going to get this, am I?
>They just decide to wing it, and hit the cue ball to the close by 4. As predicted, the closeness of the two balls means the 4 doesn't move in the way Cato wanted it to.
Damn. Well, it was a bad shot to begin with.
Your turn, Lilith. Hopefully you can do better than me.
What do we have here...
Hmm... lucky number 13.
>The cue ball and ball 13 don't align with a pocket directly.
>But if it hits that wall it should go right there...
>Lilith takes quite a while to find the perfect angle. And indeed with two wall reflections 13 ends up in one of the side pockets.
Wooo! Hahaha, I'm a natural!
>Lilith does a little dance twirling the cue stick in her hand.
Now it's time for the 8, right?
(The bump!)
(out and about, will post when I get home)
(emergency heart bump)
Pretty good shot there. Yep, magic 8 ball is the last for you two. Just don't get the cue ball in a hole before then.
You haaave had a few drinks..
>Mewt watches Cato's shot go.. places, but not where it needs to.
Ah well, was worth a try! :p

Dang, Lil! That was smooth. :o
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Tihihi, let me show you how it's done~
>Even if totally unnecessary Lilith arches herself over the table holding the stick behind her back flaunting her flexibility (and her boobs) at the others.
Here we go~
>Unfortunately overconfidence is known as slow and insidious killer.
>The stick slips and the cue ball shoots past the 8 ball and it bounces of a wall.
>It hits the 4 and shoots it into a pocket.
>Lilith laughs awkwardly.
Hehe... Ahhh... Well, I got one in. Hmm.
It's your turn now Vex, right?
>Vex almost spits his drink out of his mouth that he was sipping, just barely managing to swallow it before he bursts out in laughter.
>After he eventually calms down he shakes his head as he gets himself lined up.
Jeez, that was funny as hell. Yeah, i'm up next. Let's finish things up.
>With a simple shot, he cleans up the 1 ball sending it into the corner hole, and with the cue ball being aligned with the 8 ball for a shot into the opposite corner, with a final simple shot it bounces on the corner walls for a moment before it sinks in.
That's checkmate. Good game everyone.
(Ooo, nice pic! :3 )
:o ʷᵒʷ
You know, I'm not even gonna fault you for hitting the wrong ball, that was still pretty impressive!

Yea, that was fun!
..Aside from the parts where I was messing up, anyways. (´∀`;)
Nice shots, Congrats!
How about a special potion for the winner?
I overheard you might be interested in a green one, Vex?
>Lilith pulls a green vial out of her bag.

Ah, shucks! I bet we could have won if I didn't try to show off. Anyway... Good game, sweetie.
>He thinks things over for a bit.
I did say I wanted to try one, but....hrm....maybe a bit later. There's something I wanna do first before I make any changes to my look.
>He puts his stick back where it belongs.
I'm gonna check out the dance floor, what are you all gonna be doing?
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Maybe, but that would have been really cool if you pulled it off! Yeah, you too, Lil. :3c
Oh- uhm.
do you know if those potions interact with the uh, other one, at all? :o Cause I do still wanna try one, but uh, I've got some plans set up for later, so.. yea, just thought of that while we were playing.

I'mmm gonna head back to the bar, see if I can get something special made, and share it with Wisp. :p
>She puts the vial back.
Hmm... I'm still a bit tipsy from that drink I had. I'd probably step on my or other mons feet or tails if I tried to dance like this.
>She sits down.
I'll check it out later though.
The other one? You mean the egg one?
>She nods at Cato.
Well, you saw what the blue ones do. Those probably work interesting together. Green shouldn't have any impact and as I said I've got no idea what red would even do for you.
Anyway the duration of each of these is six hours at max. So they might already be done depending on how much later your ~plans~ happen.
Alright, Lilith if you could watch over Cato for me that'd be great.
>A quick glace sees Cato seemingly having passed out by a table.
Looks like he had a bit too much drink. As for you Mewt, can't stand being too far away from your new sweater eh?
>He gives her a playful prod.
Just make sure to give him the space when he needs it. Now i'm off to go find mine, so see you two later.
>He waves, drink in his other hand as he heads off.
(Sick pic mate!)
Yeah it's pretty easy so long as you haven't got two left paws, now lets try the next part
>Zed leads Sanaa into a few more movements, followed by a twirl and then a lift
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Oh, do they all do the same thing? :o Maybe I'll test that red one after all, I dunno if I wanna be smacking my head off the doorways. ^^' Plus I'm just curious, the way you keep talking about it.
I dunno how long the party is gonna go on tonight, but uh, maybe, yeah!

Heeey, it's not my fault he's so cozy!
>Vex might just be teasing them, but it does get them worrying if they've been bothering Wisp a little.
..I haven't been That glued to him, have I? ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀) uhh, alright, have fun!
Oh dear...
With their increased size you'd think it'd be harder to drink too much. I'll look after him no problem. Have fun on the dance floor!

(Thank you!)

>Lilith grumbles a bit angry that she has to spill the beans but safety first.
Hrrmm... Alright I'll tell you!
>She gets closer to Mewt and whispers.
Red is a sex change potion. Turns boys into girls and vice versa. Since you're kinda both I don't know what would happen. Maybe you end up like Audrey.

(If Mewt still wants to try it Lilith hands her a vial. I'll let you decide what exacly happens. But I gotta go to sleep now.)
>Vex ends up at the ballroom, Pokemon dancing all around the place. Everyone now and then he can see Zed and Sanaa in their own little world, smiles on their faces.
>Rather then jump in himself, he finds a spot on the sidelines and watches over the place. To avoid feelings of jealousy from welling up in him, he keeps his eyes on the other Pokemon, wondering if there's anyone else he knows in the crowd.
(Damn, I keep missing the action.)
>Cato comes to, they've definitely had too much to drink.
>They spot Lilith and Mewt chatting, seems like the game is over.
W-who won?
(Nice pic! I like the scandalous gap of skin (scales?) that can be seen under the skirt and above the thigh-highs)
(So sorry for keeping you hanging on this one, I'll get to this soon, I promise.)
(No need to rush, at work so got stuff happening around me anyway)
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Oh, okay!
>Mewt leans in to listen as she whispers to them.
Ooohh.. okay! That's really cool, actually. Promise I won't tell anyone else! :3 I'm not sure either, buuut, I'm willing to give it a try. It might actually end up working similar to something I was gonna ask if you could make, if the uh, egg thing didn't work out for me.
>Mewt takes the little red vial and downs it, handing it back to Lil once it's empty.
>It's not as spectacular as Cato's effect, being mostly subtle changes that are hidden by their costume, but it's definitely doing Something to them, judging by their reaction.
Ooh~ geez, that's.. that's a weird feeling. ( ' ﹋ ' ; ) Thanks Liiil~
>Their voice is still pretty neutral sounding, but it does seem a touch higher now.

Oh, hey, welcome back, Cato! :p
You and Vex won! Congratulations~ :3c
(Oop, meant to say goodnight, too.)
(That should be amusing)
>Wisp can be found floating around the main ballroom having just broken up a couple town mons that got a bit rowdy but generally enjoying the atmosphere
(Should be a fun game of spot the difference. :p )
>After they hit up the bar again, it's not long before Mewt finds their way over to Wisp, a new drink in hand.
Heeey, Wispyyy~ Everything been going smooth over here while I was out? :3
Woo! T-though I think Vex carried the game.
>It's at this point that Cato's potion runs out, and they start slowly shrinking to their original size.
>They don't seem to notice, they're still quite out of it. They end up just nuzzling at Lilith's size.
>Sanaa follows through with the movements, enjoying the dance.
You're good at this! How did you learn this dance?
You're doing great! Not stepping on my toes puts you kinda up there for dance partners.
>the two continue somewhat gracefully despite their less than formal choices of costume
Believe it or not they used to teach us this in PE class at school, I may not remember some of the fancier dances but I still know the basics
>Zed smirks
It's funny, I was always annoyed when we did this cos we I had to hold hands with the girls. Funny how that changes.
Mostly good, a frosslas and a gardevoir got into a bit of a scuffle before but other than that it's been nice.
How did the pool game go? I saw Lilith went off to join in.
Maybe, but you definitely put some work in too! c:
>Aw, no more giant otter.. that's still pretty dang cute, though.

Ahh, hopefully that got taken care of before anyone got hurt..
It went alriiight, I had fun but uh, I goofed up a couple times. (´∀`;) Accidentally skipped over Cato's turn once cause uh, m'not used to more than two players..
>Mewt takes a sip of their off-white drink before continuing.
N'yeah, Lil joined up towards the end, she's actually pretty good at pool, too! :3 Vex n' Cato ended up winning, thoughhh.
Ah, that makes sense.
>She continues dancing, adding some of her own flourishes to it.
And yeah, funny how that happens.
(*Lilith's side - just realized typo.)
Wonder what that tally is for
(I believe it's supposed to be a date in November if I'm reading it right, specifically November 19. Probably in regards to NNN judging by the squirting Smeargle.)
(Yeah it's a NNN pic)
Sounds like you had some fun.
>Wisps ear flicks
>He moves in a little closer
You sound a little off, are you ok dear?
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Sure did! I never got to play Real pool much, so it's nice that I could do that again. :3
>Mewt tilts their head as he comes closer, not having noticed the change in their voice just yet.
Do I? :o Yeah, I feel fine, hun.. I did try one of Lil's potions though, so maybe that's doing something?
Oh? Like the the one Cato drank? Well you're not blue like Audrey or big like Cato, what's this one done?
>Wisp playfully circles around Mewt to see if he can spot anything different
(Thanks! Good catch, it's very important.)

>Lilith opens her eyes as Cato snuggles up at her.
Hey there~
>Lilith is glad the potions duration is over already otherwise she'd probably be smotherd by them.
>Still it's comfy like this and she doesn't want to wake Cato up.
Guess I'm stuck here for a while...
Hmm... fine by me...
>She gently pulls Cato a bit closer.
>Getting a bit bored with just watching people dance, he ends up turning inwards and thinks on things.
>It's only afterwards does he remember something. Where'd Nina go? Is she still eating, or did she go off somewhere? Not like he's gonna go look for her, but still.
>A tap on the shoulder from a tendril answers Vex's question as a voice sounded from down closer to his ankles
Hey mountain man, whatcha doin' on your lonesome over here?
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Yeah! Welllll, I'm not sure Exactly what it did to me, and I haven't really had a chance to check myself, but uhm, it definitely felt a bit strange when it took effect. :o Made my stomach area feel kinda like, fuzzy, for a minute.
>At a cursory inspection, there's not really much to see.. maybe their chest is a bit different? Hard to tell, through all the layers of their costume.
..Don't let Lil know I told you, cause I said I wouldn't blab about it, buuut.. she said it was a sex swap potion! She didn't really know what it would do for me specifically, buuut, I was curious, sooo.. I gave it a spin! :3c Thought it might be interesting~
>Looking down reveals just the one he was thinking of.
Oh, there you are. Honestly, nothing much. Was watching the people dance for a bit, but it's gotten boring now. Sanaa's busy with Zed out there, but even if she wasn't the size difference makes dancing an impossibility. Speaking of size though, i'm curious as to why you decided to go small for this. Curious on what being a Snivy would have been like?
>After about 5 minutes, Cato comes to again.
Hi *hic* Lilith...
>Just now they notice that the potion wore off.
Oh, I'm back to normal... I probably shhouldn't have drank sso much when I was big, huh?
I feel *hic* like, double drunk now that I'm small...
>They rub against Lilith.
How's the party been for you?
(Just a reminder, Zed, I think you replied to this one by accident and might have not realized you haven't replied yet.)
>Wisp throws an arm around Mewt
Guess we'll have to check that out~
(yeah that was supposed to be for vex's post, also yeah was just struggling a little with where I was going next with that one after yours.)
(Yeah, not sure if partner dancing is exactly conducive to rp. I dunno if you could see me struggling as well lol)
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(Honestly one of those things that sounded nice in my head but probably requires a little more familiarity)
>The music reaches a crescendo and so too the dance, Zed tossing Sanaa into the air and catching her in his arms as he laughs
That was fun~
>The music now becomes a soft melody from the harpsichord as people leave and join the floor for the next
So, wanna get another drink?
Well I thought it could be a little fun, plus nobody from the Inn will recognize me and I could surprise some people.
>Her face saddens a little
That and I was kinda hoping to see Powder or Omer here.
>She shakes herself off
Plus I get to stretch my legs and show off in a dress!
>Mewt leans into him, all smiley as they take another sip from their glass.
Mhmm~ That was the plan! :3c Hopefully it lasts a good while, Lil said it could be anywhere from just an hour long up to six, so that'd give us plenty of time to find out exaaactly what it did~
Poor little baby...
>She pets their head.
I can burn the alcohol in my own blood but that won't help you. I can try to make a potion for that later but for now it's best for you to rest a while.
Tihihi, you didn't sleep that long. It's still ongoing. But so far? It's been nice. Good ambience and food. We lost at the pool game but it was fun.
Yeah, not sure why Powder didn't join in. Maybe she didn't have a costume and didn't want to come because of it. As for Omer, I haven't seen the small guy in a while. Hope he's alright.
>He shrugs off the looming worries.
It does look nice on you, really matches the theming going on here.
>Looks like the current dance just ended, and a new one's about to start.
Looks like Zed and Sanaa got done. What are you gonna do now?
>She giggles as she's thrown in the air.
I loved it! You were a wonderful partner!
>When it's over, she adjusts her costume.
Yeah, I could do with a drink. Something stronger. I still feel like I need to loosen up a little bit more.
I'll be fiinnee...
>Cato looks around.
You know... I'm ssurprised with the town's reputation that I've not *hic* seen anyone pair up and have... sex.
Maybe it has happened... and they've gone ssomewhere secluded.
>They lean into Lilith's head scritches.
I know it's a formal *hic* event, but you'd assume it would... withh alcohol involved...
True, but recently I've heard of more and more romantic lovebirds among the people here.
They might prefer some privacy to an orgy of some kind.
>Nina shrugs
Probably try a couple a couple more snacks, maybe see if I can pick someone up for some afterparty fun. How about you?
Honestly, not entirely sure. I'm not one for alcohol, so I might just go out for a bit and get some air. Feeling a bit stuffy with so many people around, and I think I'm getting a few stares.
>Zed and Sanaa head over to the bar and grab another round of drinks, Zed more rum, overproof this time. Meanwhile Sanaa after a little explaining got a Long Island Ice Tea
These aught to put some hair on our chests.
>He puts his glass forward for a toast before knocking his back
Yeahh.. I guess that's true...
>They smooth out their dress.
I wonder *hic* if I could pick someone up though...
I think I know a feww... taargets...
>This bui is in no right state to solicit anyone in their inebriated state. But, it might be funny...
Hey that looks nice, gimme a try of that
>With the drink still half in their mouth Wisp swoops in and gives them a kiss to steal a little off their tongue
>Sanaa takes a sip.
It certainly doesn't taste like tea... but it's not bad.
>She takes a swig.
I think you have to pat yourself on the back for this. I couldn't have imagined such an event happening here, and nothing's gone wrong.
>She looks over at all the 'mon having fun on the dance floor.
Hmm?- mmf~
>They're taken a bit by surprise, letting Wisp slip his tongue right into their mouth while they kiss, eyes closing as they get into it themselves.
>Seems like his kitty's got a taste for rum, the sample of their new drink tasting distinctly like Malibu, some pineapple rum and.. milk? There's a touch of mint in there, too, along with some other flavors that blend in to the main ones.
>They did say they were getting an odd one when they got back, but it still tastes pretty good.
>Lilith chuckles.
I don't know, Cato. I still think you should rest some more.
And don't worry, once you got a clear head again I bet no one can resist your charme~
It's Wisp's hard work that really helped all this.
>Zed points to Wisp right as he's getting a mouth full of Mewt and their drink.
Well he seems to be enjoying himself at least.
>Zed quickly finishes his drink and orders another feeling a little self conscious
Want a little company?
>Nina asks this without the usual sultry air. Seems she just wants to hang out with him.
Not bad, might have to order one myself
>Sanaa watches the two kiss.
Wow. They're really going at it.
Well, I'll be sure to thank him when he's... not glued to Mewt.
>She sips her drink.
>He gives it a thought before shrugging.
Why not? Should be fine enough.
>With a turn Vex heads out of the ballroom, then the house itself with Nina in town. The outside is quieter, but not silent as the town is still busy, even at this hour. Taking a spot on the dirt, Vex let's himself simply rest from the day's activities.
Look, I can pull ssomeone, no matter *hic* how drunk I am...
>They move away from Lilith, and look around the party, soon they find who they're looking for.
Nox... buddy, pal! How's it... going?
(Not sure why I want Cato to flirt with Nox, I just think it'd funny to see Nox having to deal with this awkward drunk horny little buizel that he's not into idk.)
Mm.. yeah, s'pretty good, huh? ;3
Uhm, the coffin fella miiight remember how it goes if you ask for an m&m&p, but uh, I also wrote it down for them before I went and asked.
>Mewt fishes a napkin with the instructions on it out of a pocket on their costume, and offers it to Wisp.
>2 part Malibu, 1 part milk, 1 1/2 part pineapple rum, 1/2oz lime juice, 2 dashes of Angostura bitters, mint leaves, shake w/ ice, strain over fresh cube
I got it from a show I used to watch every now and then, How to Drink. :p Learned how to make my sodas from that, too!
>Oh boy... They got confidence at least. Nox of all people... I didn't even have a piece of him yet...
Good luck, buddy.

>Shortly after Cato called Nox swoops through the air.
I heard someone calling me! Cato? Do you need help?
>He lands next to them and looks around seeing no obvious danger or problem.
What's the matter?
(lol, let's see how this goes.)
(Boop twop)
>Audrey is hanging out around the drink bar. Being a temporary water-type is quite relaxing. It may have even given her the nerves to actually let loose a little more.
>She spent the past few hours hanging out with friends but now she's on her own again, listening to the pleasant atmosphere.
Aaaaahhh. It's nice to chill out for a little while.
(going to sleep bump)
(Why don't you do something with Audrey while you wait for Wisp to come back Mewt? I'd do something myself, but I'm out of the house in chara)
(Not a bad idea, got a bit of writing block and people on my ass this morning)
(hanging by a bump)
(she's still just hanging around.)
(If she doesn't end up doing anything with you in a bit, you can join me and Nina outside.)
(Guess it's just one of those days today. Offer's still open Audrey.)
(Everyone up and went off to do other things I guess.)
Nox! I- *hic* hhaven't seen you around the party...
>This bui is severely intoxicated.
I was wwondering... how's the party going for youu...?
>Cato leans on Nox.
(Apologies for my absence. Something came up and I was unable to return until now.)
(Shitty day bump)
Cato? I think you had a few to many drinks...
>Nox lifts his wings not sure what to do as Cato leans against him.
Oh, uhm... It's good. To be honest I'm not very experienced with parties. Before I came here I usually just attended family birthday celebrations and such.
(Happens. It might take a while for me to respond after this as well.)
>Jack approaches the bar with a newfound thirst. He wasn't much of an drinker for alcohol, but he supposed now was a good enough time to have one. It WAS a special occasion after all
Oh, hello Audrey, or should I say... Doctor?
Yeah... thought I didn't see you *hic* around...
>Cato gives a playful shove to Nox.
You shhould enjoy the party more! Get out there!
>They almost fall over, and they stumble back to their feet.
Buuuuttt... if you don't wannaa, I just wanted to ask something...
>He rubs the back of his head.
Ehh... I don't know...
In retrospect even that dumb entrance I made earlier was pretty embarrassing...
I just don't think I'm much of a party person. But I also don't want to appear as if I'm not interested in social events at all.
>Nox tilts his head.
Hmm? What is it?
If you didn't do that whoole *hic* entrance thing and just sstayed to yourself all night, we wouldn't hhave met... You're too hard on yourself...
>They readjust the bow on their costume.
Yeah, I was thhinking about what you said earlier...
You have no *hic* lover? Have you ever you know... done it with anyone here?
(While listening to music I thought up of something cool I could do at some point after the party, just gotta remember it by the time a good opening arrives.)
Hmm... I don't. I could've just said hello in a normal way...
>Nox instant blushes as Cato mentions 'it' and pretends to not get what they mean.
W-what?! What are you taking about?
(*talking about*)
Don't... tell me you don't know how ssex postive this town is...
It seems like *hic* everyone has had a piece of the action here, am I right in assuming you have as well...?
>Nox goes full panic mode. Yep, Cato's talking about THAT.
H-hey, that's a very private question! I mean... I know what's going on here...
There isn't much these don't pick up.
>He points to his giant ears.

>Lilith chuckles as she watches the scene.
He's obviously a clueless virgin~

>Nox looks quickly between her and Cato. His expression gets slightly angry.
Lilith! Are you responsible for...
>He waves his claws at Cato.

>Lilith holds her hands up.
I'm innocent I swear! Maybe Cato just has a liking for cute, anxious nerd boys as well~

>Nox is speechless.
>Cato can't tell if Lilith's humoring them or trying to help them. It doesn't matter as they hear one juicy tidbit...
Ohhhh... so you're a virgin....
>Cato moves closer to Nox.
That's *hic* very sssurprising... I'd have thought many 'mon would have wanted to get on the... Nox train...
I mean... you're such a good-looker...
>They look over at those fangs again.
You're a vampire, huh? Well *hic* I can suck too, not blood, but something better~
>Is that the best they could come up with? Really?
>Oh, nononono! Nope, I gotta get out of here!

Hahaha! Go get him, Cato!
>Lilith almost falls from her chair while laughing.

>Nox shouts angry at her.
You're not helping!
>He looks back down at Cato.
Uhm... listen, Cato.
I... appreciate the compliment but...
I'm not into b-
>Commence the spaghetti spilling!
I mean I know you prefer neurtral-
But I know you've got a p-
N-not that I intentionally look down there.
I-it's just no one's wearing pants around and... and...
I prefer girls is what I'm trying to say.
>Was that too harsh?
>Ah, well, it was worth a shot. Not into the equipment Cato has. Shame.
Nox... I'm wearing a dresss, and we *hic* haven't met before today... have you been peeking under there?
>Cato's stopped seriously trying to flirt with Nox, in their drunken state, Cato finds it fun to watch him squirm.
That's a shame, though... Whaatt if I keep the dress on, and only use my mouth?
I do a good falsetto too-
>Cato switches to a higher pitched voice, it's pretty convincing female voice compared to their normal almost neutral mid-atlantic accent. Or it would be if they weren't slurring over their words.
How does this ssound?
>Cato can barely hold in their laughter and lets out a few stray giggles. Hopefully this should clue Nox in that they're not completely serious anymore.
>Lilith shouts from the sidelines.
Boo, Nox! Cato is right! They make such a cute girl~
Also, what a weak excuse! You always declined my offers as well and I'm as girl as I can be!

S-stop it, Lilith!
Of course I think Cato is cute! J-just not in that way...
I mean... ugh...
>Nox let's his wings hang down.
You two are taunting me, right?
>He let's out a long sigh.
Just in case you're not...
Sorry, Cato but you aren't really my type.
And even if you were you are in no state for such... things right now. You're drunk. I can smell it clearly.
>Should Nox be responsible or would that make him a party pooper?
...I think it's better if you rest for a while before anyone takes advantage of you.
>He glares at Lilith.
Do you still live together with Vex? Should I help you to get there?
(I meant *teasing* instead of taunting)
Kind of you to offer, but I'd rather stay at the *hic* party.
>Seeing the concern that Nox is looking at them with, they decide it's best to calm down a little bit.
I can lie down somewhere here for an hour orrr so... maybe take ssomething with pecha...
I wouldn't want to miss any- *hic* -thing at the party is why I want to stick around...

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