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Welcome to the 4chan Pokeverse RP thread!

Midnight Stroll Edition

Previously: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70890900

Question of the day: Would you follow a Meowth's trail of payday coins?

[ Starting Guide:https://rentry.org/PokeversePrimer ]
[ Pokemon Open Guide:https://rentry.org/ThreadBattleSystem ]

Q: I want to [activity with Pokemon I am unsure about] / [Pokemon] is making advances I am unsure about
A: Just talk to them already

Disclaimer: There are straight and gay pokephilia threads. Direct your porn dumps there, not here.
Can I keep the Meowth?
I want a Meowth
I think they deserve more love

It doesn't make people want to make you food
That's just the Anon's way of wanting to treat you to dinner for a date while hoping you two fuck
Probably, that's what it usually means
Hopefully this one isn't a degenerate

(It's a curse for him)

(I have no clue what the hell you're talking about with load image and efficient loader)
No, because they will beat me up at the end of the trail

I'm just busy, in general
It's a busy time for me
Busy Beryl like a busy ol' bee
buzz buzz

(She thinks you're a silly ol' lad with a heart two sizes bigger than his brain)
(Which makes you hard to count on as a tool)
It came from the bowels of patience, impertinence, and other such things. Like, uh...

If I squeeze them do they deflate?
no that's just how I am, I like cooking for people.

Daycare shut uuuupppppp
>Would you follow a Meowth's trail of payday coins?
I would


Star is making me say I would not.

But if it weren't for her, I would.

(That's a pretty accurate way to think of Taner lol)
(But yes, that's true. Though on the other side of that, he's fairly predicable)

So, what I'm hearing is, you don't know where it comes from any more than I do.
Oh, okay
Have fun

Am I wrong, though?
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Yes- fully knowing it's a trick, but the "me" following the trail is an illusion so whatever they're planning fails and I prank them instead.

You're most likely right, but who knows? Free food is always good.

(Is that how he sees it?)

(None of the nodes are red are they? You may need to install missing nodes if the ones I mentioned aren't there, I recommend comfy manager: https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Manager
(It lets you automatically install all missing nodes)

No... if you tried that they wouldn't deflate, they're not like the trick you do. They're -real- for better or worse.

Is that really the whole truth?
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Yeah! Might work
Mhm, I know
Not -since- really. It's bad enough enough that I swapped Taner and Star, as well as some seemingly complete strangers.
Also it doesn't help that I don't know how exactly I did that to begin with.

(Nah he uses img2img to refine things)
(Oh my)
(I can tell!)


>Yes indeed
>Okay now she's just flexing come on
>Sharon nods
"Exactly. It's just good manners, y'know?"
>Then she smiles
"Thank you Breakback, I really appreciate it. And I'm glad we got to just talk like this, you know? No trial, no ticking timebomb, no craziness... Just us two and a magical teacup. Feels good, you know?"
>Shame she can't have one
>Something hadn't immediately registered previously, and perhaps it still doesn't fully, but...
>Would getting rid of Mag also cause Breakback to fade...?
>She considers that for a moment
>Then she get an eyeful of sunlight
>She squints a little, then yawns, covering her mouth of course
"Ah... I shouldn't be keeping you. It's about time we -both- hit the hay I think, hehe."
>She looks back at her own castle, then to Breakback
"Will you be alright to make it back to Sinnoh, or would you rather rest a little before heading back? We've got some vacant rooms, if you want... At least I think we do."
>Not to mention the passed out ghosts in the halls
>One is wearing a beer hat

(That might be it. It does seem more sensitive, so to speak)


(Yeah but then no loras)
(I might just have to... txt2img in autism, then img2img in old indigo, as weird as that sounds)

As usual!

(Not sure that's how sweaters work but nice tids all the same lol)

(Sharon might have to talk to Taner about this)
(But he also know that, somehow, trying to make it up to Breakback might indirectly make it worse, because his selflessness is also what annoys her, it seems)
>(But she also knows*
I know that free food is good
Unless it's poisoned. It COULD be poisoned
Terrible fate

(Listen, considering he thinks about it with EVERY MILF he sees, and has only fucked two)
(It's a curse)
(His balls are always pent up it's hell for him)

(I don't think I'm doing this even remotely correctly lmao)

I think he's avoiding me now
Very cool. Damn it all.
That's fair enough. It's also a stupid thing to say but I'm willing to be a practice target if you want to figure out what you're doing
I'm aware of how stupid that is, but still.

(It's the rules of nature and nature wants fuck. Or something idk)
(Everyone is, honestly)
(has anyone played any chars that are Absolutely Not From Pokemon yet and would i be lynched if i did it)
100% yes. That's free money. I could get taco bell with that. I don't even care if I get jumped, it's worth it.

That's none of your business, daycare.

I mean, what I said IS true, yes. That's just, how I do things, home cooked meals and handmade gifts.
(That's true, but it's not in the way she wants)
(Breakback would want an asset to do what she tells them to do and understand her being the boss. This is one of the reasons she uses zombies. Zombies don't talk back. Or think, or do much at all really)
(Taner on the other hand would tane on her)

Yeah, grunch, you know
That thing it came from

Thanks, I won't, it'll be horrible
I'm not avoiding you because I want to, you know
I have a thing which outweighs other responsibilities

Maybe I'll just get a really big PIN so I can give them a good ol' popperino

>What's the point of having magic and fancy cups if you can't show off once in a while?
>The cost to get it to work properly for one night is a fuck ton of mercury and arsenic by the way
"...It is nice, isn't it?"
>It does occur to her things have been rather hectic
>It's good to have things slow down for once. Everything in your life has been much too...
>Intense, for lack of a better word. Or perhaps hurried is more accurate to say
"I do forget ya Humans prefer de sun. An' you been up practically through me whole night now. You be a night owl proper, child"
>Breakback withdraws a bundle of green powder. It sparkles blue within its grains, almost like glass
"Oh, I think a rest here will do me some good. But I won't be stayin' too long. Just a nap. As for you? I'd say... two or three days rest should recharge ya"
(do it so i can play something that only taner will like)
(Yes. I've described it as a more "wild" model at some points)

(Well, if you are mostly using loras only for styles, then you wouldn't need as many)

(People do that-- using the 1.5 model to refine XL results-- to great success, or so I hear. Never worked for me, but our stable diffusions seem to work differently somehow lol)

(All very true)
(She'd better watch out, if Taner makes enough of an impression, even the Taner zombie might start tannering, just because she expects it to lol)

I don't know that, at all, but it's a very fun word.
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(I realize FemDoro's tits miiight be getting slightly out of hand)
(I might have to tone them down just a little)
(also thanks!)

That's true. I need a designated taste-tester or something.

(Poor Crimson...)

(Well... that's the best advice I can give without knowing exactly what's wrong)
(I know I was lost for a little while with Comfy)

(considering we already have Senator Armstrong from MGR I think you'd probably be fine)

You're really going all in, huh? You don't even know me!

Do not poke my boobs with a pin, Beryl.
Or you could just, not risk eating food from strangers

(Yeah. He's unlovable)

(Would you be able to show a picture of the actual workflow setup?)

It, kind of is, actually
(you should do it anyway taner will give you free rp)
You don't need to explain yourself, Beryl
It's alright
Well- I mean-
I don't have any of that like, pre-made, obviously, I try to incorporate little details into the stuff I make that are pretty specific to the person receiving the gift, but
Maybe? I might not know you now, but, I'd like to
You just seem like a nice person.

..aaare you saying you're already involved here or uh, are you just being your usual weirdo standoffish self?
Cause I really can't tell with you sometimes.
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Well you know how Beryl is
He's not really the "let's talk about our feelings" type
Maybe he knows you're trying to work him
... Or maybe he's never forgiven you for what you told him that one time

Are you now? Looking to get more funky magic thrown your way, huh?
Who knows what could happen...

(Crimson was put on this earth to fuck)

(Mouchi played a Dark Souls knight, no?)

>True, true
>Oh jeez
>A small little nod
>Granted -this- last bit of hectic, the party, was at least more of a positive note to end on
>But yeah Sharon's about ready to hibernate now
>Oh speaking of which, this >>70892798 if you missed it

>Sharon can't help but chuckle a little bit
"I guess that's what I get for hanging out with ghosts all the time, hehe~"
>She doesn't seem to mind, however, even if she's a little pale
>With a glance at that pocket sand worth of blueish green, she nods
"Sure, that's-..."
"Wait, two-three days?"
>Blink blink
>This better not be what she thinks this is

(I guess you did!)
(I wish there was a way to "tone down" how sensitive it is, so I don't have to reweigh ALL my tags)

(Well sometimes I need them for specific characters but, hm)

(Yes lol)
(Guess I can try that!)
(Thanks Taner!)

(You won't hear me complaining!)
(I think it's because most of the time the AI will draw tits bigger when they're clothed than when they're not, for some reason. Like, with the same prompt)
(Don't tone them down -too- much!)
I'm saying to not hit on Doro, because Doro is already spoken for

Beryl is Beryl, I'm aware
I can't say I'm any different, to be honest. It took a breakdown at the hot springs to actually get any catharsis
...I genuinely don't know what you're talking about

I'm willing to take the risk. I trust you not to kill me.

(Crimson was put on the earth to fuck but he rarely fucks)
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(The Taner zombie vibrates when placed next to the Star zombie)

It is a subjective description implicating the absence of...
Fucking hell, you've done it to me again. Where am I going with this?

I'm not gonna poke them, I'm gonna pop them. There is a big difference here
One JAB should fix you

On another note, what's this party or whatever?

(We had a 40k guy at one point played by a guy I used to know)

>It is often said that those who favor one type over another are R̶A̶C̶I̶S̶T̶
>I mean pick up on certain traits. Perhaps a slightly butchered sleep schedule may be one of them
>Breakback gives you a knowing wink and...
>...Nah. She places it back in her robe. Just messing with you
"It just be dust of disappearance. Good fer travellin' by chimney. I don't go around knockin' people out. Not me style"
>Instead she gives you a knowing pat and floats off the edge of the balcony
"First though, I be thinkin' a bit o' exercise afore I sleep. So I gonna be goin' now. Stay healthy Sharon. Ya be a good conversationalist"
>With a grandma-like chuckle, Breakback floats down and off towards the gardens, ready for a morning (evening?) constitutional
>And leaving you in a great spot to collapse
(Do whatever the fuck you want forever. We had someone that was SS13 aliens i think)
(Also I missed the last bit of OOC. But yes. Even still, if he gives her something nice, that's gotta be worth something, at least he thinks so lol)

(Small prompts with less emphasis are how I've done things most often anyway, so I suppose it wasn't as big of an adjustment for me)

(You may be able to find a lora for that specific artist, too, something worth searching for)

(Good luck! I want you to get it working for the best of both worlds-- style and prompt coherence!)

(That is the 100% canon truth)

I have no idea, you lost me so much I think I feel asleep for like 10 minutes while holding the Pokegear.

Actually, that might just be because it's getting late. I'd probably better start getting ready to sleep. Goodnight Beryl!
Yeah... And that was partially my fault
I don't remember exactly, but I do remember some pretty mean words being exchanged some months ago, which resulted in you and Beryl not talking for a pretty long time.

Well hey, I would -probably- not kill you, at least!
But yeah don't be surprised if you end up growing another dick or something.
... I'll try to make it over and under if I can, at the very least.

(Not so rarely these days)

>But Sharon doesn't even have a car, how can she race anything...?
>Yes well, better than whatever she would catch being a Fairy trainer, probably. Yuck
>But then she pocketed the powder
"Well, thanks for not knocking me out, at least."
>She smiles
"Sure thing. Mi casa, su casa. Or whatever they say in Paldea."
>Sharon that's cultural appropriation you colossal bigot
"Take care, Breakback."
>And so she'll wait for Granny Smith to head to the gardens, and then immediately pass out

>Good stuff, very nice and wholesome
>Jolly good show
>Perfect to segue into HORRID DEGENERACY
>But that's for next time
>Take it easy, Babybel

(Yes probably lol)

(I see, I see. It might tricky for me considering how -specific- a lot of my prompts are, especially for Sekhmet and the bayvees)

(True, true)

(I'll certainly try, even if I wish it was easier!)
(For now, goodnight!)
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I ate scraps people threw for me as a Zorua.
Don't worry if I get drugged I have Julius on standby ready to... melt their brain or something like that.

(He sees himself that way, maybe)

(Sure, here's what mine looks like: https://files.catbox.moe/jl4297.png )

You won't mind a couple friends coming with, would you? Since it's not a date and all that.
Also I appreciate that!

(Good taste!)
(I have noticed that, trying to find the sweet spot is tough!)
(I'm trying hard not to, the Doro titties must be preserved!)

Beryl they're real, real I said! You aren't going to pop anything you're just gonna poke me.
If you show up with a pin I'm gonna have to pin you down until you calm down!
..Well, shit.
Maybe lead with that information next time, dude. I may be a mind reader but it doesn't exactly work over all this.

(I rember mister guardsman. Hope he's doin okay.)

(Of course!)
(Yeah, it is!)
(And that they must!)
(But now gooooooodnight)

(PS. Wouldn't it be funny if Doro Dynamaxed in Galar while still milf)
(ok bye)
I mean, I guess not, uhh.. yeah, that's fine, 'spose I could just make extra food.
Problem is I'm uh, kinda off in the middle of nowhere. Like, extreme "not even bordering a league state" nowhere. So..
..maybe this was a dumb idea.
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My brand new bore someone to death technique is working

>Aaaaand scene
>So sorry that took so long.
>And next on my list, feeding the PINK ONE
>But that's for next time, I'm sleeping now, lol

Alright fine
Maybe if I like rub an eraser on them they'll get worn down and go away
I'm gonna go find an eraser now

(The whereabouts of Bill these days are a mystery to me, sorry anon)
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Wait you're a mind reader?
And wow, way outside the League huh? Yeah that's pretty far out to meet a stranger online, sorry...
But if you're ever in a League state I can transfer pretty easily.
Also what Crimson said is true, but I wanna clarify I'm with Tempest, the best witch ever.

(That would be very funny and also quite silly indeed)

Why do you wanna get rid of my boobs so badly?

Beryl that's not gonna work either
Yyyes, unfortunately.
Yeaaahhhh... I kinda dropped from human society for my own safety after uh, the last couple places I tried living in didn't really.. work out. Thankfully satellite still functions out here.
I could maaaybe dip back into Ferrum, but uh, I kinda got my disguise blown up, last time I visited. So that could get a bit dicey.
Oh, thank Arceus, I thought daycare was- eugh.
I'm glad you've got somebody like that, though!
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(aaaaah so many replies aaaaaaaaaaa)
(I'll get them next time I am online)

issues with reading too much, or just simple sensory overload
I wonder how you could block yourself out

(and now, off to work)
I assume you mean the Halloween Party that was held at that castle in Kalos

Hey, none of that now. I already forgave you
I, really don't remember. It's weird.

Like I said, I trust you.
To be honest with you, I don't know how I'd feel about having a Seviper set up for my genitalia

(It's still rare compared to some of the other people on the thread)

Still, I'm gonna worry about you

(Not like he's been proved wrong)

(Finally, understanding)

You didn't think -I- was with Doro, did you?
Doro is way too good for someone like me. Hell, almost everyone is way too good for me, even the woman I'm with. Or uh, want to be with.
hi zap.
Well, I did use to have some overload troubles, but uh, I figured out how to sort of treat that, and now it's not really an issue since I'm not in densely populated areas very often.
No, I say unfortunately just cause, like, I don't like having to hide out here. I liked existing around people, it's just, y'know. Sketchy.

I did, because you talk weird.
..correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you getting into it with a uh, pangoro? That seemed like a decent match for you.
kong hasnt been here in a while so hes blueballed super hard
ooga booga
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do you think they genetically engineered Mewtwo to be the best at fucking too?
Biggest dick and balls ever
where are the old pokemen
jiji doesnt post and kemo doesnt believe in men youre not getting that
i cry
idk ask jiji when he posts
daycare, more like thread bike
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(haha yeah wouldn't it be tho)
(Thanks and good morning!)

(Good luck!)

Some of that now.
Oh well.

Well thanks either way.
I don't know how I'd feel about you having that either.
... But I'm sure Kong would appreciate.

(Well it's not exactly a contest either)

Are you perhaps a Hatterene

Kong, yeah
I don't deserve her, though

No, I already forgave you. Don't make me hug you for an entire day and night

...I don't deserve Kong
Not after what happened on Halloween
God I hate myself for letting that happen

(I dunno, I'm pretty sure that Floch guy would have it be a contest)
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That sounds like there's a story behind it
I've never been to Ferrum, that's where they have those tournaments? Seems like a neat place. ...Blown up?
Nah Crimson has Kong.
Thanks, she's great!

Don't worry I'm a big Zoroark, I can look out for myself

Also please don't beat yourself up about it, it's mostly my fault and besides I'm confident Kong won't really care at all.

(thx u 2)
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I hate boats so much. I hate boats. I hate boats. I hate boats. I hate boats.
(this might be my post for most of the day lmao tell jeremy ill exist tomorrow)
...I told her that I want to marry her one day, Doro
I fucked everything up

The Ocean is evil
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I'm getting the feeling you're not having a good time at sea.

Oh jeez
Crimson just call her and tell her what's up, I'm certain she won't mind. Heck, she might be glad to hear you got your old body back- at least for however long it lasts.
I don't even know how to explain it without sounding like a dumbass. "Yeah so I got turned back into a guy but Doro got turned into a woman with the proportions I had. Also the magic put him into heat and spiked my libido so she jumped my bones and we fucked all night"
She said at one point she wouldn't be mad if I 'spent time' with other people but I told her I just want her.

Aren't those things angry all the time? Like, if you breathe near them they want to strangle you type anger?
I couldn't put up with that.

Deserving or not, I've seen the way you two talk on here.
Quit being a weirdo. I dunno what you did but I doubt she'd care.

That's cause there issss.
Ferrum's great, until people find out there's a rare pokemon in the region and start hunting for it. Yeahhh, someone blasted me with a solar beam while I was getting food one day, tore my cloak to shreds and knocked the visor out of my old helmet. Took out the poor guys stand, too.. still feel bad about that.
You wouldn't dare.

It's not cheating if you don't feel anything but friendship for the person you slept with.
Trust me on this.

(Floch is a special case all of its own)

Big indeed.

Well that's just because they can hear your horny thoughts 24/7.
But yeah, it must suck for them.
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...Yeah that, uh, sounds about right. Might be a little embarassing but Kong's been in heat before so I'm sure she'll understand.

Do tell
Well then, hopefully that doesn't happen!
Why'd they do that? Rude...

Heya Kauket!

Yep... can't argue with that...
Her heat is actually the reason the two of us, you know
I feel like I failed her

haha, -big- zoroark

I talk to Kong normally
Ask Doro, she can tell you

I would. You're the right size to pick up and hold against my chest, plus you're soft, both the costume and 'you'. And it embarrasses you

I don't think that's true, Kauket
At all, honestly. I wish it was, because it'd make me feel slightly better at most

(Fair enough)
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(And now, werk, whee)

(Also I don't know WHAT kind of crack pony/autismmix is on but it's pretty out there)
(Here's a comparison of some gens that ALL have the exact same seed, settings, etc. Except for one tiny little detail, a krekk0v lora being tweaked from 0.3 to 0.7, that's it)
(What the fuck)

Hey Doro.
How many people have offered to cook for you so far?

Yeah unless I use my other form. What will you do then huh? Can't embarrass me.

I think it's true and besides Kong said she didn't mind if you slept around, right? So...

(So are you, but differently)
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I see, I see.
I'd be shocked if Kong feels the same.


Two so far, that anon and Crimson

(Good luck!)
I'll pick you up in a bridal carry instead and hold you that way

Yeah but I told her I don't want to do that, I just want her.

(No you)

Only issue is that she goes radio silent for so long.
...I just want to make her happy

Make me
Yikes. They can't filter it out?
That does suck, majorly.

I think I'd eat up the character limit if I told the whole thing, so uh. Fast version.
Woke up in a lab, in the middle of the Orrean desert. Found out I was some kinda pet project for one of Ciphers scientists. Took off and lived in New zirconia for a bit, had to leave, went towards uh, Ferrum, stayed there for a while, had to leave again, tried going to Unova, didn't last long, now I'm just kinda hanging around in the mountains of that continent. I don't like it. It's too quiet out here. Feel like I might as well be back in that bunker.
It diiiid. It suuucked.
Probably saw my tail poking out. :/ I was really hungry, and it smelled really good, so.. yeah. Bit of an oopsie.

Yeah, exactly.
You don't talk normal most of the time.
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>Taner battles the fighting gym today
>Unless this post is a dubfail, he does win, the closer to 0 (10) it is, the better he did

>Also, of course, he gives Doro a "Good norning" in person
>...And tells Doro how the talk with Meliena went, the TL:DR being: really well until the very end when he tried to ask if she wanted to try Kauket's magical gender swap with Jeremy who also needs it, and she reacted by crying and teleporting away, saying it was hopeless for her to ever change and she's tried to accept that but can't...

I don't know if that'd normally be very effective, if I hadn't already been half asleep.

Anyway, it's a good thing I got plenty of rest, because it's about time to take on the Fighting gym!

Also, I didn't get a chance to last night, but I just wanted to say hello to you! Are you the same guy who went by "???" and posted musical videos in the middle of the night, or am I getting confused?

I wonder if Ferrem is anything like Fiore? If so, hopefully the rangers are all over people who go there because they want to try and take a Pokemon. I do want to visit more of the regions that aren't under the League eventually, but that sort of has to be done on "vacation time" because I can't make any money while I'm in those regions, aside perhaps from my jobs for Sharon.

(Good luck!)

(Okay yeah, Pony-based models are untamed by default, but you have something special going on there)
(Like wtf is happening at 0.5 and 0.6, and then you get to 0.7 and it's all normal again (too normal, in fact, why is the Lora not loraing?) Pony has always been a little funky for me too, but not in this way)
(Are you using a lot of other loras? I find at about 3, it gets weird)
(Also if you try to use a lora trained for another, non-pony model, or embeddings designed for 1.5, that can make things weird)
(You could always get the poses in autism,and then use them as a ControlNet for Indigo1.5)
(Gl at work and this too)
I talk normal unless I'm doing my job, where I talk 'clinically' about necessities
Oh, hey taner.
..Yyyou worry me, with how good you are at picking people out of a crowd. Yeah, I uh, kinda wanted to drop the name though. Just, blend in.
I wish the ranger states were closer, I'd just move to one of those, but uh, kinda out of tricks for getting transportation, and I've got a limit on how long I can uh, fly.

You talk like you live in a moldy basement, most of the time.
Then you get all sappy if it's about her. If it wasn't such a weird contrast I'd say it's sweet.
I think you're just jealous of me
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I'm only sometimes good at that! It helps that we've talked before, and you just told Doro the whole story, which I remembered. And, fair enough!

As for transportation, there's a few ways to figure that out, just brainstorming real quick. I could just, like, get you tickets for a boat or something-- we're probably talking under $100 so I don't mind doing that. Doro could perhaps come over and use an illusion to make you look, uh, unremarkable, and that might help you take an airplane or something! Or, I could send over a Friendball, maybe have it delivered to an address that you'd be able to get it at? I don't need to be there in person for that, and you can go in and out of those at will, then you could transfer yourself from any Pokemon Center in the world to pretty much any other Pokemon Center in the world! I'm pretty sure Fiore has at least one Pokemon Center, somewhere, even though it's a pretty small region. Almia too, for that matter.
Or, I could send Dredd over-- he's a Corviknight and he's flown me across the ocean before, I'm sure he'd be happy to help.

But if you are happy enough where you are, that's fine too! I'm just glad to hear from you again and hear that everything is going well.

As for me, I'm probably going to be doing another gym battle pretty soon, so in about 30 minutes or so, I'll be gone for a bit.
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That's true, that does make things a bit tougher...
Don't worry I think you can! She certainly likes you too.

Maybe I will

Huh... yeah that's quite the story. I think I've heard of Cipher, maybe.
What they see a tail so they hit you with a Solar Beam? Why?

Also I see Taner knows you a little better, I may not be against the "illusion you onto a plane" plan, maybe.

>Seems he did alright, good job Taner!

>Doro returns it, naturally
>After hearing Taner's recount, Doro's even more worried about Melanie
>She may have to try speaking to her herself, though Doro wonders if she should illusion herself back to normal just in case.
>Seems the subject was even more touchy than they anticipated

You know 'em better than me Taner, you think I should help them out with illusions?
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Shit, I don't know, I never tried to find another Falinks, nor do I care enough to do it. So you do it yourself if you want. I'm happy enough to carry one in my arms.

Yes, certain, now eat a brick.

Excellent, give me a place and a date and we'll be here. Most likely.
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(Whoopsie, last one was for zapman)
My favorite part of this leak is TPC London complaining about Tsareena's O B S C E N E B U T T O C K S
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(alive for a bit)
(I see that the boobage has duplicated)

damn, outfoxed again

"Yup, this form suits you real well."
>Hah, suit
>Scourge's comfy reformation
>Hope it is a long chanpter
too good definitely defines Doro
as far as I know

heeeya I have been busy
now the question is, how do you block out psychic activity
is there any truth behind aluminium foil hats?
then could work up something more professional

boats are cursed
that is an universal constant

Sharon's castle, this Thursday?
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(But for real, at least I'm tying him into The Lore pretty well, imo)
>im pretty good at this
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Aw don't be like that, Phoxy!

(Don't worry I respect it)
(Plus your Armstrong is about 200% more sane than the original, which is probably for the best)
I hope so. She makes me happy, too.

I doubt that, you can't make me do anything

I dunno, I wouldn't say Doro is 'too good' in general
Just too good for me.
(200% more sane -so far)
(Anyways, I should probably not shit up the thread with OOC chatter, but also don't have anything to do, so I'll be lurking!)
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Can we please not go to the fucking castle?

You're starting to annoy me. Genuinely.
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Doro is to Dark types what five minutes past sundown is to night time

I mean, I am currently lodging there
but I can
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Exactly, you two are a perfect match.

Can't I?

(Fair enough)
(Oh also, when Melanie teleported away, I'm assuming she only left for a little while and eventually showed up again)
(Naturally if not Doro's gonna be really worried about her)

Jeez, alright sorry!

You saying I'm hardly a Dark type?
Make it three because I gotta work on my baking skills and it's funnier if the main appeal of this body is people randomly giving you food.


Oh my. In that case...

Well if that's what you told her...

(We're all weird down here)

I dunno. You'd have to ask them.
Can you?

(No no it IS loraing afterward, at least I think it is, because after .7, .8 and .9 just keep the same look but, uh, "bigger" in that typical Krekk0v style. You know the one)
(It seems like it's only at certain decimals that it starts to freak out, for some reason)
(Also interestingly, changing the seed makes no difference. It's like those decimals, with this prompt, are the freak-out numbers, like it's some kind of tipping point where it starts to freak out (which is also exactly when it starts to change the entire composition, see how the pose changes from 0.4 to 0.7? well, .8 and .9 have the same pose as 0.7). Also, removing one word moves the specific freakout you see at 0.6 to 0.5 instead... No idea why)
(Could it be because I have the prompt padding for efficiency thing enabled?)
(Only using 2-3 loras at a time actually, and one only affects scene lighting. Even with just 2 it does the weirdness)
(I'm pretty sure they're all for pony also)
(Maybe... I'll keep tinkering until I get a look I'm happy with)
(Thx! And same!)
(She teleported back to the group, but stayed on her own, so she's fine, relatively)
I see
Not very Dark, then. What a shame

Give me your Electivire

I want to think so. She's a wonderful Woman


In that case what?
Kauket explain this, please

I did, yeah. That's why I feel terrible.

(No you)
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I'm saying that you lack a certain 'edgyness'

don't take that wrongly

what do you need an Electivire for?
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Sure I'll help you hone your baking skills as a taste tester!
I am very much okay with committing to this "give me free food" bit

(Yeah Doro's gonna give her space for now)

Doubt all you like

That's fair, I know I'm a bit different from most Dark types.
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For now, at least.

"Thanks, I really like it too... Even if it's kinda sacrilegious or whatever."
>Oh well
>Funny that
>Redemption through relaxation
>Hopefully nothing happens to his costume



I assume you'll tell her?

(C'mon now)

Especially now since it'll all go to your tits and ass anyway.

I'll continue to be doubt and I'll continue to be right

No, there's something.

Yeah, I have to
I just really don't want her to be disappointed

(I'm not wrong though)
(I'm weird too)
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Kauket! ...Wait that's not true is it? If it is I hope all my battles and training balances out any extra food I eat and I don't end up... even bigger

That's how I'll get you.
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just a bit, and well liked for it

for now

""Hah, sacrilegious. Does Lugia actually care?"
"Some cultist may, though."
>Not really shrug
>Hopefully nothing too weird
>Or mood souring

oh yeah
give me uh
a sec
>because busy tomorrow too

(and in fact, sleep time for me)
I doubt you'll get anything from me
Again, anyway

You're fine, take your time
Ain't no rush since it's late and all
>You're fine, no worries

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(Also! Forgot to ask: What are you using for sampling and scheduling methods? What is recommended for autismmix, even?)

In that case maybe.

Yeah well, knowing Kong, I doubt it.
I bet she'll just go like "Ok and?" or something like that

(So you're saying I'm not wrong)

I mean technically it's how it works, but... Yeah, you'll be fine just working it off.
... Probably.


>A gentle shrug from the big soft lad
"Probably not...? Otherwise he'd probably come to kick my ass already."
>Thinking too
"Yeah... They may."
"Actually I kept getting hit on by horny ghosts tonight. But given a lot of them are Beryl's friends, that's not surprising."
>Thinking more like a tear or something
>But could be weird too
>Hopefully neither

(And now, goodnight!)
Just for that, you're getting carried all day and held all night for two days, and getting pat on the head and called 'good girl'

I hope you're right.

(I'm saying you're horny)
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Heh, thanks.


I will!
Not like that!!!

Okay good.
So what are you gonna bake anyway?
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all the floof.
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I think so, yeah!

>He did! Not amazing, right there in the middle of alright, but that's passing!

>Taner is worried about her too, hard not to be
>But he plans to give her some space again, himself, and if they do something again at some point, he won't be mentioning ANY controversial topics lol

>Also, as far as the poster Doro is talking about helping with illusions, Taner will explain what he knows-- the guy's been around for a long time, Taner knew him back when he was in Orre, but he's never actually met him in person, because he is-- rightly, in Taner's estimation-- very wary of meeting people, especially trainers
>That's because the experiment Ciper was working on was a clone of Mewtwo, and while this guy may not have all of the super powered abilities that Mewtwo does (he mentioned not being able to fly across the ocean, for example, and Mewtwo could in fact probably do that), the very fact that he looks like one means that tons of people will try to capture him first thing, ironically it's made his life harder, at least that's what it seems like

Fair enough! I'll keep my own eyes open!


Dang, I've had some bad boat rides, but never THAT bad.

(The settings might be a part of it)
(If you haven't already tried it, you might try a fresh install of Auto in a new folder, and see if that changes anything? Sometimes old default settings aren't as good anymore, I've had to do that once when something broke regional prompter and I couldn't ever figure it out)
(Because it sounds like something weird is going on)

(Oh, yeah, that might help! Eular a (Karris) is the recommendation, I've had good luck with DPM++ 2M SDE too)
(A quick google for guides got me https://betterwaifu.com/blog/pony-diffusion-guide which seems like it has good recommendations )

(Did I miss a reply from Kauket to Taner at some point?)

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Hey hey now, let's not get carried away here. I'm not Doro.

I know I'm right.

(Look who's talking)

An old favorite of mine:
Marshmallow-stuffed ice cream cake.
I'll need you to eat a couple of those until I get the recipe down.

(It has to be)
(Oh no I'm not on Auto, this is just a fresh Forge install. Actually Auto wouldn't even let me switch to XL uh, "mode" I guess?)
(Could it be an embedding? I see people using easynegative even though it's for 1.5 and... It seems fine?)

(Yeah! That one you said is the one I've been using lol)
(Thank you! And thank you for the casual burn that I couldn't even do a simple quick google search lol ;_;)

(I don't think so! Though you did miss an ooc reply I guess, but there wasn't much to add there)

>Anyway, have a tiny scene
>Radio chatter coming from Taner's backpack
I know what you meant

Also don't eat too much 'cause you'll need to exercise like hell to avoid gaining extra mass. Three hours of running is what I did. Not a single pound lost.
Good luck with that

You're not Doro, no. But you're Kauket, and you're still good.
Do not feed Doro too many sweets

I hope so.

(You're talking)
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(It could be an embedding, there is an easynegative for Pony/XL models too, so they might be using that instead)

(Nothing strange there then... All I can do at this point is post a confused looking Eevee)
(Here's a confused looking Eevee)
(It's easier to do a search on something if you already know enough to know what results you are looking for, no burn there! I mostly was using that to say that of the guides I found that one looked most like what I was using, but I can't vouch for anything else on that site one way or another lol)

(Ah ok)

>What time of day/night is this?
>Not that it matters, because Taner will in fact jump into the air, before getting the radio out of his backpack pocket and out of the protective box/bag it's in and...
>Well, he'll look at it
>Not much else he can do, he's not going to touch any of the settings
>Star will also just look at it, though while Taner is looking with curiosity, Star looks like she wants to use a Swift on the danger box
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Um, hey Taner.

I wanted to let you know that what happened wasn't your fault. Things are weird for me. I'm back with Doro's group, in case you were worried.

Tell everyone else the same, okay? And take care.

(Figure this would have been posted less than a day later, fyi - and she wouldn't wait for a response before returning to her own business)
(Speaking of not waiting for a response, bed tiiiiiime)
Well thanks. I like being me.
Only a few.

We'll see soon enough.


(Maybe... I think I got the right one but it's not called easynegativeXL or anything so...)

(Confused looking Eevee appreciated)
(Thank you)
(Fair enough! Thanks!)

>At night!
>Exact date? Uhh... Probably during Galar
>I am now imagining Taner looking at the radio like the confused Eevee pictured
>Oh dear
>Star, don't!
"... Taner? Taner can you hear me?"
>It... Sounds nothing like the Dusknoir, or -a- Dusknoir for that matter
>It's a tiny voice, almost like Tree's voice
>As Taner pulls out the radio from his bag, the voice goes
"Whooaa, hey not so fast!!"
>They might also notice the radio has taken on a suspicious orange-red tint...
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Yes, exactly

Alrighty will do, if that's what he wants.

>Now hopefully Doro doesn't do worse than that

>Basically exactly Doro's plan as well

>That's quite the backstory, Doro will feel bad for him now and definitely is willing to help him out if he needs it

An entire ice cream cake? I can maybe eat one a week at most, if I can split it with my whole team we can go through them faster!


I'll try not to, but if everyone's cooking for me for free it's gonna be hard not to eat a liiiiittle extra!
I like you being you too. Both small and large.
Please no. I want to make apple pie but if you keep feeding Doro sweets I can't. Too much dessert isn't healthy.

Can't believe you're still so brazen...

They're going to force my hand from making slightly unhealthy stuff to strictly healthy stuff.
seeing this thread become aislopito central really makes me wish i was improvign at art faster than a snails pace
Oh. Hello!

Thank you, for this. I knew things were weird, but l, clearly there's still some things I don't understand. I promise, if we decide to explore some part of Galar in the future, I'll be more careful not to bring up things like that! And I'll tell everyone. You take care too! I want you to know that we're always still willing to talk or hang out, and if you ever feel like teleporting away that's fine too.

(Sounds good to me, I'll add it to the timeline)

(Next time you get a weird gen, just try emptying out everything in the negative prompt, and then if that doesn't work, see if making the positive prompt smaller helps)

(Good! It was appropriate for the post in multiple ways lol)

>Makes sense
>During Galar, got it
>That's exactly how he's looking at the radio
>Star won't, because Taner would be unhappy if she did, and furthermore, she's almost certainly going to support him in whatever he's told to do
>She's just not 100% happy that Taner now has yet another vector of dangerous distractions, which she's sure this will be, the Pokegear alone has been enough as far as the bright-eyed Eevee is concerned!
>Taner says
"Yes, I can hear you! Wait. Can you get me?"
>It was a two-way radio?
"Whoops, sorry!"
>He'll say, then stop touching the radio and back away from it slightly
"Uhhh I think the radio might be, um, it's glowing."
>Unless the radio is in fact possesed
>Is it a Pokemon speaking, or is it in a human language?

Okay! Let me know if you want me to send someone with you, like Repose or Lightspeed.


>They are often on the same page

>And that is no exception to the above, it seems

Man now I want ice cream cake again.

(I wish you the best random anon, if you can do any art at all then you'll have a better time than me with it)
(Maybe someday I'll be commissioning you, who knows)
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Hmmm... I was thinking more like five a day, but I guess that'll have to do.

Well that's good, because I like being both too.
Alright fine. You can get your apple pie in first.

(AI will never replace some actual handmade drawing, even just a fun little doodle)

(It didn't seem to make a difference in my testing but... I'll keep testing)

(Yes lol)

>And that makes a lot of sense, yes
>A response from the radio
"Yes, I'm right here, silly!"
>Though the radio isn't glowing, sorry
>It's more like... Paint gradually being applied?
>Or someone messing with the color slider on a character creation screen
>Also despite how much of a Taner response it is to apologize to a radio for moving it, Star might in fact wonder how come the radio is aware that it's being moved...

>And then... Two of the knobs on the radio took on a slightly more eye-like appearance!
>A Rotom Radio!
"Taner, it's me!"
>Star might suspect it's someone that's been traveling with them for a while... But hasn't spoken until now

Good because I'll need your help and Inferno's, too.

(yeah i just feel like i get nowhere i need to rip my fucking head off)
I can tell you do. Just don't get stuck in a knight costume again
Thanks. You're free to have some too when I make it.
Also the offer of you staying over and eating whenever you need is open to you too
(Oh man, I love these, I hope this is a real image)
(I want them in real life so bad lol)

(At this point all I can do is wish you luck)

"Oh, okay!"
>Taner says, as if this happens every other day
>Taner will now look at the radio as if it is alive
>Oh, it's changing
>Star is starting to like how this is turning out (because it might make it so the Duknoir can't use it anymore lol)
>Star already suspects what's going on, and Taner is starting to

"Backpack ghost?"
>Taner guesses, and he seems happy about it if that's the case
>He thought the shy ghost might be staying in the backpack forever, but now he can actually talk with his friend!

I'll be glad to help!
Yeah they are.
(Don't beat yourself up too bad, you don't need to draw the Mona Lisa, just something fun for the heck of it)

I wasn't stuck. Much.
Not for another year anyway.
Thanks, I look forward to eating your porridge and sleeping in your bed.


>Good because it looks alive
>Maybe because it is (?)
>lol of course she would

>The eyes dart between Star and Taner as the radio is being called to
"Hi! Hiya! Thanks for letting me use your radio!"
>Yes, finally!
>There's a little bit of static, like the frequency's being adjusted
"I hope you don't mind. Though if you do, I don't mind leaving it alone either. I think now that I'm a Rotom, I can um, just... Be a Rotom, right?"
>He doesn't sound too sure about the implications of being a proper Ghost Pokemon
"... Though the radio is pretty useful to talk, at least!"
>Not that it's a huge problem for Taner anyway, with Star and all

>Et tu, Taner?
Honestly, a little. You might be strange, but you've got that going for you, at least.

Good enough that you can usually tell it's me, just by the type of music I post. Of course, yeah, putting the backstory out there helps narrow it down too.

I'd honestly prefer not to take up too much of anyone's time or resources, I don't think it's worth the hassle, really, uh..
The ball thing sounds.. okay, despite trying to avoid that sort of thing specifically, but I don't really have anyone I'd be comfortable with, uh, technically.. owning me.

Ehh, going as well as it can, I guess. Just a bit lonely.

That's cutting out quite a lot of it, too. Cipher's like, some group of crazy scientists in Orre or something. Or, was, I guess. They did a lot of uh, not great things, based on what I read on the files they left behind.
'Cause it was sadly peak "lets get that green freak" hours at the time. I don't know why people are like that, but, it happens.

Yeah, it's been a while, but Taner's one of the few that know me.
Mmmaybe? Maybe. Last thing I want is something dumb to happen on a plane though, that could get uh.. dangerous.

I just try to turn it inwards as much as I can, it works okay, but it can get kinda tiring to keep it up.
I didn't try the uh, foil thing. If I still had my helmet I coulda lined the inside and gave it a quick test, but, y'know.

I.. don't think I want to do that, honestly. I like my bones being normal shaped.
Sorta? If I focus on something specific, most of what comes through is at least kinda related.

(i feel u, anon.)
(Thank you for sharing that, that video made me smile the whole way through)

(Good picture, did it inspire this or did you have to search for it after the fact?)

>It does look alive now

>Taner will smile and wave, and Star... will also smile and wave, actually
"Of course!"
>Star will also say
"Greetings. I assure you, we do not mind if you utilize the radio. I am glad you have found a vessel you feel comfortable in."
>The backpack wasn't really a vessel in the same way
>Taner says
"Yeah! If the Dusknoir try to use it, you can just tell us what they said, they only wanted to use it one way anyway I'm pretty sure! It really is useful to talk with! Speaking of, how's it going?"
>Taner seems pretty happy to be able to talk to his new old friend

>What do you mean et tu, I was just copying you lol
>But for now, goodnight!

Well, yes. The music tends to have a certain pattern to it, after all.

It's no big deal, if it's a little effort from me but helps you a lot, then it's a very worthy way to spend my time and resources, it basically multiplies the significance of those actions by however much it ends up helping you, if that makes any sense! Basically, if I can do a small thing that makes a big difference, that's great! I'm sure Doro feels the same way!

You could always buy the ball yourself, then technically the owner of the ball is you, so I don't think anyone else could claim ownership in that case.

Understandable. Have you found any friends you can talk to in person?

In any case, I'll see you next time, for now, I'm setting up the tent and getting ready to sleep. Goodnight!
That's a great perk to have. Unbroken bones.
Oh. Hm. Otherwise it's just a bunch of psychic noise?

(I had to google after the fact, the idea basically came to me around Halloween lol)


>The radio waves its antenna a little
"Of course!"
>Responds the ghost, now that he can actually respond
"I didn't really want to touch any of your things in case you needed them, but... The radio didn't seem to be doing much so um, yeah."
>The radio tilts up and down a little bit, as if to nod
"Yeah! I'm pretty sure I can still receive signals and stuff just fine so... I'll let you know if I pick up anything."
>The radio's knob-eyes blink twice
"It's going great! And you?"
"... Do you think I'll um, still be able to sort your things? It calms me down, helps me de-stress."

>I mean because I said Kauk so now I'm saying Et
>Et tu lol
What I'm hearing is that I need to get weird with it. Possibly even by posting... Normal Music. Scary thought, I know.

I suppose that makes sense, when you uh, break it down like that. I just don't want to be any trouble, really.

..I thought you had to be registered to use those? Is that not-
have I seriously been able to just bonk myself with one of those stupid little balls this whole time? I'll be so mad if that's the case. I'm already kinda miffed at the thought of it.

...no, not really. Most of the pokemon out here are pretty territorial, so.. that hasn't really helped.
Goodnight, taner.

Yes, I do very much enjoy having my bones be in one piece. Them being all splinter-y sounds unpleasant.
Kinda, yeah. It's like if you had a radio that could play every station in range all at the same time, or just one with some fuzz around the edges. That's oversimplifying it a little, but, it's accurate enough.
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For the record, I remember you too. But I’m sure you could’ve guessed that. It’s a shame to see the name gone, but, oh well. Nice to hear from you nonetheless.

Hello, Dart.
I've been needing to get a new name set up anyways, so it was really just a matter of time. I'll figure out something if I manage to keep posting for a bit.
It's nice to see some familiar faces, yeah.
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False, lies, slander, etc. etc.

Well I'm not picky, food's food!

(what Taner and Kauket said, real art will always be superior)

Probably not Lightspeed if we go with the plane option, that'd be a lot of sitting still!

>Yes*2 combo

Kauket wanted to make me five a day which is totally impossible, she'd definitely be able to make plenty extra if you wanted some! Star probably wouldn't approve though...

Five a day is just a bit beyond even my whole team's capabilities, sadly.
Still, maybe you could make some extra for Taner's team if Star approves, unlikely as that may be.

Ahh so they're basically like one of those evil Teams. Good riddance if they're gone.
Rude... but they aren't like that now right?

True, a plane has its risks, it's not hard for me to maintain illusions for a while, the only issue is I can't keep them up while I'm asleep.
If you can be caught in a friendball that would definitely be the simplest method to get wherever you wanna go.
Soeaking of, where did you wanna go if you could?

Yo Dart!
Essentially, but uh, probably worse than most of them. They're the ones that made the um, shadow pokemon, if you know what those are.
Judging by the state of the place I came from, they're long gone, and I hope it stays that way.
Dunno, I left the region shortly after that, cause I couldn't really blend in to get supplies anymore. They might still be looking for me! Haha

So, probably would only really work for a short flight, then? Hm..
Uhhh.. I'm not sure, really, I don't know where might be a good fit for me, cause like, I just wanna be able to hang around in public like any other 'mon, make some friends, stuff like that.
(Always nice to get off work early)

And that's why you totally didn't ask us to help you take it off. Sure.
Please don't.
I mean, you'll have to deal with my team on that bed too. They like sleeping with me.

I don't think I follow, actually.

Denial isn't a good look on you

You say that now, but some health food is akin to eating 'nothing'
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That’s good. If you wait too long, I will have to name you myself. And we don’t want that.
..your thing with Kong? Or just your social situation in general. I don't get it, but whatever you're doing is clearly working for you.

We don't?
Now you've got me curious what you'd call me.
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Daycare you fucking whore look what your slutty Pokemon did to Doro
The fuck are you talking about
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Oh great now it's fucking RAINING here. Feels like someone is trying to fuck with me.

(Antigravity tits.)

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I think I've heard of them, yeah.
Well if there are hopefully they never do.

Yeah, unfortunately.
I don't know, you look like Mewtwo, right? I can't think of too many places where that wouldn't turn heads, unfortunately.

I'm not concerned with looking good

Don't worry I've got the willpower, I can tough it out.


Wasn't me!
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(Well you found a lot of fitting images for it, I see!)
(Also I had an idea: maybe catbox one of the strange results you get in Pony, and I'll try it on my rig to see if it does the same thing?)
(I'm not sure what it'll tell us if it doesn't, but it'll tell us... something, anyway)

>Taner finds that antenna wave to be adorable, it brings a smile to him all over again
"Yeah, the radio was just kinda sitting there, and it seems to have worked out well for you, so I'd say this is a great use of it!"
>A nod back at that
>Star manages not to laugh at the blinking nobs, though she is tempted just because she really wasn't expecting that
"It's going great for me too, even better now that I can hear your voice! Your cool!"
>This whole thing has him absolutely thrilled
"Oh, yeah, of course! I'm actually glad to hear that, even with the way pockets work on this thing, it's very nice to have things sorted, and you seem to be able to find them so fast, too! I'd, uh... I don't think I'd ever have time to do it myself, anyway."

>Oh, that makes sense
>And good morning!


True. But he could stay inside the ball! Though I'm not sure he'd like that much better, so yeah, good point.

Five a day?! Yeah, no, Star would let me have, like, one a week, if that, and sadly, I can see her point on that. You want to keep in fighting shape, after all, and I want to not get fat again. Also, yeah, at that point all we'd be doing is making ice cream cake for a good portion of each day, might as well open a restaurant then!

We got snow in Galar recently! I'm sure it's on its way to you, too!

>(Antigravity tits.)
(If they get big enough, will Doro start floating up into the sky like he has ballons attached to him)
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Not really. Being recognizable by your friends isn't a bad thing after all! And I've come to enjoy the style of the music you post.

Unless you have some group of ghost or assassins or an ancient evil of some kind after you that will then start going after me if I help you out, I promise, helping you doesn't even get close to entering the realm of "trouble" for me, and is more just, something that I'd be happy to do. The feeling a person gets when they make the life of another person better is a good one.

I think you have to be registered to have a Pokedex linked to it, but, uh, I've never been asked for my ID when buying Pokeballs. Now, maybe there's some system I'm not aware of that makes it so they ID me just by face, all unintrusive like? But I'm pretty sure you could just, walk in and buy a ball, if you have the money for it. Or buy it from someone. I'd sell you a Friendball for a dollar.
You DO want to get the Friendball version though, while I've heard of Pokemon managing to struggle their way out of Pokeballs after being captured, a Friendball will just, let you go in and out with a thought.

Ah, unfortunate. Another reason to consider places like Fiore-- you might have better luck with that.
So glad I don't have to worry about that, personally.
I see, I see. And how far from civilization do you have to be for that not to be a problem?

I remember you too, Dart.

Oh well, it is what it is.
True, but yeah, Star would probably limit him to a single bite.


You were just conveniently there.
Oh right. I'm surprised your bed can even support all that weight.

(A few! There aren't that many lol)
(Good idea! Remind me to do that once I'm home)
(It might!)

>The vaguely mouth-like tuning scale curls up into a smile, or more like a grin
"Yeah! I was thinking of going for your Dex for a while but um, like I said, I didn't wanna risk messing anything up! I've basically never done this before... At least, I think."
>Sounds like he doesn't remember much from his past except the more recent Backpack Ghost part of his (un)life
>The radio giggles in a manner that sounds like someone jiggling the frequency knob back and forth rapidly, causing the voice to fade in and out
"Hehehehe thanks! I've been able to hear you this whole time, but it's nice to finally be able to respond."
>He seems pretty thrilled too!
>He once again tilts a little
"Yes! Well it makes more sense from the inside but even just making sure all 99 things of each are sorted by how often you need them already makes it worth it, I think."
>Another pause as he considers something else
"... Do you think I could get a new name, too?"
>Instead of just Backpack Ghost

(And now, time to go!)
(Also good StarFallWinter!)
I don’t know. I have the naming conventions of a toddler. Historically, I gave PB his name because he called himself “plant bug”. I gave Arb their name because they were enthusiastic to be “a real being”. So I turned that into an acronym. With you, I have less to work off of. I can jokingly suggest “Mark”.
Because of, your former use of question marks. Har har.
Or, I could just smash “question” and “mark” together, and call you Quark. Because “quark” is a science word. And you were born from science. I am sure you can understand my reluctance with this.


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But that's only if we go with the plane plan, and before any of that we gotta think of somewhere he wouldn't draw too much attention without being totally isolated, problem is I can't think of anywhere like that if he looks how I think.

Kauket really likes her sweets I suppose.
Actually that's a good point, Kauket should open a bakery.


Poor Taner
Also you should open a bakery if you're making that many sweets!
Star would allow me an entire slice of ice cream cake. Two, if I was willing to exercise it off the next day...

(I will, I'm curious now. If I do get those funky results, I'll do some experimenting, since I can render them pretty fast)

>Taner nods
"If I'd known, I'd have gotten a phone, I've seen a lot of Rotom phones so that'd probably be pretty easy. But this is just as cool!"
>Taner does take note that it seems like he doesn't have any other memories
>Seems like a really chill dude for a ghost though, which somewhat implies that he'd have been like that in life too, though doesn't explain why he became a ghost instead of going to the afterlife-- though since Scourge was involved, all bets are off
>Everything about this friendly ghost, including that way of giggling, makes Taner smile
>THIS is far closer to the type of "weirdness" that he was hoping for when he became a trainer
"Oh, I wondered about that! It did seem like you could probably hear me."
>Star has been inside the backpack before, but she probably didn't have the same experience this guy did, still she comfirms
"It is quite helpful."
"Yeah, absolutely! Um. Any idea what you might want? You also don't need to pick right away."
>Backpack ghost was always a description in Taner's mind, rather than a name, so he won't miss it

(Good luck!)
(Thank you, that was last year's. Dalle-3 still has it's own style that I like, even if I don't use it as often)
(Also, here's a roll for Taner recruiting for the day)

I think some of those name ideas are good!

I'm guessing the whole recruiting thing didn't bear any fruit? That's fine, I expected it'd end up like that. It's going to be like 80% luck in the end, In feel.

Yeah, those are all, um, issues. Still, I think you have the best bet of anyone, with illusions.

She does. I also think her typing allows her to eat more sweets than anyone else, and it's actually healthy for her. I wish that was me.
She should!
Gonna be hard to catch someone who's a few regions worth of land away. :P

Oh well. I dunno if I'd like being in a plane anyways, lots of people are scared of flying, so that'd probably get kinda noisy for me.
A little different, but pretty much. And yeah that's the uh, thaaat's the main problem. I really wish I didn't stand out so much, it'd make things So much easier.

I know, I was mostly joking. Mostly.

..Why do I feel like you're not just being hyperbolic with those examples.
Okay, maybe I Could accept a little help then, if you're this okay with it. Pretty sure I'm not harboring some freaky curse, I just look funny.

ssso i totally could have been doing that the whole time? guhhhhh. Like, I'd still be having issues, but I at least wouldn't have had to be stressing about some weirdo catching me.
Do they sell those friend balls in Unova? That's uh, technically the closest place to me right now.

Fiore or the other ones might be nice for that, yeah.

Don't say that too loud, someone might decide it'd be funny to give you bones.
I dunno, I never really thought to measure how far out of town I could go before it got quieter.

I think PB is fine, but I see the issue now, yes. I feel like I would rather explode several times over than be called Quark.
...but I'm not much better with names, honestly. There's a reason I'm still just Me after all this time.
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I only gave two. So. I am assuming you just mean, the one that isn’t “Mark”.

You are right. I asked Quin for advice, but there’s not much to say. I can only wish you luck.

I thought so.
Eventually you’ll make some in-person friends. By then, you’ll be required to have some sort of name. It’ll sort itself out.
Okay! Honestly, I think it probably doesn't matter what music you share, as so few people bump with music. Which is a shame, I think it should become a habit here, it's a more fun bump!

Uh, well, that feeling you're getting may be accurate, is why. Trainer life can get very strange sometimes.
Of course I am!

I mean, I'm not sure it's something people talk about a lot, so even if you were to try and look up Pokeballs, you might not have seen something about being able to do that-- that's one of the benefits of having friends, you can come across knowledge of things that you never would have otherwise
I know they sell them in Goldenrod and Saffron. Let me look this up...
...I'm actually not seeing any place in Unova that lists them, which is odd. Maybe a smaller, specialty shop? Or maybe order them online to a PO box? Huh, It's strange that they aren't as readaibly avilable in Unova as they are in Johto, I wouldn't heave expected that.
(Fun fact: thanks to this conversation, I just realized you can't get Friendballs in Black&White for some reason)


"Quark" may not have been to his liking, but it's better than "Quest" which is what I would have suggested, ha.

Thank you! I've had varying degrees of luck so far.
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Oh I'd just need that, for you to learn how to make it rain. Don't even think about it. Especially you.

Good, can't wait, this forsaken place would really use some nice coat of white.
It wasn't literal

I doubt that.

I don't know how much I believe that, honestly
I made sure my bed can support a lot of weight. I like my team being near me.
It uh, also helps when Kong comes over.
Eventually, yeah. I sure hope I've got Something in mind by then, or else I might get a nickname from doing something dumb.

Honestly yeah, I think it'd be a lot more fun than just smacking the A button and sending it.

Wow, uh.. yikes. Sorry you've had to deal with that? Jeez.
I appreciate it.

To be fair, I haven't really looked into pokeballs very much, didn't think I would have much use for them.
Hmm. That's.. unfortunate. Could look for a local store like you said, maybe an import place? Or, yeah, could just order one, if I can get a drop off box set up. Might need to find a costume someone tossed out for all that, though.
Aren't they one of those fancy handmade balls? Might be why they're kinda scarce over there, they're a bit more uh. Industrialized.
(Funky. Still need to play through gen5 at some point.)
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Nothing to apologize for. That’s what I mean, though. You may be given a nickname. One that you do not like.
And it will stick. Because it will be funny.
Maybe with enough time you’ll warm up to it.
Honestly I have no idea how it happened.
I used to stick to only my Daycare, and then someone here convinced me to go to an OPEN in Unova
Suddenly a few years later here I am
what is an open
Basically a Tournament that doesn't have any preliminary requirements like regular league tournaments
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They would be a big help, if there was a more permanent disguise somehow, that'd be perfect.

I think most Fairy types could live off exclusively sugar

Yeah I prefer to just transfer places in my friendball if I don't want to travel on foot to see the sights.
The only thing I can think of is to ask a witch about some sort of magical disguise so people don't notice you, maybe ask one if they post?

I... already know Rain Dance, known it since I was a Zorua actually.
But don't worry I know Sunny Day too!

Point is it's not true!

I do it all the time, can't eat human food all the time- it's expensive! So while we travel we'll gather berries and fish and eat simple stuff like that.
It's totally true

That's not what I was talking about when it came to food. I meant not eating stuff that was actually safe to eat.
Going hungry for multiple days in a row
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There is not a single day where I don't find a new reason to hate you more.
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and even later now


"He's have to get through me first for disturbing my sleep."
>Probably he would do it
"Cultists or not."
>Really serious about his rest
"Oh I know them. I would be not surprised if they were having the tenth flash orgy in twenty four hours now."

and I meant it

the worst thing, is that post-Cipher groups like Zodiac are still out there
I think Zodiac may be up to something, actually

maybe I can get uh, a new helmet
or old helmet, just renovated
could always just shape tinfoil around your head and see if it works

just gotta decide on a place
any recommendations?

there may be developments in pokeballs
>no ai training
Taner in shambles
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Not by choice, but there were times where I couldn't find much food back then

Point taken
If it's happening in Galar, I've got to imagine it'll happen in Kalos soon!

I'm glad you do, because while I'm grateful for any bump, I'm always extra happy to see yours.

Thanks. I think it's partly a normal part of being a trainer, but it's weird that it's happened twice, and both times it was very unexpected for me. But that's all behind me now!

Exactly, I think anyone else in your position would have come to the same conclusion.
I wonder if I could just, sell one to you for a dollar and send it via Lightspeed-- my Jolteon friend-- for delivery, if all else fails.
I didn't realize they were handmade, but they might be!
(It's a good one imo)

He has done work on a disguise like that, but it's hard to do perfectly.

I think so too. It's unfair!

>berries and fish
I've been able to practice a lot of different ways to cook fish, lately! It's been fun.

Adorable, I love it!


>there may be developments in pokeballs

>I think Zodiac may be up to something, actually
If you say so, but I felt like that may have been a bit harsh.
Right, right. I'd hope it was something music related, at least.

Sometimes all you need is a little push, I guess. Get the ball rolling, as they say.

That does sound really convenient! I could certainly use a break from walking everywhere.
Hmm, that might work, actually. If Beryl pops up I guess I can run it by him, at least.

..uh. I dunno what Zodiac is, but I'm not sure I like the sound of 'post-cipher,' regarding it.
Honestly I don't miss the helmet, it didn't really fit right cause of my horns, so it was kinda uncomfortable.
you must really be into tin foil these days, huh?

Oh? What kind of developments?

nice outfit
looks uhm, good, and comfortable

Well, now that I've got a way to charge my stuff again, I'll try and pop one out every once in a while.

Is it? I don't feel like most trainers would uhm, get assassins sent after them. That seems like a uh. A special case.

Hopefully there aren't that many people in this kind of situation. It's kinda rough.
Maaaybe, as long as it's not too much trouble for them.
I'm just kinda assuming, since it's a ball I haven't really seen around much, and you mentioned it being more common in johto. I know they've got some weird artisinal pokeballs over there.
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You responded like how I would’ve responded. So that should reassure you.
I’m not sure what nicknames could be derived from your music-listening, but maybe it’ll motivate you into advocating for an actual name instead.
Good to hear! I wondered to what we owed this sudden reemergence!

I think it must happen all the time, sort of a rite of passage for trainers! It happened to both Red and Gold, kind of. Okay, maybe not... But I do think being a trainer makes a person more likely to encounter things like that. Once. Maybe twice. I'm hoping never 3 times.

True, it's, uh, not a great position to be in. Though I'm hoping it'll get much better and not so rough!
I always do ask him first, but he's never said no to a delivery. I think he enjoys it, the idea that he's going across the world and getting something done fast gives him a thrill of accomplishment similar to battles.

They do. I bought mine in a department store, but the Goldenrod store has a lot of stuff other places don't, it's one of the biggest I've ever seen, the building has, like, a ton of floors. It doesn't exactly look hand crafted, or if they are, the person behind them has done so many that they all look very similar.
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Hmmmm... Maybe...
That'd take time away from my time with Sammy and also general shenanigans, though...

Maybe -you- should open a bakery, Doro, with all that cake. Ahuhuhu~

A whole slice? Wow!
Well it's always something.

(Also it turns out everyone was using ADetailer this whole time and I wasn't!)
(But it bricked my Forge so I had to use Reforge instead...)
(I'll experiment to see if I still get the same weird issues, then send you a hopefully cleaner catbox for you to check out in any case)

>While they talk, Backpack Ghost the Rotom Radio tunes in to a Paldean radio, playing a little samba music as background music while they talk
>It's probably not this but it's the same type of vibe
>He makes sure not to play it too loudly as to avoid being annoying or disturbing anyone (or not at all if this is too late at night and people are sleeping)
"A phone could be useful, to make calls! Like in case of an emergency or something."
>Something Star would like as an extra precaution, no doubt
>Though it's also possible that it's something else...
>I started typing out a whole thing but I figured it'd be more fun if Taner and Star found out on their own, maybe by talking to someone in their immediate circle
>But yes, the good kind of weirdness
"Yes well, I needed to hear what was going on, to know what item to push to the front of the backpack!"
>The radio then grins at Star
"It's the least I could do... It's also -all- I could do."
>From within the backpack anyway
>As for that...
"Umm, I have no idea! I don't remember what my old name was so..."
>The speakers on each side of the radio curl up slightly, as if shrugging

(And thanks!)
(Oh, I knew it seemed familiar!)
(Another 0 eh? I guess if we're going by even-odds it's good, but by 1-8 standard it would be quite bad lol)
(Also if you want to play one of those recruited mons, I'll try very hard to give them some screentime for once!)
Oh goodness. Please no. You don't wanna know how many unnatural motions I make with my body on a daily basis.
Just wondering, since like, you might wanna know if you're gonna move in somewhere.
Actually -where- are you right now? You don't have to tell me like, your actual coordinates, I'm not trying to dox you, just wondering if you live like, in a cave, or something.
You probably already answered that and I didn't read so there's that, too.

Believe whatever you want.
Makes sense, yeah.
Kong's probably in the lower quad digits as far as pounds go.


>Another guttural rumbling laughter from the big soft lad
"Hohohahah well I don't doubt you'd try to fight Lugia himself just to stay cozy, but I'm not so sure that'd be worth it."
>Pat pat
"Well, a while ago I might've been interested in starting a cult, but... I dunno, don't really feel like it nowadays."
>Must be all that Tanering. It takes its toll on one's evilness
"Yeah, sounded like it. Actually a bunch of them were eating the carpet, and made Taner do it. No idea why."
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I see, hmm

Can Fea live off just sugar? For some reason I feel like he doesn't count

I'm glad to have some variety to the fish, heh

Yep, doubt I'd be able to do all the traveling I do if I couldn't just instantly zap myself over to the general area I wanna be
There'll be a price but I can vouch for Beryl and Tempest at least!

I've just been throwing together random things to see what works and what doesn't

Oh true... still, where do you find the time to make five ice cream cakes in a day anyway?

Sssssshush you
I don't. That's why I need Taner's help.

No but seriously do you ever think about

>Halfway through reading Kauket's post, Doro gets distracted by a small child calling out nearby
"Mom, look, it's the trainer Zoroark Doro!"
>As they tug on their mom's dress
>The middle-aged woman looks over to Doro, then frowns
"What is she wearing...?"
>Nothing indecent, it's just impossible not to look indecent with that body, no matter the outfit
>The father, a salaryman type gentleman, ushers the two away
"Here, take Lucy to the car, I'll get her an autograph."
>He practically shoves them into the white SUV, before quickly making his way back to Doro

>Bowing his head, and perhaps staring for a bit longer than is appropriate, he then clears his throat
"Hello mister- Uhh, miss Doro! It's an honor to meet you in the flesh! I'm a huge rack- I mean huge fan! Huge, huge fan."
>He brings out a picture of Doro, with significantly less weight on his chest, hips, and thighs, as well as a pen
"C-Could I bother you to sign this picture? It would mean a lot to my Lucy."
>Is he sweating?
Maybe even two, if I want to exercise extra the next day! That's about as much as any person takes for dessert. Unless we are talking about really small ice cream cakes.

(I've never used ADetailer before lol)
(And that doesn't exactly make me want to!)

>That's a neat little effect
>Taner can't smile anymore than he already is, but it makes him happy!
"Okay, well, that's convinced me! So long as you are okay with that, we'll get a phone for you. And hey, since you're already out and about now, you'll be able to pick the type of phone you like!"
>Star thinks this is worth the money on multiple levels, both pragmaticly and just because it'll be a nice thing to do
>Titan or Scourge? Not sure who else would know. Sharon?
"Well, you know a lot about us already then! And, I know a bit about you-- I know that your helpful and friendly and like to sort things, and I'm glad to be able to talk to you now! And I'm glad you enjoyed your stay enough to still want to stay!"
>Star nods to all this, she doesn't need to talk much when Taner's just saying everything for her
>Then, names
"Uh, well, you probably already know that I'm, uh, fairly bad with names. Hmm. Rad? Rad-o? Stat? 909? Wave? F.M.? Cast? Um... Yeah no I'm not great at this."

(Oh, I didn't then think about that! Hmm... Well, if I did play one, not sure how much they do on screen, really. Just a wild Pokemon who likes the idea of getting out of the wild enough to go to farm life, maybe a bee Pokemon who's nest was destroyed or something, or maybe not even one who wants to get out of the wild for any particular reason other than being bored and wanting to try something new-- that'd be something bigger, maybe a Venusaur, maybe on the slightly older side (but not so old that Sekhmet would have to worry about them dying any time soon lol))
Fea probably can't live off just sugar. I think all the evolved Eevees are just a little bit closer to normal than others of their type, due to having a normal starting point. Anyway, even if he wanted to try I'm not sure we'd let him.

It's surprising just how much one can change the taste with different methods of cooking, different spices and sauces, all kinds of ways!

>>I'm a huge rack
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>The fox glances up from her pokegear when she hears her name.
>She blinks at them, her gaze flicking down af herself at the mother's comment
>...Nope, didn't forget anything. Must just be her body.

>When the salarymam approaches, Doro gives a friendly wave, expression still curious.
>She narrows her eyes slightly when she feels his gaze lingering.
>Only for them to promptly widen at his slip of the tongue.
>She's blushing, trying to focus on the "huge fan" part and NOT the "huge rack."
"I- T-Thank you. Miss or mister, either is fine since this body isn't permanent."
>With that odd explanation out of the way, Doro looks at the picture of her old self
>She'll have that body back eventually.
>Nodding, Doro takes the pen and picture...
>...And after looking around for a place to write without success, she sighs and rests her picture on her massive rack.
>The busty Zoroark signs slowly and deliberately. It wouldn't do to make a mistake after all.
>Once she's done signing the pic on her tits, she holds it out to him.
"Here ya go! I hope Lucy likes it!"
>Then, after a pause
"You said you're a huge fan too, want anything signed yourself, or?"
>Doro figures since she already signed something she may as well ask.

Yeah makes sense, not -full- fairy after all
Probably for the best, I can't imagine him on a sugar rush.

I really should practice my cooking skills, think I'll help Inferno cook the fish next time.
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Hmmm... So no triple-decker, got it.

(Really? Huh, wild)
(It's okay, Reforge is really nice, from what I'm seeing! Seems a bit less ... Unstable than Forge, too? Maybe?)
(Here's something that you shouldn't have too many issues tinkering with. It's just the artist lora, a low light lora, and detail tweaker xl)
(All that needs to be done here is changing the artist lora to another number. If you set it to 0.4 you get freaky ogres with warped faces, but 0.2 looks nothing like krekk0v's style. But then at 0.8 you get less weird ogres and more typical Krekk0v heavy buffness, with some mild face warp. I have no idea what's happening)

>A very happy Tan
"I guess that's true! It'll be nice, picking the phone that I want!"
>Likely one of these three at least, for sure
>He gives another little radio giggle, like Alastor from Hazbin Hotel but a lot less creepy tumblr femboy-esque
"That's true, you do! And thank you! I wouldn't have stayed if you hadn't been so nice to me."
>He nods
>And then, names
"... Um..."
>Wow, no kidding
"You know I'm not -really- a radio, Taner! I can leave as a Rotom anytime I want, I think!"
"Here, lemme try!"
>In fact, he does!
>Color leaves the radio, returning to a boring old washed out dark gray, as a Rotom seeps through one of the speakers like a poltergeist
>It floats in front of Taner
>... And then emits a bunch of little Bzzt noises
> :O
>Before sinking back into the radio
"... I forgot I need something with a speaker to talk!"

(Well I figured it would be a way to have more interactions without being limited to Star going in to check up on things)
(Either could be cool, really! Also yes lol)

(Aaaand goodnight)

>Without the shadow of a doubt, it's the body

>He nods a few times
"I see, I see... A shame it isn't! I mean, it um, helps to distinguish you from other Zoroark!"
>And from every angle, at that
>Still, he has no idea why Doro has such a body, but he's not complaining
>Even focused on the picture, Doro can feeeeeel the white-collar worker's stare on her... Writing support
>He shakily grabs the picture
>The picture that was just pressed into Doro's tits
"T-Thank you! Oh she absolutely will!"
>He blinks a few times at the question
"H-Huh? Oh! Yes I um, well, no actually... How about a picture, for the occasion?"
>He slides over to Doro and sets about to taking a selfie with the busty Zoroark
>He goes to put his arm around her but it's clear he's struggling to reach around her without somehow bumping into either that huge boobage or those motherly hips
>This might result in some hover hand
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Goodnight everyone!

Though as far as the Pokedex is concerned, he is full fairy.
Oh dear. That does indeed sound... uncomfortable.

Inferno and I will both be glad to help, you can just watch us, and we'll explain everything we're doing next time we cook!

I mean, if we did a triple decker I'd still get one slice, so maybe that's best actually!

(Okay, I just put that in and hit generate, with the exact same settings, and...)
( https://files.catbox.moe/bn1wak.jpg)
(Which isn't perfect looking by any means, still has some funky-ness going on (those eyes tho, and where them arms going), but uh... not even close to the image of pure noise you ended up getting)
(I changed nothing whatsoever for this, I don't understand)
(Okay, wait, I just noticed I don't even have two of the loras you are using, lowlight and add-detail, so of course they aren't activating)
(So... it's probably one of those, lol)
(I'll download those and try it with that and see what changes)
(Okay, it's not the add-detail one, that works... so lowlight?)
(Was that a Pony specific lora, or an XL lora? Pure XL loras can sometimes mess up Pony)

>Yes indeed
>This is probably happening the night after he beats the gym, so it's a very good night for him indeed!
"Yeah! It's exciting, and then if you want you can get a case too, or even collect cases, like clothes!"
>Says the guy who only wears one set of clothes pretty much ever
>Okay good, I haven't watched Hazbin Hotel but I know Alastor is bad news lol
"Well, I'm glad you did!"
>Then, names
"I know, but I never have seen you any other way yet, plus they felt better than like, generic Rotom names... I told you, I'm not good at this."
>And then he exits the radio
>Taner will have hello as he floats in front
>I'm assume even Star can't translate that
>Taner blinks
"Well, good thing a lot of things out have a speaker nowadays!"

(That could work, yeah)
(I'm starting to be more set on the Venusaur)
(But for now, goodnight!)
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Tough night tonight, everyone. My family has had the same Pokemon as a guardian, friend, and a part of the family for three generations now. Last night he passed away and I'm not handling it well.
Best wishes.
Thank you. He was obviously getting older and getting close to "moving on" as it were, but.. I guess there's no "good" time for it to happen. My Grandfather and him were so incredibly close, and then he lived alongside my father, and now me.. I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
It sounds like he had a long life. I am sure he was happy for that. And just as much, I am sure he would appreciate your grieving. So, grieve. The burden of growing old, is that you become responsible for remembering those who passed on before you. He must have been relieved to know there’d be someone to remember him, as well.
I guess so.. our Shrine has just always had a guardian like him. He is.. or was.. strong, faithful, loyal, respectful, kind, generous, and always there to comfort and guide others. Dragons are considered quite rare and he was special even among them, having decided to live alongside us for so long.
I've barely been able to tend to the shrine at all so far this morning or prepare for the upcoming festival in the main city.

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