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Impregnated edition

Post, draw or discuss girls being bred by animals or Pokemon
No males fucking animals or Pokemon

Old Mega Links
Pic collection: https://mega.nz/folder/f8w0WaQD#ZqdnYdsDsi2y4dMMX7jSPg
Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e4a0ae184a5c302f1bb00d25cd34c82c2074ada3
Beast edit templates: https://mega.nz/folder/9rhiQSIB#Sg3-qoOocPjV1g8MeuapGA
Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f07f63fc8c729a0b763497e84bd021b008e8dd2a

Last Thread: >>70720723
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>the pound
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I was told my wife would be a great fit for this thread... is that true?
She definitely looks like she is enjoying it.
I don't know, do you think she deserves to be here, anon?
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Interspecies impregnation~
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If she enjoys it, then what can I say against it <3

She's definitely built with a large frame, thick thighs, wide hips... Might be more than just deserving to be there, might be fate at this point...
Maybe you're right, maybe she's destined to have her pussy knotted and reshaped till it's unrecognizable. For a husband, you don't seem to mind your role is gonna get replaced by common mutts.
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It's not my fault if she looks so good with animals <3
You generated that yourself?
Happy wife, happy life eh?
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AGP friends?
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i NEED to tongue kiss that urethra
make out till you're drunk <3
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>ywn be a young girl again so you can give your first to the family dog
fuuuck, her faceeee~~~<3
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does your wife practice first or start with the real thing.
She went straight for the real thing, like a good girl.
I confess that I, meanwhile, had to train myself a little first.
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Ako finally got some quality beast art. From one of the kings, no less.
Did you know that dog sperm can still enter a human ovum? It won't implant and there will be no cell division, but it'll basically become useless and inert though. No other sperm will be able to enter it.
About time for her to join the family~
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Right? I've been wanting Siu art of her for as long as I can remember. Polki also drew her when the dress alt came out, but it was one of the rare ones where he didn't have a dog involved. Such a fucking shame.
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I did! And it's insanely hot. I wish they could truly impregnate us.
>Lifehack: Fuck your dog for free contraception!
I like to think of it as her waiting for an opportunity or building up courage. All these nights with nothing but doggy videos and her woefully incomparable fingers.... perhaps a few recollections of when she overheard or stole a glimpse of other girls doing it~
But now, she finally gets to experience it and get filled, fucked, knotted, used and bred like the bitch in heat she trained herself to be <3
Such a lucky girl.
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And even better? It seems that very same dog is the one that's getting to fuck so many students and shipgirls, like a literal hentai protagonist having all of the girls to himself. Which girls from each of the big gachas, or even vtubers, would you want to see Siu draw with that lucky boy in the future?
Taihou would be incredible, Siu already came close with the other art and the solo in a bunny suit...
Just imagine a bunnybitch like this willingly letting herself be turned into a cocksleeve for that dog's knot~<3
I'd be so goddamn jealous of her....
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You seem so eager about the whole thing... How would you feel about teaming up and indulging some of those fantasies even further? There's a whole sea of girls waiting for that special treatment, and you could experience it all from their perspective~
b-but I apparently just learned he did draw some art of her worshipping knotcock... oh goddd~~
I'm afraid i'm in no state to keep talking, and that im gonna be busy till i'm too exhausted to chat <3 <3
so uh ill just leave two other girls that deeply, deeeeeply NEED to become knotwhores, Asuna would love to invite them im sure <3 <3 <3
tysm and bye~~~
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Well, one wish has already been granted! I suppose I'll have to keep an eye out for you next time, there's just way too much fun to be had.
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This is a great one. I love girls begging to be knocked up
This check out, Mel is dumb enough to get raped and impregnated by a dog for a real
*Smart enough
*Lucky enough
So I know real stuff isn't allowed, but what about posting pictures of real girls you wished fucked animals?
*Horny enough
Let's be honest, everything else is irrelevant with enough knotlust
I'd say that's fine as long as it's not showing the real thing.
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Nice knotslut trips~
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well in that case, I'd like to see lowkeydeadinside get fucked by a pig.
What do you think the odds are that she's let a dog hit?
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I wouldn't tempt fate, just keep it fictional
No idea but the thought itself is hot.
I wish I was a millionaire or something so I could offer one of these girls a ludicrous some of money to film a private, personal video of them getting pounded by one of my dogs.
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PekoShio sex with dogs
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I've heard some rumors about this girl too, but only saw the rumors in passing.
I'm going to pretend the rumors are true because fuck it's hot.
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It's hard to say these days, honestly. Do you have a tag? Would love to trade girls with you.
I have no discord tag for this, I prefer - and hopefully understandably so - to keep my identity separate from this stuff, even if I am anonymous on this board.
Guarantee 100% this stuff happens with the thots that get invited to Dubai and such. At least a few of them are bound to develop a taste for it even after coming home.
This is in the scenario that half the white/Asian cosplay girls aren't already into it. There's a ton of them that have posted "hints" for lack of a better term.
It's fun to speculate whether the girl you shoot nutsludge to is currently getting knotted off camera by the fattest dog dick imaginable.
Even more fun when it's a girl you wanna be :3
I am not into agp, but you do you I guess.
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Well, now you need to post an example!
I wonder how many do that because it keeps guys interested and how many genuinely feel that way.
This is gonna be a stretch, but I might as well ask:
Does anyone have that one image set from Peakjump involving a dogsitter fucking a guy's dog while he's on vacation?
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Just a college girl making a few extra bucks at a club. She got a deal with the boss the clients won't be touching her, so she figured it'd be fine...
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A secret club just for beastsluts... Bet that'd be a fun way to earn some cash
She didn't know at first, a paw on the logo could have just been flavor or whatever. She thought at worst she'd wear s catgirl outfit, no big deal, regular party stuff.
Then they brought out the dog after her first poledance. Apparently she did really well and "somehow" the clients learned she doesn't know about the highlight of the club. So they all paid for her to do the... full performance.
I wonder what's more tempting for such a first timer, the money or the dog? We both know what it will be in due time, but it has to start somewhere too.
Poor Rosa, couldn't make it in the big leagues quite yet. Shell have to keep making do with just her online channel...
Getting to show off her lovemaking with her darling on the stage was a huge dream for her...
Wolf girls ARE girl wolves! It's cruelty to take them away from their natural mating partners~
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No shit, I've heard about that with her too. Now I'm really wondering about the validity of it.
She would look gorgeous with a red rocket between these tits...
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I know, right? What exactly are you imagining with her?
I don't even know, I feel like she's be perfect with anything. A Labrador, maybe? But really what matters is seeing her body start to quiver in pleasure as his knot rubs and presses against her crotch. A shaking yet eager hand guiding him towards her dripping wet hole.
Maybe a glimpse of her face... It'd be cute if the only picture of her face was in orgasmic bliss as the knot filled her.
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And what do you think she would have done to condition him to her body? He's obviously not going to just take a look at her and have his instincts flare right up. She'd have to train him and properly get him used to each part of her, after all.
Slowly, bit by bit train and encourage him to come to her when he feels the heat. Mix in her juices with his treats. Learn how to recognise when he wants to rutt. Maybe start with a toy dog, they sometimes like to hump them. Hold the toy between her thighs while he goes at it. Pet him and praise him for that.
Finally, one time she'd put away the toy and praise him lots and lots while he gets closer to that familiar flavor...
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And for more lighthearted fun? Like licking her ass and tits.
Peanut butter, the ol' reliable.
Goal is to reach a point where it's not needed and he likes to lick them for the sake of it, but in the meantime she might look a bit strange buying so much peanut butter at the local store every week...
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How many jars do you think she's going through per week? Let your imagination run wild as to how she would prepare and present each treat to him.
Early on, maybe due to being overeager, it's half a jar per session. Just to make extra sure he goes for it. So like 5 jars a week, maybe 6.
Later she gets a bit more practice and the dog is familiar enough with the idea that these places are really tasty. But she still needs a bunch of it to make sure he's really excited while licking it up. Let's say quarter jar per session, but naturally they do it more often. Round things out with some butter used as intended (cumming from doggie tongue is exhausting) and
consumption remains around the same 5-6 jars.
Not utterly insane, but definitely higher than average especially when it's week after week without fail. And might raise eyebrows when she's visibly distressed when it's out if stock one time.
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Pretty incredible that she's using all that OnlyFans money to buy absurd amounts of peanut butter like that... The real question though: how is she presenting her ass and tits respectively to him? Getting used to the action is one thing, but when there's no peanut butter, she'll have to get him used to certain visual cues as well.
All fours is a classic but really, after all these photoshoots she might be more used to sitting in ways that show off her curves and naughty bits. Not all of these might be cues that a dog picks up on, but a few adjustments and...
Let's just hope this doesn't bleed back into the photoshoots, the fans might feel like her poses are strangely primal, animalistic. Needy...
Sound cues would also help, but I think you can imagine what kind of commands she'll try and teach him.
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Some pretty good ideas there, it would be no wonder why her fans started to speculate about things. Especially if there's some slobber that might not have been wiped up. Though what I more so meant was, would she be jiggling her ass? Bouncing her tits? Anything along those lines to give him some eye candy before he feasts?
Cute girls having their mouth knotted is underrated.
Maybe a bit of his fur. A bit of his shadow. Hell, the dog himself. Nothing wrong with that, he just happened to walk into the shot, isn't it cute? It's another matter when it's a photo from the bust up. Who's to say what's happening down there?
I see what you mean. That would definitely be in order. She can't quite tell if all that jiggling, bouncing and rubbing helps encourage him but it doesn't turn him away and, well... she feels really good presenting herself like that to him.
It won't be long before he starts to understand what "come take your bitch~<3” means...
The best!
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>Who's to say what's happening down there?
Probably an eager "roommate" slurping up a storm while those giant cheeks jiggle and drip with saliva. How long do you think each licking session would typically last? And just imagine if he got too excited during one, finally deciding to mount her, but since he's overly excited and in such a rush, he just wedges between her massive ass cheeks and starts hotdogging her like crazy. At this point, she's a bit too afraid to take it further, but doesn't want him to stop either. How do you think that whole interaction would play out?
A whole lot of half-hearted attempts to stop him and push him off turning into not so half-hearted ones as he remains stubborn. Her thoughts running a mile a minute, realizing just what is happening and that this is all her doing. How she can't push him off now. How he's gonna cum on her. She's just relieved he didn't somehow push inside her, and she's pretending to ignore that her pussy's been wetter than she ever since the moment he began mounting her.
Now there she is, his weight holding her down and forcing to accept it as he's humping into her two bottom prides and joys, the very same ones thousands of paypiggies cum to every day. The very same one she loves showing off online every day. The very same ones that are now being used like a fleshlight by a dog that can't comprehend any of these concepts.
The very same ones that are shivering in sheer, unrestrained bliss.
She doesn't even remember when she stopped trying to tell him to stop.
Had that in the same folder, didn't you?
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Admittedly one of my few open folders with a bunch of stuff thrown into it. I like that you acknowledge that the dog has no concept or appreciation of what's in front of him and what he's experiencing though. I haven't really thought about that factor much at all for some reason. Can you go into more detail about that? The jiggling must be insane from the size of that ass getting hotdogged like crazy.
excellent concept but i wish she were more expressive in second panel
The dog hasn't the slightest idea what's an e-girl, what's paypiggies, or what it means said e-girl is gleefully offering her holes to him and him alone. Hell, he has barely any understanding what's a human, only that she is part of his pack. And that she's showing subservience now, which can only mean he's in charge. After enough licks, sounds and sights he'll figure out she is a female, and then put two and two together - this bitch wants to mate.
It will all take him a while, and he'll certainly get sidetracked a few times along the way by stuff like food or sleep or play, but sooner or later he'll learn to adapt to his role as the alpha in this pack of two, and begin to work on making it a bigger pack. Or at least trying to, with sincere wishes he succeeds from both him and his bitch.
At no point will he grasp that thousands upon thousands of men crave to be in his place, he will simply take it for granted.
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Are there any porn games like picrel?
God, I fucking WISH
Really underrated pov if you ask me
>Give a titjob
>Either hole
Why is this poster pretending they're a woman?
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Is requesting written stories allowed, assuming they’re clearly fictional?
I think so?
>see that set yesterday
>it's with niggers
Why does he always upload the garbage first?
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AI slop anon here. I finally finished the DK x Peach set. At first, it was just going to be a few pictures in an 'immediate loss' kind of style, but the project ended up being pretty fun, and it turned into a collection of 74 pics. Originally, it was just a personal project, but since there was an anon who wanted to see something featuring Peach, I figured I might as well post it:


I'm satisfied with the result, but it was a hell of a lot of work, so I don't know if I'll make more sets in the future (but if I do, they'll probably be a lot smaller)

Anyway, here's also the folder with all the requests and random gens from past threads:

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Very nice, they look pretty great.
If you care for another request, Starfire or Raven with a dog or horse form of Beast Boy would fit in well.
Doing god's work, anon.
Did you know human sperm can enter a hamster ovum, and this is used so frequently in lab settings that they have a special name for the human-hamster hybrid cell?
Redpill me on women fucking animals throughout history
she's an icon
Actually considered a death sentence during Hittite reign, IIRC.
Which "Z" stands for zoophilia?
Nicole definitely takes knots. I wonder if it's like a hobby in between her "work" or if it replaced that entirely.
All three of them
ZZZ girls are made for beasts.
Caesar fucks horses by the way
The former is more interesting imo
There's not enough stuff about girls that take human and animal cocks. Yes, dedicated herself to dog/horse/any other cock is insanely hot but there's room for other approaches I think.
For example Nicole here might just be so much of a slut she lets anyone, man or beast, tap that ass whenever they like.
Alternatively there can be a cucking aspect to it. Inviting her darling for some fun times immediately after a horse cock stretched her and left her pussy gaping. If her darling still commits to this, there's a chance she doesn't even feel him inside her. Or that the only thing he feels is the horse's load inside her...
Just some musings
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nice stuff.
do you think youll be updating that second mega if you happen to make more stuff for yourself. would like to bookmark it if so
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Does this counts?
People generally don't make laws forbidding things that never happen, so from this we can deduce 2 things
1. Enough women had sex with animals that they felt they had to make a law for it
2. Women were down bad enough for animals that only the death penalty was considered a strong enough deterrent
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Vtubers loooove knots
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I don't think that's how he meant that sentence.
But really, historically speaking and even well into the modern age, most bestiality that actually happens is Arab men fucking goats, not women getting railed by anything.
Then again, that isn't exactly a crime in their society.
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