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>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.

>why /trash/?
We in ragna/v/ have a thriving ERP community, with many people often sitting closely to each other to DM and whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears. There are people that even have a fetish for younger adventurers known as "Novice" and will ERP accordingly with someone young, if you're into that. We in ragna/v/ even have female high priests in Prontera's church who use their bodies to cleanse our sins.

>what should I do to ERP?
You should get in character much like your role in the game as, that way you'll fully feel immersed within the world of Ragna/v/. As an example, priests are often very submissive and supportive, and they even have a romp with the God of Death Anubis, which is why you'll often see people joking about them being knotted by him. As long you get into character on who you choose, everything will turn out fine, our helpful members can guide you through your first time.

There are also blue threads regularly on /v/ and /vg/

Previous: >>70887145
Apart from Dancer, what is the most lewd class?
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So apparently I made pic related happen to some poor anon while complaining about a Vidya I like
I actually feel this way with startling frequency
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Don't act so smug, the exact opposite situation happened when we were chatting before and you know it!
Shouldn't you be "busy"~?
fast board today
I am innocent in all of this.
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Paladin's royal guard sprite
It's good. Would love to make each and every one using that sprite unholy
You could justify every female sprite as being extremely lewd if the right anon plays as her. That said, the ones that show a lot of skin like Dancer/Paladin are the easiest for most anons to work with.
Personal faves are sniper for those thighs, whitesmith and creator, all good
This is from Madoka, right? I've never bothered to see the show.
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Bratty, wide-hipped, thick-thighed, enTITeled high wizards need rape correction!
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i miss chastity anon
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When will we start being nice to eachother
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Seconding >>70961117, Wizzies are lewd despite showing so little skin because of how much is left up the the imagination!

t. coping high wizard
I don't play Rag, I'm just considering it, but they're in a little black dress with legs longer than their staves, it's very lewd.
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How good is she?
Firsthand experiences only, please.
bro what? how?
okay well, it works now...
I may be very stupid :(
well, its a 20 year old game, some issues with it interacting with modern hardware is to be expected. Btw did you run the 00 Ragnav Patcher yet? Do that before starting up, will prevent a lot of crashes
I feel very stupid for having this explained to me in the thread, I just wanna bounce on laps already...
I just got on so I'll get a feel for it and download that in a bit—
Let us know if we can give you any help, game was designed with a philosophy alien to the modern game market and is really tricky/finicky.
And I'm sure there is more than one anon here that would accept some lap bouncing as sufficient payment~
I haven't done it with her in a long time for various reasons, but she's a good friend and I had fun with her. I'll probably do that again with her someday, but our schedules haven't quite lined up... I didn't expect to run into her again in this place, but it was a pleasant surprise. I wouldn't worry about things too much and have fun with her.

As for "firsthand experiences," I'll say that it's been long enough since we've done anything proper that it would belong in a thread for a different video game and leave it at that. By the way, if you're the new friend from the previous thread, the offer to introduce you to her still stands.
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Shut the fuck up I'll do what I want
Damn, my guildmate looks like that?
I'm in in the payon inn waiting if someone is up...
Far too late for me. I hope someone else can pay you a visit tonight, but it seems a little dead hours right now...
how do I get there...
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Haha, this was my post!
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I"ll be an autist and separate it on categories.
>Writing skill: 8/10
The fact she's not ESL, and has years of experience under her belt, are enough to put her way above the average roleplayer. Good vocab and good use of it, and her paragraphs are well sized without being excessive. Only weakness is that she's more reactive than proactive.
>Creativity: 7/10
She wont bore you, but it's mostly into vanilla activities even if she loves playing as a futa. There's plenty of scenarios in her head, and she uses in game elements to spice things up (items, locations, skills, etc).
>Flexibility: 7/10
Prone to fluffing up scenes, which is far from being a bad thing, although it may end up delaying things. She's a top-leaning switch, and knows how to use her body and her partner's. Also she can both rp or simply engage in lewd talk, and knows when to stop.
>Perversion: 7/10
In spite of how moderate she may come as, truth is she's open to very kinky scenarios and situations, does not filter based on gender, and likes to engage into trios and similar. Her vanillacore interests, however, mean that usually she's content with simpler stuff such as just fucking someone's holes while verbally teasing them, or viceversa.
>Seduction: 8/10
Her looks are both cute and inviting, and her way of approaching lewd scenarios is really seductive once she's confident her partner wont flake. She will throw you visual references too, without having to rely on them to be interesting.

In summary? She hot. Go fuck.
No wonder a certain someone fell for them
probably some dumb drama bullshit
based image choice btw
multiple whores have anons falling for them, even the newfag ones
t. insider
i wanna make an HP bar big and full!
People said Lull has a huge ass is that true?
Its inevitable that this happens sometimes, given the nature of ERP. Just be sure to be careful with others anons hearts, and be clear about your expectations.
t. tried to sleep around with no strings attached
spill the tea
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Dancer goes so far in wearing nothing that they don't feel that lewd at all.
Hunters are sexier.
This guy gets it midriff plus legs
>no reply
poor EU priestsluts, all the cocks were either asleep or claimed...
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When I'm freed of my reaponsibilities, little euro priest slut! We'll see you fucked yet!

>little skin
>dress rides up with every motion
>only bit of modesty is the big dumb capes they wear
>strut around like this all the time knowing that the only thing stopping them from being dragged off to be fucked in public are their personal restraint and presumably some ice walls
High Wizards are purpose built for fucking!
I have a knight that needs a dedicated healer
why do i feel so lonely now
To that anon that said they wanted to meet at 1 or 2, I can't make 1 but I'll be back in time for 2 prease understandu
Dont let your memes just be dreams, Anon. Go find that someone and tell them how your feel.
>Just go out and talk to people
I hate this extrovert talk so fucking much
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like Nigga like bro like dude just bee urself senpai
i'll hit my breaking point one day and seek somebody out
Unironically you should in a server that isn't ragnav, someone that'll be normal
one instance of drama besides lull doesn't mean the whole server is bad
You know who I meant and I'm not even talking about myRO
Who are you talking about?
Don't play dumb
I really don't know
how do you guys avoid dying of embarrassment while erping? I can't imagine myself doing it without cringing to death.
years of training?
a bit of both, you gotta start somewhere man
horny usually overpowers embarrassment once you get into it and adjust to the other person
a bit of both, but it can help to get as in character and into your imagination as possible
if you're a schizo like me you can completely disassociate from your body and focus on the sexo
Fuck this server, it's always the same shit
>sit down, waiting for a party to happen
>start talking to a friend and they sit by me
>get multiple messages from other anons
why does everyone assume we're fucking right there?
>ERP people sitting along
gee i wonder why anon
>completely disassociate from your body and focus on the sexo
for me it seems like a super power, and that's coming from a eratokfag btw
if it helps, don't just whore out immediately, see if you can find a consistent partner to start with
when are you usually on anon~
Later at night, for north america. How do you feel about actually grinding on occasion?
"grinding" or grinding?
like, 'playing the game' grinding. """grinding""" is a given, trust me
meant for >>70977636

that sounds pretty nice
im to grind~ im only around late late though like 2-3am est onwards
im into*!
He gave good head too
Ouch, at that hour Im a zombie. If I can I might come say hi, but if your looking for a more regular thing then Im not the one for you
is this post true?
not even you guys tolerate lull here?
Look in the previous thread and scroll through it. Lull got desperate enough to start posting fake meets lmao
I dont think we ever gave them a (you)
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pretty much
a few anons probably got baited by the fake meets, and some anons also called him out a few times too, but otherwise they completely ignored him after the initial callouts
He was a piece of shit to my best friend and ran him off the server so yeah fuck that fucking nigger
>my post got crosslinked here
I just needed to vent and didn't feel right targeting anything else... the anons I'm upset with don't deserve such acerbic words...
Yes the fuck he does
Maybe one does. The others don't. I know how those anons are; they either didn't mean it or it was something that simply added to the day and it isn't worth blowing up at someone over.
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...wrong thread? Not that I'm complaining...
are there cute gay boys
There is one but I already claimed him, sorry!
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I want sex but I don't wanna meet people right now.

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