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Vee Plush Edition

Luz's diary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sRP2-bu0Kk&ab_channel=Nobody
Lilith's letter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUzjJUAOCsw&ab_channel=Nobody
Hunter's Palisman observations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB2weXswe6M&ab_channel=Nobody

Disney Channel Youtube links:

Disney+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/disney-the-owl-house/4cOTrEy0YyaX
S1 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/3IYw3YDC#FjiRKOsXoFhEQ9iwR7Ed4Q
S2 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/FgEUTCCZ#JjmqdMo-fLdN5YcehlwzXQ
S3 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/R4sgGLzD#S_PSz5CmWIbTN3cxU4T7sA
Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AeOCBycFbc&ab_channel=DisneyChanne
Dana's Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanaTerrace?s=09
Dana's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danaterrace/
Dana's Tumblr: https://danaterrace.tumblr.com

Dana's Interview with Rebecca Rose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KU70UFGF2
TOH VA Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXCpgyfp4Ak&ab_channel=CartoonUniverse
The Owl House's Soundtrack Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWFvisudffc&list=PLrYx0S9SwOZl0iky7Q_BkyzZ32iPhAtN0&ab_channel=BradBreeck
OfficialTOH Merch Hot Topic: https://www.hottopic.com/search?q=The%20owl%20house&start=0&sz=60
OfficialTOH Merch Hot Topic Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/37999031-1D49-4F0F-BA09-5231003D60CA
TheMysteryShack TOH Merch: https://themysteryshack.com/collections/the-owl-house
Dana and VA's QA: https://www.instagram.com/p/CeXgiaputl9/

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70940770/
Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/tohg/type/op/
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Telling Amity that she's the best witch on the boiling Isles. (Because it's true).
Cringe. You didn’t even talk about having sex with her
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For that one anon plus a random sketch I'm too lazy to finish
I know is the folds but I like to think that you drew her with really saggy tits
>Cinna and 17.5 year old Philip sharing a pizza
the answer I got from yesterday's message to shout factory.
Don't know what to say about this

Almost 18. How long till he is, anon?
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Why do you think she's the best? She's the best at sexo.
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Charting Amity's size on the wall to measure how much she's grown over the years
(Her bust size that is)
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Now if you excuse me I will go back to sleep
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(You) can't refute this.
Please don't reply to bait again guys
yup, hide and go on
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You're still drawing attention to it anyway. FAIL.
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Just realized that timeskip amity also has a big ass forehead. Is just that the little lock of hair there hides it.
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wake up sheeple
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also the fact that they drew her with surprise eyebrows for extra hiding, but adjust them and then...
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G̶o̶o̶d̶n̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶N̶u̶r̶s̶e̶s̶i̶s̶t̶e̶r̶
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Well yeah. Big foreheads don’t just go away when you turn 18 or something.
*farts in your face while you’re sleeping as revenge*
I think the funny thing comes from amity big forehead just being an animation/design mistake
"rips off her clothes and rapes her*
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When I think she's ready for it.
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if you wouldn't love your waifu is she went bald, then you don't truly love her
you sick fuck hes literally a child
It’s cool they live in one of the States (most of them) where 16 is the aoc :)
>luz sees Eda completely bald one morning
>"Eda! what happened to you?!"
>"whatchu mean kiddo?"
>"your hair?!"
>"oh, I didn't want to wear my wig today"
>"Well, yeah? Witches are naturally bald, we start to lose our hair when we hit our 20's"
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Age of consent is 14 in the Brazilian Isles.

It's here.
Posted by the Official Funko page from Instagram.
JC in heaven. There's nothing more annoying than dealing with a eyelash stuck in your eye.
*fucks him*
I'm bored with Belos 17.5 years old, it would be more fun if he was 25(and a 7 inch dick) and cinna age regression to 15 years old
>They really think that Amity is the main character.
I'm gonna choke.
Calm down Camilla.
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Oh I used the art in this as my profile picture once. Wish I had the money to buy the thing itself but I guess I'll have to resort to draw my own Belos body pillow
it will be more special that way I guess
>anon learns Frankenstein science just to make her husbando real
There's this one I was making a while ago but I forgot about it and his face isn't that good
with how many people rave about her in compairson to luz being a bit taken for granted up til near the end of S2 not surprised. The MC being the most popular character is an element of fandoms long gone
The pose distinctly reminds me of Alexander of Brennenburg.
I don't think it ever was a thing nor should be.
Populator never ever should reflect main character status, that's egotistical and retarded. Do people think Ash was the most popular character from the anime? No, but it doesn't change the fact it's his show.
you know I'm right
You're out of your depth, man.
cinna is almost a hag but i like old woman
W take. I'd make Eda and Lilith kiss.
She looks more like Glinda to go with that Elphaba (why does it look so much better than the TOH funkos though?)
Oh man… the loads I would feed this BITCH……………………..
It's a drawing concept.
It's not the real figure.
even Dana was conflicted.
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hagfucker be like
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which way owlsisterman
All, shup. I love her Timeskip regardless.
I don't know if the algorithm is fucking with me but I feel like all I see on X now is fat ass/thighed women art now. Even some irl stuff crops in now just scrolling through this stuff.
While all three look amazing, the second one is most appealing. It has that "secretly enjoys it" vibe.
Is swirly iris an anime way of representing looking around frantically?
middle one
She cute, draw her more
The three phases of straightening
>POV You're Hunter and forgot to knock
POV you ordered a jumbo bucket of drumsticks.
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Luz drawing I made for Carl!
>Carl and Cinna having an affair behind tohg's back
For shame
Carl grooming Cinna while Shup sits in the cuck chair
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Here’s an oc of mine
Yeah Carl dresses up as Belos for me and we have smooching sessions :)
This is just Adam from Hazbin
Fuck off, no they are not, his name is shemp
No need to make a fuss of it, IMG_anon
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smoke family gathering meets his wife amity be like
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this has been bugging me for 3 days. take it.
>take it.
Just like I told Vee last night
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Camila and Hunter like this
Now draw her giving birth.
Welp, in just two days from the backerkit, this figure got canceled
Which it's weird since they said that it needed 50 figures sold, not 200 but well.
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Yeah, in fact Eda and King are also in their default png pose.
But hell, it is wild how people identified first Amity being in her pose for being too girly I guess.
that hurts. But I said it before, the design of the head is a little ugly.
I genuinely believe the statue would have sold a lot more if it was just belos
Honestly, I don't think that has nothing to do with it.
For some reason the figures in backerkit are slightly more expensive than in Indiegogo.
Some people say that it's because the shipping fee are more expensive here or I don't know.

Titan Belos was left untouched but he should be 350 like Ford and Fro-bot.

A lot of things are more expensive except for Harpy Eda, Titan Luz and King because they are cheaper.
I think*
It's clear he didn't want this to work out, so who cares.

Why ask for $60,000 for a figure that was clearly going to be a hard deal for most people?
I'd just make my own 3d printed figure at this point
they do it parked in the garage way too
Nothing wrong with that. :|
Very cute! Your scratchy style makes these all work very well
Ok, this is canon now.
Literally everything works
It can also portray embarrassment or confusion
>Eda's brain has stopped working
>Overloaded sense of guilt
Good. Looked retarded anyway. Also grow up.
Well, I'm just going to buy the Hooty figure and the Azura figure from MysteryShack. I can buy the Funkos later next year.

Probably Studiobagg won't make TOH merch anymore since he canceled the Belos one so maybe I have to buy the Hooty one since I doubt it will be there in the re-selling of July-August.
My damn post got eaten

Not writting what i said, but the fact he was looking for ~$60,000 from that, for something clearly not that hot of an item, feels like sabotage to me.

Might as well just 3D print your own statue at that point.
*REWRITTING. Fuck this dogshit phone.
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again.
This dude purposefully makes shit that Owl House fans don’t want and then blames them for not paying assloads amounts of money for them.

He even said that after this drop he’s likely going to stop making any licensed figures and only make his own stuff, so why the hell would you not give fans products they would actually want to buy?
1 goddamn survey would’ve told you this figure was a dumb idea.
Man children crying
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>Lilith dressing as Luz to seduce Eda
This is canon
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You ever think about how your life turned out and just get exhausted from that?
not use to feel bad about the past. Focus on your future
Me on the right
Seeing some cartoon past Funkos, I never imagined for Pearl to be this bad.
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Not anymore
More of the same, why care
I mean my present. And basically, I can't imagine my future being better. If I work my ass off, it would merely not get worse.
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Owlsisterbros be like
Thinking negatively impacts you way more than you think. You gotta believe in the tomorrow and yourself.
Of course, thinking nice things wouldn't just do the trick, invest on yourself. Your problems are money? learn a trade, learn a language, invest on yourself. You feel depressed, find some help
All problems have solutions, they are hard but unless you are dying, all can be solve
I only do for not investing in my job money before Covid shat my life up since.

I used to also regret not getting that GF from elementary school who likely liked me like that, but I was far too autistic to do the right thing. But that's long behind me now.
I feel like at this point, this site, no, this general, is the only place left that still likes pre timeskip Amity. Every single artist I see just sticks to the timeskip look.

And no, it's not le age, some even draw the S1/2 looking "age" version, they just keep the ponytail hairstyle instead.
saw some toh art on memebook, the source was on the butterfly page.
The exodus may happen this time
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Blew four years in a specialized school and now I can't get licensed. Even if I do, it's not like I'm in love with the field, it would just be a way to get money.
>You feel depressed, find some help
Tried sertraline up to 200mg and felt nothing. Tried three different therapists and their view was essentially I should train myself to ignore anything shitty in my life.
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Or just bide my time until the maggots start feasting on my flesh
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It's a good style but I still hold my take that they don't draw teen Amity anymore in fear of being perceived as pedos
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>their view was essentially I should train myself to ignore anything shitty in my life.
Same, basically you should just find hobbies so you can do something that distracts you from negative thoughts
Well then they are retarded because literally Pokemon girls get the most porn on planet Earth and Gamefreak actively encouraged it.
No correlation but I agree that their reasoning is dumb
But then I'd just be lying to myself about how much I hate my life.
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>Matt Braly voices support of the pro trans Moon Girl episode
>Tribefag is suddenly really quiet the past few days
Genuinely too funny
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why is Emity a slut?
source? and who is matt
He's been gassing it up in the Amphibia thread shilling the Matt lore book and how the funkos ToH got is an embarrassment compared to it. I do feel like, yes, lore, cute exclusive art, sure, but it's just artwork. Anyone can draw art, and official art always end up online eventually.

You can't do that for 3D figures. I'd rather it not just be funko, but I want figures and plushies, not drawings and lore that should have just been in the show itself. This isn't a video game from 1993, tv shows shouldn't have lore not present in the show unless it got canceled or something, which it DIDN'T.

Why do you call her Emity?
>Who is Matt
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because it sounds like Emity instead of Amity in Portuguese, and I think it's cuter
Oh, ok, didn't know that. Neat.
If there's one thing I wish for Drumf to do is to gas the trans schizos. Not a single fucking benefit has come out of those former incels.
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>caring for futashit
This with Odalia and Collector
I mean, Time skip Amity is a very good design.
Personally I think Amity's top designs are WWE Amity, Winter Amity and Azura Amity.

It's just I think people really believe that Amity has a hourglass body but not thicc.
Because she does, blindanon
Censoredship is a far greater evil and is pure hypocrisy at its finest
Some things deserve to be censored as I’m sure you’d agree if we went over enough things
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>conversation ended there
Kind of. Then I remember I’m still doing better than a lot of people with 70k in the bank from stipends and my own hard work and I feel better.
>i went dumpster diving. i never imagined i’d find trash………………..
Classic shitty shupita “”””””advice”””””” gonna go kill myself now thanks
I'm not easily offended. Espically now that I'm in my 30s
Almost as if the entire “”””field”””” is a scam founded on practical pseudoscience.
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>this artist is a futard
>voices support of the pro trans Moon Girl episode
well. can’t say im surprised. disappointed sure but not unexpectedly so. don’t know if there’s a word for it.
This. It’s funny when they let something slip and reveal their power level without even realizing thought. There’s A LOT of people like that.
Racism, sexism, nationalism and phobias are dying. Good fucking riddance.
Should have killed anyone too sensitive for what reality allows to exist since the very beginning of time, so we could finally evolve past religionrot.
sir this is a wendys
>Even if I do, it's not like I'm in love with the field, it would just be a way to get money
Same boat. Only I have a pretty well paying job but I have zero passion for it and it more or less shows. Sucks.
Sorry wrong thread.
They're definitely not dying worldwide.
WWIII says otherwise. This is the end of it all. It all stops after this.
>Watching some Q/A from x Youtuber in Insta.
>See this question and answer.
Didn't expect it, honestly.
>imagine if Belos was killed in the season 1 finale but the show kept going
I feel like a lot of shows do that kind of thing though.
>Racism, sexism, nationalism and phobias are dying
>so we could finally evolve past religionrot.
Dumb fuck sheltered American or terminally online bean spotted.
I think if done correctly it works fine. Monkie Kid pulled that off rather decently.
>Taking the bait
I always had this idea for a drawing of Luz and Amity catching Eda and Lilith having shmexo while coseplaying as Luz and Amity.
Do it, Carl
I'm not Carl
I have never felt so stupid in all my life.
I just now realized that the O in The Owl House logo is a palisman of Owlbert with the H as the handle. I only thought just the O was obviously of an owl and that being Owlbert, but I didn't know the entire thing was a palisman.

But it's not just that. I also just noticed that the L is also a palisman but upside down, and when you look at it being over the S, it makes it look like a snake... For Stringbean.

I never seen such foreshadowing in all my life.
Another one hits the filters.
Good night, baitsisterbros.
Dana was so good at foreshadowing that her fans had to point it out for her.
I have a very defeated attitude towards cartoons/animation in general.
I feel like I can't enjoy it anything anymore, so many good shows got screwed before during the pandemic and other reasons, and TOH was my breaking point, I still love those shows a lot but still I think more of those shows and how they got screwed that I can't enjoy the newer ones since there's no point for me to be emotional invested with the newer shows because of how easily they get screwed in these days and still having shows like TOH and Infinity Train and others living rent free in my mind.

I've been distancing himself from the animation industry from the newer stuff and just sticking for what I have watched since I feel like... it's just worthy.
I suggest just looking for other forms of media that still invoke the same feeling you got from animation. I literally stopped watching cartoons since 2014 around the time of SU, AT, Regular Show, etc but I didn't hate animation for it, it just wasn't for me. Then I watched every DTVA show from 2019 and a handful of streaming service shows like Hilda and Monkie Kid, and 8 out of ten of the time I enjoy them quite a bit.

If you have any hobbies that has an overlap it your interest in animation, like a video game with 2D animation like Cuphead e.g, give them a try, that might ease the concerns you may have.
I wish all of you would start your own thread or just plainly die
Agreed. Considering any post I would make wouldn't exist if the actual shitposters never came here.
Huh, neat.
Thanks anons, these are all cool
If the Demon Realm had gun technology, how would it work compared to other forms of magic?
It'd be a tool rather than an unique form of magic. We've seen it used with abominations already
It would still work like human guns, just using more magical sources as fuel instead of combustible powders.

Granted, Belos had TNT in the past so it's not like it wouldn't exist in the traditional form. I think guns already existed on the isles, they just figured magic was more useful/efficient than "primitive" firearms.
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Shup's BWC
Is there an uncensored for this?
Uhh, Flapjackbros?

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it's like soviet postcards with bullfinches all over again
Love seeing these in winter.
stealing Camila's clothes while she's at the public pool's showers and leaving only an ill-fitting slingkini in her locker
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Good morning tohg! Today I plan on drawing myself kicking Belos' nuts, affectionately of course.
But then you back out because the thought of your foot touching his genitals fries your brain
Didn't think about that
Draw yourself kicking Carl right into his virginity

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