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Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70900674/
Missed some threads?: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/%2Fvore%2F%20general/
Pastebin: https://rentry.org/vorechangts

QotT: Do you like trait theft? Thoughts about it?
General art request anchor!
>QotT: trait theft
Pred getting prey's strength, knowledge and skills?
Yes, please.
Requesting trait theft vore, please.
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Never been something i've gone for, but desu, in the context of the thread title it's kinda doing a number on me rn. All the moreso if the "theft" in question is something lewd.
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Not OR but finally some good fucking food.
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Thank you. It's been a long time since I did anything here. My arm is still bad but I'm open to doing some requests. Pokemon,Digimon, and other somewhat cartoony non-human monsters only, as always.
Not quite trait theft but for some reason I find the idea of a pred that can transform into digested prey to trick new prey is hot to me. As fucked up as it sounds on paper.

Like a pred eating someone's girlfriend, turning into them and then eating the boyfriend too with their new disguise.

Especially if it's like a curious creature that doesn't quite know how to human good. I dunno, I guess maybe in my mind it cushions the impact of the dark aspect if the creature is a little silly and the person they're gonna eat is just stupid and somehow doesn't figure out that this is obviously not who they think it is. Kinda gives a sort've cartoon aspect to it.
I am once again requesting a cute anthro mouse girl sorceress, witch whatever magic user with hair covering her eyes like pic related.
First panel is her digesting a non-descript prey looking kind of horny and exasperated.
Maybe have an almost empty HP bar near the belly meant to be the prey's health with a big healthbar implied to be hers seemingly refilling. (Optional)

Then the second panel is her post digestion with much larger boobs and ass being barely able to contain them. (Whether she's trying to hold them back physically or her clothes are simply close to ripping or maybe even both that's up to you.) with two big bold messages saying something like
And also the mouse girl looking more giddy but still steamy this time around. Maybe just have a big shit eating grin on her face with a blush or something.
...vornymon? You're back!?
I loved that GatomonUBPatamon pic.
Oh, and hopefullly you'll have full recovery.
>"open for requests"
Are you still up for some UB?
If not, I'd like to have (slightly) weight gained Renamon holding/wearing Flamedramon's gear, please. (Tail/feet sticking out optional)
can anyone make the belly a little larger/bulgier? Like theres actually the woman inside and not...a large boulder

If anyone knows the artist that would also be just swell
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Something with this one? Always found it disappointing they never ate someone on screen. To my knowledge at least.
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Or this one, maybe caught part of an episode with them on TV once then never again.
Sure. Most of the stuff so far seems like something I could see happening in a cartoon (no offense by that, of course).
could i get kudamon (either version) with a squirmy bulge sliding down their long gut?

Might be tapping into the object Vore hate buuuuuut…
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Thank you. That one was fun to figure out how to draw.
I can try more UB but if it doesn't work out I'll take the other suggestion on.
Working on this.
None taken, I consider that a complement.
>Leo always gets eaten, but he's fine the next "episode".
>Some episodes take place in the Savannah. In those he's hunting the lioness like Francis X. Bushlad from Taz-Mania and pissing her off until she snaps. Picrel happens and the boy slips, sending them tumbling, lioness emerges from dust cloud with full stomach.
>Maybe she doesn't resort to vore at first, often thrashing him up/scratching him to pieces but he doesn't get the hint.
>Accidental Vore might even be a recurring gag.
Shit, now I want to brainstorm some kinda "ruleset" ala Chuck Jones' rules for Roadrunner/Coyote
Yeah not really my thing. I was thinking less a sentient hoodie or whatever that is and moreso a changeling or some kind of mimic? I think is the term? I'm shit with words.

Sadly your pic is closer to what I was talking about than anything I have though since this isn't really a concept you see too often sadly.
Not OR but that was fast.
>I can try more UB
Good luck. I was thinking something along the lines of:
>"bird mon tries to give cunnilingus to cat mon and goes too deep"
but I'll take what I can.
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thanks man, looks great
Since we're on a critter kick, this ferret (Koppa, Shiren the Wanderer, arguably a weasel) with a nice, throaty bulge would be grand.
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Aaaaand some actual vore, so the thread doesn't become all character refs lol
Ignore the haters, this is hot
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need majin tummy NOW
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Strong agree
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Doc Croc and Yoyo, both with vore guts, squishing their bellies together
Oh, Cardi; my beloved
straight up would've bought sparking zero's stupid 100 dollar "play 3 days early" version if they didn't pussy out of giving us this. i don't know why they're so scared to let buu eat chocolate in fuckin 2024
I remember that cartoon. One episode had snake vore in it and cat ate wizard who had turned himself to a mouse.
Puss in the boots episode.
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Personally, even if I like Buu, the only thing that would have sold me on the game was best boy Giran.
>can swallow you down the hood, up the bottom, or suck you through the sleeve
So many options and they all turn me on
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And she can plump herself up to fuck if she wants
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Trait theft is amazing. I like TF, so I like thinking about how all the new features feel on the pred’s body. Anyone with trait theft images please share your favorites.

My favorite might be unwilling trait theft, where the pred’s a little weirded out by their new body/urges.

It might make for a good vore horror story, a prey gets jumped by a pred but somehow swallows them, only for them to slowly morph into the hungry pred over the next few days. Getting hungrier and scarier, and they have to hide it from their friends until they slip and give in.
Ayo? A were-pred?

Also, that's pretty hot. Might be a weird tangent, but what if a pred just really hates a certain species (human disliking anthro) and they eat them to kill em off, but they keep gaining traits from that species. Just an angry pred eating some fox or wolf anthro, then getting horrified while inspecting their gains that they grew a whole ass tail too
I really want to bring this character back to go on another eating spree, but I need a different location than just the typical "strip/dance club".

What's a good sexy location with lots of people?

A sexy location that's not a strip/dance club? I'm pretty sure the only other sexy locations are private areas, which is the point of a strip/dance club; to be THE public sexy location.

If you're thinking of location suggestions then, why not an open area like a park? Or a crowded area like a mall?
A beach? Or a cruise ship?
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Oh I love that idea. “You are what you eat” and so on. I like when characters get shy about that stuff, so I’m imagining a pred discovering their tail for the first time. They kind of like it, but deny it. Then their tail starts to wag, and they deny it more while it wags faster.

Maybe they start relating to anthros or the anthros are friendlier with them, or they start googling things like “Ate fox grew tail normal?” Tiny changes in their life, like older clothes fitting weird now.
Who know all you needed to stop being racist against anthros is to belly murder enough of them to become one.

...god the writer in me is actually kinda interested in that narrative wtf. Them coming to terms with their hate and regrets, and the awful things they did and genuinely loving how much fluffier and cuter they've become
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High-end restaurant
Tourist traps
Me when I eat all the pizza.
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swaying it around like this looks like it would feel so good but thinking about it it'd probably just make me puke
Yeah I mean that's kinda just all vore though.
Expectation: unf big belly must feel so good
Reality: I have eaten 1% more than my stomach capacity and now I am in agony

I'd imagine if they are that stretchy to be able to fit things easily like that though that it'd feel pretty good for them though, just different anatomy.
I would fucking die if someone were to build a realistic vore belly.
well, that would make it pretty realistic
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Like fr i want that shit.
Obviously a specialized brothel for vore fetishists.
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Can't post that without it's sequel
This is the second time this week I've seen this series mentioned on /trash/
You trying to make me lose NNN?

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