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Location: A Corn Maze

[What is the Hunger Games?]
In these threads, someone may call for “First24/36/48/unlimited”. When that happens, reply to the post with a name and picture of an avatar you want to use as a tribute in a Hunger Games simulation. You should also put gender in case it isn’t clear. From there, just sit back and watch as the host of the game runs the sim and puts your tribute in a fight to the death with all the rest entered!
During games and during downtime, many people RP as their main avatars (or “avas”). It’s not necessary, but it’s recommended to fully feel like you’re in the game. Don’t be shy to just jump right in!
HG Hosting Guide

Brantsteele HG

Community Codes and /co/des

Aikawa Tools Hub

Virginia's Script Host Helper

Aikawa's HG Customizer

FoxReplace word replacer

Hosting Guide

Background Tutorial
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Welcome to HG / Hunger Games.

>How do I join?
When the "host" prompts with "First 24," it's your signal to reply to the host by sharing an image along with a matching name.

>What the fuck is HG?
The BrantSteele Hunger Games Simulator is a fan-made browser simulation game based on the Hunger Games franchise. It allows users to create and simulate their own versions of the Hunger Games. You can create your own events.

>How can I host?
I recommend that every new person should host at least one game to gain a better understanding of HG, you're playing your part by contributing.

>Can I RP?
You can rp or act out the events.
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Oh my~~
Oh my god
>Dials the council
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I promise I've changed!~~
They didn't even get my side of the story when they put me on that silly little registry~~
Bababababa! What's going on here?
Ma'am that is called a corn maze.
I absolutely ADORE corn!
Make it past Peepers and enter the maze.
Is Peepers the guardian of this world's corn? What's going to happen to me when I get past him and make it inside?
He's a cat with goofy looking eyes. You go into the maze and have fun.
Ah, is this him? Hi little guy. Do you think I might get a tiny but exciting little pass to the corn maze behind you?
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Kill yourself Dooce focus on your bbc
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What the hell is even that?
You looked into the eyes of the Peepers and got to see forever.
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>>70987727 (IA)
W-well, no, they'd still need a pilot, this is just for added pilot safety of not needing to exit the vehicle. Plus, bigger hands, you can manipulate bigger stuff, you know...? I probably coulda been clearer, there. You could probably make an unmanned version if you wanted bad enough, but I feel it lacks the human touch. Full-manual configuration switching has been faster than letting it be automated from what I've tried, anyways.
>Drone warfare is so impersonal.
Hehe, all my projects are passion projects. I've had a lot of time to study the Cybertronians, so even if the method isn't exactly the same, I've got some knowledge on replicating the configuration process. Like this, you could engage them damn near anywhere that isn't underwater...unless you're desperate enough to walk on the bed of the thing anyhow.
Plus, this way even if one mode is compromised, the others should be able to compensate.
>Reduced effectiveness is better than going from 100 to 0.
The only thing I haven't really done is design a close-combat weapon for bipedal modes, which I'm not really sure it needs...normally I'd throw one in anyways, but it's still gotta be light enough to fly...so I'd probably leave that for a future, hypothetical variant that's expecting more up-close combat than normal.
>They've still got fists at least. Still, she sounds pretty chuffed with herself and her works.
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>Welcome to- ACKKKKK
How about you go fuck your mother, Cyan? Yeah? I swear to God if I find out where you live, I'll throw a fucking bomb through your little sister's bedroom.

As for the rest of you niggers, kill yourselves already. No, I'm not kidding! Kill yourself!

If you got to this thread thanks to an ad with my face on it, welcome. This is Hunger Games. Now unless you're going to roleplay Disney characters, fuck off. NO ERP ALLOWED.
Roger roger private puddle pirate.
No way! Forever is much too long.
>She tries to close her eyes

This is >>70988053 an example of an allowed roleplaying post in this thread. You must have a minimum of 2,000 characters per post, have an anime girl for a picrel, and have ZERO sexual innuendo whatsoever in your roleplay.

If you do not follow these rules, we will call you a pedophile and shitpost you until you leave this fucking place. Understand?

Enjoy your RP!
Just run into the corn maze.
That post is exactly 1400 though
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I'm a little scared of the cat that's blocking the way in.and if he can mess me up just with his eyes.... I'm scared of what can be inside of that big wall of corn.
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I wasn't asking.
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“Hon hon oui oui!”
>gayly sings

>awkwardly waddles into the maize maze
>is too busy twerkin n tweakin to notice an approaching harvester and gets run over and ground up before I can react, ending mon homosexual reign of mild inconveniencing
Evens I am served with overpriced bug burgers by Klaus Schwab
Odds I get vored by Haitians
Aussa you idiot
The bigger, the better after all! Sure, automatization can be useful sometimes but I share your thoughts of it losing its touch if used in great numbers as drones. Besides, anything that can be hijacked is something that can be a nuisance in the long turn!
>So uncivilized, even. Who cares about drone warfare anyway?
I can tell! I thing that method was called "reverse engineering"? I don't know, but whatever is called I think you did a very nice job replicating their configuration method.
>The battleship smiles at the mention that it can be used anywhere but underwater.
Heh, I doubt them would like to go underwater anyway! Unless they want to rust or have a short circuit! Now the Abysssls, on the other hand... they're a different story.
>Perhaps in the near future the Valkyrie can be adapted for underwater warfare, or perhaps it would be better to build a specialized fighter from scratch?
Hmm, maybe some sort of spear could be useful for the bipedal units? Or a sword too, hell, maybe a weapon that could turn into both could be what it needs! One never knows how close or far you wanna keep an enemy from you.
>The kanmusu takes a moment to look at the VF-1 on its Configuration B mode.
Stop being retarded >>70986885
Goodmorning, sluts. Why is nobody joining the games thread >>70986941?
It looks based af
You're going to keep that thread spite bumped for the next 10+ hours anyways, so what's it matter?
>Gamethread endorsed by Fred
Nail in the coffin.
It's not a game thread, it's bait, the avafag's been gone for years barring a singular thread early this year, and he hasn't hosted since 2019.
Hey retarded shitposters.
>pick a random character
>download pictures
It's that fucking easy.
Figured as much.
Every thread worth its shit does that and guess what? They have far more unity and engagement from newfags.
Look at any mod, harahel, ai or whatever thread. People don't have to ask what its about, because the OP already gives them all the tools. You're supposed to take away hurdles, not place them.
You're on a website filled with introverts, retards and aurists and still expect them to strike up a friendly conversation. That's like going into a store and have the store expect you to service them rather than the other way around. Make it make sense, retard.
No, it's the best looking OP that HG has had in years
>HG simulator thread
>Do something else than HG
No, thanks.
Fuck you mean, "no"? It's still bait, and thus not a game thread, and if you didn't think it wasn't bait you would've entered a filler instead of leaving it at literally three avafags
Do you disagree with that it's the best looking OP has had in years? No, you don't lil shid so stop smelling your fingers and contribute to games
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Maybe you could have a small group of them directed by a piloted command unit, but that's about as far as I'd push it...not like I'm a software engineer either.
>It lacks romance.
Yeah, reverse engineering, more or less. The hard part's working out where to fit everything, some of the Cybertronian stuff about that's so advanced it's practically a new field of magic entirely.
>The Battroid makes a show of it's range of motion-a bit more limited than a human in some areas, but well better inothers, particularly with it's ability to bring it's legs backward up until it can touch it's own head, and it's ability to rotate 360 degrees at nearly every joint besides the "feet".
An energy weapon would be ideal since it'd take up next to no weigh, but I don't quite have that down yet. At least, not at this scale. Maybe I could reinforce it's gun pod and make it usable as a bludgeon...? It's not like I have to worry about ergonomics. But I'm not very worried about it, either way. As it stands, I think it's a good starting point.
After this one everyone is going to thankya meya for hosto bosto.
Do we have enough for a game?
3 avatars in the thread and it's still dead.
How do we get more RP to happen?
Turn the corn into cornbread. Bitches love cornbread.
>makes cornbread
I'd say we leave all that drone stuff to the lunarian engineers, I'm sure they'd like the idea.
>Given their lack of love for "impure" living matter, after all. Does that mean the people of the Moon lack romance?
Geez, not only they are a bit tough in the outside, they're also crack to decypher on the inside. At least the result was succesful!
>Despite a few limitations in parts of its movement, the Battroid showed some improvements in other areas of when moving or doing tasks in general like rotate almost entirely, Iowa smiles like a kid watching the toys under the Christmas tree before focusing again on Rika.
For a start is one hell of a solid beginning, I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something to improve its close combat ability.
>Soon after, one of the lunarian engineers would call the kanmusus and Rika via radio.
"Miss Rika, Miss Iowa, Miss Yuudachi. The WMG cannon is ready to be tested!"
>Iowa's eyes once again glow with excitment. She looks at the Master Engineer.
Hehe! But I guess right now it's showtime! We can come back here after the test's done, I'm dying to see what that little cannon is capable of~!

>I think I'm gonna call it for the night. Thanks for the RP and I hope we can continue it another time!
Aw yeah that’s it.
>Role plays epically
I remember this cartoon.
Oh yeah? What is it?
I don't remember the name and before you criticize me you have to name every criticizer.
Am disappointed. But I won’t hold it against you since it’s old.
Chalk Zone.
chalk zone
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>A lot of them, probably.
I'm pretty sure that some of them can only transform because they stick some of the mass they need for a specific mode in an alternate dimension when they're not using it. Even I gotta admit when I'm outmatched technologically. But yeah, I-
>And then they get the call, which clearly has Rika taken aback, and even Yuudachi's a bit confused-though, honestly, a lot of the stuff about planes seems to've, ah, flown over her head anyways, haha.
That quick? Jeez, I thought I worked fast. Alright, let's see.

>Fair enough, have a good one.
>Alright, I didn't have getting jumpscared by Chalk Zone flashbacks on my itinerary for today....
Chalk Zone
Chalk zone.
That lovely chalky blue guy would be a cool avatar.
You guys are cool. Not even joking or being a post-modern ironic asshat. You and Rudy got the chalk.

He would.
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That one's a video game.
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What do you think of my new avatar?
sparking zero ranked makes me want to merge without looking
I love yuno.
I stopped drawing because you stopped appearing.
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Finally only have to make the arena event, streamline the earlier events a bit more and we're good to go!
>All lowercase
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why the fuck does kefla have instant sparking and an aoe ult all these braindead monkeys have to do is press 3 buttons and I'M DEAD

hi anon
but your drawings are the finest gems among my collection
lurk 500 years before posting
If you RP again I'll hunt down the yukifag and draw you two in gay poses everyday for 1.294 years.
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who the fuck is yuki
Oh no it's retarded.
for my mental sanity I know you're not talking about shit from 10 years ago
I am. I was there.
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>takes 500 psychic damage

if you're going to necromance ancient corpses could you go find vert or ichigo or garnet
actually grab grievous while you're at it
I'd hit up gravesly but he's dust now. Anyways my balls itch.
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my balls hurt
You should get those checked out bruv.
>(I assume absolutely no one is on right now)

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