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Helping Hand Edition

Pokemon OCs and Fakemons (actual fakemons please like fusions and clovermons) are welcome too

>How do I request?
•Start your post with "requesting" or "/r/".
•Provide descriptions, links and image references in a single post.
•Don't spam or bump your requests.
•Check the booru to see if your request was done.
•Request edits in the thread for edits and colorings:

>What if I want to start drawing?
•Check these resources for beginners: https://pastebin.com/4CpXsY7a
•More resources if you need more help:
•You can also ask for help in the Drawing Improvement/Progress thread: >>>/trash/drawing
•Remember that you can always git more gud.
•When ask for requests, post a sample of your work and mention what you prefer to draw.

>What else should I know?
•AI deliveries are NOT allowed
•Do NOT respond to the spam. Just report ignore it and move on.
•Feel free to post anything that gets done in the booru for others to find later.
•New thread should be made after reaching the bump limit.
•When making a new thread, refrain from adding unnecessary rules to the OP. That's dumb.

Our booru: http://trashdump.booru.org/
*Feel free to post anything that gets done in the booru for others to find later.
*Taggers needed too!

Previous Thread(s):
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Anchor for deliveries
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Like from last thread:
Requesting Female trainer being brainwashed/hypnotized by the lopunny hypno fusion.
Pose is in the image crudely drawn by a 5 year old with zero artistic skills.
Or we can default to a full nelson.

The female trainer is the mini comic and
at best I'd love to see her being a few weeks old slave to her new master by way of a collar, no clothes (or scraps) And the hypno absolutely talking dirty to his new pet who will happily guzzle her cum!
I know this is a longshot but I just wanted to see if someone would do it!

And please have a good day.
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Requesting Yoko Littener giving an anthro litten dude a titjob with cumshot similar to pic related, also make the cock big enough to where she's giving him a blowjob too please
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Just looking for a Lopunny pulling her trainer down by the collar for a smooch. Trainer is a blond-haired young man but I'm fine with a blank anon too.
Requesting pic related but it's a muscular umbreon man and he has chest hair, ball tuft and a beard. Here's what the beard can look like (without the ball gag of course): https://files.catbox.moe/iwi4d2.png
Full pic: https://files.catbox.moe/cdxayg.jpg (that's the highest res I could find, sorry)

Still posting this so the artist working on it will know I'm still here.
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Requesting a male Snivy having sex with and cumming inside his female Shaymin coworker's pussy while they're both on break from the job, both in Cafe Remix attire.
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Requesting bottom heavy shortstack Meloetta and Dazzi having a naked, oiled up twerk-off. The former's got rhythm while the latter brings on da thunder, baby.

I hunger for some fine Poke-donk and freshly-baked Pal-buns. No sugarcoating whatsoever. Inject that shit right in my VEINS!!
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Requesting a male Alolan Marowak and Sima having sex in this pose below.
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Requesting a busty, cheeked up Gardevoir getting a lubed up massage from an equally buxom May
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Requesting hatterene with big tits getting poked in the breast tightly
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It'd like to request a thicc Gardevoir twerking with a smug look on her face while she pours oil on her butt with her psychic powers
requesting NSFW fanart of this fluffy Tsareena and Lurantis please
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As 2025 represents the year of the snake of the Chinese zodiac.
Requesting pin up of a female anthro Serperior garbed in a skimpy chinese dress. (e.g. Sideless qipao/cheongasm and etc)

Optional choice: Lifting her dress and flashing at the viewer like the Sylveon, can be have a micro-thong or pantyless.
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Requesting this Ninetales as a female (wearing the clothes in the ref) having vaginal sex with a male Zebstrika or a male Umbreon.
Requesting this bratty Nidorina getting spanked by her trainer.
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Draw these two (luxray and mienshao) showing their pussies to the viewer.
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Anchoring for
Requesting Ippan Josei from Boku No Hero Academia happily getting fucked by a male Serperior
or alternatively breastfeeding a Snivy, cum is appreciated for the former option.
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Requesting this Braixen (with heart pupils) getting mating pressed and vaginally creampied by this Jolteon. The Braixen should have a human vagina.
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Requesting this Absol giving a male trainer a titjob and blowjob combo.
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Requesting Glaceon Candice riding a male trainer's cock with her enjoying it.
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Requesting this Raichu/Lopunny fusion giving a human blowjob.
Requesting a female Hypno with a nerd look writing the leaked pokephiliac stories
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Requesting Penny getting mating pressed by a Sylveon with big balls like the ref, bonus points for impregnation
Best of luck to the artist
Requesting the Garde getting himself that good tree pussy.
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Requesting this gothitelle gushing cum from hands fondling all over his dick and balls.
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requesting an image of a trainer with a fortune cookie shirt and six smug feral canine pokemon
Again. From previous thread. Requesting Lunala Tittyfuck (Because the internet needs more)
Who drew the refs?
I assume since this is not on ACO or /co/ pretty much no one draws here besides tablescraps of vanilla
Requesting a Nidorina like this wearing a bandana al a Mystery Dungeon, peeing in her poisoned partner's mouth. The partner can be any gender, any species that makes sense (pokemon from the EoS personality test for example). If you can have the Nidorina's pussy visible also, that would be a bonus, but not necessary.

The story is that the Nidorina has convinced her partner, who just stepped on a poison trap, that the bodily fluids of poison-type pokemon act like an antidote to poison. Whether this is true or not doesn't matter.
Requesting Gardevoir going wild awooga over Jynx sexy body, similiar to the middle picture reference.
Up you go
Lunala art is presialexander. And Reshiram art coolryong
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Requesting these two fighting
This'll be funny
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requesting an audino working like this.
audino is just doing the weekly system maintenance. nothing unusual

you can also use a male audino and him wearing bullets on his dick if you don't feel like doing a female audino for whatever reason
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Dysfunctional CoBondage relationships give me life.
I like the idea of a skinny twink being intimidated by a big, bulky, snarky tomboy who just oozes swagger and being unable to run away on account of them being stuck together.

Floatzel always gave me tough gf vibes of "girls who say piss". That's what I was hoping was captured here.
Lucario was supposed to be wearing a skintight croptop like TheGantian's sona but shirtless is cool too
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Requesting Bertha getting fucked in the ass by any one of her team
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requesting gastrodon doing this to another pokemon but make it all slimy wet sticky and gooey
>have any particular pokemon youd want to see?
either a small cute choice (brionne or vaporeon fit the wet nature of the image idea well), or goodra since then its a pairing of 2 slimy slugs, but goodra depends on if you can make it being below gastrodon work despite goodras size
another anon asked for a flaaffy in this position below the gastrodon, which I wouldnt mind either.
(no it doesnt have to be animated lol)
(this request has seen some responses from an artist about a week ago, anchoring in case they're still on it!)
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Requesting an after-sex scene with this Absol girl holding a cup of cocoa while sitting with her legs open, and cum still leaking out of her pussy saying "Can you believe it? We actually had a white Christmas this year!"
I actually started this but had to put it on the shelf for a short time because of life things, sorry I havent actually uploaded anything. One thing though Ive been meaning to ask actually. You mention vaporeon, but what are your thoughts on a flareon?
thank you for replying it's good to know youre still around.
I wouldnt mind flareon either, flareon fluff getting goo'd over is a fun mess and their weakness makes them good to bully with such a wet scenario
>posted in the afternoon
>Hmofa requests
>other familiar tells
Huh, these stink like the massive site wide spammer Hmofa / James who causes problems in each drawthread (and edit thread on trash) he's in and lies, gaslights, sabotages, samefags, 3rd persons, stalks artists, yells and chases out other artists and requesters, and spams several requests per thread on his hmofa fetish and sometimes loli fetish.
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Requesting a thicc Lopunny getting fucked from behind by a huge Zebstrika cock.
What even is HMOFA about that Jolteon request? Take your meds
Ah sheet, alright, I know when to take an L, unlike him.

I saw
>heart pupils
And jumped the gun. Sorry to that requester, didn't mean to lump you in with that mental case.
Does the person who drew this have socials?
The flip doesn't make sense, because one, the drawing would then be upside down, and two, a piece of the canvas would be blocking it preventing her from seeing the whole picture.
Aside from that I like how they were both drawn.
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artists gallery they linked last thread https://imgbox.com/g/jCM23ZXZzd
Im not the artist but the requester, this image shows the smeargle moving the canvas sideways before drawing the flygon. its based on the meme about a fat person not fitting on a canvas so it had to be flipped to use the sideways space, see picrel. the request was just projecting my chub fetish anyways, but I'm still glad someone even managed to make it romantic
motherfucker doesn't understand a landscape portrait
Why did you reply to my Candice request you schizo? I'm not your boogeyman.
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Requesting an anthro Lunala facesitting Solgelao, resulting in a total solar eclipse.
Not picky on Solgelao being either feral or anthro.
Hmofa word bingo: 1
You give yourself away, retard, every time.
Again you're just spouting insane nonsense, are you that same troll who keeps shitting up the draw and edit threads having an autistic tantrum about human men?
>I'm not your boogeyman.
luxray wedding ring guy, is that you?
You are genuinely insane and should be euthanized.
mfw the only activity on this thread is shitters arguing about requests.
Then wonder why artists dont give a fuck and not show up
Blame the mentally ill furfag who keeps seething about human men in furry porn, the insane psycho thinks anyone who makes any hmofa request are all the same person.
Don't start this shit you stupid fucking niggers.
I win.
>"I wonder if I'm on /trash/ too much?"
>See this weird shit going on
>"No, I'm okay."
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Requesting pic related with a futa Zoroark, humanoid cock preferred if onahole is see-through
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I dont think theres anything wrong with making multiple requests when we're in a bit of an idea drought, but its silly to deny youre not the same poster when last thread and the thread before these exact requests were next to each other in the same order, albeit delayed one time. with similar subject matter and typing pattern. hmofa isnt my thing, you can request what you want, but it would just have to be a weird coincidence for the posts to appear like this close in posting time and same order posted several times. like come on
hold on. I gotta correct myself.
>1 minute post cooldown timer
>the posts are less than a minute apart
is it really a coincidence since its different IPs posting them huh?
>current and previous thread had the first post and second post at 31 second gap exactly
okay, but thats also a bit of a weird coincidence that they go the same interval 2 threads in a row, but then the third post varies again.
what is going on here
Not person you're beefing with, but is there somethin wrong with reposting one or two once in a while, or does he do it every thread.
No, encase you haven't noticed everyone here are always reposting the same requests for months like the first 10 or so requests, if you check the archive those have always been posted each new thread. That guy just keeps trying to start shit because he has some agenda against hmofa.
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I dont think theres anything wrong with that either and its only been in these 3 threads. I just think this weird pattern of the requests being in a row and similar taste yet denying its the same person- yet somewhat evidently not posting from the same ip going by post timer, either has to be some insane coincidence - or someone botting, but idk. it really could be coincidence after all, I just feel more confused than anything at this point (I am not the anon that originally started seething about hmofa requester). whatever, Im trying to think of a good request right now...

requesting a pokemon with the name starting with H riding a mofa, or alternatively a porygon form riding a mofa to represent the potential botting
Dance my puppets dance
He does the same shit on the trash general draw thread, v, and b. Same order, mostly. Cept on trash general and v he spams like 20-35 req per thread.
Hmofa uses VPNs and a phone, evidence has been shown on the /b/ drawthread.
He likely posts different requests with different IPs and devices to avoid getting caught for spamming. On aco and v and trash in the past, he was banned for whatever reason and suddenly like anywhere between 25-60 requests also vanished. He also will post them close together under a minute to make it feel like its different people, using different devices and connections.
Requesting a female Sobble in a sukumizu (Japanese school swimsuit) being cute and shy. Semi-anthro, but dont mind anthro or shortstack
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Requesting On-Model Male Spinda putting Furret or Espeon or Furret-Espeon in Mating Press.
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requesting a dewott and brionne fucking underwater, with one of them showing a lack of air (leaking out more bubbles, struggling expression, blue blush) while the other is holding their breath better and enjoying the sex.
gay preferred because theres some fun slitfucking opportunities with the pairing, though that isnt necessary.
if youre daring enough to draw a small second panel, seeing them kiss to share air would be some adorably romantic and kinky way to finish it off
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Requesting floaty fun bunny fucks plz
I tried doing a side view as well to try and help visualize it.
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Requesting a male Pangoro getting pegged by either a human or a female mon of your choice. having him be in some kind of bondage would be cool too
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Requesting two Gardevoirs sucking Mewtwo’s dick and charging up his Psydrive.
what in the world is going on in that game
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Requesting a buff Arceus and Giratina sitting on their trainer's dick and face respectively while arguing about who their trainer should spend more time with
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Requesting a shortstack Mesprit using her psychic powers to have sex with a summoned horse cock. Some effects like the glowing eyes or a small portal around the cock would be great too.
It's become the Pokemon equivalent of Anarchy Chess
Requesting this, but with any milf-y Pokemon you'd like. Bonus points for lesser used Pokemon.
Requesting this, but with the Leafeon in place of the Glaceon taking it from an Umbreon, Flareon or some other canine Pokemon.
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Requesting Bash the Lucario having to cosplay as 2B after losing a bet

Reluctant crossdressing and humiliating exhibition for his gigantic ass is his whole shtick
Pembroke W. Corgi wow.
If an artist can emulate the toon style, that'd be kino too
So I assume artists dont show up here?
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I never forgot! I just want to do this request right rather than do it fast. How does the foreskin look? I've only ever drawn it once before.

I have a fucking job.
OR here, it looks great! Thanks a bunch!
Thy're always lurking, maybe don't spend every single minute on here
This character is ugly as sin. I can't wait for it to be finished so I don't have to see it everytime I check back for updates to see if there's a delivery
Absolute manchild
Are you high? I'm more than happy that I don't have to wear a smile and thank this incompetent peon for touching my request, relegating it as used and unable to be posted again
>being this desperate to ruin a drawthread
I think Sabotage-kun should find a job.
If you dont like their work filling in someone's request, which the requester seemed to like, then why dont you start doing some requests instead to actually add what you want to see to the thread
Then go generate your request as some AI slop instead or pay someone instead of complaining about free labor
NTA but I'm honestly surprised drawthreads in general have survived the coming of AI art.
Unrelated to the whole thing, I'll just be happy when mines done.
Gotta be patient. Or just use the other drawthread.
Don't reply to bait, just hide it and move on.
You can't help it.
Star pasties are cute
This unironically
Aye aye
This, but it's Typhlosion knotting her
Much appreciated, Anons. Hopefully all of your requests get done sooner than later.
Damn right!!
honestly Im even more so surprised people complain instead of just usin AI if they arent gettin what they want. I do kinda wonder tho how request threads ;havent died because of the AI stuff too
>Im even more so surprised people complain instead of just usin AI if they arent gettin what they want
I don't think that was the original requester. That was probably some envious troll trying to get his 15 seconds of fame.
>I do kinda wonder tho how request threads ;havent died because of the AI stuff too
I guess some people still prefer the human aspect of drawthreads. We can't communicate with a machine like we can with another person, after all.
fuck off cuck faggot
if you're not gonna delete your bumps at least make them a random pokemon or fetish or something to give ideas
Thanks, question is would you be offended if i put my request in the other drawthread as well?
Not at all! It would actually be interesting to see another take on your request.
Im a hypno liker so i tend to want the GOOD shit that no one wants to do on average LOL
Snakey coily sex is always fun to try and tackle even if it's a major pain in the ass to get right. Ippan was also a nice treat to draw and is adorable as fuck which makes her perfect for cum. This was a nice challenge and a lot of fun to attempt. May you eat good tonight dear anon.
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I hope you like it. I suck at drawing boobs and making them look good, but I'm happy with the result.
>That's my udder your touching.
Not OR but this is a request I'm glad to finally see delivered and by you too, awesome job as always.
the furcuck who throws a temper tantrum about hmofa is too much of a lazy nigger to delete his bumps >>71097934

Before you ask how I know its him, he was doing the same shit in the edit thread spamming bumps without deleting them and when someone got annoyed and told him to quit being lazy and to delete his bumps the furcuck immediately threw a temper tantrum and accused the guy of being the 'hmofafag' even though the guy didn't even call him by name or anything when telling to delete the bumps.
Do you mean the guy I called "Sabotage-kun" earlier?
Ah yes, the proof needed this was HmofaJames all along. Seething when a fur on fur idea is proposed, and using his trademark cuck word.
Oh sorry I didn't scroll down, this is HmofaJames, massive faggot and spammerhijacker nigger who controls the main drawthread general with an iron fist and spams the edit thread and gets into fights with everyone and sabotages everyone elses request that isnt hmofa or loli shit. Also ignores all trad drawings given to them or digital art it deems is "not good enough". He also thinks all the hate he gets is one or two people. He's insane.
This is also likely the guy that looses his mind when people don't delete their bumps either because it means he has to spend more of his life re-spamming the same 30-50 requests per thread again.
Likes to use words like furcuck, cuck, boogyman, etc. Massive gaslighter, and lair. Speaks in 3rd person often (like hes doing now). Samefags too.
Also James, darling, you can only delete so many posts per thread, until you get locked out from doing so. Maybes like five. I guess you don't know that since you IP hop more than a bunny in heat and use VPNs (not allowed) to spam your weeks/months old requests (garbage)

The only one who sabotages things is hmofa/james. He screams and shits himself all over the place when other people get drawings and will stop at nothing to make sure others dont get things. trash, v, a, b, whereever he roams there is always massive drama fallout because of him. Can't stay in his lane. He often *yawns* at artists and request ideas he doesn't like or approve off.
Why are we arguing this dumbshit, just report and ignore. I just wanna see my request be done.
not OR for neither of these but holy moly you both did really nice work!
the furcuck is a mentally ill schizo who keeps crying about his hmofa boogeyman on almost every board because he can't respect other people's fetishes and keeps making shit up to push his anti-hmofa narrative.
the hmofafag is a mentally ill schizo who keeps crying about his botfag boogeyman on almost every board because he can't respect other people's fetishes and keeps making shit up to push his "i hate every request that isn't hmofa" narrative.
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I had to post this from my phone
Fuck jannies btw
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Requester here, anon thank you so very much.
This was a silly request I had in my head for so long when I came across the similarities between the two. I love Snivy evo line as a whole and Ippan is a snuggable mad cutie built for happy sex so they we're simply a complete match made in heaven imo. You did an outstanding job on this piece and I will happily cherish this, I'm grateful you took the time to fulfill this, and may you have a happy Thanksgiving as well.

I know you don't have any socials but I'd be glad to even tip you if had a Ko-fi.
not or but looks really nice!
OR here, thank you for the delivery! Do you have any socials or gallery?
Thanks anon! I'm flattered, but I draw some weird stuff that may disgust you, so I'll keep my blog out of this thread
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/r/ing for my Seviper OC Alice wearing a BDSM-themed harem outfit similar to the right.

Additional refs for Alice: https://imgur.com/a/vMtFDwG
sorry for breaking your anonymity but Im quite certain from the artstyle and favouring a snivy request its poofythedragon. they draw gore/rape often. I appreciate the warning but we're posting in an absolute hell site with extreme content in the first place and I figured people would still like to know.
if it makes it any better I actually like some of your art, rough sex is fun and I even enjoy the blood alt of picrel.
/r/ male meowscarada sitting on a dildo
im not seein it
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Requesting my Tinkaton Roswitha smacking some dragon-type across the face with her dick with the message, "It's super effective!!" popping up like the games
(Roswitha Refs)
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I request feral pikachu with breasts.
The nipples colored red like the cheeks on her face.
And also give the dotted cheek nipples.
But make it subtle and hard to notice.
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on second thought I'm not entirely sure either, but both that the anon favours a snivy request, warn they "draw some weird stuff that may disgust you", and the artist I assume they are posted art containing the words "retard" and "fag" before making it it feel like it somewhat lines up with them being a 4chan user. I feel like some of the ms paint spray can pixels are similar between pics from the anon vs the assumed artist too but I'm really not entirely sure
haha, I am partial to snivy, but thats not me
Here is one final offering with these two because I desperately wanted them to fuck and flygon always makes me weak, plus I have a newfound appreciation for smeargle. Romance is amazing but romantic intimate sex is even better. Enjoy.
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Now iam gonna draw him with some boobies.

Now I am gonna be consumed by bitterness!
>the smeargle below probably feeling her belly squish against him
oh yessss

>delivery in just 2 hour 30 minutes
not that anon but its nice, glad the funny idea got done
OR here. Wonderfully quick and a really good standalone image if you ignore the nipple cheeks enough.
Of course it had to be a cursed enough request to result in a record-time delivery.
Also props for keeping the tail the same. Parody Pika.
requesting a ditto trying to flirt with (someone or another pokemon) telling them they could turn into their ideal partner (lopunny, gardevoir, whatever), but the other says ditto is perfect the way it is and they have kinky slimy sex as followup. theres lots of fun things it can be used for since it can shift to fill any hole, goo over to restrain one whether that be limbs or full body encasement, cum can be visible spurting inside due to partial transparency, one could see through a penetrating view of a stretched hole of the receiving partner due to the transparency too. hell ditto is even able to inflate someone by going into them or makes vore "realistically" possible. I dont really mind whatever you might come up with and chose
Requesting the situation in pic related with his prostate and nuts being filled

God this is hot. Imagine the omorashi play with a ditto that resides in Pika's bladder forever and will never come out to relieve him, always being edged by the slime bastard
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full series of images https://e621.net/posts/5208403 it doesnt go fully inside but does this funky filling up thing I love- your idea is really hot tho anon
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Requesting this Mawile grinding her pussy against her trainer's cock.
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Requesting any one of the lewd situations with either of the listed couple.
File: CynTyph Playtime.png (1.83 MB, 1219x2176)
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I'd like to request bikini babe Cynthia giving a milking handjob to a Typhlosion's big, knotty penis while also sucking his full, pent-up balls.
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Requesting this Mismagius drunkenly flashing her pussy to the viewer
Requesting a female Blaziken with a similar pose and view angle (but no human feet)
File: What A Thrill!.png (362 KB, 1200x1000)
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Why cherish one when you can have TWO weiners instead? I had both ideas and felt bad leaving this out as it was a nice excuse to have a messy blowjob and some autofellatio action which serperior seems to be a little too eager for. I'm thrilled you enjoy it(and the filename) and no need for tipping as I just have fun doing these. Enjoy your dessert dear anon.
Why are threads dropping so fast?
No idea.
This site should drop like a fucking turd in a toilet bowl and the jannies and mods should have nothing left to do with their lives
Christ, how poisoned are you?

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