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A thread for RP in the world of Harahel, a world of fantasy, magic, and adventure. Drawing on tropes from RPGs both east and west, fantasy literature, and anime, the setting is constantly in flux, decided in large part by the players themselves.
To join, download the CYOA through the link and create a character. When making a build, try to include some information about your character if you plan to RP besides just the build. Optional of course, but it encourages others to ask questions and talk with you. The only expansion pack we use is the Imouto Expansion.

>Current Version of CYOA

>Places of Interest (Full Size)
>link to dedicated IRC
https://rizon.net/chat/ channel:#HarahelBusStation

>Do not attempt to force others into a scene.
>It's okay to say no if a scene becomes uncomfortable.
>PVP should be mutually agreed upon beforehand.
>Kender have PVP on at all times.
>Keep posts within the bound of good taste, eschewing excessive gore and the like.
>Extreme or lewd content should be binned. Pedophilia is strictly forbidden.
>Other CYOAs may be used for inspiration or to provide structure. See the irc for more details.
If something is unclear, refer to IRC.

What's your relationship with your family like?


==Bulletin Board==
The home base; a jumping off point for adventure or a place to return to, whether that be to celebrate victories or nurse your wounds.
>Reuby's Nook
A mercenary and incidental courier delivers a strange book to the Nook she discovered during her travels — jumping into the depths of the pages, Thej and her expedition group explore the secrets hidden within between its covers!
>Foxdoll Manor Infiltration
A perilous journey for membership or reward. Throwaway characters recommended.

For Dagaroth and companions, to make it a bit easier to pick up what was said last
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Encore Inquisition post
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https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70845645/#q70952151 (Anira)
https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70845645/#q70954218 (Rynn)
https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70845645/#q70970742 (Alice)
https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70845645/#q71068771 (Whisper)
https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69916494/#70005259 (Twins)
https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70845645/#q70845936 (Previous recap)
Just a quick recap and link post for Zahneberg
We finished up at the market at which point Rynn invited us first to the local adventuring guild, later to an Inn for proper rest and relaxation
At this point drinks are being had and possible discussion to take up a small task while the riftgate is sealed off
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Arka Numidia adventure hook post (for those interested)
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>For once, Lan actually looks bashful for a second.

"Uhh, sparring might not be the best idea. I tend to avoid any kind of combat with those I wouldn't want to hurt. There's a sort of mental compulsion common to those of the monster races that I haven't been able to overcome. Wouldn't want any unfortunate accidents."

>The bird brain absorbs the information coming her way excitedly.

"So something halfway between a sect and an escort agency, where mercenaries can find work and make connections? Perfect. I've flown a bit far from the nest however, so it might take a week or two for me to set my affairs in order. Do you have a way for me to contact you when I'm ready, or would you rather set a date to meet back up on?"
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Reposting this just so it can be seen

>Letters arrive at every guildhall around the realms asking for an emergency posting on their adventurer boards
>A research mission that began from the lands of Arka Numidia into the frigid tundra in the northernmost regions of Adagio has...gone missing.
>The team of artificers and scholars were investigating rumors about sightings of the mythical city of Argadnel. A lost city of wonders, built by those unable to wield arka themselves, instead relying on technology to harness its power. So the legend goes, through this they were able to harness powers thought limited to even the greatest beings. Supposedly they even made legions of Reaperless marionettes through their technology alone to serve as labor.
>Their ambitions grew with their strength, creating newer, more terrifying marionettes to serve as an army. Winged and bloodthirsty, driven solely to forward their master's conquests of the lands of Harahel, these marionettes would paint battlefields red with the blood of their enemies, and then move to the cities to prey on the innocents...
>But as the legend goes, the Arbiters grew displeased by this upsetting of the world's natural order. The peoples of Argadnel were struck down, their artificial marionettes divinely controlled to turn against their masters and drive them to extinction in merciless slaughter.
>The city was then according to myth lost to the snow, and the fear of this mighty civilization faded into legend. Surely it is just the stuff of fantasy to entertain children.
>But the rumors intrigued this group of Encorian explorers, and now they have become lost. Their benefactors have placed a reward to find them... or find out what happened to them.
>Do you sign up? They are calling for a small team of adventurers to venture forth into the tundra to find them...
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For newbs who dunno how this work or old timers who need reminders. I will take 3-4ish people and run this like a GM. You just say you pick up the sign-up sheet. It has told you to meet up at the Bronzehead Guildhall in Arka Numidia. It is a small tavern in a small town that is at the very edge of the Great Wilds. Feel free to introduce yourself, maybe after today I'll grab whomsoever interested and do a call to arms post and start the journey north.

A wild Tess has taken the plunge and signed up!

Well, if you want to do rolls you'd have to join the IRC and use the dice command in the chat. Otherwise, it's usually writer intuition, on practicality and respect I couldn't/wouldn't kill your character so it should be clear if you do fight, you'll win. You can use your skills from the CYOA to decide if its an easy fight or a fierce one. Or say if its in character to flee. Just don't be the person that goes "I go super saiyan and kill everyone :))))." But ye, just stretch your writing wings and make it fun for yourself, I'm flexible.

I am more available on weekends and afternoons in burgerland.
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Bene beams.
"With that at stake, I'm even less inclined to lose. I say that it's more ideal for you, since we can focus on your growth without having to worry about that. I have an idea of what you're talking about and I actually know someone in a similar situation. Seriously—don't sweat it!"
The gorgon gives Lan a thumbs-up.
"You've got the gist of it~! And... ah, um, I *could* stay here for a week or two. I could spend all that time cooped up in the libraries around here... Those enemies of yours won't get to you while I'm gone, right? It'd be a headache having to come get you and fight off some strange monk or mage you slighted."
She hums for a brief moment, before a runed pendant materializes in the palm of her hand.
"Take this, channel your qi into it, and I'll head towards your location—at least in the general direction. Beyond that, do you know of any place that would work as a good meeting point?"
"It's just that it's an embarrassing lack of self control, unbecoming of an immortal of my caliber. I won't lie and say that I don't enjoy it, but I'd like to have the choice."

>Taking the pendant, she tucks it between her breasts rather than having Jade put it in her inventory. Easier to activate it that way in the case of an emergency such as what Bene was suggesting.

"I've survived this long, so I doubt it will be an issue. Most of those types don't really venture away from home all too often. There isn't much reason to meet up somewhere too far from the city if we're going to be taking the gate, is there? I know there's a plaza surrounding the gate, with a selection of more foreign minded businesses targeting Academy students and merchants likely to be traveling with it. I've heard that one of the shops there was something called a cafe, selling some kind of tea from the mainland. I'm sure it isn't anything big to you, but it was something else on my list to try. How about we meet up there the day I get back?"
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Bene nods in understanding.
"Everyone loves agency and martial artists are no different."
The Lamia grins, taking a final swig of liquor.
"If they caught wind of your departure, they may be more willing to try something. But yes, sticking to the part of the city near the Riftgate is best and I would also love to try out that cafe with you~ The food is one thing, though the atmosphere is also a cafe's selling point. I'm looking forward to it, Lan~ You'll like the pastries as much as I do!"
lots of dragon propaganda these days, are they going extinct?
"They can't track my movements if they don't know who I am. That's part of what had me so spooked with the incident earlier. I shouldn't have anyone looking for me when I look like this."

>Finishing up her own drink, Lan stretches and stands up.

"I guess I should retire for the night and get started in the morning. Hopefully this place has still got rooms left. It's already late and finding somewhere else to stay would just take up more time."

>Checking with the receptionist, there is indeed a room left. Only the one.

"How do you feel about sharing a room Senior? You can have the bed, we've got a mat we can lay out. That would mean I wouldn't get the last bit of dessert I was planning with Jade, but that's fine. She's probably had too much to drink with how many different kinds we've had tonight. Something about becoming a ghost has made her not able to hold her spirits the way she used to be able to, but her love of the stuff remains unchanged. Heh, she's probably hoping I conjure her up and have my way with her anyway. She says she always wakes up feeling refreshed the morning after when I do."
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"Yeah, sorry about that—again."
Bene tilts her head.
"I don't mind, though I would actually prefer to take out my own mat. I don't require true sleep, like some Undead, and so I often rest and recuperate coiled up... or in the lotus position, in this case."
She looks over at the sheath on Lan's hip.
"It's rude of me to refuse your hospitality, but I also don't want to inconvenience Jade... Will she really be okay, come morning, or are you going to give her some pills to make up for how she's feeling?"
The disguised serpent cheeks begin to flush, before she stands up.
"Th-the alternative is that you *do* h-have your way with Jade, but I [Torpor], leaving both of you unbothered, while I rest."
"You don't have to keep apologizing. It's all water under the bridge now. In the future we'll look back on it and laugh I'd bet."

>Lan gets the key to their room and starts heading to the lodging area with Bene in tow.

"Most cultivation methods get to the point of not needing sleep eventually, but I'm too attached to worldly pleasures to really care about attaining that ability. It would be convenient and might help in a pinch, but really isn't a priority of mine. And Jade will be fine. I can always help her out in the morning if need be."

>She might be a tad too enthusiastic about Bene's suggestion.

"Wow Senior, that's so naughty! So improper! So taboo! LET'S DO IT!"

>There's a pep to her step as she unlocks their assigned room, clearly ready for what she was about to do.
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>"I'd tell you about what he did to a mermaid village I knew of but that'd just be depressing"
Dagaroth begins considering the implications of what this means, everything from the worst depravities the sentient mind is cabaple to simple murder cross his mind as potential hypothesis for what might have happened, but he considers that this might be a topic too sensitive to be addressed.

>"Nice to meet you Alice, having fun at sea?"
Alice turns to Kari
"Y-yes, as long as I am besides Lord Dagaroth there is no sea I will not cross."

Dagaroth intently listens to Kari as she describes her abilities
>"Guess biggest problem is that I don't really understand magical theory all that much? Sea witches tend to take advantage of that with curses and illusions and stuff"
"To be honest I do not know that much about magical theory myself, magic sort of works and feels natural to me, it's hard to explain. But fear not for as long as I Dagaroth Demon Lord of Darkness am nearby no mere sea witch will dare threaten you with petty dark magic."
>"What about you?"
"Well I can match a veteran adventure in terms of melee combat, although my physically strenght is not as high as yours I am strong enough tear appart humans limb from limb, I am durable enough to survive cannon fire with only minor injuries but my greatest strenght is dark magic especially the school of necromancy."
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Bene chuckles.
"Okay, and you're probably right."
Gleefully, she follows Lan.
"That may be true, though in my case, it's actually due to my constitution~ [Torpor] is a great way of dealing with that."
Taken aback by her enthusiasm, the naga gives the Tengu an odd look.
"Ah, so that's what you like..."
She clears her throat.
"Y-you really don't mind, Lan? Being too l-loud will wake me up, just like t-touching me... T-try not to s-startle me awake, o-okay?"
After taking a deep breath, Bene walks into the room where they will be staying the night. She walks towards the middle of the room, as a plush, white rug materializes at her feet. The faux-Elf sits stiffly upon the floor covering, before looking back at Lan and possibly Jade.
"I-is right here f-fine...?"
"I-it's not like I have a thing for that specifically. It just seems like something that would be considered a bit wrong by the goodie goodie orthodox types. And no kotengu is going to miss the chance to try something like that."

>Taking her place on the bed, Lan forcibly manifests Jade. She lies sprawled out on her back, booba and cock hanging out. Lan just 'hmms,' unsummons her, and does it again. This time Jade is face down with her ass propped up and on full display.

"Decisions decisions... oh, what's that Senior? You don't have to worry about that. Without Jade being awake to soundproof the place, I'd have had to tone back the noise anyway. And yeah, right there will be fine. We'll only be on or next to the bed depending on what position I end up settling on."
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"eeeh, wouldn't quite say any sea, like there's seas in the far realms I've heard contain all the monsters the arbiters think are too over the top for here"
"And I've seen some big ones here, like, big enough to look big to me"
"But it is nice to have someone you can trust with you"

>She turns herself back to Dagaroth
"Well that's kinda nice to hear, I'd hate to end up with legs again, I mean, how do you crawl up a rock with legs?"
>Kari crawls halfway up the mast then back down
"Really though, probably not a good idea to be close to me if I get cursed again, lots of tentacles, really hard to get them off of you, and all that"

"Necromancy huh?"
"So, you made all the skeletons here? I suppose if you don't have that much a crew it makes sense"
"Oh, ever tried animating a whale skeleton? I think I saw one around here, how long would it take you to get down to about 3000ft?"
"Standing up to cannonballs is pretty useful, when I get shot they just end up floating around inside like a weird aspic"
"And course being able to go one on one with a pirate lord in a duel absolutely helps at sea, especially if you look the part, they don't really respect if I try it, even if I find a snazzy pirate hat somewhere"

"That said, uhm, I do sort of kinda maybe have to wonder just how far you are along on your demon lord quest, and what the other demon lords think of it, they're a jealous bunch"
no, it's mating season. They're displaying.
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"Pfft, probably. I admit that I've only ever met one other Tengu before, so you're definitely setting a new precedent, Lan..."
Bene tenses up in hesitation, before turning to Lan and Jade. Her blush spreads all the wat to the tips of her ears.
"Th-then, u-um, a-actually... C-can I w-watch you demonstrate the dual c-cultivation technique? I-I want to take n-notes!"
>Lan works to prepare Jade as she'd like her. Going with the face down position, she pries the ghost's legs apart to access the waiting prize within. The gobbo's long green dick points back towards Lan, in the place it would be hanging down at if she were standing upright.

"Oh, is that what you were actually planning on by agreeing to this Senior?~ Did you want to see those parts of my true form hidden beneath my clothes that I mentioned? I'm fine showing off. It wouldn't be my first time with an onlooker. But just so we're clear, there won't be any dual cultivation tonight. That takes two active participants. At most you're going to see me run some qi through her to cleanse the alcohol. No, this is just filling a hunger of a different sort."

>She speaks with her back turned to Bene, partially undoing her humie transformation. Her wings and tail are unnecessary here, so they aren't included. Her head tendrils and under the clothes modifications however... well her clothes were still on so those weren't quite visible yet. That said, from Bene's spot on the floor she's given quite an upskirt view for the second time tonight. Though instead of her panties containing the bulge from holding a futa cock, they now had the imprint of what looked to be a *very* puffy pussy.
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Bene appears conflicted.
"K-kind of...? I-I'm not l-lying in saying that I w-want to, b-but if dual cultivation is o-off the table, it's f-fine."
The pseudo-Elf reverts her transformation, returning to her base Lamia form. She sits upright, her loose coils in front of her torso, looking as though she is standing.
"J-just in case there's an a-ambush, okay?"
After glancing at Lan's panties, Bene takes deep, slow breaths and closes her eyes.
"I-it seems like y-you're the one wanting me to w-watch, Lan..."
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Remember to send your letters to Santa!
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>The bird girl just laughs. Her head pivots around on her shoulders like an owl so that she can look at Bene without stopping what she was doing.

"I'm just giving you the opportunity to enjoy the show if that's what you want. If anything, holding back just enough to not wake you seemed a little more enticing since I've never done that kind of play before. But I do like being watched, though it usually happens as a result of my compulsion. I'm just a little worried that you'll see how sinful my body is and want to add Jade and I to your collection of lovers. I know just how desirable we are."

>Her clothes fall to a pile on the floor around her, leaving only her undergarments. With the sheer size of her chest, they're visible even from Bene's vantage point behind her. They seem to be more than the fanciful fabrics holding them up could bear, but they're held in place anyways. She rubs one hand down Jade's buttock and thigh affectionately, and reaches back to unclasp her lacy bra with the other. Keeping an eye on Bene's expressions all the while, she doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

"I think you should be making your choice soon. I'm eager to get started, and I don't think I'm going to wait up for you to think about it. Indecisiveness doesn't suit cultivators like us.~"
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Bene gives a curt sigh.
"I'd rather be p-part of the show than watching... A-and that's the thing—y-you don't know how d-desirable I am. We know your w-worth, but not m-mine."
Hearing further movement, she cracks her eyelids, eyeing everything Lan is laying bear for her to see.
She shifts position slightly, as her attempts at keeping a neutral countenance begin to fail. Upon hearing the Tengu cultivator's words, however, the Lamia relents. Bene opens her eyes, crosses her arms, and clicks her tongue.
"Ugh! F-fine then!"
In the blink of an eye, the serpent's Senketsu recedes into a bracelet on her wrist, leaving her just as nude as both Jade and Lan. Her pairs of crossed arms hold up her hefty mammaries, which allows Lan to see that she isn't packing one reptilian rod, but two. Her double dicks point straight to the sky—or in this case—her breasts.
"Th-there, h-happy! I'll w-watch you a-and d-distract you!"
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"Bold choice Senior! Being honest with yourself is important for preventing heart demons!"

>She looks on with interest, eyes trailing down Bene's boobs and then following her cocks down to the hole waiting below.

"Looking good. I guess I should respond in kind then.~"

>Lan's body turns around while her head keeps eye contact with Bene. Now that they were facing her, she could see that each of Lan's breasts were tipped with rosy red lips instead of normal nipples. Each one licks itself ravenously, drooling out slick milk that runs down her form. She smirks with both her face and her booba mouths as she drops her underwear. The puffy pussy she had seen is shown to be another set of luscious lips running vertically. They part as something both tongue and phallus works its way out. The tongue-cock rapidly becomes erect and points itself at Bene so that she can get a good look. There may have been some xenomorph influence going on when she designed her genitals, as this too has its own mouth at the tip. Lan chuckles as her dick's mouth gives a "mwah" like she was blowing a kiss.

"So what do you think?~ See where I got my title? One mouth wasn't good enough. I needed all of them!"
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"H-heart demons *are* pretty bad a-after all..."
Bene gasps in surprise—and awe. Without hesitation, she slithers closer towards Lan, getting as good of a look at her appearance as she can.
"Wow...! Your craftsmanship is gorgeous! You are exactly what I aspire to become as an Alchemist! Showing off your own work on your own body? It's advertising to everyone your mastery! Now I need to know if you do commissions!"
The elapid gleefully examines the multi-mawed avian alongside her [Status] window, before she facepalms and produces her own for Lan to see.
"Sorry, it's only fair that you get to see mine."
Bene is filled with a different sort of excitement now, not that the previous kind has dissipated. In fact, it's actually growing, now that her lust for knowledge is mixing with her for lust for Lan's body. She wants to know much more about how it works, is made, and—more importantly—how it feels. She acquires a lusty look in her eyes, as her gaze drifts between the cultivator's alchemically-enhanced genitalia.
"I-it's as though your title doesn't do you service enough~"
"Yes, praise me more! And you thought you liked just what you saw before. Now you see the true extent of my genuis!"

>Lan's ego was growing dangerously from the attention. She preens for a bit before carrying on.

"This isn't even all. I've got two more utilitarian ones on my back for storing my wings inside, I don't produce any waste so my backdoor matches the front, and then there's these."

>She uses a hand to pull on her hair tendrils, popping her head off. She was a [Dulluhan], but the place where her neck and shoulders disconnect was a mouth on both ends. The tongues of these two mouths were intertwined in deep kiss, but slid apart and removed themselves from one another so that she could fully show off her work to Bene.

"I've never done commissions before, but I have nothing against it. It would depend on the pay and the product."

>She glances over Bene's stat sheet, confirming what she had already figured.

"That's about what I expected. Pretty much on par or better than me at everything except Alchemy and Dark Arts. Looks like directly serving one of the Heavenly Emperors comes with quite the benefits."

>The tengu lavished in the attention of a fellow alchemist, having almost forgotten what she had been doing before. Almost.

"I definitely earned it. I have a great many desires and I take what I want."
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Resist the scaly tyrants! Mofu then, mofu now, mofu forever! Through fluff, unity!
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but enough about our locals
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"The extent of your genius is amazing now, but I fear the might from you that is still to come~!"
By now, Bene really is feeding Lan's ego for the fun of it. It's not as though she is lying, however. She beams at seeing the [Dullahan] reveal.
"You really did it all, huh~? Having mouths kissing to keep your head on is surprisingly romantic~ And as much as I would like to have maws as beautiful as yours, I have something else in mind for a commission. It may be related, though~"
The krait nods in affirmation.
"I work, not just for Lahash, but also Mastema. It pays as well as you assume~"
She chuckles, looking over the Tengu once more in a more lustful light.
"You've earned it and more~ I do see that with how forthright you are... I-I just wonder if you have any new desires~"
Bene flaunts her bosom and as if on command, milk dribbles from her nipples, while her flared hips sway seductively, exposing the pearls of fluid beading on her tips. A trail of wetness running down the front of her tail gleams in the lamplight.
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>me, just minding my own business in the streets of Nocturne
I sure hope no vampire comes and takes advantage of me, I'm very distracted and vulnerable.
Careful now, you're not the first adventuring type to have tried that, and ended up collecting a very high price on the auction block
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hey no what's meant to happen is that a hot vampire kidnaps me! And keeps me around! And we dislike each other at first but there's an undeniable attraction and it spirals out of control in a really passionate fashion!
Ahem. I sure hope that doesn't happen that'd be awful.
Do be aware some vampires might be more inclined to treat you as a pet first, including collar
Awful! Horrible! Who?
Who knows who, you'll just have to catch the eye and attention of someone at the auction
the high the price you fetch the more invested they'll be in you of course
but you wouldn't stoop as low as to try and make yourself appear more valuable would you? the plan is to not get caught up in such a horrible fate after all
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Milk for sale! All types and all sorts, bottled or fresh from the tap!
>The tongue between her shoulders lashes out to find its partner, pulling her head back in to place. She gives Bene an incredulous look as she hadn't expected the lewd side of the snake woman to take things this far.

"And what if I do? Is playing with you going to mark me as 'yours' like the others you spoke of? I respect your greed, but I'm not sure I want to be the target of it. I suppose I already am to some extent. To be honest, I didn't expect you to respond so positively to my mischief. You acted so innocent until it was time to strike back."

>She stops for a moment to think, but snaps back almost instantly.

"Fuck it. Impulse control isn't any Kotengu's strong point. This is probably a bad idea, but if anyone is going to come to their senses and stop it it's going to have to be you Senior. I can't refuse with you asking me so meekly.~ Just push me off if you change your mind. I haven't beaten you so I'll be able to control myself if you do."

>Lan looks Bene in the eyes and takes one of her hands in hers. She starts off by pressing their breasts together, Lan's lipples meeting Bene's nipples. They each give their match a big, suckling smooch, and start lapping away. She grins as she find's Bene's nips to be of the fuckable variety. The lips latch on tight, and the tongues begin eating out the chestpussies in earnest.

"Oh, and you better cast a barrier to block out the sound before you're too distracted by pleasure. I doubt we'll be able to keep it down once we really get going.~"
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Bene erects a barrier the instant Lan makes contact with her hand. A shrill moan escapes her lips when the lipples latch on and begin their eager licking. Her moaning only grows greater in intensity when the two tongues penetrate her nipples. She pants heavily, trying to acclimate to the sudden onset of pleasure.
"W-w-way a-ahead of y-you...!"
Bene stops herself halfway from bucking her hips against Lan's, their nethers only barely meeting.
"N-no, I-I'll only m-mark you if you w-want me t-to... Everything f-feels v-virginal to me, e-even if it's n-not my first t-time. Th-this isn't a b-bad idea i-if we plan to k-keep in touch~"
She realizes that she has been squeezing Lan's hand too tightly and releases her near-death grip.
"S-sorry. Um, so w-what is it that you mean by c-controlling yourself? Am I-I not trying h-hard enough, L-Lan?"
The melusine wraps her arms around Lan, pulling the two even closer together, though causing her to flinch from the heightened lewd sensations.
"H-how do I t-taste~?"
"Aww, that's cute. Your consorts must have fun teasing you if you're always like this."

>When Bene pulls on her, she moves with it. Pressing her pussy lips against Bene's hole, she uses her dick to give a long, dragging lick to Bene's lower cock. Upon reaching the end, it gives the tip a gentle kiss and swirls the dick's tongue around her cock head.

"I was just talking about that pesky little compulsion from earlier. Nothing to worry your pretty little head over. Mmm, you taste great.~"

>Lan leans forward to start kissing Bene normally in addition to all the other ways she was doing so. Her hair tendrils start smooching her too, peppering her neck, shoulders, and the top of her breasts with high suction kisses sure to leave hickeys. She speaks using her telepathic touch.

"And to think I was going to blow my load taking Jade from behind. Now I'm wondering just how I want to do it with you. I'm usually the one taking Jade's cocks, so I was going to take the opportunity to do the fucking while she was knocked out. But I don't quite know what to do with you. Any suggestions Senior?"
Gimme the milk
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>"I've heard contain all the monsters the arbiters think are too over the top for here"
Dagaroth rubs his chin as he takes in the information
"That is usefull intel, the manual I possess has little to no information on the far realms so I appreaciate this insight."

>"Well that's kinda nice to hear, I'd hate to end up with legs again, I mean, how do you crawl up a rock with legs?"
"Well, considering it takes humanoid babies many months before they master walking I assume it must not be as intuitive as it seems, but it's advised that you would use as many apendages as possible when crawling over a rock."

>"So, you made all the skeletons here? I suppose if you don't have that much a crew it makes sense"
"Indeed, I was the one who raised the skeletons to work for us but the ghosts you may see are a different bussiness entirely and arer under the control of miss Selene."

>"Oh, ever tried animating a whale skeleton? I think I saw one around here, how long would it take you to get down to about 3000ft?"
Dagaroth begins pondering on the matter of his Tier 5 dark magic skill and it's description of previous tiers given my Arc before giving an answer
"I assume I should be able to raise at the very least a dozen whale skeletons assuming they are as hard to raise as adult dragon skeletons."
"Raising them would be the easy part but getting that deep will be hard, I can probably survive such pressures but unless we get a water breathing potion it's very unlikely."

>"That said, uhm, I do sort of kinda maybe have to wonder just how far you are along on your demon lord quest, and what the other demon lords think of it, they're a jealous bunch"
"To be fair I am quite early in my journey and I am yet to meet another demon lord but considering that most might have centuries of experience more than me, caution would be wise."
i'm gonna go to the feywilds and FUCK all those dragons, surely nothing bad will happen to me en route.
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"I-I'm sure..."
Bene shudders strongly, leaking from her crowns and quim to such a degree that a puddle is well on its way to forming on the floor.
"O-okay th-then~"
Eagerly, she returns the Tengu's kissing and softly moans into her mouth, the hickeys spurring her on. Bene then materializes a pill onto her tongue for Lan to take and responds with her own telepathy.
"First, take this medicine so that my [Caustic Blood] will do you no harm. You're a Dhampir who has no problem embracing your addiction to blood, it seems, so better safe than sorry~ As for my suggestions, do you wish to claim my mouth, phalli, or womb~? I'm happy as-is with becoming more 'acquainted' with you~ Now please, pick your poison—or in this case—my venom~ Do be aware that I am exceptionally fertile, however."
She grins devilishly, her tongue on the counterattack, as its length wraps around Lan's with much more to give.
"You're not the wayward sort that makes mothers of those you happen to fancy, are you~?"
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another warning
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where sword?
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It's right there.
up again
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"Oh not like I have much more to say about the far lands, not planning to visit any time soon, it's a real pain to get back"

>She looks out of the sea
"I just got tossed into the ocean and kinda had to figure out how this whole legs thing worked myself, not sure where I even came from"
"Mostly turned out okay I think, that time I got eaten by a shark aside, don't worry, I got better"

>Kari spends a bit of time poking a few skeletons, and much longer time trying to poke a few ghosts, unsuccessfully leaving said ghost highly annoyed
"Might need to stick around and see exactly 'how' a ghost uses a ship"
"Oh you can't breathe water, right, I keep forgetting that air is a thing people need, silly me"

>She shapes what seems to be a pair of giant soap bubbles, pokes them hard a few times to make sure they were sturdy enough, then hands them to Dagaroth and Alice
"Here you go, breathing bubbles, if you can handle the pressure this should turn water it touches into air"
"That said, takes a while to swim down that far, so maybe not the best idea? At least it'll help if we stumble upon a nice coral reef, I mean technically there is also a deepwater coral reef down there, but it's around where the whale skeletons are so same problem I suppose?"

>A tentacle pats Dagaroth on the shoulder
"Don't worry, demon lords get killed all the time by intrepid adventures, in a few centuries you'll be the ancient one the young upstarts look up at"
>She smiles warmly blissfully unaware of any implications of what she just said
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I don't actually know what the dragon types are, or if there was ever information published regarding the types exist or simply are unique individuals of a single species with their own distinct adaptations. We can brainstorm here.
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All I know is that dragons are hot. That's not very helpful, sorry.
I think I am going to fall for tricks today.
mighty need for dragons
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someone give her the number of a good blacksmith, this one forgot to cover her back
It's that [humie] energy at work
which is why all humans should forcefully be told they need protection
It's in one ear and right out the other with them.
Time for some metal elementalists to forcefully dress them in something proper
Maybe a drider? They make silk and they have eyes for fashion! They could be some sort of spider-themed superhero.
I'm not sure, how hard can you make drider silk?
Spidersilk is really hard to cut! It's 100% fit for armour!
What about the mobility, we can't exactly turn them into pure tin cans
I mean. We could restrain them. For their own safety.
That wouldn't quite help a lot with the protection problem, would it?
I am just out of frame.
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Haven't seen many vampires around lately
Vampires have ways of remedying their rarity.
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well duh, I'm lurking. In the DARK.
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Dark seems to be relative for some vampires...
Who's our friendly rodent pal that lives in reactor three?
C-A-N-C-E-R M-O-U-S-E!
Whose irradiated fur is slowly killing me?
C-A-N-C-E-R M-O-U-S-E!
Cancer Mo~use, Cancer Mo~use...

It'd be fun to make a Cancer Mouse alchemy abomination character.
He's in the shade! It's technically the DARK. What a polite young man.
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A free night at an inn even I'm lost and alone in the woods? Wow, a lucky break!
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Last countdown for present requests!
So dangerous, but so cute...
up again it is
>This worries the foxdolls
Now this is what I'm talking about. I don't want foxGIRLS, I want foxWOMEN. FoxMILFS.
Everything worries the foxdolls. Very anxious creatures they are.
very nice
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Why be worried?~

Fox MILFs are the reward for evolving your Fox Girl with maximum friendship.~
I you've got time for foxes, you've time to donate blood to your local friendly vampires.
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Oh there are worries foxes around, perhaps it would be time to engage in a bit of a belayed fox hunt.
After all, it simply isn't proper for any foxes to simply run wild and untamed is it?
I had the same idea! They didn't like it.
Shame we don't have Artemis around anymore. Can't have a fox hunt with no Hounds.
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I could use a good hunting hound, perhaps I will seek her out.

That is why it's a hunt silly thing, they don't have to likely it, they're prey.
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Fox girl>Fox milf every time.
Hags can't compete.
We are all comrades in fox love.
imposter? Is one of the foxes a boy?
One of those tails is fake.
nah that can't be it. It's just sitting a little low is all.
Tail fraud is an ongoing social issue in the kitsune socio-cultural landscape.
I can't believe that someone would just fraud their way to seniority.
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would tho
"Well I do like blood. Spicy blood not so much."

>Lan swallows the the pill down, the likely first of many things about to get swallowed. She mulls over Bene's suggestions, if you could call them that. She wasn't sure suggesting everything counted. Usually you'd be more specific.

"Fertile?! Not a problem for me, I've got magic for that. Jade doesn't though despite being a ghost. Everything is still completely functional. Part of that excess Yang issue I figure."

>Her primary tongue may be getting coiled, but she still had options up there. The longer throat tongues that work to hold her neck together both come up and join the battle. Bene's tongue is facing a pincer attack!

"Of course not! The flow of the universe is codified. The actors may change, but the acts of the divine theater repeat endlessly. The narrative weight carried by a bastard overcoming their progenitor is too powerful for me to risk! And I'm definitely not ready to be a mother myself. I've got too many things to do, especially with the mainland in my future. But enough distractions. I know what I want!"

>With a pop, Lan's lipples break their rapture with Bene's own. She turns her body back facing the bed once more, but her head remains locked in place against Bene's. Grabbing on to Jade's plump, meaty thighs, her cock laps at her green lover's quim. A quick thrust takes care of the pesky localized regen problem, and the pull back presses her against Bene's crotch. She spreads her legs to give easy access to both her pussy and puckered asshole. The smaller lips of her backdoor lick themselves and open wide with tongue hanging out, going 'ahh' without a sound.

"It's simple. I'm still going to fuck Jade. You're just going to be fucking me too! You've even got a cock for both of my hungry holes.~"
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We have every right to be. We know how perverse and dangerous this world is.
No, bad! No hunts!
not even a friendly, play-pretend hunt?
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That's the right spirit my dear, wouldn't be proper prey if they actually agreed to the hunt now would it?
Nope! We're not falling for that one again!
Exactl- wait no, we're not doing that!
Tsk tsk tsk. You have much to learn~

Oh, would you look at that! It's rabbit season~
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"Mhm, figured~"
Bene giggles into Lan's maw.
"Good then~ Well, less so for Jade, unfortunately. We can work something out another time, when she's sober."
The elapid's eyes widen in surprise, finding the onslaught of tongue to be much more than she expected.
"Y-your sheer tongue-age would make any resident of Hebinier envious of you..."
She smirks.
"An alliance between our cla—"
The sudden separation and subsequent release of pressure pulls Bene to the brink, but no further. Her body goes semi-rigid, before returning to normal in a moment.
"W-what a greedy Tengu you are~ Then again, who am I to deny what we both want~?"
Bene eases herself in, making a conscious, strained effort to not lose herself to pleasure. She's drawn deep into Lan, when suddenly, her twin phalli expand, filling the space they occupy. They continue to grow until the point of stretching, the first quickly kissing the cultivator's cervix, while the other snakes further yet. Bene, listening to her urges, powerfully bucks her hips once, leaving her shuddering, panting, and moaning with each breath.
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>"I just got tossed into the ocean and kinda had to figure out how this whole legs thing worked myself, not sure where I even came from"
Dagaroth stares at Kari, thinking to himself about the implications of what she just said ("is Kari that young or could this imply that she is from earth too? So many questions...")
Dagaroth begins speaking
"A-are you from-"
Before he can even complete the sentence the aspiring demon lord begins feeling something choking his neck and unability to speak, the memory of a choice made not that long ago runs through his mind
As fast as dagaroth began choking his throat goes back to normal and a deep sadness lingers in his eyes
"I am sorry miss Kari, forget what I was about to say."

>"I keep forgetting that air is a thing people need, silly me"
>"That said, takes a while to swim down that far..."
"I see, fortunately I can see in total darkness but I don't think we should take Alice with us, a human would not survive the pressures of the deep sea."
Dagaroth turns to Alice
"I am sorry Alice, but if we go through with this plan you will have to stay on the ship, I cannot risk your life in the oceanic depts."
Alice lets out a sigh
"I understand lord Dagaroth..."

>"Don't worry, demon lords get killed all the time by intrepid adventures, in a few centuries you'll be the ancient one the young upstarts look up at"
Dagaroth began laughing
"Now that is something to look forward to, but fear not miss Kari for I demon lord Dagaroth shall not fall before any hero's blade."
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What the hell happened to Lumine?
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Seconding the 'would' verdict here
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"We're not- we're not falling for that ethier!
Grief, Terra, stop daydreaming on farmstock chasing and focus"
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Falling for what?~
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ah saw this and thought of you
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How incredibly regal and beautiful...
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"Oh where I'm from? Err not sure, just kind of dropped out of my egg on the floor of some mansion I think? was a lot of screaming and I was kinda confused and before I knew it I'd gotten scooped up and chucked down the river then floated into the ocean"
"Did have a wonderful dream beforehand of having legs and walking around some other place"
"Kinda weird I remember everything no? I don't even know what I am, never met any other of my kind, though did meet a lot of other slimes, but they're not quite 'me'"

>She looks at Alice at the sigh
"Aaauw, don't worry, I've got a solution, I could like, swallow you inside me"
"And leave a little window open, for you to watch through"
"It's actually a pretty comfortable room all things considered, if you don't mind everything being tentacles, and no, I know what you're thinking, they only do 'that' if you want it"
"Always kind of funny to see which sailors actually want it though, you can never quite tell from the looks"

>Looking around the deck of the ship again for the vampire
"Your companion seems a bit stunned though, maybe we should make it a quick dive if we go, or wait for her to say if she wants to come?"

>She giggles a bit at the hero's blade bit then spits out a harpoon
"Had someone get really obsessed with hunting me once, felt a bit sorry for them though so I kinda faked him getting me"
"He looked really sad though when I dissolved into seafoam, think he wanted a trophy maybe?"
page 10 warning again
A small bump from the dizzy vamp.
>Lan glosses over whatever it was Bene was trying to say, ignoring it in favor of focusing purely on the sex. She grunts in a mix of surprise and strain as the lamia's cocks expand to fill her to her limit.

"Oh! Oh fuck... you didn't tell me you were gonna get bigger than Jade!"

>Taking a moment to adjust, she pulls Bene down with her as she bends over Jade's prone form and begins humping her in earnest. Her lower mouths suck hard, dragging the double dicks inside of her with her and giving them no chance to escape her grasp.

"Th-that was quick, but this is intense enough that it's pushing me there too. Time for my secret technique! Let it all out inside, and let the taste of your cum send me over the edge!"

>She was begging to be filled, but she was going to earn it. Astonishingly, the tip kissing her cervix found itself doing so literally. Yet another mouth lie deep within her, and it began to suckle on its prize. Its tongue swirls circles around the head of the invader, and the entirety of her pussy begins to swallow rhythmically. If that wasn't enough, Bene's other member was meeting a similar fate. Lan desperately wanted the creamy dessert she'd been promised.
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