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Education Edition

Fimfiction diaper story groups:

Ponepaste diaper green bin:

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/71142278/#71142278
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wtf I love silly ponies in diapers
Why is she so silly?
I love embarrassed diapered ponies.
Hello slop chads
How would that class go?
Hi <3
Needs green.
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Less slop please, more silly pampered ponies
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These are truly terrifying times.
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To be a bored filly on a lazy afternoon, who is allowed to wear diapers.
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How about slop made from real art?
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Can someone add REALLY LOUD messing sounds to this vid?
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I can add rope
is it that time again? I miss it every damn time, so now it's my turn to ask for the discord link.
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Cozy should have been petrified in a diaper.
Gotta wait until someone from the Discord shows up who can generate a link. Also:

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Mares are adorable when they have a saggy diaper between their hind legs!
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She is flying the fuck away.
diapers give you wings
Ah. Now my year can end properly after seeing this post one more time.
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Glad to see it.
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>I will never be a cute mare being pampered by another cute mare
it hurts, bros...
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Good pamp smush
Well, you gotta get as close as you can.
We can always
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leg lift so cute
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have any of you managed to get your frens into diapers?
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Hmmf, stimky
What are your favorite scenarios?
I think these are absolute kino:
Filling the fresh diaper right after getting changed.
Using a diaper while seated on a toilet or a training potty,
Trying not to have an accident and being encouraged by caretaker to just let go in your diaper. Bonus points if they hold your hooves and gently stroke your mane as you go. unf
>Trying not to have an accident and being encouraged by caretaker to just let go in your diaper. Bonus points if they hold your hooves and gently stroke your mane as you go

Oof. I would want to train my little ponies to unconditionally love and enjoy filling their diapers to the brim. Treats and praise for every pants-poop until they forget the potty exists.
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Dashie's such a dorky baby. Our big, tough Wonderbolt is now puuuushing~ big load into her diaper, and needs an adult to come wipe her butt.
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Disparity does hot stuff
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Well you're certainly getting facesat on by a mare with a heavy diaper.
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I can't decide which is cuter. Mare being lewd in a diaper, or mare wearing stinky diaper ...
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Filly needs a hug and a change. Maybe a little kiss on tummy for good measure.
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Love when you can tell they are wetting just from the expression
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>ywn accidentally walk in on Limestone in a diaper with Marble feeding her a bottle
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Please. Please. Give me more balled up diapers. The prompt or the videos or something please god aaa
Sure, buddy
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They're made with hailuo, using pic related (already IA generated, so it's Double Slop) and the prompt "the character Pinkie Pie from "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" comes from underneath this pile of diapers and laughs"
Funnily enought, in every prompt I've ever made, Pinkie is constantly talking, and that is unprompted, the AI just knows that PP never shuts up
Yo dawg I put slop in your slop
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Derpy is best pony
The OP pic.

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