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Lazy edition.
edging to big tits
Post some and same.
Post tits and don't talk about how horny you are, retards. The erp threads are elsewhere.
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More like La-Z-Cup, am I right?
I agree with this, every reply should have tits doesn't even take 5 mins to find a pic.
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>tags: busty_boy

it hurts.
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you're confusing maggie with theycallhimcake's other oc, peanut butter
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faggots are constantly going out of their way to ruin everything on the fucking planet. they should all be lined up and executed simultaneously
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sweaty clock
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>tags: busty_boy
Yes please
>when she visits the beach with her bf
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stolen from the paizuri thread on /h/
Love this slut
There's a new senran thread up for those that love shinobi titties
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slutposting threads always have nice titties.
Think so? Which ones have the best tits?
little tits
This place has solid picks
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when the fuck will this guy open the commissions already it's been over a year
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I dunno, man, I'm just happy to have him around.
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big mammaries
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Udder madness
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These artists are mental.
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Welp i seen like 2 OC from him both being busty boys so i wouldn't be suprised if only the dullahan type of girl was the only girl cake draws
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Yeah, I F/W busty boys now
took you long enough
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It hurts so much
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Then go to /d/ if you just want another sterile image dump thread with occasional civil conversation, they even have a thread for huge tits up. This is /trash/ man, degeneracy is basically law here, get over yourself.
I've been starting to question the point of this general lately if we're not allowed to let discussion get hot and bothered in any fashion. I think the "remember your roots" shit is cringe but just look at the first edition
and you'll see the night and day difference in tone between then and now only just over a year ago. Hell, didn't these start as an offshoot of those three conscutive Dragonmaid gooning threads?
>look at the first edition
If you're going to try and rootsfag, how about you look at the first edition instead.
Whoops, forgot tits.
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Then I guess I was mistaken and simply should stop coming here.
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You're welcome to stay, lad. Just talk about tits instead of about how much you stroke your dick to tits.
It's literally that simple.
Yeah, I don't really understand what are these new anal rules.
Not like they are working, the thread has been up for 3 days at this point and it didn't even go past 100 posts, lol.
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I would love to get a titfuck.
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me too anon from cute brats like them
How do I court a girl like this without freezing from wanting to fuck things up?
Well, you'd first need to find a girl like that and they don't exist, so..
But step 2 would be to just talk to her.
Step 3 is to admit that yes, her fat tits are distracting, but you're making an honest effort to interact with her despite that. With any luck, she'll be flattered. If not, then she's a bitch and not worth your time anyway.
>Well, you'd first need to find a girl like that and they don't exist, so..
She was sitting next to me on the train home...
Congrats, now keep trying.
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I didn't even try that's the worst part.
It was just long and awkward.
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Those cards are quite nice.
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I didn't know stupid sauce had that side effect.
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Pawa, my beloved~...
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I'm intrigued

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