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Sister thread of >>>/cm/mouthwashing for nuggetposting
Other boy gore and gay porn are also fine

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/71118964/#q71118964
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oh the things i would do to that nugget
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Argh, one of the accounts that drew really good nugget porn privated and I wasn't following them. RIP all that good nugget porn.
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That's a shame
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Pretty good fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/60973699
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how would the story improve if anya was a genetically engineered anthro monkeygirl?
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Oh hell yeah, nugget time
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Holy shit this thread is even more active than the main one. This tells us a lot about... The specific tastes of the audience.
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Well it needs to be more active because it's a faster board that runs the risk of the thread dying faster due to getting bumped off, but yes.
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nugget is love, nugget is life
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Me first
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I wonder how much he'd bleed if you fucked him without lube
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Sex with fem!Curly
he's already bleeding 24/7, look at how bloodstained his bed is. just think of it as natural lube
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Male Curly is a titcow, femCurly should have bigger boobs.
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Is it the Korean one that starts with DRG? Why didn't you just follow them, their art is kino
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Damn they're cute
Me if I ever get my hands on a nugget
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Yeah, it was that one. I just don't follow nsfw accounts in general because I'm a fool ig
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I actually get very triggered when I see Curly's pre-crash face. My dick wouldn't be able to stay hard unless I was imagining him without all his skin. What is it about him that brings out the worst in me? I want him to look repulsive and be in pain so that he only can rely on me. I love Curly a lot. I hope things get better.
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Eastern artists tend to unlock their accounts after a bit, but I recommend following them if they ever do unlock because you are definitely going to miss out on bottom Curly kino if they lock again
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We know that's you, Jimmy.
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based jimmy
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My squeaky clean reputation tho... Everyone will know I'm a perv.
private your account
>make private gooner account
>follow all the degenerate artists you want
I'm a mental female loser who likes to read about men being mindbroken and raped. Could you recommend a fic like this? Specifically rape of Curly. Thank you.
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I know, but it's easier to just bookmark artists on nitter so I don't have to deal with twitter's bullshit or juggling accounts. At least until stuff like this happens.
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I have no idea if this will still be here when I wake up so until next time my fellow nugget enthusiasts. Keep fucking those curly fries
I’ll give this thread a nighty night bump
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also, this is my art, did I cook?
Actually yeah, you did. This is pretty sweet.
You absolutely did
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thank you sm. Should I also post unedited version? it also gives me courage to draw pre crash Curly. Though I'd probably post it in /cm/ cause it's gonna be sfw
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GENTLY hold and caress the curly
post the unedited version and draw pre crash curly!
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playing this game for the first time today
having troubles with pre crash bara, he looks like anime boy help I never drew men like him before so it's bad
Definitely did, he's so cute!!
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What's the best site to check for Chinese art?
Hope you'll like it
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I love that if you raped Curly, he would definitely blame himself for it
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Probably Weibo but I haven't looked at it once. I just see the ones on Twitter.
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Aaaaah I want to fuck the nugget
Imagine his cute whimpers
me on the right
me on the left
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Probably too lewd for cm
Free use Curly hnnnnnnnnnng
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We know what his whimpers sound like and they are erotic.
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Orally raping Curly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This will always be my fave pre-Curly pic
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he's too cute
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Finally, a game and community that hates wokeness.
i like the shoujo eyelashes he's got going on here
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The community is extremely woke, only on 4chan is it bearable
His agony is neverending...........
Stop using reddit
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I need this irl
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I need pic related irl
I really love to see the nugget dressed up in cute outfits. He may be gruesome, repulsively mutilated, and in indescribable pain but he's so adorable. I really want to see him in pretty panties and outfits so we can remember the good times together. Curly, I love you. You'll always be beautiful. I want to feel your stumps jerking my cock while you whimper and groan for more medicine.
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Whaaa... Who give Jimmy WiFi?!?!?
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I also need a Curly irl... for Reasons
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Well it lasted another day but bump limit approaches and I'm too sleepy to stay up until then. Good night, nug lovers. Until we meet again.
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Always rabu nugget
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>Curly became a sex symbol first as a nugget and then later as his regular self
Never 4get
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I need nugget Curly marketable little adorable plushie so much
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Is his womb okay
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