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>Snoot Game:

>I Wani Hug That Gator:
https://pastebin.com/njqLSDCH Downloads
https://imgur.com/a/kHVfTxY Guide

>GVH Download (Fitgirl)

>Snoot Game OST:

>Fang board playlists:

>>Fics & Art


>Archive and Anon's Snoot Archive 2.5

>Snoot fic spreadsheet:

>AO3 page:

>Greentext Mega:

>Snoot AI Chatbots

>Blender models:
https://mega.nz/file/tGND1A4J#e_kTHwxg-DIPrIcGacvIAV8n6vH2H4HZMnJK9jVOZhk (Fang)
>Low Poly models:


>Snoot Mods (check Snoot Archive 2.5 for a more complete list / working links to older mods)

>>Thread Archives:
https://mega.nz/folder/DZ5DyS6T#gLDccjzhJkQpKQNKjdoIew - Will load everything on one page, a heavy load for weaker systems.
https://mega.nz/folder/A91CVJaT#ehv3cVxkWMYW45YmEK4BLA - Easier load on your system, but linking across pages does not work.


>>Previous Thread(s):
Favorite thing to do when relaxing in your room?
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Trying to figure out my posture
I do not care for this image
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luv me some Rosa
puppet pal sex
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Thanks for the free Epilepsy
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she deserves happiness
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I think the main failing of the Genesis era Sonic games is that the first level is always the best part of the game and the rest of the game is either boring as fuck or an infuriating chore
Sonic 3 is the only game in the trilogy to avoid this for the most part, but even then the best levels are early in the game
trvthnuke, sonic 2 is worthless aside from emerald hill
>ATF is back up
>Sonic 2 is worthless aside from Chemical Plant Zone
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>"Thanks for preparing my bath for me honey. I'll come and eat after I'm done."
what is bonkas underwear color
Chemical Plant isn't THAT bad, but it's still noticeably worse than Emerald Hill
maybe I'm biased because of the years of me drowning all the time when I was an idiot child
too hard to put on so she just goes commando
Red and white.
she's blind, not retarded
I imagine she just wears plain white underwear, prioritizing comfort over style
The thought struck me earlier while away, has anyone drawn a tailjob? I don't remember any art. Seems like untapped potential.
Tail is for hugs
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>"Alrighty dear, just don't take too much time, since Cynthia will only be out with her friends for so long. I wanna watch a movie. Was thinking Mask of Light like old times."
Chadshark seems like he's unironically chill.
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I just got to the part in snoot game where Fang says she’s not non binary anymore. She was like “notice anything different about me” and I don’t know what I was supposed to notice or when/why this change in mentality happened. She just seems the same. Am I missing something?
Also, I figured something like this would be a bigger moment for her character but it seems pretty nonchalant.
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Chemical Plant Zone has the best music in Sonic 2
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My arm hurts
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I headcanon him as having Lyle from Oneyplays' voice
Damn, you work fast. Nice job!
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>"Lizard Sisters... it's never over!"
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Truly this is the renaissance of bonka lewds
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what the fuck is going on in the background? It looks like FF7 Midgar
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>Pteros beware...
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g'night, /snoot/
goodnight anon
start talking
any anons pick up anything from the steam sale?
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Nope i pirate shit
Night Anon
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can this dude like stop putting pizzas every where
same but I pick up indie titles when they're on sale to support the devs
i might just buy some some of these 90% off are crazy
I just want to sit by her side and slowly rub her beautiful belly while we kiss deeply.
God do I need this baryonyx in my life, she’s so beautiful…
Like what, anything?
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ehhh i guess it is reasonable to want to accomplish things before 30 or any age because setting goals can be motivating but It sounds like you’re trying to reclaim a sense of time lost which is understandable but it can also create unnecessary pressure
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>>71707703 (me)
bruh he deleted it
yeah anythings fine the threads dead
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yeah i dont think i am smart enough to solve this
>>71707756 (me)
the hand writings not helping it either
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>needing to bump a /snoot/ thread
It's been so long...
>satisfying knowing that you're still young talent
Talent is talent at any age, be proud of what you can do. Ever posted any of your art?
"How to rim yourself if you have scoliosis"
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Sorry for that. I deleted because I thought it was silly and I was kinda just spilling some internal feelings on a board meant for dinos. Didn't wanna disrupt that. Anyway, yeah I guess you're right. It does put an unnecessary amount of pressure. And I'd definitely be lying if I said I wasn't doing it to make up for lost time. But part of it stems from the fact that I always wanted to do it, but was either too chickenshit or lazy. So I could've been great at it by now if I had just committed to it.
The rimming palace
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Its not bumping you retard
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Its okay to feel that way regret is a natural part of reflecting on missed opportunities especially for something you’ve always wanted to do but its also worth reminding yourself that beating yourself up over the past won’t change it
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>"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact"

How could I ignore this? Why did I take myself so seriously /snoot/?
That roulette wheel is absolute shit, why are you even paying attention to it?
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A big girl with a big heart
Do you ever just get sad when you like a certain pairing, or there was an opportunity for one but it never happened? This doesn't just have to be for Snoot/Wani, it can be for any media.
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more hyu slop
Because people think something useful will come out of /snoot/ here(?

Idk, the good thing here is the well-written greentext and the well-made requests, that's all
Looks bad
Can someone kill all these worthless sloptrannies shitting up the booru
Thats more than what any groomcord server will ever achieve
I honestly wonder if the second coming of Cavemanon will spawn from /Snoot/ one day. Like an entirely different team of autists that will create the most bitchin dino visual novel after Snoot and Wani. But let's be honest, it'll probably never happen. Since anons here just like jerkin off and consuming. Nothing wrong with that though.
Eh, not really, the servers are worth it if you know which one to choose and what shit to get into, as long as you're not a dramafag
>Doesn't know about Nickers and their passion
Oh Anon...
>Since anons here just like jerkin off and consuming
You just described every discord server only remove the "anons" part
Man, houses with garage doors being able to cover and reinforce windows are a lost art
Niggas can't make a single mod
All I see is tons of art from who knows who and that's it
the only server I find useful is the ifunny one because it facilitates commissions, beyond that most of its channels are populated by no life faggots and other attention whores
The only use a server can have is finding artfags for commisions. All else is just braindead faggots jerking off personalityfags
Yeah, but that's discord though. They aren't known for creativity. You'd think assembling a team like Cavemanon's would be even easier here, but no one really wants to. Or feels autistic enough. I just wanna see another fan game being made that's actually from the threads again.
>Niggas can't make a single mod
And thats a good thing since they are all retarded. Devious and writeranon have been making a lot of development around Nick , even theoritical throwaway ending concepts so something will come from them eventually
>I just wanna see another fan game being made that's actually from the threads again.
be the change you wanna see.
>You'd think assembling a team like Cavemanon's would be even easier here
Just look at wani's development , assembling a team isn't easy , even less a GOOD and COMPETENT team that will actually finish the project rather than falling apart mid way due to drama and retardation
I would, but how would we even do it? We all despise discord and ideas are pretty hard to latch on here.
Discord is fine if you use it as a tool to contact and manage your people for a mod / game. Making discord communities is where it gets shit
we can follow after Cavemanon, though as for ideas I got nothing.
Never hire a paranigger
kek reminding me of the response doc that Cave did agaisnt the hit piece
Wani is a real miracle that it even came out good or had the success that it had, everything seemed cursed from the beginning
there's always alternative platforms for communication and a heavily insular discord group is still useful
The collective creative budget of 4chan has been spent on snoot. Wait for 8 years for next one.
if you do please don't make it another high school romance. do something like CIA or idk anything other than that.
We need a milf vn. Like legit story about middle aged people.
I got one. But I'm iffy on it because it kinda just sounds like the plot for an 2non/Tracy story. Which I didn't even realize until I had already cooked up most of the plot concept.
no all hag ocs are coomslop
this is a golden rule, really just don't hire waifufags in general
never laughed as hard as spidey finally checking out of Wani's development because someone pinged him with a crudely drawn ms paint of Naomi with a BBC
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Nova Game...
well lay it out for us and let's see what we can do to improve it
Would you guys hire me? (cant draw can somewhat write)
Let no one tell Spidey that there are drawings of his OC recolor even with horse dicks kek
New characters, proper story, purely original shit all. Still dino ladies though.
Slum had the right direction but he is insane otherwise. We need something that breaks the forming mold.
who's your wife?
Coomer slop game*

Get out, slum was right
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"Are you really going to wear that every time we're out in public?"
>"Don't be retarded, you already know the answer"
its fine as long as the oc isnt coomslop also dilf main character doesnt sound too bad
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in the picture anon
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Nova literally has the strongest base to make an interesting story with her
Hey anon, speaking of that, it seems Tarja's mod is going to be "something" after all (the same from reddit)
>Nova literally has the strongest base to make an interesting story with her

Nigga that wall of text is miseryshit lmao
its gonna be coomslop since tarja is already
somewhat a coom oc
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utterly diabolical bait
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Night Snoot, see you in the morning when I hopefully have ideas
Coomer character written by a coomer

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goodnight anon
has anyone done a cold war military snoot VN yet?
there's already a bonker game on the way, unless you want to cavemanon the bonker devs
What a big lie I've seen lmfaooo
Yeah Nova wold probably be the best candidate for a milf game. The other milfs either have no lore or are have been turned into goonslop but the coom spider
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Coomslop garbage it would never be good and most likely just porn
Tarja game on the other hand that has some serious potential to be the next coming of snoot
A Cold War visual novel with dinosaurs? Do you know how retarded that sounds? Change the VN formula to something else and I'll believe you.
not a bonka game i am fine with just any dino
You are a retard for bothering to respond to obvious ragebait
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>Yeah Nova wold probably be the best candidate for a milf game. The other milfs either have no lore or are have been turned into goonslop but the coom spider

Coomer character written by another coomer, how smart you are anon
She has plenty of stuff laid out to start a story, you'd also break he usual highschool mold too, you can be even flexible with the MC, he could either be young or someone Nova's age
make me.
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That's one thing Nova has that other moms don't, she hasn't been drawn by spider and probably never will
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is this a coomslop oc? she seems fine to me
Probably someone closer her age , we had enough shit happening in highschools. Having an adult theme would be a nice change for once
Well... alright. So far I was thinking the setting could take place in a poor urban part of a city. Somewhere in the dino equivalent of New York. The MC has the usual punny name. But he's in his mid twenties. He's a guy who's burned bridges with everyone because he was an egotistical shithead when he was younger. Made some poor decisions, and ended up working a low skill job that just barely pays the bills. Eventually he'd meet the female dino MC who is running a food truck near his job. That's sorta the broad concept. I have some characterization for them both as well.
stop drawing pizzas in your art
Anon, you just gave me an idea...
It's all coom Anon the problem lies in the fact it is a female oc so inherently it is coom from the start
Adds flavor.
Like essentially his peaked in high school. But yeah like I said. It sounds pretty similar to a 2non/Tracy story concept. Hence why I was iffy.
Totally, just someone her age who she can connect to and finally open up after so many years of basically being alone
just draw your twitter username or something
would play her game
50's to 60's setting is unique
lunara game? theresa game? idk which dinos don't have games
It's quite Tracy like yeah, you could reshift the food truck job to a server in restaurant or just another struggle job
Can't do Anon. I like seeing you get mad about it. Turns me on.
I guess its got something to do with milfs somethings just ruin it for me
I legit dont know but most of these dino require you to change alot of things about them for things to work out
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One of the most autistic nitpicks I've seen about an artist.
I have this concept in the works that she wants to upgrade from a food truck, to a diner. Specifically a diner that her mother used to own. But her family had to give it up after her mother passed away. Since there was no way to run it as effectively without her. So she wants to reclaim it. This part was supposed to be important to the MC as well. Because he could in a hypothetical E1 screw her out her funding.
thanks bby
You guys autistic?
I don't mean in the "bro of course bro we like dino women" I mean like genuinely on the spectrum.
I've got a major ADHD diagnosis, literally can't do anything productive unless the stars align or I take meds.
Yeah , it would need to be someone who could potentially help fixing her relationship with her daughter since that's her big issue
I mean I also got ADHD on top of PTSD and bipolar disorder.
this is interesting, you could make it so that she works at the diner but it's at the precipice of getting taken over by the mob due to debts that her let's say brother or uncle owe
you still have that struggling for money aspect as she'd need to find the money to save her family diner and fuck off her shitty brother and or uncle for example and the mob who's breathing down her family's neck
>60s setting
Would allow for a ton more TF2 references kek
Was thinking early to mid twenties.
I'm probably the only one diagnosed on the spectrum here
it’s fang friday!
I'll consider that diner idea. Maybe it doesn't have to be completely sold off. Maybe just owned by new people that she works for. But the mob? I dunno... criminal stuff was actually gonna play a role in my concept. More specifically for my MC who is battling a drug addiction. And is in deep debt to a drug dealer. Part of what makes it tempting for him to screw the dino MC out of her money. I'll just go and ahead and say the names I got for them are these
>Yaur/Yuar N. O'Body
Don't know how I wanna spell his first name yet.
>Cassidy ???
Haven't selected a last name yet.
lets see uhh ADHD autism that one disorder that if something isnt perfect i get bugged out and i am mentally ill
Nova isn't a coomslop OC, she's just pretty uninteresting and it sorta puts a damper on things that no matter what her true ending is being a single mom to a decently shitty kid.
The MC idea is cool too, an overall urban setting and premise like this is quite fresh for snoot, as all fangames are inside these big bright schools
The name of the MC is certainly unique, as for the last name for the love interest you could play around based on her species or ethnicity
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i wish judee would hold me
and i mean hold me as in hold my whole body in her arms
which would not be possible
unless she were really big in comparison to me
which i also want
her tits are huge dude
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Fang was pretty uninteresting at the starts as well. It's up to potential devs to expand the characters and make them interesting and likable
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I am losing it anons...
put on a song anon, it'll ease your senses
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the songs are making it worse
You better go find it then
a walk outside then, In my worst moments I either jogged or cycled through my city's large park
You are? But you're a born winner!
its too late anon its already too fair away
I was a really big fan of urban stuff. Especially because I played a lot of rockstar games and infamous. It offers a lot of personality. And I want to play off my MC being a street smart guy. Leaves a lot of room for fun moments like him knowing the best places to go to and avoid. Exploring his knowledge of the setting. I wanna give some background for my two MC's though and get some critique.
>Yuar N. O'Body
Obviously he's playing off the pun of "You're a nobody". And that perfectly fits his current circumstances. Not like he really wants anything else. For some backround, Yuar comes from an Irish American background. He was a track athlete back in high school with an over inflated ego. Constantly treating people like shit. But never got any pushback. His parents were also dismissive but he eventually had a falling out with them as well. Not until he busted up his leg in track did everything come crashing down. No back up plan and he burned bridges with everyone, he really had nothing else. Yuar is a pretty scummy and sleazy guy (Basically Scumbag Steve). But he's not a total asshole. At least not anymore after being humbled by life. But he's not exactly a great person because he isn't against using any opportunity to help himself. The main struggle of his character is him actually wanting to seek a future for himself, and cast away his self serving lifestyle. No more short term satisfaction, and instead going for the long term. His relationship with the female MC begins because she provides him with him something. Only really developing feelings as he gets to know her better.
Mark Eckos Getting Up... but VN... with dinos...
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>oh wow this sure seems like a good spot in the thread to relax. sure hope nothing annoying happens
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Dont jinx it
An actual scumbag sort of MC is something that this community is missing kek
So I like that angle with him being this street smart piece of shit who's seeking out a chance for redemption
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I stand witness to the beauty of my sky blue love
>Slum has the right direction but is insane
>We need something to break the mold
...isn't that exactly what you'd be looking for?
Where is this retarded claim even coming from. All this schizonigger has shown are his flilthy woman fetish ocs and an outline of lore that sounds like misery porn. Where is this "good direction"
Thing is, he isn't exactly seeking redemption yet. If it wasn't for his money troubles and debt, he'd be content with his position. Only through his time spent with the dino MC would he really start considering something more. And wanting to be better.
which is good to see, fingers crossed
That's the way to go, makes for fun starting chapters of having the MC be who he is and by interacting more with the love interest you see him actively try to do better, depending on which ending your on of cource
That already sounds more original than all of the troonmade safehorny fangames, I'd rather have filfthy women than muscle mommy #3 or a sparkledog in dino form
Well it seems not many people cared about the Spidey goon art. I will keep it to myself my other findings, in a way, he did so much harm to the community he doesn't even deserve leaks
oh yeah, any suggestions to the fankids tarot stuff? I'll be doing snoot/wani ones next so woohoo
My point is that he hasn't presented anything amazingly groundbreaking yet some faggots here treat him like he is creating a masterpiece while he has shown less than the discord trannies did in the same amount of time
>Sam II
The Magician
The Empress
nodding, yesyes- I shall add these to the list
For the fem dino MC, I haven't really picked out a last name or species. But I want to go for an omnivore since they can eat anything. Was considering a pachycephalosaurus, since we barely got any of those and there is speculation that they also ate meat.
>Cassidy or just Cass
Cass grew up in an upper middle class family. Her mom and dad owned a diner together. With her mother doing most of the managing while her dad handled the business side of it all. Eventually her mother passed away due to certain circumstances, and her dad couldn't keep up with the business with her gone. So he was forced to sell it, and head into a corporate job to support Cass and her older brother. Cass's childhood was pretty hard. Since she delt with a lot of bullying. Causing confidence issues. Also didn't help that her big brother was constantly getting into fights for her sake. Which made her feel even more shit. She started taking up cooking at a young age to be like her mom. Feeling like it was one of the ways she could honor her memory (main reason why she wants to reclaim the diner). Learning her recipes and stuff. But her lack of a mother figure growing up definitely affected her such as leaving her with attachment issues. Which contributed to her getting into a physically abusive relationship for years. Only getting out of it because her brother forced her hand. It still affects her to this day. She desires companionship, and is lonely. Her brother has his own family which just further deepens this sorrow. You add this up and you can see why she tries to befriend Yuar. Who only tolerates her for free shit like free food. Until he gets to know her better of course. Her and Yuar are the only two I really have developed so far.
you are all retarded retards and dumb,
How would you give this thing hair
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Requesting this with Anon, Fang and Ripley.
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I dunno. I didn't think that far ahead. Hence why I just considered the species. Would she really need any hair though? I'm down for species suggestions.
damn that was a fast edit (someone already made that before I asked, right)
Cynthia why are you awake so early on a Saturday
shut up retard
Go to sleep
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I will rape you.
Someone made it yesterday lol
Sleep now
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You're grounded.
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A Scumbag Steve like character is unironically a goated choice for a Snoot MC concept.
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>Crying Mia noises
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idk man, that seems like a lot
i can't speak for other people that make things but the most you could ever expect out of me is, like, a short mod for wani or something. i have no lessons that i feel the burning desire to get out there and say that would fit in a plot that features romance.
making things is REALLY exhausting and time-consuming.
All I want for Christmas on this stego Saturday is for a cute Christmas picture of Cynthia. No edginess. No suffering. No porn. Cynthia being happy on Christmas.
I'm awake
what's going on /snoot/?
everyone ready for Christmas?
why is there so few tarja porn fics?
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Who the hell is this guy even supposed to be? I keep seeing him.
Some nigger oc from a spic mod. He has a shark waifu
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you're not wrong to think that based the scraps of info fed to the threads

but I have chink and balkan stand-ins, thus I win :^)
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he gets beat up by rosa
ew, why do they look so gross?
i want more muscle mommy triggas!
There will be rape. A lot of it.
This looks awful
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markiplier if he likes shark pussy
fugly creatures, give me some tall dommy mommies please!
What is it with Snooter MC's and fingerless gloves? That protag of Trigger game wears them too.
doesn't he suck woman penises?
>but I have chink and balkan stand-ins
Neither is a good thing
Different shark OC. The one he fucks seems to be an actual woman.
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i think this one has a dick tho
goddamn it
No the other one
Fish with an edible pussy

Not sure if I'm too late but I have been working on a concept for a Nick project in my spare time, I just need to refine the human MC a bit more.
ok so whats this human like?
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here you go a quick smella from bed
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i love this retard
Mels likely the high priestess, the whole mystery and inner voice deal.
Though I'm surprised you picked wheel of fortune for Greene rather than the hanged man. Considering Greene's entire schtick is a overt sense of self-sacrifice. Though I suppose theres his deal over his bad luck and his "cycle" that he goes through? Idk

Maybe the world is this ptwins or something? I get that would have Greene in three cards (wheel + lovers + world) but I can't really think of anything else that represents completion and harmony besides those two. Two sides of a coin. Their yin yang.
Could balance it out by giving amber another card. The ptero ptwins are a but of a focus with the fankids so it hardly seems unreasonable to give them duplicate privileges. Tarots are very vague.
I'm going by https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list for my tarot meanings. Maybe that'll help you out.
Jack fits Justice Reversed or better yet. The devil.
Amber and Maria fits nicely into the chariot. Though Maria probably falls into Strength.
The fool might be Lur? He is the newest kid on the block, which the fool represents new journeys.
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very cute smella
Ah yes another slop of nothing burger
Out of all the fankids, the only ones explicitly in a relationship are Sam II/Beta and Iris/Lur
Could make The Lovers one of those pairs if you don't want too much with Greene
>>71709660 (me)
Lavender is the sun definitely.
Cynthia would actually be a pretty good justice. She's never holding back and speaks what she thinks mostly.
Kinda ehhh on the elvira empress thing. I know it's a fankid tarot card but if it were up to me i would jave made emperor and empress older anon and fang in the role of being the ptwins' parents.
Elvira probably fits into... temeperance? Heirophant? Oh wait the moon!
>Out of all the fankids, the only ones explicitly in a relationship are Sam II/Beta and Iris/Lur
fucking Melissa/Greene is more of a relationship that those things, literally the Mel X Gren ship saved both characters and redeemed themselves.
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which snoot MILF would you bang?
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>Elvira probably fits into... temeperance? Heirophant? Oh wait the moon!
I was thinking of the Moon too kek, just forgot to mention it.
I think giving Amber another card is fine. We dont nearly have enough meaningful fankids to fit every card i don't think. Greene and Ambs being duped a few times equally seems fine in my opinion. Amber could easily take up judgement. Which honestly I'm very split between her fulfilling judgement (maybe fighting with Jack) and chariot so it's fine her and Greene being in 3 cards. You wanna sorta have good themes with the tarots in my opinion rather than worrying so much about overlap. Just makes for a nicer and more coherent set.
Plus I'd rather keep greene/mel, they're sorta the main couple when it comes to fankid ships in my personal opinion.
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Nova my beloved
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End of the year and I'm out of a job, wasn't a bad job but I think it was about time I got out. Time to get back into soul searching for the 4th time, how's everyone's week been going?
see that's the thing, I kinda had the vision of greene with a revolver for the wheel of fortune cause the mental image (and reference) as cool, but hanged man does fit better. eh, nothing's set in stone so redrawing it takes no time, though who or what would fit the wheel best?

the world could be the ptwins, have em in three cards total (amber's tbd, greene's the hanged man, the world shared) though honestly, I was considering jack being the tower- he usually shows up and things go to shit (see stupid pranks and the sort) so it kinda fits.

also, on the topic of lur, it'd be fun to include him but he doesn't count! he's a next gen, so including him would be disingenuous- iris and the jo-twins are fair game while lur's stuck in cartomancy as the 5 of diamonds. and like, who gives a shit about the 5 of diamonds, y'know? I plan on doing it with klaudia and anyone else that doesn't exactly fit so they have something too.

writing these down, yesyes

imagine I make the lovers into a wheel with greene/melissa, sam II/beta, and a lone iris- that'd be mean, but like the last thread, it's going to stick to greene/mel for consensus reasons
Better characers than greene and melissa
Have the Jo twins be the Tower, while Iris Temparence, I guess?
lurk more
Beta is beta anon, who got turned into his own character to be paired with sam II, who's first or second pass fang. Iris is curtis and abby's daughter, a passionate raptor with a tendency to escalate to extreme violence
Temparence reversed I should say

In the shortest way put he is a narcissistic, pathological liar that gets entertainment out of seeing others frustrated or in conflicts, he solely lives in the present and would rather work a dead end job than have a dream. there's definitely parts I'm sceptical of that either sound too edgy or cartoony.
please never cook again
Sam II isn't real and neither is Beta
It's been going good, if a bit sleepy.
I hope your soul and job search go well Anon
Thats just Cynthia
sorry boss, can't get better without making mistakes- can't get rid of me that easily
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Should make it Greene and Jack, just to piss everyone off
well I hope your next cook tastes better
Funny, people were saying the same thing about Greene, Melissa and the other fankids not too long ago
I continue to say so
Here's a crazy thing anon.
None of the charactes, down to Fang and Anon themselves, aren't real.
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Morning anon, week's going pretty well, working on a project but my brain isn't awake yet
Kaiden fits right into the Hermit's themes if you want to include him.
Janet and Sera make a good temperance, both are laid back. But you can also make Janet Death.
Nah include next gens. They're in the same story so they should be in the same set. Janet has a good chunk of involvement with the gang. Again we don't have nearly as much fankids that people are into as you think.
Jack being the tower works. Sera would make a nice devil in his stead.
>Whose the wheel if not Greene?
The wheel represents change or when reveresed, a lack of control or bad luck. It's a another arcana that represents a object or event rather than a noun. It fits the delinquents in general I suppose. But it could also tie into the forest brought up last thread. All sorts of shit happens in that forest in /snoot/ fanon as well as wani so I'm actually a fan of it being in the set in some way.
I will say the wheel of fortune being shown as greenes face being shown through the bullet holes of a revolver cylinder is pretty cool of a concept. I wouldn't mind keeping it just because of that and picking someone else for hanged man.
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Eh, I always saw her as bitter and grouchy, especially to people who aren't her friends, rather than someone who is actively malicious, let alone sociopathic
I mean in the other context
Thats literally how she is painted all the time , a extreme version of Anon's chanism and a massive shitstirrer geting the laughts out of people geting mad
Weeks been good, powered through my studies
So, another generic slop?
Bestday is above threadshitting.
I don't know if a narcissist and a liar works for Nick, always pictured a good foil to Nick to be a more honest and hardheaded guy who knows how to put his foot down agains't Nick's bullshit.
Cynthia is like Cartman, sometimes she's the butt of the joke, sometimes she can be a good friend (specially if her friends are helping her scam someone else or kick the ass of someone she hates), sometimes she's someone fucked up and dangerous
>he's a next gen, so including him would be disingenuous
why does it matter? they're all made with the intention of being in the same story anyways
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Para oc #835
When i say parafags need to be killed nobody takes me seriously
she looks as boring as Para oc #834
The issue with that comparison is that Cartman is completely unempathetic to his friends and none of the other boys really give a fuck about him in any way, they just keep him around cuz Cartmen is actually usually right. Cynthia does genuinely see the others as her friends and cares about them but you wouldn't see her say it out loud. She's unironically still the slightly bratty girl who wants friends. Unfortunately exposure to 4chan and weeb culture gave her a sense of selfishness and bitterness. She'll fuck up and hurt her friend, realize she fucked up, and feel awful about it for a while. Like a guilty puppy.
Oh and also where cartman is deceitful and dickish. Cynthia is more... brutally honest and doesn't hold much back.
if you press firmly onto her crest will it make her snoot bigger?
Why do paras have such a gay chokehold in the community?
Are they just the easy entry level dino for furries?
They added the blandest most basic bitch to snoot. Pack it up, we are finished.
hm, good point. I did plan on throwing in kaiden, as well as lavender and even vivian (tracy's daughter) since they're in there as well and do count, so that tracks.
as for the next gens, that could kinda work. janet being death would also be a fun visual, but not in character. maybe that could be amber, who knows.
the forest becoming the wheel would be very fun though!
listen I'm a schmuck for specifics so when I see "fankid," I think the kin of characters from snoot / wani. the next gens are not connected to that, so characters like janet, lur, klaudia, even beta don't fit. however that's just a namechange away from being fixed so eh, fair point
>shes not a horrible person she just acts like one she's secretly a huge softy
Congratulations you just turned Cynthia into another fang
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Thanks anon, gonna take a drive out to another town tommorow for an art festival. See what's cool
Good luck, I should work on more my own projects now that I have free time. Maybe start doing some cardio so I'm not so tired all the time
Keep it up, being smarter than the average troon is it's own reward
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1 color para
I think both extremes of "she's a malignant narcissist" and "she's actually the nicest person ever" are both pretty dumb
Everything thrown around here is dump. People here are autists not writers and their concepts are just shallow
She is dogshit colored like fucking Gertie kek
Death represents the end of cycles, change, rebirth, etc... or stagnancy and fear of change when reversed, plenty of things I can see Janet fitting into. Otherwise her best bet is temperance maybe the star?
I don't know. I'd check the link I posted earlier and think about it. I'm WAYYYY overdue on when I should have gone to sleep but this was too interesting of a conversation.

Also I suppose one issue might be of me thinking of these all as a set, connected to each other in a way. Centered on the ptwins' lives as a story sorta. Hence the forest and the idea of an older fang and anon fulfilling the monarch arcanas. Characters like vivian (no hating on the vivian bros) are in their own little bubble, they don't particularly interact with the other pieces. That's just me though, she's fine if you're not overthinkin things like I am. Dunno what card she fits into though really.
That's so utterly reductive that yeah you can do that to anything and it sounds lame.
I know right?
I've seen this dumb argument of "she's just X character then" thrown around here way too many times.
Like no shit, most people are fairly similar when it comes to a lot of things, are we all just X character?
Its most likely bait.
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Fang isn't a brat. She's a punk cunt with BPD of some kind. Cynthia is just a bitter brat with too much time on the internet and a crippling fear of being alone. Her bitterness and desire for real friends are constantly foghting each other.
Just kill me.
Rape you?
Quite likely. Although I've seen this argument weaponized to try and teardown characters that they just don't like or anons are simply directing towards a way that they don't like.
No! Fiddlesticks! What now?
Is it just me or has there been an increase in rape jokes?
Olivia is just fang but crippled and femcel
Thats called a non argument. Same thing as just calling something goonslop most of the time , its throwing around buzzwords totry to sound smart.
if anything, its been a marked decrease
they surge whenever fooly cooly is in the thread consciousness
Olivia at least isn't violent at first
Signs of underaged kids trying to be funny or being horny. Same with incest really. Internet porn addiction is crippling the male population.
rape is funny
I mean online in general
Its not even jokes just some retard saying rape randomly
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a gift from me anon
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post fnag
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Next thread anon

fair I'll change some the aspects of the character so it doesn't feel like a psudo clone of cynthia then


I understand and see where your coming from, I've pictured it in a sense of starting off as a narcissist and liar and by the end of e4 to be more honest but capable to able to keep Nick in check when need be.
>I've pictured it in a sense of starting off as a narcissist and liar and by the end of e4 to be more honest but capable to able to keep Nick in check when need be.
You could have him start off a vain, weasel type of guy who grows into a more honest and direct person just by introspecting through Nick and her own ego issues.
Nick is ment to have narcisistic quantities herself , how are you gonna put two of them together
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So who’d give this to who
Nick being self-centered and partially narcissistic is basically the only thing that seperates her from nick.
Nick is unapologetic while Fang obviously has remorse over how she acts.
I see you are going with your own ideas rather than the bio rentry so whatever
What the fuck are you talking about. Are you going with some ancient "Nick is fang but different" version
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The rentry doesn't really characterize Nick, we've yet to get that, the only thing we have as a crash course to Nick's issues, at least in the way that writeranon pictured it is pic rel.
>Fang obviously has remorse over how she acts
When lol
Since when did nick have a bio.
Nigger nick is literally just an unapologetic fang. Even down to how she acts in art.
>Since when did nick have a bio.
Here you go.
Co-authored between writeranon and RatherDevious.
>Since when did nick have a bio
Not long , like a month ?
How does a character that had literally nothing to her act like another character. Are you retarded

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