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Edit guide. You may also reply here with new EBONIZED chicks and pics you made yourself
>>72097749Requesting nightshade and black hair make her horns charcoal grayReference for horns:
These threads are dead and I don't think there's any way to bring them back.
>>72097749Requesting nightshade and black hair for the pregnant women pleaseHigher quality
>>72098320Lol wat
>>72097749Indian Summer for Ringo on the left, Scent of Cinnamon for Amitie in the middle and African Queen for Arle on the right. Keep the hair and eye colors intactGive Ringo fuller, glossier lips like here
>>72097749African Queen for Queen Ripple and Amazon Chocolate for Ribbon
>>72098320Pay attention, then
>>72097749Requesting blackout and silver hair(Hopefully the thread doesn't die to soon)
>>72097749Okinawan, please
>>72097749Requesting nightshade and black hair
>>72097749African queen as well as black hair please
>>72097749Requesting African queen for the white haired girl
>>72097749Requesting nightshade for blake(the female)
>>72097749Nightshade pls
>>72107821Thank you
>>72108969No problem!
>>72097749Requesting nightshade for both please and make Helen parr's hair black
>>72097738Love the OP. Cynthia is always so sexy
>>72097760>>72106495 hair:>>72098946 hair:
>>72115538Thank you!
>>72115538Thank you for the edits, could you make the other pregnant woman in the picture Nightshade as wellSorry if I didn't make my intentions clear in the last post
>>72097738Why is this concept so hot
>>72097749African queen
>>72097749Blackout please with black hair
>>72097749Requesting Nightshade and black for the girl in all three of these pictures plz
>>72097749Requesting colorsReference for the women's skin Nightshade(and give her black hair)And make her clothes redReference:
>>72116035Terrific Tori
>>72116035She looks so hot
>>72116035Damn Eboniel is hot! Wonder how Kris can handle more chocholate pussies in hometown?
>>72097749Requesting African queen with black hair
>>72097749Requesting colors for this pictureNightshade for the sex torso and African queen for the futaThumbnail link for 4chan compression
>>72097749Nightshade please
>>72120864Thanks man! Wonderful edit
>>72115977>>72120969Is this a bot? These requests have been done before
>>72097749>>72097773can i get a African queen edit for this two pics?hair can stay the same.
>>72108436>>72097760Here's what I could do to match it. Hope you enjoy!
>>72121822Thanks, just like I envisioned
>>72097749Requesting blackout and keep his hair the sameHq
>>72097749Could you make Steve Nightshade plz
>>72097749Requesting nightshade.
>>72097749Requesting African queen for the women in this gif please
>>72097749Requesting nightshade please
>>72097749Requesting African queen
>>72097749Requesting African queen
>>72097749Requesting knightshade
>>72097749Requesting African queen for this gif please (Sorry I couldn't find a smaller version)
>>72097749Requesting nightshade
>>72133851Edit: nightshade
>>72097749Requesting nightshade
>>72097749Requesting nightshade for the tall futanari And this is the color reference for the girl image set
>>72135547Sorry I forgot one here's a reference for the other women that's half out of the picture
>>72129923So sexy!
>>72122796>>72097760Doing these in two sections because of the filter.Part 1: hair: 2: eyes: eyes and hair:
>>72122796>>72097760>>72137156Part 3: eyes: eyes and hair:
AI can turn waifus into gyarus
>>72137355But it depends on what characters the AI can gen.
>>72137156>>72137228Thank you for these amazing edits, im extremely grateful!
>>72097760>>72134390 Hair:
>>72137765Thank you anon!
>>72097749Requesting Nightshade please
>>72097749Requesting African queen for both
Requesting colorsFor the women going from left to right Spanish mocha, African queen, nightshade And Nightshade for the guy as well Thumbnail
>>72097749Requesting nightshade for the men and African queen for the femaleHigher quality
>>72097749Nightshade for Gwen and African queen for ben
>>72116035>>72129923Need more of this hot ghetto mommy
>>72097749Make the women on the bottom Nightshade
>>72097749Requesting blackout and black hair for the femboy on the bottom
>>72097749Nightshade for the women plz
>>72097749Requesting African queen and black hair
>>72097749Requesting Nightshade for the girl in these pictures
>>72097749Requesting Spanish mocha for the girl on The left and Nightshade for the girl on the right please
>>72144338For names, left is Lucy/Lucifer and the right one is Azazel
>>72139270>>72097760I put WAY too much time into this one...
>>72145646Thank you
>>72144338>>72097760One ebonized demon and angel duo!
>>72147072Thank you anon
>>72097749Requesting african queen. Skintone only.
>>72097749Requesting Nightshade and black hair for these pictures please
>>72147072Hella hot
>>72097749Requesting nightshade and black hair
>>72097749African queen for the angel and demon
>>72097749Requesting African queen for the female
>>72097749Requesting African queen with black hair
>>72148278>>72097760One choclatized hellhound for you, my good anon!
>>72159237Awesome! Thank you, looks good.
>>72097749Requesting African queen for princess bubblegum and Nightshade for the man
>>72097749Requesting nightshade please
>>72097749Requesting Nightshade for pommiHq
>>72161173Oh sorry I forgot; African queen for the girl in the orange outfit please
>>72159237This looks awesome
>>72097749Requesting nightshade and black hair forThe female and Nightshade for the guy as well
>>72097749Requesting blackout for the blonde in the middle left and Nightshade for the tan skinned blondeAnd African queen for all of the dude's around themHq
>>72097749Requesting Nightshade and Black hair
>>72165358Both are perfect!
>>72097749Requesting blackout and silver hair for the futaNightshade for the women in the middle(You can leave her hair the same)and African queen for the other woman(Leave her hair black plz)
>>72097749Requesting Nightshade and black hair pleaseFuta version version
>>72097749Requesting blackout for the futa and African queen for the bride
>>72097749Requesting African queen
>>72097749Nightshade please
>>72137765I'm in love
>>72097749African queen and black hair for Alex plz
>>72097749Nightshade for the sister of battle in these pictures
>>72097749Requesting African queen for this setImage set
>>72097749African queen
>>72097749Requesting African queen for the female and Nightshade for the man
>>72097749Requesting colors for this pleaseEvening elven and white hair for the woman on top and for the woman below make her Nightshade with black hair color their outfits whatever you want toHigher quality
>>72159237A Goddess
>>72097749Requesting African queen
Does anyone know where to download Photoshop for free?
>>72176233get GIMP or use Photopea.
>>72176401Oh, thanks!
>>72159237Loona, mi amor
>>72097749Requesting Spanish Mocha
Nightshade bump
>>72180117Cute edit
Indian Summer bump
>>72097749Requesting nightshade and black hair for both the woman and the boy please
>>72097749Requesting african queen with black hair please
>>72189618yeah what?
>>72097749African queen
>>72097749Requesting nightshadeHq
>>72097749African queen
Live again
>>72194322I agree
Does anyone know how many bumps and replies and images it takes for a thread to die.In new to this thread and I bumped it one time, I don't know how many bumps this thread left before it gets pruned.Hopefully the thread last a little longer
>>72195863Better than the originals
>>72097749Requesting African queen
>>72097738I took off her bottoms in MS paint
>>72097749Requesting nightshade for the man
>>72197516This image but make the man pale white
>>72197516Me last in line but doing what's at the front of the line with no one else in line please
>>72097749Requesting African queen for the two women and blackout for the guy please(and give them black hair as well )
African queen bump
>>72097749Requesting Nightshade please(and you can leave her hair black)Higher quality version
>>72197516What a lineup
>>72161173Are they gonna cut off the cock and send it back to the ship?
>>72097749Requesting African Queen
>>72203272Maybe? edits
>>72097749Requesting nightshade Male version version
>>72197274Good job
>>72097783 of an edit I made about a year and a half ago.
>>72206619Fantastic edits, great anon
>>72097749Requesting African queen
>>72206619Good work
Red earth bump