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Thred ded Edition

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/71980067

Spillover of horny, blogposting, tea parties, and AH refugees from /omog/

https://picrew.me/image_maker/1689727 (RW)
https://picrew.me/image_maker/1203187 (DW)

https://rentry.org/homogtemplate22 (Thread Template)
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Would Sunny be into Warhammer 40K or Star Trek?
New Auby
cute aubergine
Woah nice art OP.
>blonde pubes
God touch
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Blonde pubes are peak
I just beat Mario and Luigi Brothership.
Twas peak, very peak.
A section around the end gave me a weird amount of Omori vibes, if you know, you know.
Cool beans
Omori? I hardly know her!
Need to give Basil kisses...
when I'm bored I like to cosplay basil and fuck my pussy with the handle of an hairbrush
I wish I could help
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going to be super pregnant
Warming up the mary maker
More new Auby
very nice indeed
Very funny
Which Omori character has the best legs?
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This one!
>Best legs
>One of her knees are messed up
Many aubys today
Not enough clearly.
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Indeed we require additional aubs
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She has a type.
Silly friends
i got a new phone and now i have no omori porn or picrels i should kill myself
i need to try dream team it looks really cool
Is the plug wafiu material?
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basil and who?
Based Mari
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your mom lol
All the plugs are onahole material(the entire game is made of them).
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too booby
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Sunny/Mari/Hero threesome is peak
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I've had this song stuck in my head for literally no reason so I feel the need to express that Um Jammer Lammy is literally the best PaRappa series game because once you beat the game you get to play all the stages again AS PaRappa and they're all actually remixed. I was legit disappointed when they didn't do the same thing in PaRappa 2 and let you play as Lammy, I guess all that effort went into the VS mode.
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>buy a used IKEA desk online
>a nice small one to fit in our tiny bedroom
>oh wow, the guy selling it lives like a five minute walk from my place, great
>go over there
>"did you bring tools with you to take it apart?"
>"well, here it is"
>it's a fully assembled desk
>spend 40 minutes getting it home
>so much heavier than i anticipated
>put it in its designated place
>it's way bigger than it's supposed to be
>the guy just wrote completely wrong measurements in the ad
He claimed it was 95 cm wide, but it was 135. That's quite a major difference, I'd say! And I didn't even think about measuring it myself, because giving the wrong measurements makes no sense! Fuming.
hey, more desk for your money.
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is this bunches punishment for a faulty pizza delivery?
Dummy should’ve known not to drink weird things from strangers. This is why she needs Sunny around.
Na, she’s just a dummy, thankfully boybrey will find her and take her home.
boybrey calls girlsil and gives her the details
girlsil gets her handy dandy jump rope ready to take care of the rest
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Poor bunches innocence was sullied...
I wonder if Haru will start to fear that boybergine won't want like her after what happened, or will think less of her
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More Haru rape
Good friends
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At least he left her 2/3 of the pizza.
how considerate
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Should I get a bluesky account?
It's just people from Twitter on a site on another site that functions exactly like Twitter and more censorship so if that appeals to you then go right ahead
Dom Sunny is my guilty pleasure
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Marcus Making
Who the hell did this? Do you know that it is against the law to recreate my deepest and most desired dreams without my permission?
I never thought I would say this but... how sexy it is to see a femboy and a tomboy fucking.
I'm so glad that I didn't move to LA. Poor fucking people getting conned by insurances right before a wildfire
Rex making
we've got mary making marcus making and now rex making
there's going to be so many teen parents in faraway this season
Have to keep the population of Faraway stable.
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Wait, does that mean that femboys and tomboys will always be together body and soul?
Vance and Polly are shocked by the news of their younger siblings pregnancy
Kel: Well Basil, at least your grandmother upstairs will be glad that her lineage is not going to disappear.
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so proud
i got mine here
interestingly enough this account also seems to be acting as an archive for random kimsil art pieces since i recognize some /omog/ originals stored here
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