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haha i hate myself

roadkill: desuarchive.org/trash/thread/72185208/
habits: mega.nz/#!14tzGArI!GJVpT9n0k7QzsFGSTvWNfG57LFEn2lJV7X6ydBvIen4/
tagmap: tagmap.io/tag/haha,hahaihatemyself,posshouse/
steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/posshouse/

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the good ending where he doesnt get bonked by coke
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to any possum still awake
you have thirty (30) minutes to talk me out of ordering something really stupid off bad dragon
mm yes i will have the second cup of coffee at 11pm why thank you
i can't believe someone loves this bug but not me
hes sure lovable (time is running out btw)
*gives u a bug bf*
Buy me instead, I am very lonely.
aw he squeaks
a poss is more than the sum of their parts
i cant thats morally evil and im not licensed for possum ownership. looks like im ordering it wish me luck.
each squeak is an " i love you "
Damn I can't catch a break this week. Love ain't in the cards for this ol' poss.
you will find true love that values you as more than a toy
he looks cute enjoy your new bugfriend and possible bugsband

order placed btw its over you failed
any poss men in the PNW? I need a shut in nerd poss.
running out of coping mechanisms
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>paycheck is a day late
well im a shut in but not a nerd
im actually quite dumb and boring
ordering done now final price tally over $300 sizable dent placed in christmas money why did none of you stop me
i take it you have a lot of outdoor hobbies then? those are good but i want a poss to game with and stuff.
They are very expensive and take forever to ship.
You're better off going to other websites or even an adult store near you and buying something.
why did you not tell me that sooner
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I ju
i ordered from weredog too are they good please tell me theyre better and is the quality good when they arrive at least
i'd freak my shit if that happened
pbf who deletes every account randomly one day and reappears maybe after about a month
oh dear it would seem ive spent that last 3 hours looking at porn
im gay but i still like chubby girls with big boobs
im gay but i would like to be a chubby girl with big boobs
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slutty cats tho
i thought i made a post last thread about mixing electrolyte drink with alcohol and that's the last thing i remember
just woke back up and im not sure if im all here again
caffiene and alcohol make me do really stupid things because i get drunk enough to think bad ideas are good ideas and also have the energy to do things
yeah that's a dangerous combo dunno all that went down but i made and ate pizza
now I can either drink more electrolytes with alcohol or go back to sleep.........
fat possum wearing the fat hoodie
possuman of farum azula
got too fat during the winter bulk. no pbf for me until at least the middle of summer
did buttstuff for an hour or two (kinda lost track of time) and I was doing some gape fucking and now it's a few hours later and I have the most earth shatteringly loud braps known to man, I'm talking like 7 second long trombone action jfc
overate today
feel bad about it
will probably overeat tomorrow and feel bad about it
post paunch
i ate some home made fried chicken and waffles for dinner and had some artichoke bruschetta on a grosse croûte (basically just toasted baguette slices) with date bacon vinegar and prosciutto as a late night snack.
i wish i had access to a kitchen
i've been living off of microwaveables and gas station food for 5 years now
i don't want my failure to be fetishized
bro please : (
no!! bad chubby chaser, bad *sprays you with water*
I've had many guys ask for belly pics here but I've never seen anyone else post belly pics before here.
you can start by posting yours : )
theres a lovely kitchen in the house i live in, but im never allowed to use it because my mother thinks that i make a mess, which is hilarious considering shes a hoarder. ive had to live off food from my job and gas stations and fast food places for years now and im so sick of it.
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why don't you buy nicer prepared food from like qfc/whole foods or whatever your nearest community market is? that's usually what I do when I don't feel like cooking, spend a little more eat a little better.
i cant even microwave shit for 5 minutes without it being a problem because my mother haunts the kitchen and sleeps in the living room which is connected to it. my work schedule has me awake at night while shes sleeping, so i never get to use the kitchen because she refuses to sleep in her bedroom for reasons she absolutely refuses to elaborate upon. i think she just doesnt like me.
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not that poss but most hole foods is pretty shit for prepared healthy foods in particular. it varies by store so yours might be a good one but 80% of the prepared stuff at wf is at the bottom of the horseshoe
poss, date me
poss hates me
I'm sure I'd be attractive to many guys but I've given up on that part of my life, just enjoy my dildos and playing video games and piling up cash.
*fastballs a date down your gullet*
i like chipotle bowls
>raw milk
i seen a cow before they have poop on them
i wish I was built like a bottom instead of a hulking fat retard
this is from an eating disorder aesthetics tumblr so the specific items are probably a little skewed but the bowl thing is especially bullshit because a family run mexican restaurant will make you a burrito bowl if you ask. and chipotle isnt really rancid deception anymore. “we are the healthy fast food” was their marketing campaign like 10 years ago.
80% of whole foods is unironically in purgatory though.
yeah this was written by someone who never stepped foot on a farm. the general idea is good though. bad food that is spiritually fulfilling (going to baseball game with friends and getting ballpark nachos + beers) will enrich your life in moderation as will uber healthy foods but stuff marketed as uber healthy while being crap is of the devil.
replace trader joe’s with pink slime and subway tuba sandwiches
I wish you were a cute Polish 5'0" femboy instead of an ugly fat 6'5" Italian gigadwarf Wariolike
French food is in Überhealth. Kill yourself if you believe otherwise.
i thought they only ate ze cigarette et le pain au chocolate
the french exist on the top two corners of the horseshoe which is why they reign supreme in the culinary world
what is french food beyond pastries bread and cheese though? ive never been
mmm yes another cup of 3am coffee pweease
*paws at you* can i have one too…
*paws at you* umm
mmmm nyo
too relatable
. . .
*paws more insistently at u!!!*
me when there are grunions on my plate
also wine, frogs legs and escargot
struth! you ripper! sweet as!
i cant believe australians really talk like this
muahaaaaahhhhh the frensh hhh champagne has always been celebrated for its excellence
where does this polish femboy meme stereotype even come from? i thought they were all supposed to look like catholic (the unfun kind) potato farmers with alcohol fetal syndrome
ty fan detected
burned my notice
1/8 posses are extremely interested in other, chubby posses. Be careful.
het pbf
poss the possmanian posser
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men will look like this and be surprised you want to kiss them
that is true ive been replaying them i just finished the first one and was about to start the second
eating leftover nuggets and icecream for breakfast. life can be so beautiful sometimes
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another day where the bf store does not have this in stock again...
raw milk is bad guys didnt you watch the most recent wired expert person video
wosser being all big and smelly again
I hate your stupid stinky wosser *bats at it like a cat*
catbox it
unless you're that gross guy with the pup hood

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