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/lolg/ - League of Lewds General

Kali go Purr Edition

Discuss, Roleplay, share new pics and make an argument for why your favorite League Lass is Best Girl. New faces to RPing or helping others jerk off are welcome.

Previous thread: >>72045318

QotT: What do you think of the new champions that have been shown off?
Amazing new k/da animation.
Pretty stellar
Sadly not much for gangbangs myself
Thankfully it's right up my alley, but I can see why people aren't into gangbangs.
Lucky anon
It's not something I like to insert myself into as a guy, if I can help it, is the short version probably
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Skyrim waifu maker guy from a couple threads back. For the Evelynn poster, I tried to make base Evelynn and this was as close as I could get

I don't think there's a modded hair that comes close to her hair. Luckily I had a tail that was close. Better off with KDA Eve
Yeah I totally understand what scenarios do you enjoy?
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>you get invited to the K/DA after show party
>you’re the only guy there
>in fact, you’re the only guest who showed up
>all the K/DA girls are waiting for you in the hot tub
All sorts of, really, though if we were talking about KDA specifically, I do enjoy just having them all to myself somehow. Indulgent yes, but thats what I like. And manager is an old favourite, but I think I prefer to be a fan or even a random person who just somehow lucked out, or circumstances led him to get them as his sex partners
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Holy shit not bad considering how old Skyrim is. I appreciate the effort and yeah her hair is rare. BG3 had it, but it was so far up the head it looked horrible
There's more besides Mel?
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I dont think i would be able to hide a raging bulge with this view
Damn, I forgot to bring my swimsuit!
I don't think you are expected to hide it
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Cute Fate Saint!
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Cuter Fate (Anal) Saint!

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