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Gay Hyper Muscle Thread!
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Orcs seem to get excited easily. Even pulling the waist down gets them shooting.
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Weednesdaynight, middle of the week, and to keep up the energy you guys better HUT THE GYM! COME ON NOT GIVING UP NOT LETTING UP COME ON COME ON TIME TO GET SWEATY!
fuck man, i love orcs!
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I guess I'm in a bit of a phant mood!
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Dude looking hella hot!
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Today is AppreciateADragonDay and I did not know there was such a day. Somebody should definitely keep track of all these furry holidays...
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I don't know why I posted that. Here's something clearer.
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Here's a piece not blurred to hell.
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Looks like zachy gave up on being purely sfw. Maybe he figured he could be a christian and still draw as he wants. I don't know... I'm glad he's drawing this hot stuff, but part of me wish he'd have stuck to his convictions. At the same time, maybe his convictions weren't very strong, which makes.... forget it I'm talking too much!
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I think pic turned into >>72386264 and >>72386274.
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I guess the lesson is don't force yourself to be something you don't want to be, after all.
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Still love this Tric daddy!
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Hope you're having a good Friday!
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Me sometimes
it do be like that
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Does anyone play Rivals?
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aight everyone ya know the day and tome, weekend about to start and ya better make it nice and energetic by HITING THE GYM! COME ON COME ON YA BETTER GET NICE AND SWEATY COME ON I WANNA SEE THOSE REPS DONE WELL!
HELL YES! Glad that guy's got that bullshit outta his head. never be ashamed of bein atracted to men, improve your health and body for a healthy life to enjoy what you like!
HELLA HOT PIC DUDE! IMMA NEED THE SOURCE! meanwhile imma be out, see ya guys in a couple hours!
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I wonder how many spares he keeps in his gym bag?
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oh yeah, guz is back
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He was gone?
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he vanished a couple of years ago
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He seems to have a year long gap on his twitter and just started his bluesky.
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basically he went off to cool down, I think his last post was 2021-22-ish
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It's a new day, a new oportunity to lift and get bigger! Let's go, bros! Let's HIT THE GYM!

Soource: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59557984/
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How do you avoid getting burned out by exercising or working out a lot?
I don't really get burnt out by working out, honestly. It gives me such a rush to go to the gym and lift weights, and I look forward to being sore that afternoon or the next day, because i know that means I'm getting bigger! I guess my advice to you would be try a bunch of different kinds of exercises and routines, maybe joining a few exercise classes at your gym if they offer them, and see if any of them really jump out at you. Variety is the spice of life, after all!
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>be careful who you talk shit about in highschool
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What's an element of hyper muscle you like a lot?
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Not really, never really felt burn out on excercise
yeah i felt i had pretty low-energy/bad days, but i still push through and come out on top (HA! me on top, can ya believe it?)
HELL YES DUDE! THAT'S THE SPIRIT! ya better keep an eye on your form dude, excercise's only as effective as its performance 'n posture
Horsecocks my beloved, Nice! source bro?
EVERYTHING! the manlyness, fuckhuge meaty cocks galore, dem fuckhuge muscles 'n the sweat, Fffuck man, drives me crazy
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Thanks bro, by any chance you also have the source on >>72414939 ?
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I hope it doesn't "churn" you away!
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weights on dick, fuck hell YESSS! Love things like this
Heh, you BET i wanna be churned away!
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forgot to link this post too, my bad
yes, >>72432672 and >>72433123 is me, am just himbo
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Nice Mushu
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Have another
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Oh anon you spoil me!
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wat do
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Lick it, suck it, frot it, ride it!
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Nice ass, perfect for a punding with a double ended dildo.
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Which one will you choose to go on an adventure with?
all 3
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nice to see more another eidos stuff here
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I wish I had a waddy boyfriend like Rotor to pick me up and treat me as his teddy bear, lil' cutie as he plunges in beer.

Have this commission plus alts I just got myself. Mightn't be truly hyper, so apologizes in advance.
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Big Beetle Cock! and Big Beetle Muscles!
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liking this artist
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Which one do you prefer?
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Both obviously! taking these 2 hotties at the same time!
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oh nice!
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I wonder what this year's big memes will be
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Very hot!
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DIY workout motivation generator
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This looks like something SHOEGAZE would draw
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It's from him
This is an unusual compliment, but he draws shoes really well. And clothes in general, especially the leather jacket.
He's good at giving characters decent attire
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Does this guy feel soft with silvery fur or completely solid and metallic?
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I think it's a certain combination. The metal deforms like skin and flesh yet retains a cold metallic smooth finish.
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Either way he gets to look good and shiny
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reminds me of gouhin
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It's snowing.
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>We postin Shindans now
Man, that's a bit of a trip, I actually remember a few.
Remember a couple of artists would make pictures based off the results from them.
Rather interesting if you can find one that knows how to use the "fill in the blank" nature of the site well.
Here's one using kinda the same name as yours.
Touch surprised that they still apparently have integration with X/Twitter after all this time - then again most people have probably moved on to (trying to) lewd chatbots on cai.
I know muscle growth and muscle in general is not blocked back when I was messing around a bit on the site like a year ago, but I've largely moved on due to the limitations of the site and the rather frustrating filters.
>Switch 2 is coming soon.
Here's hoping there's a Ring Fit Adventure 2 as well.
I actually picked the game up back when it released and found it to be a rather good (if somewhat frustrating at times - I still hate hip lifts) workout.
Actually passed by a few extras on clearance this Christmas for like $30 which isn't bad all things considered.
It was a neat idea but has clear room for improvement. I actually thought about it once but would find it interesting if there where other Dragons representing the other colors/workouts you could do. Like you'd have a yellow eastern dragon with like a 20 pack of abs for the waist exercises, or have a red wyvern with an impressive "wingspan".
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They were a pretty decent novelty. I'm sure people are using generative stuff now but seems like there's always something similar, like those "pause the gif" posts that are fairly popular on places like twitter
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Fuck YES! These ones i didn't had! love this meathead hot dragon like you don't know
>Ring Fit Adventure 2
Same here, really hope the ringcon of the 1st one is the only controller necessary too, got the game when it was still relatively new at 2020 and MAN i loved the hell out of it, i wanna see my fave hot dragon yet again and keep excercising with him
I find your 12pack asian dragon idea hot, and yes it's because i fucking LOVE abs
source, he lookin cute, and the yeen, dayumn he do be hot!
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Thanks bro
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He's pretty good at drawing nice bodies but outside of a few pics like those two most of his characters have retarded faces
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Here's a cool tutorial if you ever want to draw hyper muscle!
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brother what the fuck is this fetish and what is wrong with u
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whats wrong bro?
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That guy's just a troll. Must be bored.
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God I wish that was me
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kill yourself
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we're almost there!
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First is Bristol: https://linktr .ee/boibristol
Second is dumpsssss: https://x.com/dumpsssss
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thanks bro

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