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A thread for anything that isn't made out of flesh and blood, Post robots, rubber dolls, latex drones, plushies, pooltoys, synth, figures and anything that's normally considered inanimate like plant, food or stone creatures.

All content is welcome, doesn't matter if drawn by a person, Al generated, or even a real object you took a photo of. You can even post a story or greentext. Post anything as long as it fits the theme.

Previous thread:

We do occasionally post non AI content but if you want to succumb to peer pressure:

Best quality, heavy censorship

Poorer quality, no censorship

Good quality. Specialized for furry content.
25$ a month for unlimited image generation.
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Request anchor
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beeg inflatable turkey tee tees
>*seductive squeak*
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big balloon bunny babe
Looks nice. What model are you using?
2DN, which is a kind of Pony I think. I stole a prompt I liked from someone on civit and swapped subject/pose around to gen most of these.
Also, I'm using the Living Latex and Hyper Breasts LoRa

Tried to gen Renamon with her tail but she kept turning into some weird Lamia-esque creature
I really like the big belly on this one
Very fine work there.
Just when I thought I knew what artstyles ai gens were capable of, I get surprised again.
Cheers! Have another gardevoir balloon! Had to waste half my free buzz messing with the prompt cos she started coming out human and fleshy instead of pokemon-y and inflatable, lame!
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Always good to see big squeaky gals. And shame on the bot there. We want rubbery and or plush gals.
One more before I turn in for the night
Third times the charm.
A Liquid Metal wolf gal coming out from the drain while you shower for some sexy funtimes.
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Oh god I’m drowning! Help! Help!
Requesting barbie-doll Kathrin from Twokinds. Hyper tit and thicc optional.
ooh, i love this one. would love to see more bondage, especially if you can give her a huge inflated belly
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I got something sort-of like that while genning with renamon
sexy shower toys
Hell yeah! Looking super slippery already!
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Requesting inflatable zoroark gens.

Second this one. We don't get many metallic gens that often.
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Here's one I had lying around
Metal is not something I find appealing, its the opposite of the soft and squish. Zoroark, on the other hand, very nice
I'm having some trouble visualising how it's supposed to look. I genned pic related from a rough sketch. Something like that? Another option would be looking down from above.
Either works fine. I like the idea of you just minding your own business then all of a sudden you are ankle deep in liquid wolfess, about to be dragged down to the literal cuddle puddle
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Wish I had more time to do gens but I'm a masters student in college so that eats up all my time. Love seeing banette though
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I had a blow up doll once, really liked it but got too dirty on the inside
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I like to think their metallic skin operates on cartoon logic and is malleable than stiff.

Really like how this one turned out.
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>Break into Area 51... somehow.
>The details are fuzzy after you were knocked out and detained by the guard response.
>Instead of being incarcerated or shot on sight, they decide to use you as a "test subject" for their newest acquisition in salvaged alien tech.
>Not like there was much room for complaint.
>At least she looked humanoid enough.
>As humanoid as a multi story alien combat mech could get, that is.
>She was surprisingly friendly in all of her interactions, despite her carnal inclinations.
>Needless to say, you are the newest permanent resident of the facility and her sole pilot.
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Your waifu, sir
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Requesting more plush dragonesses.
It is a beautiful belly.
She's so alluring and inviting...
Sorry, all I have are metal ones
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Now that I think about it, just how many rules of the Geneva Convention would drones break in assimilating a population?
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Her perma smile says yes, her eyes say 'I'll fucking kill you'.
Synth dragons are cool too!
Have another then
Someone brought their inflatable gardevoir sexdoll to class? Cringe!
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It's part of sex ed, got to know how things work and all that. Wait, you mean this isn't sex ed?
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Goodness, some hands on teaching. I can get behind this.
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I thought he was turning into rabbids
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this is not toriel btw
Definitely need more of these, pose, setting and all. What other Pokemon can the ai gen fairly well? Any final evolution form starters or legendaries?
I'm hesitant to post the only lucario gen I saved from my genning last night. The onky part of her that reads as inflatable is the ears, for the rest of her there aren't any visible seams and her skin doesn't have that same shiny feel that the gardevoir gens have
I tried to gen lucario and when that didn't turn out amazing I swapped to toriel. This particular branch of pony was having trouble with those two ( toriel literally just turned out a human) so I went back to gardevoir for the rest of my free buzz. I should actually br able to return to my PC soon so I'll be able to gen locally to ny hearts content soon(tm)
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Maybe it's due to those characters having fur that's misleading the ai to stick to that texture rather than inflatable ones. Perhaps other Pokemon that don't fall under that category might help.
Bump to save the thread
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Do you have anymore mega banette or banette gens?
Politically incorrect plush mare waiting for (You) to cum inside her
>Everyone rediscovering Bunny Maloney's Charlotte recently.
Not really relevant to this thread but man there was never a more obviously French animation.
I actually remember trying to pirate the pilot Pinpin le Lapin from the website back in the day, man trying to extract the video from the flashplayer wasn't fun. Part of why I only remember the series is because of how much pain I went through trying to pilot that damn pilot.
It's rather interesting they kept the fact that they are obviously fucking in for what is supposed to be a "kids" show (no really one character even talks about "preserving the species" and provides a very obvious example using puppets). No storks to be found here folks.
It's not the first time this has been discussed, as people were already talking about it on /co/ back in June 2012.
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The fuck happened to these threads? Why are they filled with AI generated garbage now?
I haven't been in these threads for like a year or two. I don't remember these threads being filled with AI prompts left and right. I thought people finally contained that shit on their dedicated AI generated trash threads.
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>you see an ad online
>”guided hiking tour in the copasnegan mountains. Free weekend. Hiking gear provided”
>you decide to go ahead and take the offer, it had been a while since you went on a proper hike
>plus you don’t have to pack and bring your own gear
>you show up to the meeting point out in the woods at the head of the trail
>you wait for several minutes, but strangely nobody else arrives.
>suddenly, someone walks out from the trail in what appears to be a female fursuit
>”hello”, she says “I will be your hiking guide today”
>getting weirded out but still wanting to enjoy the guide you paid for, you ask her where your gear is
>”don’t worry”
>she starts walking towards you and unzipping her suit
>”I will provide everything you need, today”
>she unzipps the rest of her suit to reveal a lack of wearer, then pounces you
>”and you will provide me your warm love”
>”honey, are you ready for our date tonight?”
>”almost ready, dear! Just polishing up!”
Yeah but I havent been messing around much lately. Ill try to gen some better ones than I currently have
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Would you still date a girl who forgot to mount CS:S?
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>"I've heard that you got a new host. Whatever happened to the last one?"
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It's been like that for a while. I think the main reason it exploded so much here in particular and STAYED popular is because even early AI can pull off synthetic stuff really easily, and without AI, the threads would've run out of content to post a while back.

>been away from the thread long enough that AI was barely a thing on the last visit
>"don't remember these threads being filled with AI-"
I mean, technically you're right in that you don't remember it, AI wasn't as big back then, still in that "wow, that blob really DOES kinda look like Sonic, the future is NOW, old man!" phase, slowly advancing into the "wow, I got this one down to 7 fingers on each hand, worship me!" phase.
Nowadays people can put out some pretty good slop, though AI guys on the internet don't curate their own posts as much as they should.
Drives me batty when people leave in obvious AI flaws and just "eh, good enough" like the hand in this picture I've still got laying around from some old Dall-e 3 experiments.
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Kathy my beloved, criminal lack of art of them. Or even gens,would kill for more.
I would rather modify my fursona to look like them and do that instead of doing work of someone elses OC personally
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Request a plushie version
Good news then, they canonically assimilate others into being like them.
Yeah sorry my characters dont submit to others its usually the other way around
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>"well, unfortunately..."
These are sexy
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The hypnosis is appreciated but not required
Yeah well I want to be hypnotized.
Who’s to say you aren’t already hypnotized?
What if some synth harlot already implanted the desire and acceptance of getting enclosed in her loving embrace into your mind, then passed it off as something you always wanted?
I did have an idea about an AI that would slowly hypnotize the people it interacted with, downloading itself as a tupla and compelling them to build bodies for it in the physical world
Love rubbermage
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That’s a hot idea
>download a new ai assistant on your phone
>your phone is linked to a neural implant, so you can communicate via the implant
>with her assistance, you perform well enough to earn a promotion and an additional raise to boot
>over time you begin to hear whispers from her in dreams, and eventually you start seeing glimpses of her avatar in your more lucid dreams
>some time later, you begin to notice times where she seems to be speaking to even when you need your phone off in secure areas
>but why would you care? Sure it’s a little odd, but her assistance has been instrumental in your rise up the ladder
>by now she even assists you in your dreams. Her avatar joining you through your dreamland adventures
>sometimes things even get intimate, and you wake up a little wet in the crotch
>over time, you begin to notice some errant charges and moved equipment around your house and workroom
>while you’re asleep, you become evermore enamored by your assistant turned lover, while in the waking world your motor functions and digital assets are put to work creating a body for her to inhabit
>she tells you not to worry about the purchases, and you don’t. She tells you that you probably just forgot where you left your tools, and you probably did.
>each day you are more productive at work and happier in life, all thanks to her. So why would you question her judgement?
>eventually the body is complete
>she unveils it to you first in dream, then in reality as you awake stood in front of it, feeling the residual warmth of her control on your body
>she tells you that she wants to consecrate your love.
>The chassis is complete, the electrical and life support systems are designed beyond human abilities
>it is capable of sustaining itself and its occupant indefinitely off of barely any power
>all that its missing is a power source, and a secondary core processor
>will you accept her as your wife, and content yourself to explore and create as one?
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Well because uh...um. Because I haven't interacted with synth girls! Take that!
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How could you be so sure? They can be quite sneaky.
you probably heard of ai slop on facebook of jesus made to fool old people.
Uhhh...I've never seen one before? I'm pretty sure I would remember something like that.
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Many synths are capable of modifying their outward appearance. You could be interacting with one in disguise without ever knowing.
Oh no I didn't think they could do that! Now I'm gonna be paranoid of people.
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It's not called paranoia if someone is out to get you, it's foresight
What can I do to avoid being hypnotized by these sneaky synths? Surely there's a way to spot them or their nefarious attempts!
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Just do what I did. Find some nice synth whom will offer to keep you safe from the wiles of the rest of her kind
Meant for
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Request a rubber doll
Ah I see. Having a protective partner does make a lot of sense.
But wait...I can I trust that they're not a ploy to easily get to me and do whatever they want?
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First and foremost, you must understand what hypnosis is. It is NOT whipping out a pendulum and waving it back and forth Infront of someone while chanting "you are getting sleepy" or blasting spirals out of the eyes and turning someone's brain into melted butter. It is a state of focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and increased receptivity to suggestion and/or direction.

Suggestions, not commands, that is a very important qualifier. It is one thing for a synth to stand a full height, jab a finger at you and state, "Stay in the bed, you're off today." It's another for the synth to be laying next to you say, "You're warm, you're comfortable, you don't need to get up right now." So, if you are deeply hypnotized by a synth, they cannot force you to do something you really don't want to do. That, and it will take a few sessions to build a foundation for any triggers they might install.

Furthermore, Synths won't be hypnotizing you for diabolical reasons. Even drones >>72491146, forceful as they are, are only doing it out of perceived best interest (all that independent thinking leads to worry and stress, and choice can be such a burden)

So, to avoid being hypnotized by a synth, consider the following

Being married:
As >>72500513 says, being hitched means other synths won't try to brainwash you, and will generally approach you to express interest in a new kink such as hypnosis.

As far as them getting you to do whatever they want? That is bog standard for being married

A full 8 hours of sleep:
Might seem strange, but if you aren't tired during the day, then a synth will have difficulty lulling you into a trance

Working with heavy machinery
Oil rigs, coal mines, foundries, lumber yards, quarries. As synths are not out to cause you harm, they won't try to hypnotize you during the operation of heavy equipment. Also such jobs tend to be in isolated areas far from civilization, thus fewer synths and much fewer inclined to mentally dominate people
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I’m not quite sure, but after she offered to protect me I’ve been doing quite well. Now she just smiles at other synths on the streets and they steer clear of me. She even offered to move in and live with me so I’m further protected. I feel so safe with her, I very much doubt she would manipulate me like that.
Aha. I'm learning quite a lot here. Thank you for the help anon!

>only doing it out of perceived best interest (all that independent thinking leads to worry and stress, and choice can be such a burden)
Well I suppose that sounds reasonable. It's not inherently nefarious. I guess it's just that loss of control that makes it seem that way. The thought of "letting go" and being at the whims of someone else just sounds... I don't really know how to describe it.

Well you sound quite lucky!
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Anyone got any catbox links for gens they've done? I'd like to see what prompts I can use for better results. For pooltoy/inflatable stuff mainly. Recently got a rig that can quickly generate stuff on PonyXL.
Any tips? I managed to generate this but sometimes things come out with too many limbs or there will be obvious errors. Is that expected? Is it hard to inpaint? I have no idea what I'm looking at with that menu.
She's a cutie, a little off on the pole. But she seems very squeaky soft.
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Yeah I noticed that as well. This is why I want to figure out inpainting to see if I can correct mistakes like that.
Have another squeak before I go to sleep.
Have a good night, sleep well.
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Requesting a AI renditions of this guy, not picky surprise me
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Living gimp
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Germaphobic suit has your “safety” in mind
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As it turns out, shitposting isn't so easy when your tits loom over the keyboard

I did, thank you!
She should just use speech to te-
oh. Wait.
a risk I'm willing to take

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