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The dragon inn edition

>Do post inside body heavy content of a wide range of nature, doesn't need to even be vore related just be on the inside (fetish anatomy diagrams for instance)
>Internals, that is the name of the game.
>Safe vore is in the scope of the thread!
>Any image posted here has the prey automatically given the /endo/ seal of protection

Tag Search Terms
>Internal View
>Full Tour (some risks)
>(FA) Vore|Nonfatal|endo|endosoma|fulltour|full_tour -Digestion -melt -melting -digest -implied_digestion -fatal -bones -sentient_fat -sentientfat

ToTT: Endo designed building

Somewhere in there:

Writing Archive:
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Every day I am not deep in the intestines of a large cuddly being is a day I am depressed
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>live in the endo house
>go to take a piss in the middle of the night
>it's dark
>one wrong step
>get shlorped down into the intestinal tract for the rest of the night
Long-term endo scenarios always seem to gloss over the fact that prey need to relieve themselves, but I think that's for the better. Nobody wants to think about that.
You could consider it a way that the endo seal of protection applies to the pred as well. No septic shock here.
Give it to a mangaka and they'll spend 10 pages describing how the adventurers inside your colon relieving themselves is actually healthy to the life of the endo dungeon
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>Conspiracy theory: CakeInferno used to be an ice age animator
Okay maybe not
But Ice Age always seemed a bit sus.
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I don't want to assume they were horny but all evidence points to yes
Oh they horny
Poor fishy…
They got that post tour depression
Big advancements in vore science
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The trouble with trying to go the long way is that the butt can also is hard to escape.
live in this nerd
I had thought of that before. Me and one of my friends just figured that the prey can kind of “open” the bottom stomach opening enough and can move around just enough (it’s usually full-size scenarios) to kind of relieve themselves and it’s just kind of added to the predator’s next dump (lots of “just go with it it” logic there, I know). With that idea, any mess that the prey can’t kind of clean up on their own is “cleaned” off with the stomach juices. Went the acids still affect smaller things, but doesn’t affect the prey, or rather, the predator can kind of “train” their stomach to release less harsh acids that can only deal with things gahg have already been chewed or mushed up, like food mush (so the predator can still digest normal food, without digesting the prey, but the prey might feel some tingles, which can lead to some cheeky scenarios were the prey complains about the tingles in their sensitive parts, and the predator teasingly ask if they like the tingles). The prey also has to eat the chewed up, acid and saliva-soaked mush.
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How far do you get pulled back through the intestines when this happens?
Could they even get away with scenes like this now or are there enough people nowadays aware of what it would do for certain people that they can't portray this stuff anymore because they'd catch a bunch of accusations? And yeah, Ice Age is one of the few major productions where I'd comfortably say at least one person on the team knew what tf they were doing with these scenes
Ice Age 3 was 16 years ago, and since then Bad Guys and other movies with multiple vore scenes have come out. Vore games still come out. This year we're getting a sequel where the snake face vores a girl. Vore isn't going anywhere because ironically even the puritan twats consider it a comfort fetish.
Deep in the bowels, probably not back into the small intestine but deep into the colon enough it'll be hours before they try squirming out the butt again.
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>Puritan twats consider it a comfort fetish
Puritans cummed in the whale kek
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An Angry little chu aren’t they?
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>Endo preds who are able to control the movements of their guts
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>what to do to americans who refuse to take their shoes off in the endo house
Wonder if tour is possible.
>Demands to be regurgitated
>Gets toured
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Good for retroperislasis fun stuff
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Secure in their depths
>Gut Property Sliders / selectors
Cleanliness (0 for squeaky clean, 59 for messy, 100 for filthy/gackery)
Control (how much control the pred has over how the guts move prey around in them. Usually not much)
Gut Length (how long the gut is)
Stomach Count (and at what distance into the gut from the mouth they are)
Intestine styles (winding, zigzagging, spiraling, cockscrewing, looping)
Algaes (light emitting, scent emitting, slime emitting, other)
Peristaltic Pattern (consistent, periodic, chaotic, reactive, possessive, rhythmic )
Special Traits ( healing, tentacles, energy draining )
Sphincter Tightness (how tight are the sphincters)
>slides them all to max
Uh oh
It's insane how OP full tour really is
>Sequences mouth belly and butt
>Can easily follow up to other subjects like AV or UB or other stuff because it puts the prey right by the genitals
>Nice entrapment time that isn't super long
>Have to go through villi lined winding guts slowly in the deepest depths of their body where the belly actually is
It's also like getting swallowed over and over due to the pyloric sphincter shirking you deeper and the way the guts in the intestines sometimes will tug you along deeper after a couple hours of staying in relatively the same place due to the guts working in a pattern of activity.
YouTube took down kapoochy's videos what the fuck??!
Fuck off google you have zero moral legitimacy fuck off
Based. Mulch all youtube groomers. Smut does not belong there.
18+ is put on all those videos
The actual elsagate shit is not addressed
>18+ is put on all those videos
Anyone with a brain is already skirting that
>The actual elsagate shit is not addressed
Irrelevant whataboutism
What was the content? 18+ does not let you post porn
People post endoscope all the time no issue
So it's like what suddenly is the fucking difference? He wasn't showing anus or cock or whatever and YouTube hosts tons of other fetish shit all the time.
Don't forget the style slider and color options w/ advanced mode for color textures and how the different parts of the gut should be colored.
Who is this and what do they do. I can't find shit searching their name
They failed to spell Koopchy right
They post endoscope
Guts guts guts guts guts guts guts
new hopfel kino (that's too big to post)
4 tummies????
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I wish he did full tour. He teases it with dialog in his visual novel demo but like all vore artists stops at the gut like a coward.
I dunno why some have that, it literally is not anymore gross than AV.
>Feeling the bulge as it travels up into their colon
I don’t say this lightly, but, fuck~…

Those bowel bulges, and the bowel internals, were hot! Now, imagine if they were slimier? I’d have to clean up even more, if you get my drift?
> gackery

I do not know what that jargon means. Anyone care to explain, please?
Sticky or messy substance?



Slime slide
Like the slime
>the endo puritan continues to spread
want to make fun by got me thinking do anons have a list of safe endo creators who won't drop a sudden digestion on you?
Somewhat but nothing coherent?
AdTeev, DestinyIsBed, MarliSig, Takisan-Oekaki and AltosArt off the top of my head.
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Are we seeing a lot more creativity in endo?
I think I got a bit of cardiophilia going on. And it goes great with endosoma.
A fetish for hearts? Probably why endo people have a lot of mixed fetishes inside the body. I wonder if there's a fetish for the lungs because nasal vore. Or an intestinal fetish?
Oh, that’s neat!

Wonder what an internal view of that would look like?
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We are coming for your intestines.
There's been ear stuff at times.
I feel like this one happens sometimes even if not as often as I think it should because it is the deepest guts and the prey getting push down into them is always hot to see.
Where's the paw endo at?
I like paws, though I'm not so sure about the implications of "paw endo".
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Prey stored in the paw pad?
For some reason I see a lot of cursed shit from endo artists and now I'm obsessed with finding more
What about paws stored in the prey pad?
I'm not even going to try to decipher that.
So, say you could design a mini-giantess size pred that can endo a person and you had full control of its physiology, the only limitations are that you can't involve magic and that it has to somehow work as a continuous life form?
Obviously you can't just have a nonfatal stomach because then it can't digest regular food. It would simply starve.
Obviously the part that traps someone inside can't just be some kind of pouch that's accessible from outside without going through the mouth or digestive tract, because there's nothing goofy or fantastical about that, that's literally just a kangaroo's pouch.
Obviously you can't just rely on some anti-digestion medication because the moment someone forgets to take them one time, the whole thing turns fatal.
Would something like a second stomach that doesn't digest anything work? A more slimy pouch that's connected to the stomach? If so, how do you reliably keep stomach acids from getting in? Or does it not directly connect to the stomach at all and instead connect directly to the throat through an extra esophagus that's wider or more stretchable than the others?
I mean yeah, you're basically describing a crop, or a forestomach, or a storage stomach, or whatever you wanna call it. That's probably the most 'realistic' way of doing oral endo, though I don't like it as much as the more fantastical ways of doing it, because there's the potential danger of slipping into the digestive stomach, and it eliminates the possibility of full tour.
More resilient prey is an effective way to do that.
Foolproofing with guts I believe more viable than one may assume. For instance perhaps it can differentiate something alive inside of the body and something not alive, given people are being swallowed alive to begin with I think that a clear differentiation? That was the route I was going with it on the constraint of not being able to have prey who are using slimy skin to protect their bodies (and have the best book lungs physics can buy). Something that has a redundancy to it maybe? Like if there is someone clearly too active or in pain from accidentally getting put into the digestive stomach (for instance) it may be able to nullify said acid with counter balancing enzymes and purge said stomach of its contents to a safer place inside the body (shallower or deeper?).
Why do they call it running a train when train anal eat the food out never food train go?
I miss when they used to do more vore.
Thoughts on this kind of endo stuff?
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You will be so clean
Okay this shit stupid but made me think
>get vacuum cleaner full toured
>come out dusty
>get washing machine full toured
>come out clean but wet
>get dryer full toured
>come out dry and fluffy
>mistaken for dust bunny
The wash cycle of life
The RAO soft dragons come in many forms!
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Forgot pic
Is it endo? It just looks like she's showing off her asshole.
Yeah we need a little more close up of it.
Some talk with a censored micro in anus isnt really doing much.

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