official pony thread
what the fuck is wrong with you people
Hello everypone!
>>72428559hey there.
>>72428581Hey Smokey! how are you?
>>72428724i'm good, just having dinner. how are you?
>>72428794I'm goods, playing with my tanks. I also have to sight in the B25 and test a mini red dot.How are you doing?
>>72429002shitty weather again this weekend, so there's not much i can get done that i need to do.
>>72429444here the weather is really good, kinda warm at 23C. I watered my plants, but I'm worried about the cold front, since I have to paint another stock, if it gets too cold. I will chop down the barrels as straight as I can in my room. the roaches appreciate the space heater.
>>72433420it's supposed to snow here again on tuesday. hopefully they're wrong about that.
>>72433528Holy crap. just in time for the blanket of Lucy.
>>72433692a paralyzing 1 inch of snow is bearing down on us. i'm glad i still have a stockpile of canned soup.
I don't understand people who don't have at least a one month supply of food.
>>72434214vegan food can be stored for a long time without power? mom bought a pumpkin for Halloween, it is still there and fine.
>>72434214the shelf life on these chinese ration bars is 2043.
>>72434635Rice, pasta, barley, oats, beans, lentils, split peas, TVP, nuts, peanut butter, canned tomatoes, masa harina, flour, cornmeal; I'm pretty sure the majority of storage foods are vegan.>>72434652Do you have a one month supply and would you want to live off of them for that long?
>>72435008the apocalypse will be a trip to flavor country with these bars, which boast such delicious ingredients as "edible salt." none of that non-edible salt for me after the bombs fall.
>>72435385Have you tested one of those bars to make sure they are actually edible?
>>72435922oh yeah. you can really taste the edibility.
>>72436043Enjoy your totally edible Chinese ration bars while I eat real food.
>>72436386i'd rather eat dirt than whatever onions-infused vegan nonsense you'll be snacking on.
lol, they wordfilter the s-word.
>>72436541So let's see here, I have>Rice, pasta, barley, oats, beans, lentils, split peas, TVP, nuts, peanut butter, canned tomatoes, masa harina, flour, cornmealYou presumably have something along the lines of>Ingredients: Wheat flour, vegetable oil, liquid maltitol, tuckahoe powder, syrup, whole milk powder, s o y bean protein, water, edible salt, composite minerals (calcium carbonate, maltodextrin, ferrous lactate, zinc lactate, sodium selenite), compound vitamin, maltodextrin, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, thiamine hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, retinoic acetate, bravery calciferol), sodium bicarbonate, cross-linked with sugarcane Sugar, citric acid, butylhydroxyanisole.
>>72437037let me guess, you've got something against riboflavin.
>>72437218Milk powder. Also, the vitamin D is probably lanolin derived. Also, also, the safety of BHA is questionable. Also, also, also, real food is more nutritious. Ration bars are OK as a supplement or a last resort.
>>72437406you don't even know for sure if it has milk in it ffs. that whole list could be wrong. where's the edible salt? i need to know the salt i'm eating is edible.
>>72437560Edible salt is between water and composite minerals.
>>72437597sorry, it was kind of a long read. anyway, i'm saving the ingredients list so i have something to entertain me in the bunker.
>>72437649You know you're going to have to eat at least five of those every day to meet you caloric needs, right?
>>72437684then don't bother asking for any. i got just enough for me.
>>72438066I won't need to. Just the amount of pasta I have alone will likely last longer than your Chinese rations.
>>72438261i can just eat other stuff. i'm not that picky.
>>72439714Well you do have bamboo in your yard.
>>72439943now there's a last resort.
>>72451019Is she going to explore the Wasteland or is she just going to spray some pesticides?
>>72455877when she wore a suit like that in the show, it was purely for the purpose of being a hypochondriac.
>>72455980>>72455988Better safe than sorry but this mare is a bit too anxious.
>>72456572can't be too careful when the pony plague is going around.
Can AI generate, a surprised looking ColgateIn fear that she might be in troubleShe saw another pony, that might be a phonyAnd in her mind thought, "I'm seeing double."The Other 'Fake' Pony, that is, the phony ponyDid not look at all that upset.She extended her hoof, to prove not a spoofAnd said "Hello, I'm Minuette.Eh, this rhyme could be better...
>>72458446i think they also call her fleetfoot. at least the lora is called fleetfoot. but i thought fleetfoot was a different pony, a wonderbolt.
>>72458446interesting limitation of the AI: it doesn't want to make her with multiple expressions. what i did here was use inpainting to change minuette after the fact.
>>72459973Hah, that's pretty funny. The left one looks like she's pretty insane.Thanks for the picture.
>>72460202no prob. it also had some interesting interpretations of what constitutes a hoofshake.
>>72458589Yes, flatfoot is a Wonderbolt.
>>72461575she's like a flying lyra. they should call her flyra.
>>72461703What a lovely idea.
>>72461792i guess the guy who made the colgate lora mislabeled it.
daily reminder that pork rinds are the best kind of rinds.
>>72484162i'll let you enjoy your melon rinds in peace.
>>72484444don't see how something can be delicious if it isn't whatever pork rinds are made of.
>>72484715>he doesn't even know what he puts into his body
>>72484829what part of "it's pork" don't you understand?
>>72485090Your post indicates that you don't know what pork rinds are made of.
>>72485189the name literally says what it is. it's a rind of pork.
>>72485342if you're asking whether i know the pig's life story for how it went from pork to rind, i don't have time to concern myself with such things.
>>72485496You have absolutely no idea what part the rind is, do you?
>>72486260the delicious part.
>>72486748something must be wrong with your keyboard.
>>72487841qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890-=`~!@#$%^&*()_+[]\{}|;':",./<>?Seems fine to me.
>>72487996doesn't seem like a normal thing to type.
lookie, my keyboard works fine too:djfolikdjflkerfutgjepoj45t2348er90efvdslfkfgjrdfoplfgkjvkmcvv killallthekikesandniggersfedoikswajfg[dhxfrhfg
Vegetable soup.
>>72508560neither of those words appeal to me.
>>72509108With pasta. Specifically acini di pepe.
>>72509317looks like birdseed to me.
Holy shit! I chronied it, it shots at 1350 feet per second. 40gr aguilas. my pellet trap takes them like a champ, not even a dent at the back.
>>72509537the stock looks great.
>>72509528It's the perfect pasta for soup.
>>72509637yee. I'm going to cut down and modify the other one, I will give that to my mom. I need to get subsonic bullets tho. I might get a jimenez ja 22 too. they are horrid but better than a sharp stick.
Also look at the little one. her name is Bon bon.
>>72510427so cute