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Kelsey's Basketballs Edition

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/72278583

Spillover of horny, blogposting, tea parties, and AH refugees from /omog/

https://picrew.me/image_maker/1689727 (RW)
https://picrew.me/image_maker/1203187 (DW)

https://rentry.org/homogtemplate22 (Thread Template)
The gross color (cute)
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Gross Colored Women
cute sunbaked bread
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Homeless Sweetheart…
Soft girl
She isn’t that big
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female dog
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I need everyone in this pic
Double Trouble
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Gross siblings
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here i come rougher than the rest of them
the best of them
tougher than pleather
you can call me kim
unlike basil i can swim
i'd rather flex my berly fin
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has been very very bad
Needs correction
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Which Omori character would watch my little pony?
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Marcus Making
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me as femsunny
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Basil letting himself be raped by anyone just to feel a bit of love!
Dummy should’ve listened to her brother about strangers
Mary Making
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i can't believe sunny fantasizes about doing it with his big sister's boyfriend
she's be so disappointed in him but at the same time not really blame him for falling for hero
i played omori and I liked it enough to get the best ending, but what is this? just gay and incest horny posting?
The Crissy
there's a general on /vg/ that's marginally better
this place was created explicitly for off-topic posting and porn
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The Main general is on /vg/ this is just a thread for porn of the game and off topic stuff.

Sad to say but if you're looking for discussion you're way too late for that, everyone has mostly moved on from the game (even outside of 4chin) and both this thread and the main general on /vg/ are basically dead at this point.
lovely brother bonding
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Mochiko is working on an MarixSunnyxAubrey comic it seems
Mochiko saving the Marisol community, I hope your comic doesn't have strange anatomy like the other one did, it was the only thing that made the experience crazy.
Fuckin Wicked!
One big happy family
Mari loves her family
>Not a Mari plush
Guess those are only for Sunny and Omocat
anyone have the omori's sex hand sign chart?
it had like "spread your legs" "turn around" "good job"
nvm found it
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The Hooligans aren't sure how Sunny is doing it but he seems to somehow distract Miss Candice much better than the rest of them.
silly mari
Best Girl
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Made to be dominated by shotas
Dressed to impress
The cris
Fuck MLK
Happy Trump and Musk day
wrong thread?
Foster Family
My breast friend
He really has a thing for pink hair huh?
Is Miss Candice Asian?
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>no work tomorrow due to winter storm
>supposed to get more snow tomorrow since we've had since 1895
i'm gonna get drunk and frolic
spend the day edging to basil instead
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that's everyday, anon.
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>be a groomsman for a wedding this past weekend.
>couldn't get with anybody. man or woman.
i have negative game.
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>there was a first man to drink ice cold beers in the shower and think to himself "everyting gon be irie."
we salute him
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i guess it's my turn to post pornography every hour until i pass out
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Canon boob size Aubrey
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canon boobrey best boobrey
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Woah wait this one is actually pretty decent.
>the snow really does make everything quiet
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>My city has been buried in snow.
What a time to be alive.
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same. never seen so much snow in my life.
I take it you're the other Louisiana Anon?
How was your snow day?
Once in a lifetime event for us down here in Houma.
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i had fun playing around in it. took a few walks around the neighborhood just to take in the sights. it's a once in a lifetime event here too.
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i think bump anon got vacation'd
I wish I could do the same, but I lost most of my winter coats and other apparel in Hurricane Ida.
i didn't really have any either until I had to buy a bunch for a trip to colorado this past december. i was actually wearing too much and i started to sweat.
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Nyan indeed.
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Mary making
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