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A thread for anything that isn't made out of flesh and blood, Post robots, rubber dolls, latex drones, plushies, pooltoys, synth, figures and anything that's normally considered inanimate like plant, food or stone creatures.

All content is welcome, doesn't matter if drawn by a person, Al generated, or even a real object you took a photo of. You can even post a story or greentext. Post anything as long as it fits the theme.

Previous thread:

We do occasionally post non AI content but if you want to succumb to peer pressure:

Best quality, heavy censorship

Poorer quality, no censorship

Good quality. Specialized for furry content.
25$ a month for unlimited image generation.
>Request anchor
>wish that was me
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Novel is so back
The main reason I made a new thread was because of the new AI model. Although it's a quite a pain to relearn everything.

It seems the new model is way better at understanding longer detailed descriptions instead of individual prompts.
I've still been using tags, but I'll definitely have to test with prose prompting
The new model seems worse with TF sequences although they're still possible.
>>73546374 (OP)
It's interesting that neither of these pics use the "fur dataset" tag. I'll have to experiment both ways with it. Always interesting to look at other people's metadata.
I haven't experimented a lot with it but I feel like fur dadaset makes it harder to make realistic stuff. It can do Pokemon like Lucario very well even without it but it already starts struggling with lopunny and Gardevoir but it still gets them about 80% right.
Fair enough. I think those realistic pics can be hard to get, but when they look good they look really good.
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Show em
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I wonder what happened to the IRL poster and his Isabelle plush
I wish I could be a drone for someone
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>"you haven't even touched your chocolate rabbit, anon"
ngl the thumbnail made me think the right had a massive bulge
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>headline: "people turning into animate sex dolls: panic"
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How do I generate text like this? Or is this edited afterwards?
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Squishy thighs.
Very based. I'm a stable diffusion chud so I'd have to inpaint it in or something.
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Wana go face first into that belly.
Did you gen this, anon?
requesting more lewd plushes or living fursuits and less latex
fucking lmao this one looks like a nigger drag queen
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i honestly dig the idea of making a fluffy girl happy and pregnant and being her husband. unfortunately i also hate children and the prospect of being a father.
wrong fucking thread fucking kill me
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you're making me wonder what thread. Also that's why you become the fluffy girl to have kids, then you don't become the father
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Are these using NovelAI or SD with a LoRa for BuoyantBliss style?
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SD, I put the images together for the lora myself
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Finally got around to remaking that old pdxl dall-e plush style for noob. Trained for eps. Would recommend using it with a realistic model like lasagnamerge. https://files.catbox.moe/j8yev7.safetensors
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Very nice! I like the results a lot!
How long before AI is powerful enough to create this crossover?
Excellent. I'll definitely try this out tomorrow. Still learning SD though lol
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Thank you, nice squeaky Renamon.
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I always liked the idea of one giant inflatable just forcing me to fuck them. The ultimate power bottom.
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>Your seed. Give it to us.
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I love the idea of this thread. Too bad it's full of slop.
Love the pose. What would a Zoroark look like in this scenario?
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the world needs a fandom-version FetishCon, where you can do things like this around others
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What AI or model are you using?
NAI + photoshop
That's awesome. Can you share your prompt. Doesn't need to be the whole thing, just how to get the plushie look. when I try it, especially for popular characters, they usually look more like rubber than a plushie. What really annoys me is that it can do great plushies on its own but the moment I add more stuff they turn into inflatables.
Any more like this?
that was not me that replied to you.
I am using FORGE and BlipMix 2.0 with pretty short prompts and practically no neg prompt.
i will share a prompt that will get you started with plush debauchery later today when free, also using img-2-img to enhance nai art or sometimes irl photos works real, real well.
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Maybe Judy did too good a job...
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Ok here is the model: https://civitai.com/models/410561/blipmix

there is a one-click forge installer, it is easy, don't let github scare you. May take several minutes if you are running less than a 1080ti but I got this mostly favorable result in two tries just now.

You can also inpaint to adjust facial expressions, move it to img-to-img to tweak something close to desired, or just keep generating and mess with the tags and tag strength. If you want Hires I'd advise to upscale from ~1280x1280 or use img-2-img and 40 to 60 denoising with a preferred high res template, instead of trying to straight up gen at like 1920x1080p txt-2-img as it'll usually generate mutated like that.

Note:Photorealistic is the only quality tag you really need, i put 'small penis' because blipmix has a tendancy to make all males pornstar-endowed.
Always do species:whatever and species:human if you want both.

Other tags I like: side view, low view, messy, cum drip, cum on chest, cum on face, (sex positions), and whatever location you desire. Sampling Method Euler A will generate much less distorted faces but may not look as photorealistic. I've made thousands of these. 'crowd' and 'group of people' can help, it can read tags like a language model too keep in mind, repetitive similar tags can clutter the gen with duplicates.

Have fun pervert!
Oh yes, adding "mlp pony" to the rainbow dash tag can help for a more canon shape, and think similarly for other animals, like feral, or anthro. I often put anthro in the negative tags.
Yeah, i was using NAI for the longest time and the latest version can really rock, but I yearned for hyperrealism so I got a 3090ti and learned FORGE with a lil help from the furry diffusion server. NAI if anything is still useful for how much wild variety in artistic angles and character designs it can get, and then using that in FORGE for img-2-img.
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can i get a Digby plushie please ? pretty please ?
always an iconic image.
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Guy behind him likes it
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I need big inflatable dragonesses to pin me down..
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Love this, I know where I want to blow her up
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So who here has lifesize lovable plushies? I have quite a few and it's not been as foreveralone as I feared. Also with the right toy (not BD) it's the best lovemaking.
Too broke to afford those. The one I had ripped at the crotch because it was too heavy so I likely wont do it again
I like to turn characters from cartoons and video games I like into hypnotized malfunctioning evil robots with maniacal smiles
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theres really nothing like the plushlifes
two winstons here and theyve been my best purchase in forever
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I've got a nice knotted dildo and you're starting to make me think I should attach it to something
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What's the best toy?
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I like figures ^~^
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I have a licensed lifesize lucario and a custom one that's even bigger!
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Tenga 3D, super, super stretchy silicone, the pleasure is incredible.
Used to DP a big plush with prev. partner using one of these.
It comes in 5 textures. you invert it, the design is the ribbing, un-invert it to clean. I sew in a pocket for it using half of a thick fleece-lined Hotfeet sock if modifying it myself. I prefer the Tenga 3D 'Zen' texture. My ex preferred 'Pile', I've converted several plushlovers to this line, thy never go back, I've been on it for a decade. Should last a couple years before wearing out, dont push through the back, don't use silicone based, but it's inexpensive though I'd still keep buying it every couple years even if it was $100, using BD's softest sleeve was no good at all for me by comparison.
plush love while doing some reacharound gripping on a thick shaft and knot - feels goodman.
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that might all require something that can be set to hold me and that sounds complicated (ignoring that i know the japanese have this)
what would be the equivalent for a fleshlights?
>I sew in a pocket for it using half of a thick fleece-lined Hotfeet sock if modifying it myself.
Can you elaborate on this a bit
I just have this little cutie. No lifesize for me... yet...
I don't think zippers are supposed to be pointy like that.
oh it's quite easy. take something like a blahaj or larger... open a slit where desired, sew in the pocket deep enough to accomodate the tenga, not too shallow not too deep. I'm going to be making a new pocket in the next week in a big digimon plush I found on ebay so I can share some pics then.
doesn't look like anything to me
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what a nice thing to happen
Damn that's a good looking ass

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