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/gmg/ - Gay musclegut thread. For all strongfat men of various levels of fat and muscle, that don't quite fit /bara/ or /gchub/.
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Happy sweaty musky moist Summer, /gmg/.
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Hope everyone has had a good week so far or at least few days since the last thread.
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I've missed you, /gmg/.
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Short game about jerking off Curt just got done.
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Short but sweet, interesting reading a bit about what he went through to make it GBA spec.
I think it is amazing the effort he put in to do it. He also set the framework so if he wants to do more he could as well.
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Don't die, please, /gmg/...
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Sometimes I daydream about gifting Ben a new robot eye and we fall in love.
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Very nice fantasy and digits. For me it's gifting Ben webm related.
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I think the new eye would make him a bit happier.

...Though sometimes I daydream a variation where he goes completely blind first and THEN I gift him the eye for maximum happiness.
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Which artist is Style 8?
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I'm awful at this sort of thing, I probably follow or have art saved from most of these artists but the only one I can really ID is Nanoff for #7.
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Same, I knew 4 was Greenendorf and 7 is Nanoff because both of their styles pop out at me. The comments are how I've learned some of the others.
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It was Aggron Day a couple days ago.
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I would like his work more if it weren't the work of a generator.
I want to know what artists he trained off of so I can support them instead.
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I'm glad that gamers are like this.
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In a just world, these threads would reach bump limit instead of culture war or Twitter screencap threads
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Male Miku?
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>"Hey Anon! It's a while past sunset and you haven't turned into a Gargoyle yet! You need my help letting it out?"
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How's life treated you, recently?
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>NEET life
Just as I wished.
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Big true.
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>Discord client's usual minimal stutter was suddenly increased tenfold
>do everything in my knowledge to fix it, switch up options, set up environment variables, be on Linux over Windows so the handicapping bloat is purely absent
>zilch difference
>nearly give up and just settle on bare ugly raw minimalistic Discord interface as workaround
>look through my power profile just now for something else
>"Power save" as set
>in spite using my laptop as pseudo pc desktop for a while... ?
>slid it all into "Performance"
>sudden increase on performance, everything is smoother, the client itself including
Laptops should be really meant for workplace flows and traveling only. I miss computing on bare metal CPUs...

Is this artist on butterfly site? He has wipe off all his art on his bird account, sadly.
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>Is this artist on butterfly site? He has wipe off all his art on his bird account, sadly.
I don't know, this is just some of the art I have saved from a while ago. Didn't even notice he nuked his account.
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So when’s the next thread?
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Should be the 21st I would think.
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This post is correct >>73706687 Things will be back to normal after this thread finishes.
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I want to hug him
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God damn this picture is good.
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I wish I was (more) Juuichi shaped.
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Don't we all.
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I've been thinking about getting some fabric and making a fundoshi for shits and giggles, this will probably be me lol
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>TFW YWN be the senshi
why even live
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>whole burger inside of middle burger patty
I swear I did notice the hot yeen too I'm not straight I swear!!
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Uh..hes mine tho
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