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/gmad/ - Gay Monsters, Aliens and Demons Thread #603
"A miracle has occurred" edition

A /gayy/ & /doom/ Company tm et. all of xenophilia and teratophilia on trash for degenerates who like weird dicks and other overlooked assortments.
Things we like
>Monsters, aliens, and demons. (Copyrighted or otherwise)
>Fantasy/mythical creatures. (Dragons, werewolves, etc.)
>Unconventional furry species.
Things we don’t like
>Sparkledogs (MLP)
>Conventional furry species (Lions, tigers, and bears (oh my))
>Humans by themselves
General consensus is to just post what you like; if less than two people complain about it, it should be okay. We’re all chill here, so let’s keep it that way.

Previous thread:

Steam Group:

/gmad/ Radio:

/gmad/ Tagmap:

[Updated 12-09-2024]

Recent as of 10-08-2023
Dragon slit play story
Skyrim Modding Rentry (see below in resources)

Recent as of 12-09-2024
Osculum Infame

Monstrous Resources:
Gmad artists, and where to find them (Open Suggestions):
Gmad artist list only (Open Suggestions):
Moth-Bitch's basic coloring tutorial (Paint Tool SAI):
Master List of Lewd Warhammer Mods:
Skyrim Modding Rentry:
>>73581936 (OP)
Love to see taran draw a dick, and its not tumorously big, nice.
Bull balls
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I need some gmad in my life
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>>73581936 (OP)
Hideous pic and general. Kill yourself
when your bf eats all dirty abrahamic cultists in your village
is it just me or 4chan keeps rejecting my pics
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>>73581936 (OP)
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No gmad bf to care for me after having major surgery...
Need this (badly)
Cant wait to send this as reaction when inevitebly my weeb friends talk about fumos again
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I feel like I've seen this one a hundred times by now
need a chad demon daddy bully me for my nerdy interests
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Oof, what surgery?
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C r i u s

What happens next?
I need a completely supernatural inhuman GMAD who’s smell has a weed/aphrodisiac effect on me and makes fun of me for wanting to live under his shirt or stick my whole face in his pit…
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Probably extreme tentacle sex
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I was just thinking about breed posters
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What'd you have done?
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Bariatric. Liquid only diet 2 weeks fucking sucks.
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Doesn't sound fun at all.
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That ass
File deleted.
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slapable balls
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He's hot but i would be more inclined to kill him for being a jewish cultist
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What if he's uncut though??
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Man, I really need to be dicked down like that.
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Relaying a message from Andro:

He would like to know from the anons what they think about his demon-"roommates" concept.
Also he's open for ideas or questions about them.
>tfw no broken english, slutty demon bf
kinda hurts to be quite honest
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>can't even cover up his huge dick
Cute! CUTE!
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>that broken english
Help, I appear to be falling in love
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God I wish that was me
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>He would like to know from the anons what they think about his demon-"roommates" concept.
They are very cute
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tfcon was pretty fun desu
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Don't die
>he's open for ideas
Demon roomates in the summer complaining about the heat.
Bonus points for casually sitting around without pants.
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Boyfriend with an ass large enough to genuinely smother you and balls large enough to obscure your face AND he cums hard AND quick so he likes to stick you down there to get him ofF…
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A godlike celestial being who would do that to me would be instant marriage and worship material…
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I keep coming back to the tarantula story and imagining him using his chelicerae to grab and hold my face while we kiss
ME4 better have a buffet of alien gay men to romance or Bioware will die (from me not buying their game)
I need a turian bf more than anything
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two tumours, chemotherapy now
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New Crius dropped.
what next?
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I salivate for hairy males...
imagine pressing your shaved body against a hairy monster tummy
smooth twink tummy on hairy monster chest erotic
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Why trash fast
We need more rakdos art
Sorry homo chud, you'll get transmen, non-binary, and human romances and you will enjoy it
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There's going to be a gay Turian romance option. There has to be! THERE WILL BE
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I actually do not like cucks at all, blowing my load to furry porn is different from some mother fucker using technology to access my soul while I'm in-between relationships withpeople, and I hope they get destrpyed/destroy all of themselves forever, they just keepmultiplying the hell that they cannot currently experience and I did not consent tobei g born out of their forced contact with me. All of law should be bazed around some'n similar, I don't wanna be some judge or principle or presixent or any other label in the eyes of somebody I'm not and don't want to be with. Automotons=zombies, autonomous is actually real, and one big red light to analyze it all in a heavenly judgement place. Oh yeah, the shower
delicious monster dick
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This is the most schizo thing I've read in a good long while. You okay there, anon?
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ignore that, probably just the retard from /bara/. maybe the one that hates feral dicks despite beating it to animal men
>oh look
>he's smiling!
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This thread is gay.
And it's great.
I really want to get into Under Rail but it looks to high iq for me.
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Why would I be okay?
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Just don't climb after me, please
That thought process gave me hope about Andromeda, it will NOT give me hope about 4.
>you find out your gmad is a girl who swapped bodies with the original gmad.
Reactions? And do you still fuck?
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Odd question, but I guess it doesn't matter and choose to fuck anyway.
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Was it consentual or did this innocent gmad get body snatched? In the body snatch case that's fucked up I ain't touching. If it was all consentual then that's fine. If they switch back later I probably won't follow. But I'm still down to fuck in the moment.
Consensual, but permanent. Girls taking hs place now.
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If me and gmad had a pre-existing relationship then girl in gmad body is an entirely new person. It could be ok, but it depends on their personality. I'd be kinda annoyed that I just got broken up with someone by them ditching their body. If we met after the swap then learning that doesn't really change anything.
Disgusting to think about but i would try to ignore it for sex. if she keeps rubbing her femoiditidy into my face I would puke
Depends on how familiar you are with other isometric/fallout-y games. I was completely unprepared and after the tutorial I just wandered around until I got to a main quest that felt impossible to complete with my """build""" so I just gave up. It's definitely on the harder side but maybe that could be enjoyable to you.
If anything she plays up the masculinity and overacts.
Then better not mention it to me and be a man. love excessive machismo desu. as long as its not obviously fake
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>Cant lie, when I say that I want this thiccness. Could cosplay as a chitter character lmao.
>females with male bodies tho
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How hot is the gmad's body? How obnoxious is the f*male? What are the rules of the body swap?
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Would be a good to stop considering yourself an underbaked inferior male called female when you are literally a male.
You have to laugh at the sucker giving up his body for a foid body
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Thought it was a 3d render at first, wow
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The gmad is your typical bara dragon guy thingy. The female is hyped AF and full of new, funny feelings and testosterone. She and him did it through a magic accident and its irreversible.
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Probably won't care, since I like to be the one eating him out and dumping deep injections in his warm guts. I assume at this point he knows how to use his dick anyway when we switch things up.
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Dead by Daylight GMADs: Hard to learn, difficult to master & still low tier
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What did he mean by this
Literally easier than the original Fallout/2 games. The only thing remotely approaching complexity is the crafting system, and that's fully optional.
If I was that monster I would kill her then myself me thinks
Then HE is about to get HIS tailhole eaten then filled with human cum.
Are they?
IDK anything about the game but I want that bull guy to sexually enslave me
He? Lol
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Imagine if aliens colonized our planet, introduced artificial wombs and banned females. All male human civilization would be glorious.
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I for one welcome our new alien breeder overlords
>The Blight
I didn't consider him a GMAD till now but fair point
I want The Oni to slug me on the floor and bring me to his sex basement
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This is exactly how I interpret Warhammer Lizardmen
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Holy shit lads. stellaris has some stellar hot daddies
I'm still waiting on nude Swollfins that isn't just pre-space natives
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Nevermind, found out there's a mod for it
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I'm already daydreaming about space adventure with these two space dads, and them spit roasting me. so much hot bdsm could happen on long voyages with two older alien mates, I would be tied up for half of it desu...
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Zaymn, chinese cartoons look like that?
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Fat (everything)
I agree, remove all w*men and trans "men" (w*men that are extra attention-seeking)
Anyone can suggest good insta accounts to follow regarding the monster stuff?
Make a hyper thread fatass
pov: tall monster man looking down on (you) with dominating intent
beautiful, handsome chap. Deserves a whore to abuse
Sorry for the minotaur spam but they made me act up
he deserves his own thread, someone should mobilize the furry community away from drawing cringe disney cartoons to him
Sorry, have to settle for tauren with f*male elves and futa draenei
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Saurus cock
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those huge muscular arms are built to kidnap anon. give kind fatherly kisses and then destroy his boypussy
Ram dicks up dragon butts
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Found this funky croc in the store randomly and couldn't resist.
It tastes how it looks.
Very rammable yes...
>You are not immune to marketing/propaganda
>ywn have 2 gmads fight over who gets to fuck you
it's over
that dick will literally rearrange the guts of any human boy that sits on dragon daddy's lap. Your intestines will be full of bent dick, giving a pregnant looking belly, nice.
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what are you implying?
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Crocos are cute!
I love lizards
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nothing i just miscliked the post number
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That's a dinosuar anon

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