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Oops, There Goes Gravity Edition
Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73388605

Welcome to /pmdt/! A thread for posting art, writing, and discussing of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Series! Especially if it's saucy~
We have a shared setting for the thread if you wish to participate in that either with writing or RP.

Beyond that feel free to just jump right in! You can start by posting art, recommending comics or fanfics, or just rolling to see what Pokémon you wake up as! If you'd like to join in the RP, the Lore Archive gives a general summary of the setting and history so far!
The TL:DR is a bunch of humans from various worlds have been sent to the PMD world and have ended up at an abandoned town in the desert and have been rebuilding it as a new home together.

>PMDT Lore Archive: https://rentry.org/pmdt_lore
>PMDT Gallery: https://mega.nz/folder/oIYQAT6D#KH5yWG8eBVs6aclQbBhEkw
>PMDT Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/uuSwxMDKDL
>PMDT General resources:https://rentry.org/pmdt-resources
>How do I start?
Set yourself up with a pokemon
Describe Your Pokemon Poll: https://tally.so/r/meEN6J (Roll using the tool bellow or just pick your own)
Roll for New Body: https://randompokemon.com
Bellow are the results for the ones we’ve had so far
Poll Results: https://airtable.com/appIaP91BKPBAJrBB/shr5Ubx6uYuIRjyIL/tblYzuPD1GEXJo5Jc

Tell us about your pokemon and how they ended up at Oasis and come say hi, the Cafe is always open and a great place in town to meet other pokemon, where you go from there is up to you.
Grab a quest from the Job Board: https://rentry.org/2hinxv2w
Get to know the locals: https://rentry.org/pmdt-masterbin

Please avoid discussing drama from /vp/ or /pmdg/. /pmdt/ is it's own thing.
Lastly since anons are from various timezones and have different schedules there can sometimes be a while between RP responses. Please be patient and don’t forget you can always post art while you wait!
(Have a quick repost to start the thread off.)

>Jack's strong enough to outlast the Solar Beam, enough for Veg to move out of the way, at the cost of tanking a good chunk of damage. He's probably gonna need a heal after this.
>As for Veg, her concentration is enough to focus her next Hex to avoid friendly fire, the Gigalith shaking his head as the Hex burns it.
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>Audrey endures the rest of what Sanaa has to offer, finishing her count to ten.
>Collapsing to catch her breath, she blushes & rolls off of the Smeargle onto her back.
That was my last gamble. I was running out of things to do you wouldn't expect... And... I'm not good at punching.
>Audrey drapes her arms on her stomach, staring up at the ceiling.
You had a lot more to do with just one move! But I had the weight advantage.
>She doesn't have any moves that can be useful in normal combat.
(Wanted to wait a little in case Zed wasn't back by the time the spar concluded.)
>Trying his best to regain his balance, Jack immediately goes in for Iron Head while the Gigalith is still distracted.
I was mostly winging it through that...
>Sanaa huffs and puffs from being out of breath.
I had a few ideas, but pretty quickly I ran out of new things to try.
>Sanaa sits up.
I guess we'll just have to see what Master Omoide thinks of that little spar.
>The Iron Head hit hard, the Gigalith shuddering in pain, but even now it remains steadfast in place. This doesn't come without consequence though, as more Stealth Rocks come out of invisibility and pummel into the already weakened body of Jack.
>While the Gigalith's targeting Jack, Veg hits it with another concentrated Hex
>She doesn't think Jack can take another hit like that
Nina, do you have any other moves to help us out, here?
>Between the slams and Jack taking hits Nina is getting pissed, she's never had a pokemon give her this much trouble once her fangs have landed and now it's stolen some back?!?
>Nina pulls her head back as the fangs disspate as all the leaves from her coat fall away from her
>She lets out a gutteral scream as a green glow builds in her eyes
>The space around is blanketed by a hurricane of charged leaves as they hammer the creature, with Nina still restricting its movements
>Between the damage that's already been inflicted and Nina still gripping it tight, there's no escape for the Gigalith as it's shredded by the Leaf Storm. It also removes the remaining Stealth Rocks as they get destroyed in the storm.
>The Gigalith can only roar in pain, before it slumps over, barely breathing and teetering on the brink of fainting.
With the gravity lessening and a big ol beam leaving some of her fur singed, Chai manages to make her way to the Gigalith' side seemingly unnoticed, only to hear Nina call for them to fall back.
>Oh come on, I JUST crawled over here! No way I'm gonna run back now!
Chai holds onto the big living pile of rocks for dear life. With the storm starting to die down, Chai decides to use Bite, unsure of whether there would be more leaves incoming so she doesn't get flung away. Also, it would probably deal damage or something.
>Oh hey my teeth actually kinda managed to bite into the rock ohh gross gross gross gross-
>Veg gets back as fast as she can from the storm of leaves as they absolutely assault the hulking mon
Phew, what would we have done without that Tail Whip?
>She meets the exhausted Gigalith's eyes with her own, glowing blue from hypnosis
Now go to sleep, already.
(How was the Gigalith doing that gravity stuff to us all, anyway? I don't remember any moves like that)
(There's a move in the main series literally called Gravity, it's normally just meant to let Flying types and other floaters to be hit by Ground moves, but I spiced it up to be better here.)
>The Gigalith isn't able to keep Veg's eyes in sight, too out of it to focus on anything but pain.
>The red stones on its body start flashing, slowly at first but as time passes it gets faster. There's also a faint humming sound, almost as if something is charging up.
(That's a really cool way to interpret that move!)
>Veg throws another careful Hex at it to try and shut down whatever the Gigalith is preparing
Uhh, Chai? You might wanna get away from that thing, as fast as you physically can, I mean.
>Get away? I'm sure it'll be fine, I don't think it can reach me up here.
Too close to be able to tell that parts of it has started glowing and with too much stone in her mouth to speak properly, Chai goes for another hard Bite attack on the Gigalith.
(Completely flooded in now and stuck with no power for who knows how long. Yay.)
>Sensing the energy buildup Nina gets a bad vibe and decides to hit it again with another leaf strom, shifting herself to cover Chai from the barrage
(oof, hope the damage isnt too bad)
>No amount of damage seems to be able to stop it, the Gigalith hyper focused on using the last of it's power to unleash this final attack.
>The flashing is almost constant, if someone doesn't grab Chai and book it, who knows what might happen to her.
>Veg floats over to pluck Chai off Gigalith much like a doll in her flaps
So, is anybody else in favor of just running to the next floor, or at least away from whatever this guy's going to do?
I-I'll... I'll be...
>Jack is severely weakened from the attacks from the Gigalith. He tries his best to move, managing only a crawl and then a limp towards Veg and Chai.
I'm good. I'm fine. I'm-
>Jack immediately collapses. He is on the verge of losing consciousness.
>With Jack collapsing and the Gigalith hitting the self destruct Nina no longer has a choice
>In a slick motion she slips herself to its front and coils before launching herself off it, knocking the creature over and shooting over to Jack
>On reaching the others she grabs Jack, Veg and Chai with her tendrils and bolts away looking for the stairs with terrifying speed.
She's like a dog holding on to it's favorite toy when Chai feels something try to pull her away. Until she sees that it's just Veg, and relents.
"Hey, what gives?"
From the floating angle she now sees the very obvious 'danger' signaling coming from the Gigalith.
"Ohhh... No, I see it now."
Lacking any proper ranged attacks, Chai instead thinks about the fact that Veg's tendril flappy things are surprisingly nice to be held by.
And then she gets a free pass to the Serperior hyperspeed express. She only needs to ride Jack now, and Chai'll get the full party mounting experience!
(Hey while I'm here and free from distractions for a bit. Can I get someone to remind me where I was on any other stuff I was on, and also anyone with any question/lore stuff they would like to have fleshed out let me know. Pretty much just alone in the dark with a flashlight and a phone with a shitty internet connection)
(You had Master Omoide watch Sanaa and Audrey spar in order to give move recommendations to Sanaa. We've just finished sparring.)
(Hope you get your power back soon, and things get better for you soon as well.)
(On my end we had Vex and Almace traveling towards the Beheeyem ship, with Vex asking a question. Then there was the conversation between Otta and the Weavile. I believe these were 2 or 3 threads ago.)
>With Nina having removed the group from the room, it isn't long before the Gigalith fully charged itself, it's entire body shining brightly until....
>Gigalith used Explosion!
>With a massive boom, the floor shakes as the room they just left collapses in on itself, a shockwave moving through the air passing through them. If anyone besides Veg had stayed behind, it may have been potentially deadly.
>Thankfully the rest of the floor seems to be sturdy still, with no signs of crumbling, for now.
(Sunday weekend bump)
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(Another day, another bump)
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Anyone got a thread question while we wait?
>what is the coolest thing you've found in a dungeon?
(Things are horrible but that's what I get for living on a tropical desert island. Still no power and reception only just picked up.
Also even though I didn't comment the match was very entertaining)
>The great purple ape had a look of delight on his face
Very good! Though your attacks lack power you both show a natural talent and imagination with them
>Omoide fans himself some more as as he thinks
I belive you would do well with fire punch, with your skills your strikes will have greater power than your opponents will expect. Further it will allow even more control of you flames for creative uses, like that shield you attempted.
Is everyone okay?
>The giant snake ruffles through her bag and pulls out some berries and seeds
Jack, can you eat? I have a reviver seed if you need it!
>Nina is a little jittery from the fight still
>that Gigalith was a lot stronger than she had anticipated and was causing her some doubts
If that's what's lurking here, then I have a bad feeling what's at the bottom of this place is going to be worse. No, no we beat that fiend, we can beat whatever is coming
>Nina still has one more trick up her sleve
>Sanaa smiles at the Oranguru's evaluation.
Fire Punch sounds pretty good!
>Once Sanaa's panting dies down enough, she pulls out some paper from her satchel.
Just need to see the move in action, then.
(Internet is even more scattered today)
>Omoide stands up and takes up a stance
There are several ways to do this, this is my perfered
First, gather flames. Let your fist become one with the fire
>With his off hand up he twists his striking hand into position, a ball of flame forming in his grasp
>as his fist closes, it ignites his entire hand
Then, strike
>he then launches the punch, his fist twisting through the air as flames swirl around the path, then explode outward as he reaches the zenith of his strike, a loud crack as a blast goes off from his knuckles
>he slowly does the same motions a few more times, the air around him now scorching
You guys keep at it... I'll just lie here for a while...
>Audrey is becoming aware of the limits of her body's physicality. She's contemplating adding cardio to her list of things to work on in her free time.
>Jack cannot respond, lacking the energy to do so. He is very winded, continuing to lie on his side. He is still alive, even if he's on the verge of fainting
>Instead he manages to point to his bags, perhaps in there could be a few emergency healing items?
>Oh hey, snake ride!
>They should probably stop getting rooms collapsed every floor at some point
I'm fine, we should focus on Jack, though, that solar beam looked REALLY nasty.
>She opens one of his bags, looking for anything that could help him.
Come on, we only need one Mismagius in this party.
(Poor Zed's stuck in a shit situation. Also, you guys can keep going on healing up, I don't have any plans to toss anything your way for the moment.)
>Sanaa watches as Omoide demonstrates the strike. Each time he makes a strike, she shields her eyes from the brightness of the blast with her satchel.
Alright, and done.
>She goes through the motions of using her paint to learn the move.
>The then readies herself, her fist flaming, and strikes!
>With a sound like a firecracker, she punches, a with a small blast at the peak of her strike.
>There's considerably less oomph to it than Omoide's, but you'd probably still not want to be at the receiving end.
I- I did it!
>In Jack's bag are distinct lack of oran berries, instead in their place, a few bottles of oran cola. This seems to be the only way to for him to properly ingest healing items, however he is currently much too weak to do it himself.
>Someone will have to be the one to feed it to him.
It's a good thing Nina and Veg were both holding Chai snug, or the explosion would have made her fall to the ground with the way she jumped at the noise.
>Didn't they say they blew something up earlier too? I guess it's one of those days.
"Juust peachy."
>Gonna need a serious mouth wash later. It's a good thing these things are sturdy. I don't think we have a Pokemon dentistry.
Chai sneaks over and puts a paw to Jack's face...mask...thing, holding it there for a bit without explanation while the others dig in his bag.
>Yeah, I still have no idea what this thing is.
Don't let that stop you.
>He grins and drags his long, broad tongue over Dit's crouch. His slimy taste buds brush against the Espurr's cat prick.
C'mon, I'm all riled up.
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(Good News, I have power again)
Oh I think I know what to do with this
>Pulling out a bottle she pops the top and digs about for a straw
>Tilting him up she slowly feeds him the soda, trying her best to keep it from making him cough or burp.
(Optional absent straws version)
>Nina slinks up and opens the end of one of her vines, pouring the oran juice into it
>She shudders at the stinging sensation of the fizz inside her tendrils
>The tendril then slips under Jacks mask and pumps the liquid into his mouth, slowly drizzling the cola in
a bump to be remembered
>ruts against the tongue
Hnn, flip over~
Of course, all kinds of dangers lurk these mountains, both from feral pokemon and the harsh conditions. We keep the trails clear, search for missing or lost pokemon and deal with any threats to those who travel the pass
>Almace tilts his head when Vex mentions his guild doesn't patrol
Strange, I encountered a patrol from your town when I was traveling North. Or at least that's what they told me.
>Almace thought back explained what he'd seen to Vex
>He had been traveling through a shady valley with some other travelers when a group of Krokorok's appeared on the trail before them
>Just as Almace had readied his blades to defend the group a pair of Zoroarks in strange masks descended on the Kroks and swiftly beat them
>One of the two addressed the group, claiming they were patrol mons from Oasis, offering the travelers a map to the town before disappearing with the unconscious Krokoroks in a whirl of dust
I guess they weren't from your guild then.
>Almace mentioning Zoroarks seems to light something in Vex's brain.
Oh, I didn't realize he had guys that far out. Yeah, that's mostly a Zed thing, I didn't know myself. Then again, Zed does a lot of things I don't end up knowing about, the busy bastard he is. I wonder if those Krokorok's were the same ones that attacked us a good while ago....
>Vex ends up deep in thought, wondering what else Zed had managed to do without most anyone knowing. It's a bit confusing sometimes.
No we’re not asking for payment.
>Otta leaned back a little, opting to take a moment to relax himself
It’s just how we are.
>Hearing about a job and taking note of the worry the Weavile had been in Otta asks
What kind of work do you do?
>Otta rolls his eyes a little at the Zorks
In our experience they’ve been decent to work with, but after hours, especially when they’ve had a few drinks, they’re incorrigible. We’ve had to kick them out for bringing liquor into the hot springs a number of times. One of them even nearly passed out and drowned! And don’t get me started on the lecherous behaviour towards both with me and Sammy.
>The Weavile makes a face as they talk more about the Zorks.
Tell me about it, I swear they find every excuse to try to be either drunk or horny. Seriously, what's up with them?
>He shakes his head to rid himself of the nasty feelings building up just mentioning them.
Anyways, I just take whatever I can get to earn my next meal. A man's gotta eat after all. Usually just end up being an extra body for manual labor.
Very good!
>Omoide gestures to some training dummies in the shape of various sized pokemon off to the back of the Dojo
Practice makes perfect, these training dummies will help you refine your moves.
>Walking over to one of the dummies in the shape of a Makuhita and taps it
>In the chest of the dummy is a counter
>Omoide then does another Fire Punch straight to the middle of the Makuhita
>The counter in the chest flickers up and shows the number 110, before flickering back down to all zeros
>Looking down at Audrey Omoide chuckles
Perhaps you should visit Bonni's massage parlor after this.
It's Zed and Forest who keep them in line normally. Once those two are gone they seem to become slackers. As for the horniness well they got told a little while back, apparently dark type semen is addictive, and that they need to restrict who they can fool around with.
>Otta leans in
Just between you and me I overheard that they've been fighting over the Nidorina that works in the cafe since she's the only one who isn't afraid of their bedroom problem. Well except for Krystal.
>Otta shivers a bit
They draw short straws over her since she's sent more than one to the medical center. I'd feel a little more sorry for them if they'd just show a little more respect.
>on the note of making money Otta scratches his chin
Have you thought about taking to the dungeons? The guild has some jobs in those, some paying quite handsomely.
>Sanaa walks up to the dummy.
>She practices her move several more times, her first punch getting around "32". After a while, the highest she gets is around "38", but she looks pretty tired.
Whew! I imagine with a lot more practice, I'd get even better!
>She stretches her arm, it's been quite the workout.
Thank you so much, Master! I might call it here for today, but I'll come back regularly for practice.
>Sanaa turns to Audrey.
I feel like some drinks, do you want to come to the cafe and get some?
>She hears the comment about the massage parlor.
Maybe just a quick one before the massage parlor?
(I want to meet Zed over at the cafe if that is possible. Patch up his and Sanaa's relationship. iirc the last we saw of Zed was with Mewt eating energy?)
Do you find him odd?
>The two arrive at the cave where the Beheeyem ship is hidden, camoflaged in the back.
>Omoide smiles quitely as he waves the pair off.His first session in the town was a success, and no doubt more would come to him for help after this. Coming to this place was the right move after all! Even if it was a little hot.
I look forward to seeing your progress!
(Yeah Zed was having a snooze after making energy candy with Mewt)
>After a fitful sleep Zed set about the next day continuing his projects about town, clearing a couple of dungeons, and filling out reports
Time for some gub
>taking a stroll through town he found himself at the Cafe
>Ordering a few treats and a smoothie from Nidorina he takes a seat and relaxes
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>There's a good chunk of info that goes over his head, but he gets the general idea about the Zorks.
>Otta mentioning the dungeons gets him to sigh.
Yeah, I thought about it before, but I'm not cut out for facing off against my fellow Mon. Besides, I haven't had too much of a problem finding jobs around town.
>He gets a bit of a grin.
Also, those Zorks are terrible gamblers, especially the drunk ones. You'd think they'd learn after losing money to me all the time, but they're stubborn I'll say that much.
Eh, sometimes. He's had some strange things happen to him, but he's alright for the most part. I just wonder what his thought process is when he does some things.
>It seems they've made it back to the ship.
Let's get this taken care of eh?
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Quick bump
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(Hello I am still here. I am still alive. Just... been busy hating life and everything.)
(hi Aella! nice to now you're still around)
(Must've been real bad if you've been gone for so long. A few things have happened, but nothing you can't catch up on.)
(Yeah life gets pretty shitty, I feel you on that one. Very glad you're still around though.)
wew, page 10 in 35, trash is on fire today
(Bump of ages)
(Back at work and it is brutally busy today)
>Tapping on the outside of the ship reveals it and soon after the ramp leading inside drops down
>The Captain is quick to greet the two and despite his odd features is clearly brimming with excitement
YOU'VE RETURNED! Did you find the material!?
We did, but we weren't the first to find it. I managed to negotiate with them to get a piece for you, but it'll take a bit for them to carve it out for us. Oh, and Edison wanted to let you know that next time you come here, make sure to contact him first. Don't ask me how, i'm just the messenger.
That may be true...
>Audrey manages to get up after some effort, though her sense of balance is off & requires her to push upright with her hands.
I'm all good!

That sounds like a wonderful way to continue the day!
>Audrey taps her foot, arms crossed.
Not sure what I want, though. We'll know when we get there.
(Got lucky, store still had the special at this hour, usually pasta specials run out fast.)
(Browsing the board bump)
(Aella is alive. Put her on the butt chart.)
Yeah, c'mon, let's go.
>The two make their way to the Cafe. Taking a seat, Sanaa orders a mead while Audrey decides what to get.
>She spots Zed sitting at another table. It's been a while since she talked with him, for obvious reasons. But there's nothing stopping them from becoming friends again.
>She waves over to Zed.
Hey Zed! Long time no see.
(Nice to see you're still around, Aella.)
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(Nearly escaped the wage cage bump)
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>Sanaa's voice traveled over and shattered Zed's calm like a brick
>Part of him considered just vanishing for a second but he wrestled that away with a quick shake of his head which he then tried to cover with a yawn
>he then returns the wave
Hey Sanaa, you're looking well. Uh how's things?
>He also greets Audrey
Have you two been having a bit of a day out?
(that's cute)
>Otta notices some dust strewn in and hops up to sweep it
>As he does he decides to ask a little more about the Weavile
So how did you end up here of all places? Did you come from one of the other towns?
>"Hmm,I found a nice shell once, buut I'd have to say the coolest thing I ever found was Sammy."
Really? Who could possibly be looking for that kind of thing around here? Oh well so long as we get our sample it doesn't matter too much.
>The alien pokemon hovers in the air, his gems glistening and flashing intermittently as he does.
Well I never! To think there was someone in this dirtball that we could- Very well! We shall lodge flight plans in future.
Yeah, drifted in with some other travelers, figured a new town being built up was a nice place to hang around for a while, even if it can get a bit hot for my liking. Been pretty nice so far, much less noisy and the people don't care about my living state much.
>Vex can only shrug at Almace before looking back at the Captain.
That's all from me, is there anything you wanted to tell us? Otherwise me and Almace will probably finish up his patrol of the area before we return to town.
(Glad you are still here. I hope things get better for you.)

(Only if she wants that.)
>The Beheeyem seems somewhat distracted now as he jabbers signals to the Elgyem
That should be all for now, we won't keep you.
(I'll let Audrey jump in before responding to this.)
(Also, I keep forgetting that I have expression portraits now. I swear I'll use them after this.)
>He turns towards Almace, a lopsided grin on his face. Guess he expected more.
Well, you heard the man. Let's finish up and head on back. Wonder if any of those other guys will be there when we do.

(I don't use mine either, so your not alone there.)
(Also Mewt has been missing for a bit.)
(Guessing that's gonna be a regular thing now.)
(Yeah I think weekends/early week they're on the busy side)
(Can't remember if Vex talked about the other lot)
Who was that again?
>Almace's mind felt a little foggy leaving the ship
>None the less the trip back was rather quicker thanks to Almace's trails
>They reached the gates of the town in the afternoon with a few hours of daylight
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(I was twiddling my thumbs and flipping through pics when I saw this one and it inspired something lewd)
>Become a Mawile
>A renowned adventurer at that, legendary even
>And of course it goes to your head, why wouldn't it?
>End up experiencing heat for the first time but brush it off with a little self discipline
>Sooner or later though you end up in a dungeon, trashing through it in your mega form as pokemon scatter before you
>All the while you flex and tease them
>All the way along you've had an itch that you just keep brushing off
>But its getting stronger as you reach then end, a few more floors though and you'll be done, not to worry
>On the last floor however your body decides it's had enough neglect
>Your horns slash you clothes and rip your binder
>Caught by surprise each horn then clamps down, snatching up your arms and legs, leaving you completely defenseless as the telltale scent wafts freely through the air
>Someone spots you as you cry for help, but they run off
>You then hear pokemon approaching, all those defeated mons you were trash talking as you thrashed your way down? They're back as their buddies help them over.
>You're about to be the entertainment for the entire dungeon now
(Life's has it out for a lot of us this quarter it seems. Happy to hear that you're still alive, hope it gets better and that you take good care of yourself.)
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(I don't usually post nsfw but I was in the right mood and saw some artwork with a nice pose that I wanted to try drawing Sanaa in.)
(I know very little anatomy, so the only way I was able to draw this was by using a reference, but I hope you enjoy the rare sight of Sanaa showing off her goods)
Just some people I met at the fort dining area yesterday. Speaking of, I could use a proper drink after being out in the cold for a bit.

(Sanaa is still as always sexy and adorable at the same time.)
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(Bumps forever)
>Audrey leans over in her chair, wrapping her arm around Sanaa, giving her a big sisterly nudge in spite of the Smeargle being a bit taller than her.
We have! It's been very nice. I demonstrated some important first aid advice which she picked up rather quick, & we went to see some new sights together.
>She pulls back and drums her fingers on the table.
Now I'm thinking about what I want before heading out again.
>Audrey is happy to see Zed, but she picks up on the immediate change in heart rate. Sanaa's gentle excitement isn't odd, but Zed's emotions are harder to place judging by what she can hear.
>Alcohol, she thinks, before writing that off after listening to him speak clearly.

(Sure, you can add her!)
(Quick bump)
(Would you prefer her with human or bird bits?)
(I admit that's a tough call, as I enjoy both. If I really had to pick one or the other, it'd be human. But I don't mind either choice.)
bump again
(Nothing but bumps here)
Mystery dungeon roleplay thread? Only seeing this now since I haven't just jumped straight to my thread instead of scrolling the trash catalog in months. If only I had the willpower to do more roleplays, but I'm kind of capped at the moment.
(We do a lot of RP but writefagging, art posting and discussion is welcome too)
>"Shit that's Adorable!" Zed thought
Wonderful! That'll be handy if things ever go sideways.
>on what to get
Have you tried the mini-cakes Nidorina has been making yet?
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Yeah, we've been doing quite a few things today. And...
>She takes a finger tip and creates a small flame at the tip of it.
>She dips her finger into her drink, setting it on fire.
...I've been learning some new moves!
>She raises the glass up, proud at her new ability.
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(Gosh, sorry about that, didn't mean to up and vanish on ya. ( ' ﹋ ' ; ) Just had a very draining week or so, haven't had the energy to do much aside from what I was being drug around for, the last couple days.)
Ooh, that looks like a nice little spot, yeah! Good eye, Drippy~
>After the 'mon finishes up their drinks, Mewt hands Cato's over to them and heads over to the window seat, settling in with their sitrus-y beverage.
Soooo, I ended up getting you something I don't have a name forrr, but it's uh.. pecha schnapps, nomel juice, gin, and amaretto. It sounds pretty good to me, so I hope you like it! :3c

(Hmm, what would I even want to be if I were gonna get involved? I see Audino is already taken and that would be one of my top picks.)
(You could always let rng decide for you, if you hate yourself or something.)
(Nothing stopping you grabbing another Audino or any other one, just if you're gonna be a legendary you start at a lower level and have to figure your powers out naratively)
>legendary PCs
(We already have the one, but yeah it's generally frowned on.)
(I may hate myself, but not that much.)
(No danger of me going legendary. I dislike most of their designs and the heavy focus they've been given as the gens go on. And I never used them before that. The most powerful thing I would go would be my pseudo-legend of choice Goodra, but that's also unlikely.)
(There's been a mega mewtwo from day dot and it's been fine. Just be creative but mindful. Personally I think go with something thats either enteresting or something you are going to enjoy playing/writing/drawing. Also don't be afraid of alts and ask as many questions as you want )
(No worries then)
This isn't /pmdg/. Nobody cares about power level autism here.
>The Arcanine does as suggests, scooping up the Espurr and rolling over on his back as he continues to use his tongue to get off Dit.
(No problem, really.)
>Cato examines the liquid in the glass.
Looks like some really fancy stuff.
>They start sipping.
Talking about Lapras Bay earlier... I actually had a pretty stable gig for the time that I lived in the place.
Trade can get real big there. I worked for someone that made, uh, products that would get sent and sold in different smaller towns in the area.
>Cato gestures at different points of the table, illustrating invisible lines across them.
I was in charge of logistics and distribution. I know it doesn't seem like something you'd expect me to do, but... there you go.
That's how I know that area very well.
(We already have two players that both play Zoroark characters, you'll be fine if you want to double up.)
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I love these
(I'm back)
>slowly, bit by bit, Jack recovers his health and strength. The sensation of the cold fizzy soda is nice. A brief respite, making him feel safe.
>He slowly begins to open his eyes, the warm face and expression of Nina being the first thing he sees.
>He slowly begins to rise and stand up, still a little out of breath
W... Where am I?
Jack! Are you ok? You took a bad hit from a beam back there.
>Nina looks back towards the collapsed room
We're still on the same floor as before, that Gigalith self destructed I think. I just grabbed you and ran- well slithered. We all made it out though.
>continues humping your tongue for a little while before levitating down to your hind quarters and straddling your dick
>licks along the shaft all the way to the tip, taking it into my mouth
(Super cute!)
(Also very cute)

"Gooood morning big guy."
(I like enough pokemon that I don't need to double up. The problem is that there's a distinction between pokemon I'd want to be with and pokemon I'd want to be. The latter is a bit pickier.)
Ehh, maybe the amaretto a liiittle, but it's mostly pretty common stuff!
..at least, uh, it was, anyways. Heh. Mines called a 'Grand Tropical.'
>Mewt swirls their glass lightly, taking a small sip of it and practically melting in their seat.
Mmh.. s'pinap and sitrus juice with pecha liqueur, and just a touch of nomel juice.. so good~ (˵ - ᴗ - ˵ )
>The Mewtwo nods along as Cato talks, watching them point at different spots of the table.
Huh.. well, I wouldn't have guessed you'd be running supply lines, but hearing that you have, I don't doubt it. Y'seem like you'd be pretty capable in that position! :3
But, yeah, that'll really come in handy, having you there with us to help guide us all around the place. Keep us outta trouble, hopefully. :p
>Pulling a little pinap wedge off the rim off their glass, they pop it in their mouth and munch on it.
So like, what'd y'all sell, over there? Anything cooool? :o
>At Mewt asking what they sold, Cato suddenly gets a little shifty and anxious.
Uh, well, you know, health tonics, elixirs, and other things. Owner of the business was a herbalist.
>They quickly and awkwardly change the subject, taking a big sip of their drink.
This is really good! I think getting matching drinks was a good idea.
Welcome back! That Gigalith kinda sorted itself out, but you took a hell of a beam, helping me out back there.
Did that oran soda ease the pain, by the way? You were its enemy number 1 for a quick second.
(Tired and sore bump be up in a bit)
(gonna head to bed now.)
>It's all coming back to him. Jack subconsciously begins to stretch his body, trying to work out the aches still present within him.
Fuck... that really hurt.
>It's true that he hasn't seen much combat, getting completely battered like that was an entirely new sensation to him even with the more durable body bestowed upon him when he first came here.
Should probably start working out, or train or... something.
Is it safe to continue on?
>His position is still a bit wobbly, deciding to lean himself against Nina for structure.
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I have not! That sounds good enough for me.

>Audrey claps.
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(passed out a little longer than I meant to)
>Zed grins
Wow look at you go! How'd you learn that clever little trick?
>Even with all the things he had at his own disposal one thing that never failed to entertain Zed in this world was seeing others playing about with their abilities
>All Zed's nerves and anxiety were punted out of his head, replaced with the simple excitement of seeing something new
What else can you do so far?
(Love this one btw)
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>Nina lets out a giggle
Well do me a favour. If you want someone to train with, come get me in the mornings down by the orchard. I think I need it as much as you do. I've been chucking all kinds of plus sized asshats out of the Inn and I've never had as much trouble as that guy just gave us.
>Nina munches a berry and hands a couple more to Veg and Chai
I think we should be fine to continue so long as you're ok. But we should be careful.
I figured out how to use Sketch!
>Sanaa creates a few very small fireballs that burn up quickly, being mindful of the fact they are indoors.
I learned some fire powers from Lilith, and Heal Pulse from Audrey here.
>She blows out her burning drink and takes a sip.
We also visited the dojo, and after Master Omoide watched us spar, he recommended that I learn Fire Punch.
>She giggles nervously.
I don't think I can show that one off in here.
Draught wear off? Heh, we can warm up at the Rolling Dubwool.
>Making their way through the town they soon found themselves at the entrance to the Tavern
I'm sure there's a barrel of something to your liking in here.
>Heading inside the tavern was pleasantly warm and full of pokemon
>Despite this, there was a few spots at the bar and a couple of free tables, always room for one more
>In the back a few pokemon sat plucking away at lute and harp
[Table or Barstool?]
>Audrey smiles after noticing Zed's relief. Seeing that all is a-ok, Audrey curls her hand over one of her feelers to cease her super hearing eavesdropping.
She was very tough. I haven't had a fight like that since high school.
Tell you what, I'll share mine when they get here
>Zed heads over and joins the girls at their table
>Before long Nidorina arrives with a plate of assorted mini cakes
Heh, you're a regular firebender. How does it feel to use Have you tried any other elements yet?
>Zed giggled at the idea
Oh man I wish I could have seen that. Did you two have fun? And how was Omoide? I haven't had a chance to speak to him in person real much, we mostly exchanged letters while we set the place up.
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Ooh, are these chocolate?
>Audrey picks something chocolatey.
It's been a while since I've had something sweet outside of drinks. Knowing how they must've been made, I'd say these are healthier than fresh steak at the grocery stores back home.
They're good, too!
>She looks cheerful.
He was very kind. It was a good call to bring Sanaa there after we figured out what she could do. I can definitely see him being the cordial carrier pigeon correspondence kind of person.
It feels natural enough, but I'm not fireproof. I figured that out when I tried to breathe flame.
As for other elements, nothing but fire stuff yet. I'll have to experiment around a bit more.
>Sanaa grabs a small vanilla cake to go with her drink.
For Omoide, he seems like he'd be a very good teacher, and he's very nice too. I'm going to start going there regularly.
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(Oh hey, a pokemon RP thread.
I'm thinking of giving it a try, I read the rules and the character maker, I'm just torn between what poke to use
I like Cubone ((although someone has already made one)), Ghastly/Haunter or a Gabite.)
(There's a Cubone in the census results and the lore page but they never participated in the thread, so Cubone is a free option for you.)
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(We do have an Alolan Marowak, or did at least. Haven't heard from Gin in ages.)
As long as it tastes alright, then it's whatever.
>It's straight to the bar counter for him, though he has to sit on the floor to avoid crushing the barstools with his weight. Not the first time, nor will it ever be the last.
>He also keeps an eye out on the others around, mostly to gage the interest of the patrons around them, see if he can catch eyes on the two of them.
(Alright, I did the thing. What now? I just start RPing? With or without tripcode?
"Oh, thank you."
Chai pockets the berry in her tail for now. She hasn't really taken enough damage to consider it needed yet.
"Well, probably not 'safe'. But the rest of the Pokemon we meet will probably not be as annoying as that last guy, just the usual wild Pokemon annoying."

(Oh yeah, the Census has loads of characters that have never been used. We should probably do something about that at some point.)
(All of those Pokemon would be unique picks I think.)
(If you don't have anything specific planned, most just have their Pokemon arrive in town with a small intro so you can start RPing right away with whoever is available. Tripcode is optional)
(How do y'all feel about Grumpig? She's a niche fave of mine and what I'm leaning towards if I were to join in. I'd be going femboy or dickgirl.)
Should I start right in the thread, or should I make a reentry post for it?)
Dickgirl Grumpig is a cute.
(Not sure how you'd make a Grumping a femboy, so I'd pick that for the novelty. Also pretty unique choice.)
>Veg accepts the her berry, saving it as well since she didn't take too much damage
We're making some pretty good progress here, even if the last fight was pretty intense, so I'd say it looks safe enough to keep going.
(A Grumpig would be pretty cool! I don't see them mentioned too often.)
(New blood bump)
(I just have a thing for chubby femboys, so with the extra layer of abstraction that comes with being a pokemon it's easy for me to see it as one. Slightly harder than a male of a naturally feminine species like Audino, but not difficult. It would just come down to personality and how the character carried himself. But I'm leaning more towards dickgirl like >>73706450 says. I got the image of a Grumpig girl in a cowboy hat in my head and now cowgirl Grumpig is stuck there.)
(There are plenty of underrated pokemon out there. Grumpig is one of them. Checking them out on the wiki reminds me that I always forget how small they are. I usually think of them like should height, but they're more like barely waist height.)
(Busy plus hit a wall with the Otta and Weavile conversation, feel free to break that off if need be)
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I apologize for the butt load of questions, never Rped on 4chan of all places :p)
Most people go with a rentry just for convineince since 4chan has a 2000 character limit
(Eh, he's not meant to be explored in depth so it's whatever.)

>The Weavile stands himself up before putting his cloak back on.
As fun as this conversation was, I gotta head on out. I feel the need to eat soon, and I should probably prepare for another round of drunk gambling with the Zorks, knowing them.
>He fidgets in place for a second.
Again, thanks. For repairing my cloak and all. I at least owe you a favor for that, so if you need my help with anything, don't hesitate to look me up. I'll let you get back to work, might see you again someday. See ya.
>He leaves with a simple wave, putting the hood on as he heads out.

(Chai probably got busy or something. As for your question, do whatever is more comfortable. Most of us just ended up doing it in thread though.)
>Distant sensations slowly creep into the new Cubone's subconscious. A new body requires new instructions on how to function after all.
>He grasps his ossien helmet, a searing headache threatening to split his head into two. Memories, both old and new, implanting themselves into his brain.
"I...I don't..."
>With dry, forced coughs, the pokemon stumbles onto his feet, almost tumbling to the side as his vision blurs
"Where...where am I? What am I?... I need...I need to..."
>Then, he sees it, way out in the distance, a small little settlement of buildings, and perhaps...safety, or at least answers
"I...I got to..."
>The wanderer only takes what's with him: A raggedy, brown cloak, and a thick bone club that he feels strangely attached to.
>Inch by measured inch, the small cloaked figure comes closer to the town, the blazing sun not helping his current condition. Knees threatening to buckle under the exhaustion and heat, leaving him utterly defenseless in the golden sea around him...and yet, he pushes forward.
>A breathless, sweating mess when he does finally arrive at his destination, barely holding on to the last shreds of strength he has left
>Before he can take another step...
>He falls face first onto the dirt, unable to move forward any longer.

(Hopefully I did it right :p)
(Pretty much perfect. Now someone's gonna have to find and help the poor guy.)
>The new arrival doesn't go unnoticed for long as narrowed eyes watch their progress from places unseen
>when the Cubone, collapses the watchful eye darts out, swiftly shifting across the ground and gathering up the weary pokemon like a gentle breeze whisking off a leaf
>before they know it they find themselves inside a cool building, out of the harsh sunlight
>Standing over them a huge hairy creature with billowy hair and a mask offers a pitcher of water with it's clawed hand
Drink... slowly.
>The Cubone is barely conscious, much less fully aware of his surroundings. Without a word, he grabs the water pitcher, taking a few heavy glugs of that delicious fresh water, before letting out a satisfied gasp for air.
>He's still a bit hazy, laying his head back down to let his body cool down naturally.

(Unfortunately it is late, hopefully I'll have more time to do stuff tomorrow!)
These? Are there more? Post them
(Yeah artist is goopyarts I think. She's been doing a lot of pmd stuff)
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Hey, I know that artist. I hate their usual stuff. Wish they drew more cute stuff like that one or cool stuff like this.
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(She can be hit or miss, that one was a comm apparently)
(Bump bump)
(No worries, these threads move pretty slow and people post at odd hours)
>Otta goes back to his tasks
Hmp. Seemed like an ok guy.
(Grumpig sounds like a fun pick)
(Bumping with some more pix and lu art)
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(The thing I'm planning on DMing is broken up into 4 parts so that there won't be one singular long adventure keeping people tied up 'til the end, and so I can try and get posters that are active at different times—though 2 and 4 are set up in a way where characters who weren't present at the beginning will still be able to jump in at any time without issue. 3 of the 4 parts are done, and 4 is the most derivative of the fic I've been wanting to test ideas for so most of the brainstorming is already done, I just need to get it all written down in bulletpoints to make sure there's no gaps I need to fill in. I could start running it all now and finish outlining the last bit by the time I get to it, but next week's shaping to be too busy for me, so I'll probably wait.)
Sounds fun. That hopefully gives some of the other ones some time to wrap up.
(Sounds like a lot of work has gone into your project, maybe I'll have to join it to give my characters something to do since the Lapras Bay trip doesn't seem to be happening soon.)
(Rereading this and it accidentally sounds like a backhanded remark to others in the thread, it's totally my fault for pinning all my planned stuff on a future event on a thread that is very slow.)
(I'm pretty sure most of us have done that at one point or another, the future is undetermined after all.)
(Nearly escaped work for the day bump)
(Something to help fill things out.)
>While they were resting up, a familiar Deino ends up running past into another room.
>One of them may end up catching a glimpse of it as it goes by.
(Go for it!)
(Either is fine, but if it's longer than two posts or you want to make a proper short story rentry is probably better.)
(This works great!)
(Sounds like a big project, could be fun. I hope next week isn't too bad for you anon.)

Chai sees a wild Pokemon run by into another room. She doesn't recognize it however, so she just ignores it.
"Well, since Jack is..."
She looks over to Jack leaning on Nina.
"All better now, we should probably keep going."
With big steps, Chai moves forward.
(Good morning! Seems like I'll have more time to do stuff today, I wonder if that mysterious helper is still around.
If not, can I start another RP anyhow, or is that rude?
(Yeah, I still want to get to that stuff, but I don't mind too much, unplanned RP is fun too, like the Sanaa move learning stuff.)
(What do you mean by another RP? Like a secondary character or a time skip?)
Time skip, since my character passed out in my last message.)
(Ended up busy once I got home)
(Mysterious helper was unfortunately one of mine and I'm just kind of getting to things now)

Well Flygon mail but there abouts/ He used to be a treasure hunter if you can believe that.
Yeah, gotta watch it when you're covered in fur.
Well, if you're looking for something else I could always show you my shadow ball.
>Putting up one of his claws Zed makes a small swirling ball and rolls it across his claws
>as he played with the ball Zed remembered something else
OH RIGHT! Hey check this out. I learned how to make Gummi's. They're just condensed elemental energy, if you know what you're doing, you can just pluck it out of yourself.
>Zed then concentrated for a little, drawing out some more of the dark type energy he'd harvested earlier with Mewt
>Slowly he focused it into one of the squishy little balls he'd made before and separated some for Sanaa and Audrey.
It won't give you as big a boost as it would say Rohan, but this should have a little kick to it.
I'm glad though. I had a feeling the Dojo will thrive here. I'm hoping to run some fight nights out of it for a bit of local entertainment, and to hopefully help have a few less broken chairs and tables from rowdy Inn guests.
(Was partway through typing this while when Zed responded, but here's what I've observed from this thread for future reference.)
(Time skips can happen, though people usually wait a few days without a response before skipping.)
(Players here live in different parts of the world, have different amounts of free time, some players have work, some do not.)
(So it's a courtesy to wait at least a couple days before moving on.)
>The strange hairy creature remained beside Leo as he rested
You are in Oasis. You collapsed at the edge of town. We've searched the area along your trail and found no others. You seem to be alone. What is your name?
(I feel like in this case if anyone else wants to go for it that might be a better idea given I'm a little spotty at the moment.)
Alright! Lets move on.
>Just as they start Nina notices a Deino again.
>Was it the same one she saw earlier on? It looked like it!
Hey it's you again! Hey wait up little guy
>If it was the one from before, it's followed the same route down, maybe it's headed for the stairs too
>Nina leads the others into the next room after it, hopefully it will lead them all to the next stairs.
Oh, I see)
Got it, thank you very much for the explanation!)

>The Cubone lifts his head slightly, still in a dehydration induced haze.
"O-Oasis? Others? I-... I think I'm alone. I can't remember much, my head feels like it's going to split apart..."
>He places his hand on the skull helmet around his head, now feeling the texture and the model
"What is this thing on my head...?"
>His eyes widen in shock as he realizes what his hand now is
"What has...happened to me? What am I?! Am I...no, that can't be right, this must be a dream. It has to!"
>Other than a few side eyes the patrons don't seem to be too interested in Vex
>Or perhaps they're simply keeping their distance from the moving mountain
>One who isn't though is the Barkeep, a somewhat chunky Gardevoir
Almace! Didn't think you'd be back so soon? You didn't get lost in the Desert did ya? And who's this you've dragged in 'ere?
She turns to Vex with a smile
You're a new face! So what can I getcha? We' got Meads, Lagers, Ales, Whiskey's and Wines and of course our famous cold keep-away Draughts.
Gummis made from energy...?
>Sanaa cautiously takes the gummy, chewing on it.
Huh. It's nice, kinda tastes like licorice... probably doesn't pair the best with my cake, though.
>Sanaa drinks more mead, a big swig this time.
Oh, and I'm down to learn moves from you, just not right now. On break.
>Sanaa smiles warmly, and then thinks for a moment.
Though, only showing off one move isn't that impressive. I doubt this'll do much, but...
>She reaches over, places a paw on Zed's arm, and uses Heal Pulse.
>She innocently looks back up into Zed's eyes.
Do you feel any different?
Another one... heh, it's been a little while. One of these days they're gonna have to make a primer for you guys.
>The masked creature cackles to itself
You've been dumped in this world and become a pokemon. Do you know what a pokemon is right?
Well either way you're in luck, this town is the only bit of civilization for a hundred miles or so. You'll be safe here
>The creature holds up a razor sharp claw
So long as you don't cause us trouble.
>Getting up the creature ferrets around in a bag it was carrying at its side
Here's some money and a map of the town, if you head to either the guild hall or the cafe you'll be able to find someone to fill you in a little better.
>Beneath all the hair Zed's skin has a few scratches from his work earlier that day. He can effortlessly dodge incoming swipes and attacks from enemy pokemon, but apparently wood splinters and the odd exposed nail were another story
>Zed could feel a warm tingle as the healing pulse cleared a particularly stinging one up
>If Audrey is listening closely though she could probably hear his heart skip a beat
Wow yeah, that feels pretty good! I think you cleared up the nick I got from that nail before.
>It was then that he caught eye contact with Sanaa, a smile spreading across his face as he looked back at her
Watch out Audrey, she'll be coming for your job next.
(Also meant to say yeah theres a lot of stuff like that I've been sitting on for a while. I feel bad because i know a fair bit of that is on me dragging my feet on leadup stuff and other odds and ends.)
"A pokemon?! You've got to be kidding me! I know, this is some sort of weird fever dream that I'm having! That's the only plausible explanation!"
>The Cubone chuckles to himself, grunting a bit as he forces his body to stand back up
"When in Johto, do as the Johtoans do."
>The Cubone takes a deep sigh, seemingly not taking this situation very seriously.
"Name is Leo, by the by, thank you for the water and..."
>The Cubone's eyes suddenly widen, as he starts to desperately search around the ramshack house
"Where is my club?! Did I bring it with me?! Did I have it on me? Did you take it??"
>He seems rather distraught, even for his whole 'dream' explanation, that club has value.
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Well I'd like to see that. I AM apparently a time traveler, aha!
>She takes another bite of the mini cake.
>Watching the gummies form, Audrey looks on in awe.

Not any time soon. She forgot to wash her hands before making physical contact with a patient!
>Ignoring the malpractice, she smiles warmly at the sight of the two of them. She wasn't certain what Sanaa was up to before meeting with her today, but she definitely didn't anticipate it would end in her playing matchmaker.
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Oooh, kinda like what uhh, Lil does, then? Neat! I'll have to see if I can find anything she might be interested in studying while we're over there..
>Mewt takes another small swig, savoring their tropical drink.
Mhmm~ I don't think I'd have had one of these otherwise, n' it's pretty tasty! :3c Glad you like yours, too~
(Looking through the poll chart, there's a lot less breasts than I expected. You guys have really stuck to being on model or on model + nipples for the most part. As for those with genitals, I guess they're just hanging out?)
(Presumably for the most part, except for lizards and such.)

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