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"Healthy Habbits": Edition

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73549513/
For discussion of TGWeaver's and Pokemaniacal's Five Nights at Freddy's AU fic
Roommates A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11250126

Full Roommates Art Collection: https://gofile.io/d/Xg5SY8

New NewFanfic Archive Stev Edition: https://mega.nz/folder/tzsymTyA#l0jmXuUtV3HELQ8wYuXOpQ
Roommates The comic adaptation: http://roommatesaucomics.thecomicseries.com/archive
Roommates Drawpile: https://magma.com/invite/FTHJ7YCD

Old MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/kMwX0YLK#BR3vN7OCIYYk7Qu9jbPKfw
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The job title is janitor but Vanny went the extra mile
>Nisha cracked her knuckles as she waited in the darkness, the bear’s face scrunched into a tight sneer. Anger still burned over the back of her neck, threatening to consume her. She silently hoped that tonight would get rid of at least a bit of that feeling. After all, there was only one person who had really motivated it, who’d earned a taste of revenge, and after tonight…

Anons try to continue the story prompt.
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>waited in the darkness
Nisha forget she is still wearing her bright yellow dress
>her long overdue taxes would be done. One could only ignore the IRS for so long, and as a felon on parole she would most definitely be on their radar. She powered on her computer only to be greeted by...
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>Bonnibel finds a voodoo doll that changes it's appearance depending on who's hair/feathers are stuffed inside
>Bonnibel uses it to try and relax her friends
>Pours wine down down Foxgloves throat after a bad argument with Mango
>Hugs doll Mike at night so he feels safe during the night shift
>Bonnibel putting a few pins in doll Bonbons butt after kissing Mike in front of her is a clearly unrelated incident
lol what?
>Nisha then realized that cracking on3s knuckles when trying to be hidden was a terrible idea
>THUMP THUMP.. THUNK! Was all Nisha heard before she was kissing floor

>A picture of her white and brown rabbit roommate, must have changed her background last night
>Nisha had taken some money from her to get the taxes filed but she lost the cash in a fur care sale related accident
>She will never order a pizza from Gregors again, this is TUNA! Not salmon
A notification that her 3rd public defender had quit
Foxglove gets the doll and keeps it wrapped in her tail
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>For doing this
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Freddy Miku
Cross dressing peanut
I love the idea but have none on it myself
Nisha about to give Mike a correction
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Bonnibel doll, commission
this thread is nothing but a fetish dumping ground
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bait but sure I'll bite why not
After two years it's finally done
True lol
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>Bonnibel makes one of herself
sure Id except that excuse if this were a fetish general but its not
this place used to be fun to talk in but now its just one guy spamming his fetish commissions and hogging requests even just flat out art begging when he thinks theres an artist posting
I'm not sure what you'd expect. Roommates by itself has come to an end years ago. There isn't any new content apart from the art comms you see once in a while or the comic adaptation. Even the fan-made continuation hasn't been updated ever since. You are asking for new OC in a wasteland that everyone has moved on long time ago. How do you plan to revive this general if you want to see a change at all?
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>sure id except that excuse
Of fucking course.
Kill Mike
Threads been dead for a while now, even when I joined in 2021. Difference now is that it takes almost a week for the thread to hit the limit rather than 3 days. Still lurk this place every once in a while to draw something related, but there really isn’t much we can do to boost this thread into becoming somewhat active again. Hell, the /holy/ was hitting its limit every day when the new season of angel hare came out half a year ago, and now it is as dead if not more dead than ours
/holy/ has been fun. Sad to see it slow down but that’s the name of the game. Have to find new fandoms if you want excitement.
what dude?
I thought this was a drawing for himself?
Then try to start a conversation instead of complaining
Metaposting complainers live 3 times as long as ontopic contributors.
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this is why i regret not getting into it when fourball told me about it in the summer of 2019 and only finally read it in early 2023
>be stubbornly against fnaf that i refuse to read something that only has surface level connections to it
i was a retard. a couple people have told me it was already on a decline by then anyways though, so maybe i didn't miss too much
This thread has been going since 2017
You just need to try and speak instead of ask for others to make what
Like try and have a conversation with Carrol
Seems there a few people who want to chat but nobody wants to start
personally, my lack of activity in the thread is not because of lack of interest, I just haven't had much inspiration.
>Seems there a few people who want to chat but nobody wants to start
Maybe a Thread's Question for every new thread might be a good convo starter? Doesn't have to be necessarily about the lore of RM.
them freeloader anons really need to drawfag instead of talking into the nothingness h
I like the none sexual voodoo stuff
>Goose hotboxing her doll to save on weed
>Chiclet putting here's in hot water to try and relax
>Fredrick putting his in the fridge to keep cool when cooking
Bonnibel wraps her doll in Mike's shirt so she can be comforted by the smell without having to forgo her warm pajamas
Good to see you stando I'm glad your still here
That’s actually not a bad idea. I mean starting up a personal Magma for the server did kickstart some of us to draw a bit, even if it’s been a bit slow.

Personally I wanted to someday start up my classmates project again once I get the motivation. Spoke with the writer of band mates for some advice a while back, and he really did give me a good overview on how I can improve.
BTW would Beanie and Bonworth get any of tge metal Glen mutations?
>Turns out it skips a generation
>It makes it where the species is a 50-50 mix instead of 100% the mother
you think I dont? why else would I be complaining
you post something and then the thread dies for hours then someone posts their fetish commission again to bump it and it dies again
Seems a bit weird
Stando! Welcome back
Mike and Beanie make those FF14 rabbits
Cheeky and Bonworth make a fluffy purple chicken with bits of yellow
Bonworth and Beanie are only half rabbit
You didn't miss much
I'd say 2022 was the big bump
no theyre full rabbits
Yeah we should go back to futa and vore until the shitters leave so we can talk about bonson and incest
No unless you count seeing Ghosts Beanies "gift"
we get it you hate stando 4ball and soul
Could have sworn I've see your art before 2023
It is doll season!
But on a tangent for Pokemon. Did we ever come up with a list on what kind of teams each roommates would have?
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>shitters leave so we can talk about bonson and incest
ok I never got why/how /ss/ and incest got anons so butthurt around here
its some of the oldest and prominant content from most of the biggest artist drawing for this place. I really just gotta wonder how these people found this place
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Also Beanie would probably prefer Digimon
The Moglins?
Digimon is much cooler but everyone has a pokemon team
Never thought I'd see this finished
Rm Au probably has some weird equivalent like ManaMon where anthros make humans fight
Bonworth would appreciate some new legs
theres only 3 digimon people give a shit about sorry you had to learn this way
except roommates still has regular animals in it so a 1:1 version of pokemon but with furries is more likely desu
Still like the idea of Bonbon playing against Beanie with a team of 5 buff humans + one Pokémon that looks like muscle man from regular show
>The human apperence is still resesive so things turns out the same unless the mother is mixed even if it's not showing
>Beanie and Mike's kids come out with pointed rabbit ears and sharp incisors
>Carrol and Tom are just happy the grand kids don't have anything else
3 are different versions of her

> Fox April
thats not how it works
NO FUCK YOU! it is 4. I love you wizardmon!
There's a comic Weaver did of that
That was more about plot
Foxglove likes to wrap her doll in silk but someone keeps swaping it for a small ugly and itchy wool jacket
chat gpt?
Terrormon Bonnibel
Too sassy
>an email notification that Nisha was denied another job
>It's hard finding work with three fellonys and your name in headlines
>Rumors that she made the robots attack security for some demonic sacrifice kills the last whisps of opportunity
>But one notification brings her a shred of hope
>Cleaning apartments for some puppet with board provided
Angelmon April
>After two years it's finally done
All good things comes to those who wait. I'm happy with it. Shout out to Zorro for dealing with me lol.
Haven't looked into Pokémon since 2010
But do know yugioh
>Melfy - Bonnibel
>Hungry Burger- Fredrick
>Fluffles -Foxglove
>Xyzs - Chiclet
>Melfy - Bonnibel
Good match up. You think she would collect the cards for the sake of the art?
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I did a followup of that Bonnibel and bonson pic.
dynamic as fuck
What is Carrol looking at
Porn of herself
I love how you always give them an ass lol
Marion does have a thing for people down on their luck. Plus they have grants for felons to get housing, so win-win there. Now all she has to do is keep her head down and not be tempted by access to Marion’s financial records
April is already an angel
Carrols posting about herself in the roommates thread
That’s actually funny as hell
gotta clean up the evidence so nobody knows you were fucking your babysitter
good shit soul
wow ruby but shes had all the fun bits of her design removed and replaced by generic sorrow thicc slop
she's not even old anymore like she's supposed to be
Fat carrol ass
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wonder if he ever did more with this
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bonson and mango
>Carrol is an will allways be the best character in the story due to her intelligence, h-
MOM! I know you brag posting again!
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Hhnnngggg slutty rabbits...
Standos best drawing ever
She probably wouldn't just take spare change
God how he contrasted the white with the black background creating the line art is so cool
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All the big butt photos are posted by Carrol herself
mike and beanie fucking on her hidden cam
Nisha has to wear a maid outfit
>at least they are getting their exercise
>carrol laughing at her daughter laughing at mikes tiny penis
Terrormon Beanie
>no mouth
brother how did you still spell it wrong
I love you.
surprised you came back so soon, ususally we arent lucky enough to steal you back until the last week or so of the month
thank you for more art!
kys fucking pedo
Post vore
Hmm Giga max April
What medicine is Bonnibel even on
Fentanyl and meth
Rubbing her cub cum filled bunny on the ground
Your average antidepressant? Some sort of relaxant anyway
Lol that's fucked
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Nobody knows
Bunny b gone
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Sleeping pills and just about everything that involves emotions
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>How I want to rub carrols butt
Shut up tard head
>what vanny wants molly and/or mike to do to her
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What Bonnibel needs at the time
>BTW would Beanie and Bonworth get any of the metal Glen mutations?
No its not genetic
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Who's ready for Easter
Foxglove just spends the day eating other people's chocolate and drinking bottles of wine
Thats Valentines
>Peep Chiclet
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Tried to do the color blind challenge. Messed it up because most of the colors I used were literally black and while. Tried saving this one.

Want to do it again, so I can take some requests. Might only chose a few
Color blind challenge?
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Basically choose a bunch of random colors. Mix them up, then change it so you can only see your screen in grayscale. That way you are limited in only using black and white colors.

My issue came where I wanted to change some of the colors I chose, but accidentally turned them into a grayscale pallete without noticing.
Try Goose
And nice patterns
I'll try that tomorrow
Thanks for the idea
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>Bonnet Teenage years
Nice to see you again zorro
Beanie in her mid 30s
Zorro has never posted here
Gid I love her
This but it's Bonnibel
whats this from?
Beanies curled ears are so cute
They remind me of my bunny
do you like your roommates(tm) content relatively realistic or more cartoonish like other furry media?
Mix of both
Bonnibel high on new meds
What makes you say that so confidently
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Toons, real would be too ugly for some characters
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Is bubblewolf/glip/meesh/snowskau other furry media
uhhh I like the style it was given lmao
My bias wants more big Bonbon
It's more about style
>Beanie dressed for a fancy party
April's business must have boomed
>>73624516 (OP)
I wanna get back into doodling for a bit.

Could you guys share some reference images for Mango pretty please?
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posted to thread never
the shadows bleed like water colors
Most look like purposely done head shots
Mango begging for treats
thats what crops of crops tend to look like yeah
Dends on the outcome
Cheeky, my beloved...
3rd best chicken
nah theres fulls
As an artist
There's zero chance
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Does Chiclet have teeth?
that means literally nothing lmao what?
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how long have you been here
man was this always so unreadable
Not that artist specific but i already posted headshots/crops of stuff that full pictures would be too indulgent/bad (esp failed perspective studies)
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yes, it was intended to tease
oh right the full was never posted here
That is the full version
It's clearly just made to look like it's part of a bigger drawing
right im thinking of another comic he didnt post mb
A week
What about Mango trying to paint something?
maybe read up on the fic then
it takes time to reading
we'll be here when you are done
>do you like your roommates(tm) content relatively realistic or more cartoonish like other furry media?
depends if its funny
>Beanie telling off Carrol
>The lop wakes
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The idea of mother/daughter 3some works well with April Bonnibel and Mike
It can
I'd be Chiclet, Bonnibel, Mike
Nah that sucks
>Carrol Beanie Mike
Fixed it
>Carrol Beanie Bonworth
there I fixed it
Bring to fox to her knees with head pats
are you 10
Sorry esl
The day of our lord and bunny's
I want to believe that Easter at the complex is a big apartment event
Foxglove dunk and begging for more kisses from Mike
Do you think Chiclet can have a new beak
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Bit more broad than your suggestion, but the idea was too good to pass down.
Crazy bnnu
That was more than just meds
Bonnibel should have been more careful when accepting the lsd testing
>Carrol Beanie Tim
fixed it again
That’s pretty sick dude
like beanie would ever share
This is what the hare mind looks like
not nearly enough incest going on in there
this one must be broken
Bonnibel assumed she would just have odd dreams
Now she's trying to collect talking carrots
A fake cover
Definitely not otherwise she wouldn't be so depressed
>Foxglove pretending to be drunk and begging Mike for kisses
Feeling a little boneless?
https://youtu.be/x55_UvWIx8Q?feature=shared [Embed]
Bonnibel is just getting worse
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You can't just reattach a beak
Where did you find this?
Handsome, every single one of them. Chichi my beloved.
Roommates in the 20s
April is a wanna be detective
Bon is the best one
Bonnibel trys to do the same but she's really bad at pretending
ohhhh this is that one really good fnaf fan game
these are so fuckin cute dude
ciwi i think? either way these are incredible man holy
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if nobody here looks at fnaf fangames (why would you) this is based on one bite at freddys
Man I can't get over this
Like this is probably just Halloween at the block but this could have also been their jobs too! Yknow?
Chichi wearing a dumb little gunslinger outfit to combo with rackham
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Roommates, but it ends in 10 chapters
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Beanie is mad she didn't get to join
What do you think happens after the story
the charactrers live off their lawsuite money and/or maybe get a job at the new non robot focused restaurant/strip club fred opens
April becomes a second mom for bonson and bonnet
mostly >>73716924
and Bonnibel becomeing more punk
Punk Bonnibel is nice
They all live normal lives mostly and stay at the complex
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>>73624516 (OP)
Hey. Not feeling great, going through a crisis, but here's some more Bunny Nisha anyways. Might want to make a greentext and/or for here sometime.

>if nobody here looks at fnaf fangames (why would you)

I do look at some fnaf fangames from time to time. A lot of them are fun.
Bnny bear
Morning anon sorry to hear that
April looks less like a burnt marshmallow
>Bunny Nisha
Does that mean there's a absolutely massive Bear April? She was already huge for a bun. How big of a bear would April be?
Normal Pills
My lucky charm
Nisha is really desperate for work
Nice forgot about that
What would be special about Bunny Nisha?
Its ok, it's just first-world problems about 4chan and social media. I'll get over it.

>massive Bear April
Wouldn't that just be a female version of Faz?

>forgot about that
Yeah, I don't blame you. I stopped posting every other day.
More like really tall for a bear, maybe even more than Fredrick
How would leashes be in the au
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the girl
same as they are in our world
i only look at them for a laugh because 99% of them are complete dogshit
some are cool though
Two truly evil buns
Foxglove sells them by the box on valentines day
>Nurons activated
Haddock wore one

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