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That Damn Smile Edition

QoTT: What fetish would you enjoy taking part in with your fave?

Post pictures, stories, and discussion of the cuteboys of Deltarune and Undertale.

>>Previous bread


>>Drawfags MEGA

>>Voiceanon's collection/Voicebin

Recent Stories
>Kris going on a short and cute date
By Anonymous

>Yandere Chara short, for old times sake
>By Anonymous

>Clingy Krisp trying to do lewd things to Anon while he's busy
>By Anonymous

>Jevil being romantic with a femAnon
By Anonymous.

>Mettaton x Anon facesitting
By Anonymous

>Jevil x Anon Lewd
By Anonymous

>Ralsei x Anon: Christmas Day Edition
By Ral-Ral

>Ralsei x Anon: Christmas eve
by AV-14

>asking Chara on a date: coworker
By Anonymous

>A Long Time Coming
By Anonymous

>Smug Berdly Lewd (in progress)
By Anonymous

>Gote caring for you while you're ill
By Anonymous

hmoma hmoba gay furries idk doe sus shortstack
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Emergency bump, was hoping these threads would come back.
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Oh how I missed these threads
I can't wait for a whole new slew of men to sexualize in the upcoming chapters.
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egotistical gote
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jevil deserves a friend
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>ralsei being weirdly handsy and possessive
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i miss him
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POV: you getting that good jevil dick
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plz stay alive thread
Deltarune tomorrow?
No. Deltarune never.
Maybe the real deltarune was the nuts we busted to gay porn
It's too bad, but I doubt there'll be much activity since the new stuff isn't here yet.
Hopefully Toby will get off his ass and release it soon, but I'm not expecting anything until at least late summer/fall
I'm REALLY hoping we get something of substance soon, even if there's no way he'll actually release 3+4 this March. The dev team has never been the most efficient bunch so I can't even assume April at best, and Toby's bluesky posts aren't going to cut it for me during the wait.
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I'm half expecting him to turn around and say "no bugs, still working on translations" and everyone loses their shit
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feminizing berdly
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been a million octillion quadrillion years since Chp2
can't believe it.
what if asgore shaved
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he'd be a giant babyface man.
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good artist

post more of his stuff
Asgore's pubes are an untamed jungle
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I'll make sure to tell him to make new stuff.
wait are you the artist
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Sex with gay robots
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Here all night baby
The real question is
what if Asriel stopped shaving
Thick white fur, blonde, maybe even black?
puppet swap tasque's hot and sweaty middle aged office cock...
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I'm antsy about Mike and Tenna's reveal, they've been stewing around in the fanbase for so long that it's hard to imagine how Toby will manage to surprise us.
I just hope the real deal(s) are cool, and that people also don't just ditch their designs because there's been a lot of good ones out there. Pic related is probably my favorite Tenna fan-design ever.
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going down on spamdown
fuck it, lets throw in some futa too
shit, posted the low res version
I'm okay with more dicks
this is one of my favourites

its got sam, its got hairy pits, its got kris as a cute caged-up femboy, and its just overall very cute
Left looks like a pretty gigachad face to me.
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Its been 4 years and I still have bad Addison fever
>Kris in chastity
Kinda cute
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everyone wants a piece of him for sure
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>>73632743 (OP)
None of them because they're too pure
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need K_K's cake on my face ASAP
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>new post was just about tea
Can we get a trailer or something already please
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berdly being made to fit in at the "all girls" sleepover
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his butt should be bigger
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I need him.
Better do a good job or he'll push the tempo
Well maybe I WANT him to sit on my face and jostle his hips to the beat, bumping and grinding and pressing down harder
I can imagine him listening to the most thumping bass so that it vibrates through his ass while he pushes against your face
Smothered under vibrating cheeks as he rocks his hips and grinds with need, taking things up a notch when the beat gets more intense... hot

Also I love those pics with all three of the bots' butts, makes me think about all three of them grinding against my face, eagerly wanting a turn and some deep rimming back there, impatiently bucking and grinding
Getting crushed between all three of them would be something. Two in your face, pushing against each other and jockeying for the prime position. Both of them demanding your tongue's attention on their hole. The other content to be a heavy weight in your lap, riding you until one of the others gets jealous enough to give him a chance at your mouth.
One riding your face while the other rides your lap, the other mindlessly horny and waiting for his turn to take one's place when they cum, the insatiable bots going to continue eagerly riding you nonstop until they're truly satisfied, your human stamina be damned
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That mutt is hiding a bunch of dudes behind the new chapters. I will not tolerate this Toby, I want them NOW!
Too bad, buy some merch fucko
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>>73632743 (OP)
>Last thread was last year
Holy molly, I wasn't aware this general was THAT dead.

>QoTT: What fetish would you enjoy taking part in with your fave?
No idea. I mostly want to have normal hangouts with Sans.
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>The legend
About 12 inches
God hairy pits are so damn delicious
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based on all accounts even if sam is a little too twink for my taste
that bitch was made to bear children
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yes, very intimidated.
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bustyboys too
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Shout out to that very specific AU Berdly that altered my brain chemistry and is living rent free deep inside my head ever since
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According to the artist in this version Berdly's a social akward loner who copes with exercising
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Same here, I never got around to drawing the way I like them properly
Looks more like he'd be Berdly's dad
>>73632743 (OP)
i have a DIRE NEED OF BREEDING ASGORE, he NEEDS to get pregnant, he WILL be a cute mother (male) and i WILL suck on those muscular tits of his
God I hope Berdly in canon have a father and older brother and we are presented to them
And yeah it could be interpreted as such lol
>t. asriel in one fanfic
AU's are fun, I confess that I've been digging through them ravenously recently with Ch. 3 and 4's development starting to near it's end (doubt). Seeing all the neat designs people come up with for the characters is just really cool.
chara my beloved
Hair in your mouth from sucking his hairy tits
This but I want Asgore to knock me up
who are these supposed to be
God feel
You good
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gee thanks!
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I need to see Asriel grow up to become this much hairy
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God I want, no, I need that fatfuck
Asriel but he's grown a shag rug for fur
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i don't get this it's so retarded. i'm imagining them yelling that at the top of their lungs and it's so awkward like they have tourettes or something, it'd just make me think they have tourettes. autistic meltdown screaming. like that's the kind of thing you whisper or growl softly you don't yell with like a dozen exclamation points, what's your problem, it doesn't even make sense for them to do that chara isn't like that at any point. oh but according to my fanfiction they're yandere and stuff they're doing the yandere pose and the face and holding the knife, they are so le crazy! they're le crazy like in yandere simulator, omg it's so hot, wowwwwww. fuck you! get the fuck outta here!
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oh hey you guys are back, here, have a flowey I drew
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something more like this maybe?
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I don't know what's more pathetic. Your thread, or your faves.
>Burgerpants' fat balls
Would kiss/10
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i love how art of asriel can range from "8 feet tall with the chiseled body of a greek god" to "fruity goth femboy bottom with a phat ass"
I love this big butt flower
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No more bumps, Will.
FUCK I wish kapri did more porn of Asriel
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Can't wait to meet Asriel for 5 seconds at the end of Deltarune
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>implying you won't just see the bus he's on
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What if he looked like this?
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Asriel is for highway racing in a 90s tuner

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