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F/GO, Blue Archive, Genshin Impact, Azur Lane, Nikke, Honkai: Star Rail, Girls' Frontline, Neural Cloud, Arknights and anything else you can think of with sexy gacha girls goes here!
Don't just lurk until a slut shows up: contribute with scenarios, pictures, or anything lewd about gacha sluts!
Interracial is more than welcome, but please no raceplay! Ignore schizos, don't reply to them, don't mention them, act as if they don't exist.

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the way they drew Pulchra's back in this trailer turns me on.
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I'm pretty sure she's free too (at least I hope) because I want the furry
i've heard! according to leaks she'll be available from an event
i'm really excited
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Me too
A bit upset I didn't get Evelyn, keep considering buying rolls but hey, at least I get the sex cat
Gooner game (furry game too)
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BA BAzonkas on the brain
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cute paizuri from asuna!
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Busty BA girls made my love of boobs skyrocket after fapping to them.
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Last one
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akane murokasa..
the forgotten maid of C&C...
I want to fuck her feet
She looks perfect for giving me rimjobs
Sex with anthro women
my personal favorite
>Thread starts getting active after I finish edging
Hopefully it'll still be alive when I go for round 2
Asuna feets
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Lovely rat
i've got a funny history with her
initially didn't think anything of her at all, thought she was overrated
pulled on her banner for Seth because I needed a unit that worked with Qingyi, ended up getting her first roll
then I played her story and that's when my lust for her awoken. she's really damn cute
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board is moving pretty fast today
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gst cumdump...
mona surrounded by horny anons~
She'll be pouting when seeing anons with their raging hard-ons surrounding her, but you can bet she is secretly happy she can be the target of their lust once more...
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Pulchra's kitties.
The following links might not work so I added a catbox just in case.
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Pulchra massage
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holy sex...
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dailies time
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sexy pulchra
Evelyn cake...
its too good. seeing those gifs got me hooked
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Is pulchra's voice actor trans?
god this game makes me so damn horny
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Nonomi's tits, ass and pussy. That's all I'm asking for.
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This turned me on so much
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Have this azur lane frog
Me pounding Astra
this but I'm taking Illya
I want them to kiss while she's getting fucked
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after all these years she's still the sexiest genshin for me
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I used to fap to these two so much.
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rin is tied with illya as the fate girl that gets me the horniest so every once in a while I'll always milk myself to her or her variants
I just want to play ZZZ. Stupid Maintenance.
So mad at Evelyn for not coming home
I just started playing the game for her. I'm glad I managed to get her to come home. Probably won't be so lucky on whoever I aim for next.
Oops, dropped my image.
Well I'm glad I at least got Miyabi
I'm sure you'll get her next time. Even if it might be awhile...
Yeah, I guess I'll save for her in the meantime
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I almost feel bad abandoning them for HoYo slop.
how could you anon...
The HoYo slop is just too good.
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>Maybe...together we could-
What does she mean be this?
Belle is trying to find a way to see "more" of her brother.
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She knows Eve's cake is too much for a single man.
>Evelyn posting
Making me more and more upset she didn't come home

I will never have a girl like her in my stupid retard incel chud life
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why do you people never post your tags?~
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If everyone post tags we won't need a thread anymore
Thread isn't made for posting tags and fucking off to discord to jerk off once and ghost each other for a week until one of them deletes their account or removes the other.
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AGP anons that will let me indulge them while they play as BB, doing lots and lots of degenerate things together?
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I can see the appeal of it, milking someone dry in private... But like the other anon said it's better for the thread if activity stays here rather than have the talks diverted elsewhere
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The very reason why /bag/ lost its appeal
très très jolie!
Full res link https://files.catbox.moe/fkyy03.mp4
Oh right. The madoka gacha will come back soon, but now it will be like HSR combat.
Kinda stretching "gacha girl" with that, though.
I'm not a furry...
I'm not a furry...
I'm not a furry...
I'm not a furry...
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I became a furry when I was exposed to callie's fnaf
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Pulchra day! Time to start stroking to her before pulling for luck~

I want to cum on her back
there's /dft/ for that
i only ever post my tag if I find an anon I lke and want to post lots of cunny without having to worry about jannies
Then why is your dick so hard for her?
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What makes thick and meaty gacha cocks so enticing to anons?
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Sensei! Your dailies!
I prefer discord over the thread because I don't last long, but since it's not well received here I just stick to lurking until I spurt.
Good job!
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puzzling, isn't it? I got more adds every time I post my tag here compared to /dft/ and the quality is way higher too.
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I'm really on/off horny posting and i get added by extra clingy anons i just can't give them enough attention and i burn out easily too.
you must be really cute to attract the clingy ones
Nonsenses. There's no way would get a hard-on for a furry.
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because the people they're attached to are always the dirtiest, and therefore sexiest, people imaginable. And I love a good pervert~
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That's because /dft/ is a shithole and has been for a long while now
I want to chat with this anon right now.
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I'd rather people post their tags than for this thread to die and be dead.
People are not posting their tags and it's still dead.
I’m genuinely considering playing the game just because of her.
>Time to start stroking to her before pulling for luck~
That sounds like fun. I should do it with the next limited banner in Blue Archi-
>realizes kisaki is the next limited student
Each time I see the no one ever goes through with it
Please decide quick bc she is free for a limited time
She's an A rank so it's not like she's hard to get.
But idk why you'd play ZZZ just for her, she's a literally who.
I'd rather have a dead thread than people dumping their tags and leaving.
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This, I'm never against tag posting but only when people who post said tags still frequent this place.
Sorry Nonomi I can't do it anymore...
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I wouldn't be so sure about that.
more cat sex
full + sound: https://files.catbox.moe/m6srpq.mp4
Pulchra vs catsnack
unfortunately i don't have the 1080p unwatermarked version
Y-You are not convincing me.
the cat is sexo
I think it's funny how they use Wise as the model for the guy fucking these characters
Sure I'm not, your peepee totally isn't hard right now and you totally aren't tempted to jerk off to her
You should try it, just to prove you're not a furry
stop posting samples
New Pulchra from Nokeb.
Plap plap plap
How long until we get jiggle physics like this in a game in real time? It wouldn't surprise me if it was a gacha that was the first innovator kekl.
My cock i-isn't hard. I already told you there's no way a furry can get that reaction from me.
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for sound files.catbox.moe/mjpzfm.mp4
Love her
Sure it isn't
Why not just stroke a bit to prove how not furry you are
I mean to say "Why not just stroke a bit to prove how not furry you are" to you in the >>73717361 post
That doesnt make sense. Spilling my seed to a kemono will prove I'm a damn furry.
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Well you'd have trouble spilling your seed if you're not a furry
I will not spill my seed to furry women. Never.
Then go ahead and stroke, put it to the test
Unless you're afraid you'll cum harder than usual
You should. Nobody would blame you if you do it.
Just imagine that sexy tight furry ass crushing your human cock, wanting to milk you to the last drop
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oiled up cats
Better 1080p link https://files.catbox.moe/jdkqm6.mp4
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Anon's been real quiet I think it's safe to say he's probably jerking off to Pulchra while softly saying "I'm not a furry" to himself
It's funny to imagine anon going to town on Pulchra while screaming to himself there's no way he would fuck a female anthro.
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Too much furball in this thread
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Yeah, we should fuck our guns instead
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How much did they change VSK, is she still a shota hunter?
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Fine. Here's Jane Doe.
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Gacha women are just too perfect!
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She is a rat
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Wait a minute she's just treating (you) as a meat dildo
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You didn't seem to care about that when you were balls deep inside her some days ago
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It's AI. From @Fluffscaler
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Where are the lolis?
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Tiger loli. I got this from a /vg/ thread.
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Where is my board mandated Hu Tao anon that will suck my soul out through my dick?
Huh? Are you mistaking me for someone else?
i'm in dire need of this as well
Me too, I need to plunge my dick in her
Need Bismarck wife
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What's the problem? Never jerked off to a little girl before?~

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