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Threesome Edition

Kaz Stream Archive:
https://anonfiles com/J9Y91en7z1/kazstreams_zip

Shittyquests: shittyquests.neocities.org


Ending: prequelend.neocities.org

3D model: https://mega.nz/file/cxgmnLbR#OAdL-WWPjUM_MQ22TloRhLaYwsi9bCok95ZLPG0mnrQ

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73624486
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Anchor your creations here
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Anchor your requests here
I'm getting fucking sick of bumpfag and his autistic chimpouts.
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graphicsgale kinda sucks
Cute pic!
I love Katia!
What does that mean? Is that an artist handle?
Way ahead of you.
What do you think I've been doing?
That's an old drawing program.
It's what Prequel is made in.
I wish I could draw her for you guys but I'm not the sorta person that can draw while drunk
Have you tried drawing sober?
Okay what the hell is going on with the board? We're at page 7 in 15 minutes.
I wanna milk her tits.
Pet Katia
Yeah, but doing stuff drunk has become a crutch for me
I'll draw the next single character Katia request posted just to force myself to not be a shit
Busty, curvy Katia posing nude maybe?
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Requesting busty, curvy Katia with her muscular orc husband like pic related please. Also if you can do a version where the orc is a muscular Khajiit man please.
That you Hornamoo?
That isn't him
Huh, how can you tell?
The styles are very different
Having consensual, loving sex with Katia
I don't think the art they posted was supposed to be their art that they drew, anon.
>>73649675 (OP)
Sabrotiger rapes his dogs, he's a fat, hideous degenerate
I just want Katia to be happy.
I'm sorry, I don't. I just want Katia to be raped, degraded, treated like absolute shit.
This got posted on e621, it's the last thing FilthyPally posted to his twitter before deleting it.
What would Katia's reaction be to seeing all the porn of her fucking Orcs
Probably disgust.
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She already knows, anon...
He recently uploaded some art onto the Prequel website itself, oddly
i want more ):<
Huh, I didn't know that.
Do you think Katia likes it when her belly gets rubbed?
Me too
Of course
What's the funniest shit is that it's all doing of single nigga.
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Prequel started 14 years ago today, so here's something.
I need to work on poses but think this turned out ok.
It's not as good without the degrading text
did anyone buy this?
good job anon. shes running hard bargain
It's been 14 years already?! Fucking hell, this doesn't help the fact that Oblivion is turning 20 next year...
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I always thought I was late to the party, reading a webcomic about an older lady long after it started.
I don't like looking back and seeing that I've been following this webcomic about a younger girl for most of its existence...
Today will be a good day
She's so CUTE in your style anon, I hope we see more of her from you
Precious kitty!
I don't think so.

can you draw her with big head sized boobs please
Katia is dying again
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>me when my RSS reader plays the loudest chirp sound in the world
>(prequel has been my only still active feed for years)
Do not post spidernigger.
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anon when the online webcomic has more than one character
No, I read out-of-placers as well and that one has boat loads of characters.
My problem is that the spider is boring, is not moving the plot, is just quirky and wasted a fucking update on fucking screaming.
While Katia is still sitting on a goddamn rock. I am very tired of the current plotline that's too much of fag magic instead of actual story.
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anon when the customer support skeleton is replaced with a customer support spider
i don't get this :D
the redditor thinks hes funny.
i think it's humerous :v but i want more katia
Everyone wants more Katia, I just find it confusing how people are taking anger out on Atrantu when she's existed solely by herself for 5 pages. In contrast to the slog of Exposition Skeletons, I welcome the new arachnid waifu.
Both skeleton and spider are shit.
People weren't pissing me off by posting the former though.
>Nothing but WORDSWORDSWORDS with tongue-in-cheek corporate speak
>5 page side story with the promise of shit actually moving forward
If it turns out to be nothing but delays and exposition again I'll eat my words, but I'm not going to pretend I'm not hopeful that there's at least going to be a more interesting turn of events coming from this.
Moving forward? Nah they will talk for like 5 pages ...
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