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Talk about MtF or FtM people or characters you wanna fuck/get fucked by. Encourage others to become their true, slutty selves.
>>73652369 (OP)
>women's bodies with penises
pick one
>>73652369 (OP)
...I will make exception with anthro transwomen.
Oh, sorry. Here.
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Being trans and bro codes is so fucking ideal for someone to hang with.m
Literally roast beef. Makes me kind of hungry.
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I miss seeing this artist on /ic/
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>Another trans chaser thread
*Very* based.
Me in the middle, btw
>Marmalade mum
His "chemistry class" series is some of the most insane shit I've ever read
Is that the one with the strawberry chick?
Do you guys like men topping trannies?
I don't think so. I'm reading though it again. The plot is deranged, but there are some pretty hot parts in it. Like in part 2 when the guy injects himself with a serum that makes him more and more girly.
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Sure! I self insert as him and fantasize about going out and fucking a transgirl in real life like him.
Smoke just a little bit of weed, get just a little bit high, and here I am gooning to transcock again.
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Of all the artists out there, I think incase might be the GOAT, to be honest. I've read "The Invitation" dozens of times now.
I think in the previous thread someone mentioned Taimi. If I made a profile on there, and made my bio clear that I'm looking for trans goonbuds, do you think that would get the desired result?
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Since these threads might become a regular thing we should compile a list of porn artists that draw trannies.
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Well, Dmitrys is one of the all time legends
I seeing trans pride colors in artwork
Forsaken is a great artist
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>>73652369 (OP)
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>>73652369 (OP)
dubs i start hrt
I probably wouldn't phrase it as "trans goonbuds", but it's definitely the app where youd be the most likely to find trans women that are interested in stuff like that except for maybe grindr
Wow anon... Not just dube, but TRIPS??? Sounds like you gotta go further than that now...
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Is that how that works? I thought it was just the last two.
It is, I'm joking because you would have gotten trips regardless.
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Could make a great roll thread
Why is this the meme height... Why did it have to be my exact height
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oh dang, you replied and got doubles, does that count?
I am 5'3" unironically.
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Cute pocket fags
Guess it does! Looks like you got a transition!
Pocket fat?

All my posts are rolls.
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Pocket sized fag

Sit you in my pocket with that itty bitty statute
Well, now you have to double transition. That it was on this post is a sign.
What are they?
Character's name is Erros, the artist is Exobelos
Found em on the transfem tag on r34, the artist does some complex, very pretty draws
I meant their species.
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It's a Demon
Haven't gotten that far though haha, I saw them and just really like their art
Fair enough, it's really good stuff
If the IDEA of transitioning makes you go "unf" and roll, you should probably transition
i already started hrt >:3
Ah, Funkybun. A fine artist
how do i find a trans gf who wants to turn me into a trans gf
It's called a "joke" anon
Harriet my beloved! She's such a nice person, but man, can she be pessimistic sometimes, but I can't blame her for it. Her life sounds like a rollercoaster. I hope she'll find some peace in her life.
If they like trans porn, that's probably a good indicator
Looks like the newfag here is you. That or youre illiterate.
Do trans men's clits get more sensitive on testosterone?
Pretty colors <3
>gf is trans
>best friend is trans
>3 of my close friends are tgirls
>meanwhile im still an average cissy guy
Not fair...
Here's something different: a trans man that kept his tits and got a metoidioplasty.
trans girls are superior to cissies
A lot of people would love to be in your shoes, yet you're complaining. Smdh
>I'm still an average cissy guy
Give it time
That is pretty unique. Usually it's top surgery all the way, MAYBE no bottom surgery.
t4t het couples are neat
>hairy with arnpit licking
anon you can't do this to me
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I need it
i assume most trans girls like trans porn
do you think most men like gay porn too
You'd be surprised. There's plenty of trans girls who are exclusively attracted to cis men.
But if she's attracted to trans girls, and you want to be a trans girl... do the math
If you're a cute trans girl, I wanna validate your existence by pumpin' your bussy. uwu
Very hot man.
Awww, you're too sweet
I told some friends I wanna meet more trannsrs and lots keep saying I should do a pumpkin for my next cosplay. Why?
Really? Is... that not creepy at all?
So do you guys feel your existence is threatened because of the new presidency?
Don't worry, there will always be trans people in Brazil and Thailand
Big fan of Atrolux, personally
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need trans gf
If you walked up to a random person on the street and said that, it would be weird. But everyone here is here to goon and have fun, so it's fine
Me, fucking, too
For real dawg.
Bridget. Cock sock. Hot-girl pride flag. Heels. Gaping bussy. Leaking cock.
Yeah, I'm thinking this is based
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It better be "someday". It better not be "never", anon
Not to be that guy, but it'll never happen if you don't get out there.
My existence? No. Convenience? maaaaybe
Well I mean, yeah. But we'll still exist. We existed before hrt and no amount of repression will change that. Plus, we can always move to other countries. Really, this negatively impacts chasers and the US the most. Trans women (i say women because to conservatives it's a coin flip as to whether they remember ftms even exist, since they don't impact their ideology as directly) are disproportionately high-level jobs like programmers, system admins, white hat hackers, etc. everyone likes to make fun of tranner code, but they forget that the reason there's so much bad trans code despite there being so few trans people, is that so many trans people ARE in high level jobs like this. The "weak" trans girls are already culled as-is in all but the most accepting places. That's some pretty major brain brain, especially amongst security and hacking circles.
I dunno. Personally, I wouldn't promote bigotry of generally low class that would vote for me regardless over people with that much economic or security influence if I were the head of a country who relies on high-level labor and importation of low-level labor. Then again, i probably also wouldn't put up a tariff given imports are a major source of us soft power on weaker nations.
As for chasers, the reason they should be treated is obvious. You know how hard it is to find trans girls to fuck, let alone date? Imagine how much harder that'll be now it's even less safe. I wouldn't wanna be in that position. I can always just get illegal diy. You can't buy trans girls online.
>Supporting trans woman on HRT by giving her growing tits affirming affection with fondles and kisses.
god I need this
As the kisser or the kissee?
Depending on how I feel either, but I meant kisser
This is so good. Ftms are really underappreciated.
repchads how do we deal with pinkpillers coming to /trash/?
Maybe YOU SHOULD TRANSITION to another board. Or try to ignore them telling you YOU WILL ONLY HE HAPPY ON HRT.
How do I stop thinking about trans supremacy? I know it's insanely chasery but my brain just likes it so much
anthro and nonanthro transwomen drive me insane.. this is my first time in one of these threads..
was in denial before, but i've reached the point where i imagine pronoun and gender play as a part of my normal taste for dickgirls..
How do you mean?
Like brocoded futa who act like dudes, are crasser, tease about being a fag and stuff like that. Get off on being called dudes with fat tits and child bearing hips. God it has me throbbing just talking about it~
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ohh ngl that sounds hot as fuuuuck ngh...
Hot damn, grinding her prostate while shes just one of the guys, looking back and saying if I cum first it means I'm a fag~ christ I need trans gf
I think I'd feel super bad doing this. I'm perfectly fine having subs get whipped but for some reason misgendering someone makes me feel really really bad.
Finally, excuse to post this feller.
It's more about that they want you to do it, like being called a faggot is a bad thing normally and being misgendered is a bad thing normally but these are more because it's hot. Your trans gf kissing you and calling you a queer homo boykisser while your cocks grind together~
You know, weirdly im actually cool with the being called/calling them a fag/gay part.
See that's the spirit~! Not everything is for everyone so find what you like and blast ropes~
>Blast ropes
God, I don't even know how many ropes to trans girls I've had
worldview corrupted by porn and enabled by jew controlled entertainment academia and politics
>kissing you and calling you a queer homo boykisser while your cocks grind together~
I'm sure my dick twitching while reading this means nothing at all.
Thank you for your parroted opinion
Oh definitely not~ not that you're a boykisser or anything
Generations worth~
Smug trans girls teasing us with their assets needs correction!
There's a thrilling cognitive dissonance to the idea of being cis male, and lusting after cock, but being called straight.
Imagine you're kneeling in front of a hung trans girl. She's jacking off and cums all over your face. You start cleaning her cock with your tongue and she calls you her "good little straight slut"
It feels ridiculous, and funny in a way. It also gets my dick hard just thinking about it.
Thanks for the boner anon that's my favorite type of shit~ even down to the messy facial and cleaning
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Hellyeshellyes more please I'm gonna get out my onahole~
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her stuff is on sadpanda
Thank you~
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Italian girls...
Indeed. Italy has some amazing trans girls. Eva Paradis is one of the GOAT trans doms. Check out her stuff on manyvids if you're curious
Who's the girl in your picture?
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>Who's the girl in your picture?
And this one is @0hlivvy
What can I say, twitter is full of cute sluts close to my age.
That cockprint is adorable
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dubs decides how the thread's' isekai world is built
A world filled with femboys and tranners. The only 2 genders.
Both MtF and FtM tranners?
Shit, I forgot about ftms. I guess the world needs buffed guys, twinks and also bears with pussies.
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But I want to be part of the hot girl summer.
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Do tgirls love bara boys?
Damn, she's gorgeous
Currently one-finger-method'ing and association training to cum fast from nothing other than the trans pride flag
hot as hell
INCREDIBLY based post. This why I love this general
If you're a tgirl and you're not practicing day-in day-out to cum hands free from anal, you're not doing it right.
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Finally home from a very long day at work. Time to get high and goon to trans goddesses
>If you're a tgirl
I'm not.
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One of my favorite phenomena in porn. The cis male content creator makes scenes with cis girls for years. Then one day he does a scene with a trans girl, and it gets a great response. And then he does it again, and again, and again, and again. I love seeing a male performer get "converted" into making based content.
This guy for instance, got broken in by Emma Rose
>if you're a tgirl
i'm not.
I kinda wish I could get fucked by a good looking trans girl...
One of the alltime best transdoms is KaraBella. Her dick is huge and she's so forceful with her male co-stars. She's got such a horny mind.
I'm watching one of her videos. She comes to the house of one of her clients, and it's his real house. This isn't a set. This is a real person. She walks in and fucks guy to oblivion. I mean, she really destroys this guy. And he's sooo fucking horny for it. I need to become this guy. I need to find a trans mommy to sub out to.
Sometimes I visit trans escort sites, and I find the page for my city. And I just scroll through the girls and fantasize about what it would be like if I got the courage to call her and make it happen.
>tfw I live in kansas so there's probably only 5 in the entire state
I checked the Witchia Kansas area, and yeah, it's not many. But at least you have a few. And you can always plan a weekend trip to fly into a more trans-y city and fuck one there
Blue pink white Pink Blue
That does sound like it would be fun.
>row 2 number 4
She's rather pretty.
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Should I buy a dildo? What kind? Realistic or fantasy bullshit?
Yes. Go realistic first.
How small should I start? I have no experience with anal
I'd say no larger than 1 inch diameter.
5" long
How hard is it for you guys to find the porn you want? I try my damndest to scour thumbnails using keywords, and I swap between multiple search engines. It's really difficult, and it gives me a headache every time I try to do a deep dive. Stuff like "shemale fucks shemale" (please excuse the slurs) gives me such boring results.
I really wanna see Male x Tgirl x Tgirl content, where the Male and one of the Tgirls put both their dicks in the second Tgirl's ass. Or just more hands-free anal orgasms from tgirls while a man or another tgirls fucks them senseless.
I got a method. I watch pmvs/hmvs marked with the "trans tag". You see a montage of extremely hot girls, and if any of them especially interest you, you can pause and read the watermark on her footage. It's like the music video is a "trailer" for more porn.
I'm gooning to f1nn5ter rn
I like this
Me too. I've trained my brain to get extra horny every time I see those colors
Any ladies here that like to ERP and bottom? Do you mind Discord?
They are nice colors. And even better girls.
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>like /hfur/
>think the longsocks are gross
I added trans to the filters on e6
Had a mindmelting coom a moment ago
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lies and propaganda gock doesn't stay hard after transition
Really? I'll investigate in real life and let you know
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This is so true and it's fucking unfair. Cis girls buying me drinks or asking to fuck? No no that I can handle. But a trans girl talking about her dick? Well shit, now I'm so horny I can't even fucking think for AT LEAST 24 hours. Fucking unreal, man.
That's actually not true! There's lots of ways to maintain it actually. Given enough hrt, it'll pretty much always shrink to some degree, but it might not be by as much as you think. Even then, t-gel can mitigate most of that loss. It varies by hrt and person, but most people can maintain functionality of their tdick by just jerking off regularly. They don't cum though,which makes it perfect for edging cuties. T-gel can also help prevent ED, if I'm not mistaken.
Joke's on you nerd, I top
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No nonny gf to call mommy uwu
Super cute
You guys don't actually lust over trannies right?
I trooned at 25 and am nearly 27 but pass pretty great, i spent like 7 years repressing and being a chud but i got woken up to the fact i was a woman pretty hard.

since im an aussie im sitting here and sweating with little better to do than to grope at my chest which my friends say is like a D cup
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forgot to mention im also smoking weed lol, medical marajuana is so great
Can't speak for everyone else, but I do lust for trans people, yes. Not just the pornstar or art kinds. Obviously if you look like shit I won't suddenly like you if you're trans, but overall yes, I really genuinely do lust hardcore for it.
Also, marijuana thing is cute. I miss /420/
heh 420 was funny i think i made a post or two about how i could clap my ass and people were freaking out about it. You got good taste there anon, can i really say "Thanks for being into us" without it coming across as weird? Lol
I mean, it's not more weird than being a chaser, is it? Besides, I think it's pretty normal to receive pleasure from others finding parts of yourself attractive. Wouldn't you feel similarly if there was a community that felt that way about Homestuck fans or something?
Not at all, i think chasers are dope
Well now I want to be the one to thank /you/. I'm at a weird crossroads because the general trans opinion (from read dit, 4 chan or irl) seems to be that chasers are creepy/bad/harmful (with a minority enjoying it), while most trans people I talk to in person seem to think it's a good thing.
Its never really enough to erase my brainworms, so hearing that always helps :)
Eh, i think the ppl that protest about it can't tell when chasers do it respectfull or predatorily, and you seem the former rather than the latter
Eh, it's complicated. I've definitely heard people say I do it the "right way", but I still do inherently fetishize the group, have trans related fetishes, and like the dick part (this last thing seems to be a major contentious point). It isn't like I'm an innocent martyr or anything. On the other hand I mean yeah, I am LESS autistic than most chasers evidently, so clearly im doing something right.
Though to be fair technically I'm non binary (i say technically because it's more of a "gender is retarded" thing), so I don't know if I can actually be a chaser or not...
To clarify by "inherently fetishize the group", what I mean is that in being a chaser you are, to some extent, other trans people from their intended gender and finding that romantically/sexually appealing.
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It's funny that you're NB and also so worked over this label of chaser, when in reality its so subjective "chaser" typically means like, whatever behaviors the person accusing finds objectionable but not others.
>the dick part
thats where it gets tricky, the 27~% of us that get bottom SRS get militant about it, so saying you like it, triggers them. I am not ever letting go of my gock so, i dont really care
The thing is I mean id still be cool with bottom srs. I think it's a shame but even in a purely sexual perspective it can be an improvement for some trans women i think. I also like ftms so there's that. I do generally prefer girls that keep their dicks, if i ignore stuff like how the girl feels (which is a pretty big thing to ignore), though.
>It's funny that you're NB and also so worked over this label of chaser
Brainworms are no joke, hah. I think it preys on the fact that I feel really really bad about being transphobic (even on accident, or by describing personal experiences). Not because of society or whatever, it's just upsetting to me personally.
>think it preys on the fact that I feel really really bad about being transphobic (even on accident, or by describing personal experiences).
well, that's a good way to be. Wish i could do more to alieviate your woes but, it is what it is, can't win every battle and stuff
>Wish I could do more
Don't worry, it's not your fault. It makes me more successful at making tranners happy and whatnot so it's worth it, overall. If you really want to make me feel better, making yourself feel good and hitting the leaf is already doing a lot <3
>If you really want to make me feel better, making yourself feel good and hitting the leaf is already doing a lot <3
It's great, my whole body feels so tender and sensual i can hardly keep my hands off it to type, so much to squeeze and enjoy... I've actually gotten into the habit of losing control to a point i'm very vocal about it, groaning and the like when i get too involved in myself
If I was closer thatd drive me crazy. Id want to stroke furiously just from hearing the moans :3
I bet you have a ton to enjoy, too. HRT works miracles, these days
>>73652369 (OP)
god i fucking love plump horse dickgirls
>HRT works miracles, these days
its like ,remarkable how i thought i was late to start yet got better tits than most early adopters, my test level according to bloods the other day was a female range so i dont have to take antiandrogens anymore which is great, gives me more libido to fuck myself with
That's so great to hear! Its lucky I evolved into wanting to be andro, since my male hormones are above average (then again so is my progesterone, apparently). That means that I could definitely keep up with you! Well, I say that, but I hear gooner mtfs are insatiable. But they're also cute, so I don't mind.
>Well, I say that, but I hear gooner mtfs are insatiable. But they're also cute, so I don't mind.
i was like, agbout to go
>no im not a gooner!!!
but i guess its fine to admit that i guess i do whack it on the daily and get high unless i have like, anything else to do
>I was about to go
Oh, alright, nice talking with you.
> i do whack it on the daily and get high unless i have like, anything else to do
Insanely hot. I'd love to hear you ramble about stuff while you feel good.
sorry, "i was about to go" is aussie slang for "i was about to say", so i was like "I was about to say im not a gooner" as like, i was objecting to the label until i was like, accepting of it being anon

sorry im really high, i still might dip so it was fun talking, heh,, i mean lurking a thread that just bolsters my horribly attered ego is fun.
gonna watch yt vids and eat microwave meal
God I want a girl like you SO bad
I mean this is 4chan so it'd be a bad idea anyway, but trust me, your brain is lying to you if you have a low ego
>I mean this is 4chan so it'd be a bad idea anyway,
it's literally a coinflip from this site, i've met some close people and i've met some people i hope to never meet again
>your brain is lying to you if you have a low ego
when im not stoned i feel like i always have something to prove and eat myself up about being a neet that hardly goes outside except to get food or smn
>Neet that hardly goes outside
Insanely hot. I wish I was rich so I could have a gooner degen neet stoner trans girl gf who just feels good all day and infodumps or whatever.

Also for the sake of abundant clarity that isn't sarcasm
>Insanely hot.
see it makes me grin a bit because like, i never imagined i would be 'insanely hot' to anyone, let alone for my hedonism
>Let alone for my hedonism
I mean, I'm a hedonist myself to be entirely fair, but isn't it pretty normal for people to find such women hot?
>but isn't it pretty normal for people to find such women hot?
.....self indulgent stoner neet dickgirls?

is that normal???
Mtf = autistic pervert/porn addict or grooming victim
Ftm = mentally ill
>Oh no why are there trannies in the tranny fetishization thread
Well okay, maybe not that much, but it's pretty common to find horny women hot, and smoking fetish is a thing people are into.
Which, you know, weirdly, despite being into the /420/ thing, I'm actually not into.

Maybe I AM an outlier, I dunno. One of my first relationships was with a fairly horny trans girl who ended up becoming a stoner, so...
nice trips
>smoking fetish is a thing people are into
yeah but i'd hardly consider that standard right? and i only smoke weed and i dont really touch anything else. I guess the horny women = hot thing makes sense.
>One of my first relationships was with a fairly horny trans girl who ended up becoming a stoner, so...

hey nice, dang, i've never actually had a bf or anything myself, lmao
Pedophile. Grooming victim continuing the cycle
I suppose it's not standard, but any fetish common enough to be used as a trip in film and tv probably isn't that uncommon.
>I've never had a bf
Try Taimi. For most neets my advice is to go outside, but for trans women, well ...
Not everyone is as accepting as me.
most dating apps fucking suckkk in my area bleh ive been trying but like, despite getting hundreds of likes i just dont see any matches
Most do suck but for trans people Taimi is also probably the least bad.
There's also Grindr if you're desperate but if you have any self respect or desire to not hate yourself I'd advise against it
grindr is the only one i havent tried, its like, mostly a "quality of the men" type thing, idk i think ill have to try going to bars or something at some point. feels ashame having all this plapmeat and nobody to rail me over it
Making me jealous. I understand though. Just be careful. Its not always safe for stuff like that with trans people. I mean women in general too, really.
Jealous? of all this thick, clappable ass of mine, huh i wouldnt dare try and make an anon jealous
lmaooo i mean, yeah the apps are dangerous, did u know that its like 25% of women get violent threats on dating apps. Worst i've gotten is someone leaving a reply saying "change ur gender to male" who clearly got offended he got turned on by some tranny on a dating app
Well, jealous of the ass and whoever claps it :p
Actually 25% seems low, to me. lots of dudes will pull shit like that out to anyone who says the wrong thing. The least valued dudes are the most entitled.
gee that makes grinder sound even scarier... so much for building my confidence lol
I didn't mean Grindr, I meant dating apps in general as a woman. Grindr is more creepy guys than scary guys. It DOES tell people how many km away you are though. Not like how tinder does. on Grindr you can refresh to see if you're moving closer or farther.
well rip, i can hardly say i have much enthusiasm to sift through apps at any rate
Yeah, relatable. Taimi is more like the best option than a good one.
Ever since I started smoking weed consistently a few months ago, I've been *obsessed* with trans girls
you should see Lex, its like, legitimately hilarious sometimes on there the quality of the posters, like people with 0 self awareness
based anon, was it like a slow descent into obsession? what thoughts do u have about us
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Yeah, I gradually stopped watching porn with cis girls. I started watching lots of trans themed pmvs over and over. My twitter feed became 100% transgirls and futa hentai. I fantasize about getting the courage to make a profile on grindr or taimi. Find a cute trans girl invite her over, get high together, hang out, and (if she's down with it) worship her beautiful body head to toe.
>Find a cute trans girl invite her over, get high together, hang out, and (if she's down with it) worship her beautiful body head to toe.
thats both really sweet and really hot, if you're searching for trans ppl still you can try /lgbt/'s frengen. Body worship is so peak its like, incredible being lavished like that you could make a girl rly happy
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it out. And thank you for your kind words. I've been a very shy and introverted person all my life. Weed has really helped me come out of my shell and embrace the things I was formally too ashamed to admit about myself, and not feel scared to reach out to others. I really like this new extroverted version of myself.
Have any of you ever commissioned something. Like art or an audio or a scene?
>>73652369 (OP)
>trans chaser general
>OP pic is a herm
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It's autistic to ask, but would you have any advice on how to actually make friends from there? I feel like keeping up discussion is really difficult, but I also don't want to force it too much or annoy people.
Things are going okay with someone nearby I'm talking to right now though, we're just sharing lewd furry art. Maybe I should ask her what she's been playing recently...
I also say "friends" because pushing for a serious and sexual thing too soon is probably gross and definitely improper before getting closer more naturally. I'd hate it if I were transgender and had ten nearby chaser adds asking to fuck me weekly, even if I were lonely. I'd feel like an object even if that's not how they intended me to feel at all.
FtMs penetrating MtFs with their clits

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