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/tfg/ - Transformation General
Daisy Duck Edition

Things turning into other things, sometimes in a sexual manner but always in a hot one.

QoTT : Is /trash/ an actually good place for TF content and discussions?

Prompt: TF gym, whose equipment and programs transforms you

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73590530
>Anon works
>Story Archive
>SHRIMP Agency stories
>Of Wives and Wyverns
>Unlinking the past
>kigurumi evening
>Collage Creep
>Melody of the Envious
>Goodra TF
>I Love my Milotic!
>Ancient Pokemon TF Sex Jutsu
>Splitting Headache
>Anon Overpowers Dragonwife
>Aayla and Ventress: Slimebound Sisters
>Scaled Survival: Wyvern Girlfriend
>Moot's Fantasy

>Want your work to be here? Ask for it and i'll let other anons decide

Other Fun Things:
>Concubug Collection, art and info
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>>73662811 (OP)
Reposting because last thread died prematurely.

Which kind of mass-TF would you prefer to find yourself in?

mama mia
>>73662811 (OP)
What in the goddam? The thread fucking died in an hour?

I need my (formerly human) cow wife to calm me down.
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Just checking if this still works.
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Thoughts on possession that leads into transformation?
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It’s hot, especially when the two personalities battle for dominance and the possessing entity torments the original host by making them do things that they normally would find humiliating, as have no option other than to watch helplessly while their body is taken over and transformed into something they didn’t agree to.
>canonically this is a spell to summon a djinn creature who manifests by hijacking the host's body
I really like that trope since it isn't essentially identity-death, the original identity gets squished away somewhere else powerless in the mind. And I find that really fuckin hot
That sounds like a fun premise, having to set things up so the djinn completes yoir wish and banishes it self from your body. very bartemeaus trilogy
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I'd kind of like to see the reverse of this. A human man captures a female intelligent animal, fantasy creature, alien, whatever, and fucks them until they turn human.
Stolas would, unironically, be much better as a Princess.
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I still would love to see a Bull Malcolm together with Marion.
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VERY hot desu, I always look for more of it
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More vidya girls should become monkeys.
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I love tranfomation fantasy so much.
I drew it myself. I don’t draw tf very much.
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Transformation through sex is so hot
Bonus if it doesn't make them feral but leaves them an odd mix of sentient with conflicting feral instincts
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Every video game franchise would be improved with at least monke girl transformation
What did he call Peach and Daisy?
I want to be consensually cock TF’d by a close friend who does onlyfans femboy stuff and wildly underestimate how good even a basic orgasm feels, much less the intense shit he’s doing with prostate stim
Peach - Sniffette - Went simple with this one
Daisy = Slugyu - Pronounced like 'Slug You" and sounds similar to slug goo. Also a joke on the fact that one of Bowser's first interactions with Daisy was her hitting him in Mario Party.

Toadette = Deepsie, like "deep dea"
I like them, but please don't be so harsh on Meowitzer, it's not her fault that she's so stacked! I guess Slugyu will get sent to a really distant land to guard some irrelevant outpost if Bowser still holds on to that first interaction. It would be the closest thing to a punishment he could give to a loyal minion. It would be funny if that distant land ended up being like the postgame galaxy in mario galaxy 2 and Slugyu, which was once the fierce Daisy, ended up staying loyal the longest because of it. The plumbers would have no idea where to even start looking for her after rescuing the other princesses and going to confront Bowser. I hope once her mind clears up that she hasn't stayed as a sluglug so long that her body and color preferences are affected.
I actually do have some followup ideas I'd love to play with, one of which revealing that they aren't mind controlled, but chose to give up their royal statuses and what not to work for Bowser as his minions on the logic of "Well, if we work for him then he won't attack out kingdoms". Meanwhile they also sort of nudge Bowser to go after Kingdoms run by other villains and what not. Like, even if their minds aren't effected, they're truly committed to what they're doing to the point that the end result is the same.

Basically, I love the idea of undercover TF and I want to do something with it, and this seems like a fun option.
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That's really hot, them willingly giving up their royal statuses to become sexy loyal minions and make Bowser beneficial, somehow even hotter than them being brainwashed into it, but what will happen to their kingdoms and will the princesses turn back? From what you're describing they are so committed and loyal that it sounds unlikely, so will their kingdoms get new princesses after their disappearance is discovered? At least Meowitzer might still be able to mange her observatory, since she can pretend to misfire and blast off into space to visit it. And this plan to join Bowser's army, was it already in motion when they got captured and they were just playing a role or did they come up with it in their cell after overhearing the wizard's plans for them?
Bowwser would "conquer" the kingdoms (the girls are actually setting up treaties that results in everyone winning), and are put in charge of watching over them (so basically, the girls mainly stay at Bowser's castle but can come and go as they please to attend any royal duties). Simply put, they're making everything play out for the better but making Bowser think it was his idea, while also making him still things he's a great conqueror, when it reality, they're making peace with other kingdoms and taking out potential threats.

So it's kinda like Bowser's Inside Story, but they're in his military instead of his body.
I gotta admit, that doesn't really feel like they're giving up their royal statuses if they're still officially in charge of their kingdoms, especially after being turned into minions. Rosalina even calls herself private, implying that she's not a high ranking leader in Bowser's army. I don't think it would be bad to have the minion princesses influence Bowser into doing with their kingdoms what they intended to do in the first place, but being official caretakers is too much in my opinion. I'll wait and see how you execute it though, so far it's been great and I'm glad to hear that you at least have some ideas for a followup and will maybe give us more sluglug Daisy. I don't even know why I ended up falling for her this hard, but you really outdid yourself on her. Maybe only Chuchu zelda hit me as hard as your sluglug Daisy.
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It's more so that everything is being taken care of in the treaties, the girls are 99% just Bowser's minions, but have the freedom to check in on their kingdoms if they desire. I'm also thinking/speaking more so in the long run, like, after they work their way up the ranks. Like, I have a design idea for Meowitzer where she's a full on in charge of all the Bullet Bills and what not.

But yeah, their royal duties are now taken care of in the treaties they signed, they 're just the ones pushing for them to get done mostly.
>Every video game franchise would be improved with at least monke girl transformation
EVERY video game would be improved with SOME level of Transformation.
I'll take some monke, thou. That's perfectly fine with me.
That solves my issues with the concept, I especially ike them working their way up the ranks. It's like a representation of their loyalty and commitment, and the new designs are a nice touch, and if you don't mind me sharing an idea perhaps their kingdoms also start to relfect their minion princesses once they've gone up the ranks? Like the observatory becoming a battlestation filled to the brim with cannons.

Will you only do Meowitzer, or will the other girls get some love too?
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Ngl your thread would have been better and survived maybe if it was just a character transformation thread. Post existing characters being transformed instead of exclusively video game enemies
Now I'm just imagining games having a good end/bad end TF scenario. Good end, Zelda eats the magic jelly bean and turns into a dragon girl, bad end, she's pumped full of Ganon's liquid hate and turns into a pig demon girl.
Not sure how I want to handle it desu. Like, before I go too in depth, I want to have a comic that sort of explains that it's their plan so future pieces make sense. The issue is most ideas to explain the plan revolve around walls of text with little going on. I have a few friends I plan on spitballing ideas with on it though.
I wish you luck, and if you're worried about walls of text maybe you could divide up the comic into bite sized pieces and put them in as flashbacks when you make art showing the life of the minion princesses after they were turned? It's not my place to say though, so, good luck once again. I can't wait to see what you've got in store for us.
>Different Anon, swerve in topic
Have you ever done anything with Dry-bones or the Mega Viruses?
You seem to hit all the obscure minions with a fun spin which I enjoy greatly.
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Funny enough, I requested a semi TF themed Drybones piece on /d/ years ago that I've been tempted to remake (basically, Peach smashing a Dry Bones, only for it to reform around her. In the original version, it's just her trapped in it, but I want to lean heavier into the TF and of forms around her, like her human body turns all shadowy or something).

As for Mega Virus, not exact, but this is the closest I've done (so far)
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Dry-Transform Sounds neat as hell.

Also virus? um, sure why not. It's cute.

>Pic unrelated. Just more vg tf to contribute.
More mask transformations are needed in the world.
You would think given the...incident that occurred in 2018 or so, there would be more SEXY art of her as a monke. But alas, we're not allowed to have nice things...
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What happened in 2018?
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>He doesn't remember the great Nessa color war of 2019
I was waiting for someone to post that lmao
Well, it was a fantastic sequence!

I hope you can give us more thicc dragon TF in the future!
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ook ook
Made a sister thread with more of a focus on the psychological aspects of transformation and corruption rather than just physical changes. >>73677367 →
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Bumping with several Peach TFs from a Paper Mario game concept I thought up a while back. Basically, your only partner is Peach, but she's trapped in Power Up states (so she can swap between them but she can't return to human). Each has different abilities and alter her personality a bit, so it's like having different partners, but they're Peach at their core.
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And the other half
>Ngl your thread would have been better and survived maybe if it was [something else]
Noted. Next time I'll make a BBC thread.
Shut up and lay some eggs and become a bird. Not necessarily in this order. It's an order!
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Okay well sorry not enough people have your exact specific tastes. Stay salty about it, I guess.
Robo Peach and Book Peach are the cutest.
Thanks! I definitely need to do tf more often. I'm just a little impatient.
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Robot Peach is a fun one. Fun fact, the book one was designed by someone else for a power up design contest I did a couple years ago (although I ended up jazzing up the design some)
I'm glad you held that contest then, it's a cool tf concept. Do you have in mind a title for Peach's book?
>Hilda comes back home after becoming champion only to find out that her hometown is now an apple orchard and her mom a dragon.
This is why you check what's happening back home during your pokemon journey.
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So she can watch it happen and join in, right?
So she isn't shocked when her mom is walking around with her sappy breasts fully out without a care in the world. I don't think her mother, being a responsible parent even after becoming a dragon, will allow her daughter to join her until she's of age.
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Isn't she already of age? She's 10 year.
She's canonically older than that and most art depicts her as a twenty year old judging by her body, but I'm not too comfortable involving her in anything directly sexual. But her coming home and having to deal with her silly dragon of a mom? That's all good.
Canon character tf is so boring and monkeys are lowest of low for things to turn into (especially anthro monkey, really?)
Agreed and a lot of those pics above are not even TF.
Dirty chimp hands wrote these.
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>>73662811 (OP)
Am i schizophrenic or or wasent OP's pic different
Im 99% sure it was not a duck tf
Previous thread died very early.
Who's the artist?
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Detroit: Become Surveillance Camera.
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She has not taken it well.
The robots in that game would have been a lot more sympathetic and likeable if they looked like this.
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Yooo, more of this dragon princess! And she's so lovely with those curves and belly.

I hope she just learns to appreciate/embrace being a curvy dragon, instead of just turning into a dumb animal like a certain other dragoness.
Got a gallery/site, anon?
What was the context of this commercial? Some sort of Midas touch that turn women into anime girls?
yeah man, what we really need is more t-shirt nerdyglasses TF
So, real damn long shot, but anyone have a higher resolution of this 'Kim to Beaver' tf here?

Original artist was stockmanart who deactivated his page, and the deviantart guy who reposted did this to the resolution.

Can anyone help?
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I prefer not TF-ing so i could take care of everyone else who got TF-ed.
Midas breath
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epk9iCXKrFI [Embed]
A shark who's still early in his rags to riches journey drew that.
There's a download button. Original resolution is 11078x2605 so I had to cut it down a bit to post here.
So there was a time when he wasn't a total watsup clone? Wild!
sharkrags and watsup should do a collab where they draw a "body-swap" tf between their characters
Thank you! I'm glad you like it.
I do, but you'd be disappointed. There's nothing spicy on there. I keep that sort of thing in the closet, haha.

I wonder how artists feel when they get called clones of, influenced by etc. other artists. Do they feel honoured or insulted?
>Wake up in a strange bedroom you've never been in before
>Look in mirror
>See this
What do you do?
Still nice to see.

And, I hate to sound beggary, but I hope to see more of this dragon in the future, even if I have to comm you for it.
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In the context of a mass-TF event, I like the idea of transforming last. Just when you think you're safe or immune to whatever's happening to everyone else, it starts to happen to you.
Wat was never a massive footfag tho
Haha, I’ll think about it. I’ve still got more ideas I could use her for.
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>Buy VR headset
>It fuckin' evaporates after you use it once

Planned obsolescence is getting ridiculous.
I'd play with my tits for hours
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I hope this picture makes you happy because it took me a ridiculous amount of time to get past the fuckawful captcha bullshit that's on this website now. Anyone know a good imageboard that doesn't have this bullshit? Fuck you "verify my email", the entire point of this website used to be that you DIDN'T have to do that shit.
>struggling with captcha this hard
Skill issue.
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Thank you, I do appriciate it. Good luck getting over your skill issue.
>Wait 15 goddamn minutes to get your captcha
>Nope actually that didn't count, wait 15 more goddamn minutes
>Oh you refreshed the page? 15 more minutes, fuck off.
>But you could skip all this if you just give us your email like every other data harvesting shitsite.
Go fuck yourself.
take off my shoes and see if i have cute feet
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This dude really acting like he has important things to do so he can't just not fuck up in those 15 minutes.
Unfortunately you're just unlucky. It shouldn't be constantly making you wait 15 minutes between each post.
Just get it right the first time.
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baste. post moar
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This plan would work in the world of RE because everyone in the world of RE is a moron.
still would
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How's the public supposed to get its hands on any green glowing ooze when scientists keep "accidentally" dumping their company's entire supply on themselves and pesky reporters keep "accidentally" spilling it all over the place?
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>Babe turns into frog
Sometimes I just want to go back to the classics, you know?
Love me some CtF.
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Those damned reporters are going to put honest mutagen manufacturers out of house and home
They got Link! At least that means Bowser will probably have to deal with Ganon. I wonder what Zelda thinks of all this.

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