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Goobjob Edition

Pokemon OCs and Fakemons (actual fakemons please like fusions and clovermons) are welcome too

>How do I request?
•Start your post with "requesting" or "/r/".
•Provide descriptions, links and image references in a single post.
•Don't spam or bump your requests.
•Check the dropbox or booru to see if your request was done.
•Request edits in the thread for edits and colorings:

>What if I want to start drawing?
•Check these resources for beginners: https://pastebin.com/4CpXsY7a
•More resources if you need more help:
•You can also ask for help in the Drawing Improvement/Progress thread: >>>/trash/drawing
•Remember that you can always git more gud.
•When asking for requests, post a sample of your work and mention what you prefer to draw.

>What else should I know?
•AI deliveries are NOT allowed
•Do NOT respond to the spam. Just report ignore it and move on.
•Feel free to post anything that gets done in the booru for others to find later.
•New thread should be made after reaching the bump limit.
•When making a new thread, refrain from adding unnecessary rules to the OP. That's dumb.

*NEW* Dropbox (WIP): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ahxrx5iwc5og0shjpct0n/ABGYv4GRo3upe0h4z5-6uFc?rlkey=anb9c82tp07swiln9ocnf3zy0&st=t0b2nvjk&dl=0
Our booru: http://trashdump.booru.org/

*Feel free to post anything that gets done in the booru for others to find later.
*Taggers needed too!

Previous Thread(s):
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Anchor for deliveries
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Anyone up for drawing a plump shiny Roselia with her puffy pussy on full display? Gothic lolita clothing optional
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Requesting this Ninetales as a female (wearing the clothes in the ref) getting mating pressed by a male Zebstrika or a male Umbreon.
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Requesting naked apron nidoqueen baking sweets
Requesting Gardevoir plushie version
Requesting this, but with the Leafeon in place of the Glaceon taking it from an Umbreon, Flareon or some other canine Pokemon.
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Requesting a Dazzi from Palworld holding a string underwear to show off that she is naked under her cloud
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Requesting an Iron Valiant pregnant
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Requesting Yoko Littener giving an anthro litten dude a titjob with cumshot similar to pic related, also make the cock big enough to where she's giving him a blowjob too please
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Requesting blaziken and delphox with the expressions/poses like the left side of the image (bonus points if one titty mogs the other)
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Requesting picrel with a female greninja and an anon trainer
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I request a version of the manga panel with the design of the Gensect girl please
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Requesting this Braixen (with heart pupils) getting mating pressed and vaginally creampied by this Jolteon. The Braixen should have a human vagina.
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Requesting a Cinccino giving worship to a Mudsdale sheathe, pre staining that perfect fur of hers~
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Requesting this Chikorita/Bayleef getting full nelsoned (vaginal) as she ahegaos.
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Requesting the plush-fucking follow-up.
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Requesting this anthro Corvisquire with his fat, veiny dick and saggy balls out.
Requesting Casey from Pokemon (preferably w/o her hat on) driving a dark blue 2005 Dodge Magnum (front view). Basically just have the car + her in drivers seat driving

(front angle = front bumper/mirrors, maybe a bit of the side of the car from the reference pictures too)
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/r/ing for my Seviper OC Alice wearing a BDSM-themed harem outfit similar to the right.

Additional refs for Alice: https://imgur.com/a/vMtFDwG
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Requesting dancer-style Meowscarada reluctantly getting her bellybutton pierced
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Requesting a futa or femboy Jynx jerking off and cumming frozen cylinders like https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_rnihso2RQD1uk10e9.mp4
Or it could be watersports if you want
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Requesting Dr. Voir spreading her assistant's sensitive peehole while tonguing it. No tongue piercing and the assistant's expression is optional.
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Requesting picrel with Meowscarada and Rapidash.
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Requesting my Delphox and my Liepard fighting over a client who tips exceptionally well, to the point where they're half-naked and their uniforms are torn

Example: https://e621.net/posts/4824292?q=fight+punch
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Requesting a thicc Lopunny receiving a huge load in her mouth.
Pokémon Ligma and Pokémon Dodudoru
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Requesting Raifort giving a handjob to Chien-Pao and ruining his orgasm, saying something along the lines of "And so the legendary Sword of Ruin became ruined itself..."
Requesting a femchoke being eaten out.
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requesting a desperate female buizel in battle, trainer (out of frame if easier) asks her to use a water move like water gun but she instead lets loose and just pees right in battle.
Requesting Palafin rescuing an innocent Hydreigon from the vile clutches of Sylveon.
/r/ a guy feeling up Zacian's many titties
requesting this meme with quaquaval and male trainer
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Requesting a female Meowstic waiting at an altar while a male Meowstic in a wedding dress gets railed just outside the room.
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Requesting a male Alolan Marowak and Sima having sex in this sex pose below.
Requesting sexo
I really like that fake hooters logo. The logo is an Emboar, right?
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Requesting this Gyaru Blaziken headlocking someone's head with her thick chicken thighs.
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Requesting a male Dewott getting pegged by a female Samurott
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requesting Gloria getting her pussy pounded by a very hung Kirlia
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Requesting a mewtwo (or a Mawile) futa maid with a body like in the ref (without the nipple rings/cowbell), the pose can be up to you.
Bonus if she has 2 cocks and the cock(s) can be either equine or humanoid.
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Draw this but with Misty from Pokemon driving (you can see her in the mirror, a bit blurry misty lol) or you could try drawing the car >>73668053
but misty driving
Requesting the Garde getting himself that good tree pussy.
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Yep! I'm glad you like it
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Requesting a male Lopunny having his genitals fondled by his trainer.
Requesting a sex scene between Mantine and Donphan.
Requesting Hisuian Typhlosion breastfeeding a human baby.
This is based on a personal headcanon of mine where the ancient Hisuians used them to help raise and protect their children.
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Requesting a male Buneary having his genitals fondled by his trainer
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Requesting Espeon use their psychic powers to jerk off another eeveelution
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Requesting Glaceon girl Candice taking a hot, knotty Hisuian Typhlosion's dick while high off of berries and his body musk. I also added regular refs for Candice and Glaceon in case anyone wants to make the hybrid have more Glace'd traits, like the tail or if ya wanna make her hair style a hybrid of both. Hell, maybe even make the hands and/or feet have the whole two-tone thing.
Requesting a picture of a Lugia (male preferably) and a male Greninja. The Greninja opening the Lugia's mouth with his fingers like pic related and his cock in front of him about to put it inside.
Dick ref: https://e621.net/posts/2342747
(Greninja POV would be crazy good, but it's not an obligation)
No cage or humanoid dick for the Lugia, tapered preferred
Requesting a male Buneary and male Lopunny both simultaneously getting their genitals fondled by the same Trainer
requesting porn of >>>/vp/57542466
we're -taur fuckers
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Anchor for >>73368043 because I forgot to last thread.
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Requesting more of male Serperior x female Primarina, bonus points for Primarina with medium/big tits but optional.
Both feral.
OR, this looks great!
>mewtwo giving a nursing handjob to mew
Wow. Is this done or are you gonna work on it more?
idk i have to see how busy i am.
Not him but fair enough
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Requesting tribadism / pussy stacking.
Normal rina can be on top, while the shiny is on the bottom, or vice versa.
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Hope this is something like you wanted? It’s still a big WIP.
ooh, this is really good, and way more than I expected! yes this is pretty much what I wanted. love the expression and the pose is amazing.
if it's not too much trouble, could you add like a little bubble off to the side with what the bulbasaur sees? you know just like a view of the buizel's pussy.
If not, no pressure. it's really good so far, keep it up!
I had no clue just how badly I needed that mashup. I can't offer enough respect to the original artist of that reference because fucking hell that helmet is painful no matter how much help you have. They flew so that I may crawl. Enjoy.
Yeah, I was planning on doing that too, just cuz I wanna draw a pokepussy
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Requesting a breloom licking vanillite dick
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You probably wanted it to be more plump? Either way here is a roselia with plump rosussy
HOLY FUCK anon, this is amazing. I know I left my request super vague (giving anyone the opportunity to do whatever with this design), but you completely read my mind on what I had hoped for, and there couldn't be a more fitting mon to fit wolf link's role, plus the altered color is a nice touch-up.
Smut of these two are always classic, fucking love it, thank you very much!
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Yeah, plump like the sample Roselia I attached to my post, and with her shiny color palette as seen attached to this post. This one looks incredible as well though, thank you! But if you're willing to make her plumper and give her her shiny palette I certainly wouldn't turn that down.
If I may ask, who drew that pic?
Not OR but holy cow you drew that? Looks great dude!
Requesting https://randompokemon.com/ birthing an egg
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Requesting Glaceon presenting her doughnut and looking back like picrel
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Requesting the right pic with Gothitelle as a hyper futa
are we allowed to request /ss/ here?
I like this a lot. She's perfect pear shaped, nice job drawfriend
yes, anyone telling you otherwise, just ignore.
And for good measure also, catbox if it includes nsfw
alright, here goes then
/ring Iono livestreaming herself getting fucked by an adorable Galarian Youngster until he cums, or tugging on his cute cock until he makes a mess of her tits
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have fun with that lol https://catbox.moe/faq.php
2d =/= 3dpd
cry about it
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Requesting this with the mega mewtwo
oh, I think I missed the part where the FAQ said "except for child porn _drawings_, those are fine". oh wait there wasn't one
there's laws against actual depictions of minors
there's very few, if any, for drawings
if they don't want it uploaded they should specify (not like they really enforce it anyway)
shut the fuck up. catbox is fine for /ss/ and loli stuff. i've used it for years without a problem and seen plenty of other people upload similar content without ever running into an issue. and stop trying to moralfag on the animal-fucking board
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Keyword: drawings
cluless retard.
>Waaaaaaah I can't tell the difference between fiction and reality! The poor abused fictional characters!!! Think of the nonexistent children!!!!!!!!
imagine trying to art-police the games that basically normalized drawing 10-year-old characters nude, couldn't be me
>they should specify
they did, when they said that "sexual depictions of minors" is different from "child porn"

>source: dude trust me
sexual depictions of minors /= drawings, and even if it did they should actually use the terms 'art/drawings/ instead, reach harder
This isn't the right place to have this argument, man.

Alright, then go ahead and report >>73675171 and >>73679760 because they're requesting porn of characters who are (gasp) canonically underage.
Shut the fuck up you retarded faggots.
see, this is what happens when you request pedoshit, just stop requesting it
Kill yourself samefag
You wish.
now go find something better to do
Requesting a really old Oshawott that never evolved
It never even says their ages in canon, they might not be
i haven't drawn anything in a while, but just to spite this twitter tourist give me your shota/loli requests
You fine with non-humans too?
perfectly fine with me
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cub Mega Khangaskan cunny it is then
Both Nidorans masturbating to each other.
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Eevee kid giving a feral eevee a handjob or riding him on top (Maybe give him a humanoid peen too)

or oppai loli if first choice isnt your thing
Hey, I recognize that art style and brush. You’re a /dig/ anon. Bless bless, anon.
goes the buizel
3 shota trainers(so theyve got trainer gear like vests and caps or fingerless gloves) molesting humping a reluctant and embarassed mewtwo.
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That pairing is one of my top faves and I felt dusk lycanroc was a fitting companion. I'm glad you love it and here's a little extra that I had drafted up alongside it. These were tons of fun.
Greetings and thanks. That fact you recognize my stuff is encouraging. The /dig/ thread has been very motivational for me and I'm happy to try and put that practice back into this thread.
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/r/ Penny getting overfilled with cum as she's spitroasted between a Koraidon and a Miraidon, both of which are non-anthropomorphic and sloppily kissing each other. I don't care if Penny is nude or not, so long as she's leaking cum from both ends.
pic rel? https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73665562/#73675171
this one >>73668053
you could just draw this picture but with Casey driving (doesn't need to be in color either)
excellent. i look forward to it
Hella good start anon! Love seeing some Buizel, and that Bulbasaur is an extra treat---she looks so done with this
Amazing art, would you be willing to do any more requests?
requesting her sticking her pussy to the window
Perspective and that little gremlin's smugness on the right is doing me in so much (in a good way). Great stuff and gonna indulge with this second serving tonight, thank you again kindly anon.
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three(it's a cool design)
Cool line art. I like the separation with the back and butt.

This is really cute
requesting voyeur pov of female lucario showering
Is this the new Zero Suit meme?
The fact this is considered not allowed is stupid.
nta but hot, also cant make out of the male. Is it lycan or wolf link
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Requesting HMOFA with Nidoqueen
An absolute cutie, just look at that adorable face, thank you anon
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may I have a shiny male ralts with a flaccid humanoid penis, maybe long foreskin? The babiest the better
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requesting male Lovander lounging seductively
This click so many buttons
Is this the actual Ghoztren posting this or just one of his simps?
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Requesting a blaziken dressed as rainbow mika and doing this pose.
I'am neither the artist nor a follower, take a look at the filename. I just found and pulled it from e6.

Love the angle and scenario here, nicely done, thanks.
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Requesting a buff Arceus and Giratina sitting on their trainer's dick and face respectively while arguing about who their trainer should spend more time with
does the booru even get updated?
Not really, which is why the dropbox exists.
damn, i asked because trying to look for specific art by just browsing through every single folder is a bit of a pain. but so long as theyre being properly archived, thats fine
You might be able to find it on the booru, theres still alot of old content saved there from a while back
Nice puffy doughnut, appreciated my guy!
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Requesting a male Mewtwo in bondage gear getting hugged or kissed by a Mew
Maybe something cute related to Wally and his kirlia (either girl or big dick boy)?
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requesting hisuian lilligant meetingher future lilligant counterpart and wondering why she has 4 legs instead of 2 and why she keeps them close together all the time

then lilligant lifts one of her legs up revealing she has her long futa cock hidden there surrounded by her legs which are stimulating her whenever she walks
Not saying I will deliver, but your intent is a bit unclear. I can read this in a multitude of ways, like a submissive mewtwo cuffed and teased by a mew, or a dominant mewtwo in something like a gimp suit getting kissed by a sub mew.. etc.

Maybe paint a clearer picture with something like:
>Requesting a bashful male Mewtwo in bondage gear (collar, etc) getting hugged or kissed by a cheeky Mew

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