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Keyed slowburn vantawhite gemerald edition

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73426542/

Writefag Pastebin: https://controlc.com/0b7441a9

Paid Content: https://kemono.party/artists

Download Artists' FurAffinity Archives: https://furarchiver.net/

>Keep it female.
>No 3DPD please, there's other places better suited for that.
>Don't just dump galleries with no commentary, this isn't your personal wank thread.
>Embrace discussion! Engage with the QOTT and talk your favorite things about fatfurs.
>Avoid reposting images from the past few threads. Keep it fresh!
>Try not to wait a week for someone else to make a new thread after the current one dies.

QOTT: Sweets or meat?
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oh my fauci this is a sharty gemerald
She should throw in the towel
how do you do fellow kids
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Sweets > meats
Based quads. source please
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>>73670983 (OP)
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Omssisa or however the thread is bumped
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There's something about cows that makes them extra hot when they /aren't/ being used as the generic archetypes of being excessively breast-heavy as to be less fat fetish and more breast-expansion characters, and /aren't/ given their feral udders while being bipedal.
Agreed although the udders can be nice sometimes
Kirlia korrection kontainers.
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Is that the girl who used to be fat?
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How should I know I’m retarded!
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Did the conclusion to this series ever get posted anywhere?
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Fresh from bbw-chan
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Someone made this too https://web-cdn.bsky.app/profile/alitan.bsky.social/post/3li2k4hpgh22b
ough counterfeit sligarthetiger
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there's not enough Fatia
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Yep. She pretty much stayed the same, while the frineds who teased her blew up.
Stop stating the obvious, Wildcat
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new dinosaur milf belleh just dropped
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That doesn’t look like a girl
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made for hyper penis
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page 7
I was thinking of a different character. That makes sense. What have you been up to?
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I've been fine, thank you. Trying to balance work and art, nothing too out of the ordinary.
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>>73670983 (OP)
Any suggestions on what I should get for my fat redneck delphox girl?
This is your art too?
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There's another /femfat/ thread on the board. What the fuck?
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>open recently /femfat/ thread
>Flaky OP pic
>Reddit filename that's been mangled through ezgif
>shitty QOTT
The retard's back.
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Facesitting. And more pubes.
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Horse girls (distinct from anthro mlp) are way too rare. Getting the knee joints right is even rarer.
Are those stretch marks appearing over fur or just sweat lines that look weird? Very important for discerning quality.
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Hey, any good fat fur artists that I can commission without dropping half of my rent for one commission piece?
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Not to whore myself out, but I’m still doing cheap comms. $30 sketches and $40 colored. Shoot me a message on discord and I’ll get back to you. Handle is .cardlin
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>Cheap commissions
A better price range would be $15 dollar sketches
20 dollar inked 25 dollars coloured sketches 30 dollars inked and coloured sketches be reasonable.
For a bong he really doesn't know how to write with the English language does he?>>73711241
Horrifying that he still draws exactly like he did a decade ago with no signs of improvement.
True, but still not as tragic as Virus-20's post-2010 downward spiral into total madness.
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Well that's less sad because he was always a shit artist prope; up by tasteless autists and children with too much internet access. LSC at least had some form of potential that was wasted.
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Damn that's a big bitch
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ough olivia
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not slop, in fact, Some folks in DeviantArt like it and I will never understand the hate for this particular art.
>not slop
You are retarded.
>Some folks in DeviantArt like i
They are all either retarded or are children who shouldn't be on the website, like that soniczam3backup shitter who makes pics using Gacha Life.
>I will never understand the hate for this particular art.
That is because you, simply but, a retarded motherfucker.
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*you are, simply put, a retarded motherfucker.
I legit can't tell me if it's just me typing too fast or if it's the alcohol, but I really need to start proofreading my posts more often.
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Wanna bet?
Bet what? I called you a retard for not seeing the flaws in LSC's work and mindlessly simping for him. What is there to bet on?
Made a forum on DeviantArt.
I don't see this ending well at all for you, honestly.
Wanna bet?
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Fat fetishists are a niche subsection of the DA userbase. You've practically made yourself an open target for whatever trolls have managed to stay on the site. Not everyone's going to affirm or agree with your perspective on some random fetish artist.
One last thing before moving on.

>Rogue wearing a dress and no underclothes.
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Soniczam3backup is a minor. You are being backed up by a kid. That's awful.
Don't mind if I do!
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okay retard
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bump of ough
What’s the difference between cajun and french?
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I love Olivia
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Less wildcat posting, more fat chicks gorging themselves.
Yeah! I agree that there should be no more wildcats.
>I agree that there should be no more wildcats.
Why are you interacting with a 16 year old on Deviantart?
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She's not even that fat. At least give her a gut.
i know its been hours and probably moved on by now but he is really only "good" because of his niche (fatties trying to work out is the best) but aside from that hes mediocre to bad as a fetish artist
thats what the site is known for if you think deventart is a legitimate art site your even more retarded then the other guy
(if you want to post actual art theres things like twitter or artstation da is for the fetishists and no matter what da tries to do it will be known for that. )
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Get skunked.
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>not on his deviantart
>twitter filename
Since when did JaysonWeavile have an active Twitter? All I could find was @JaysonWeavile which hasn't been used since 2021 and has no fat art at all.
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Thanks, really annoying how he didn't link to this anywhere on DA.
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Maybe at some point they will
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