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/fesg/ - Fire Emblem Slutposting General

Stupid Sexy Dragon Edition

Discuss, RP as, or fuck your favorite Fire Emblem Women(or men)!

Mila's Turnwheel: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73497576

Image Downloading Tools For Aspiring Sluts:

AI Art Generators if too poor to commission:
(Popular but paid)https://novelai.net/

AI Chatbots if you've given up on real women:
>>73672809 (OP)
Actual previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73613821/
Writing a Camilla x Tharja story but trying to decide what else to do with it. Stay lime tier or go full sex
I only have time for a quick read over it right now, but I like it so far!
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>>73672809 (OP)
I wish that stupid sexy dragon would sit on my face
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FE Mages are for butt-fucking
Which ones the most though?
nta, but gaah~ I was just about to post some Nino since we were talking about FE Mages, and now I just so happen to see a genned Nino? You shouldn't have. <3

Anyways, yeah, Nino good for loving butt fucks. <3
And one in a different artstyle because she is a very cute mage, and no one else is particularly coming to mind at present since I've already done Veyle and Ilyana
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Hard to say when there are so many pretty girls. Celica, Sophia, Lute, Ilyana, Dorothea, Citrinne, Ivy, Veyle...

And we shouldn't forget the Healers too, like Silque or Priscilla...
Always been something about the pure type...
I'll gen a couple at random real quick for you based on the magic user page on the wiki
And I'lll take any requests
Aaah, thank you for doing it! Especially with it being in the Ebinku artstyle, since their style is absolutely lovely. <3

As for mages to list, other than the ones another anon said... Hmm... Maybe Delthea could be nice too.
Since I know you like Ebinku, makes it easy to pick them for Delthea then
Is that... Seidr, in a Baldr outfit, huh, neat. Think you could do a Kvasir, Seidr and Gullveig trio image where they're all in harem girl fits?
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I tried genning some "continuation" of Nowi x Robin I did yesterday, with Robin fapping to the memory of Nowi in a bikini, but damn, the AI just doesn't want to do that. I somehow got it to work once and every other time it genned Nowi as the one fapping, even though I had male_masturbation in the prompt and female_masturbation in the negative prompt.
Ehehe <3 Thank you again then. Their artstyle just makes me melt~

I'd love to see more characters in their style... Mmm... Maybe Kiria or Ishtar..
I second this idea.
Clarity gets a bit shaky in Yoshiku when doing multiple girls, but here's an effort

For cases like this it might be worth to break out paint and just gen each part seperately before splicing them together, though that's a lot more effort

I'll give them a go
Past, present, future, no matter the timeline, they're always the summoner's goddess sluts
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I like these. Thanks, AI anon!
If you can, how about genning Priscilla and Lute being butt-fucked? Similar to the past Lilina and Sophia gens

Delthea is cute too! I don't know how I forgot her...
Ishtar. If I remember the TMS characters can be a bit screwy other than Tsubasa, probably because how different non-transformed versions are to transformed ones
Ah yes, taming the honorary goddess
That's honestly fair.

C-Can I maybe see some Tsubasa then?
There's a tool that does regional prompting, but I never got it to work well.
Lute I think would be more dommy
Priscilla more submissive
Tsubasa because I couldn't get a Kiria that looked notably like either. Outfit worked a lot better in Wada, Ebinku I mostly get untransformed
Goldmary sitting on my face
That's quite alright. <3 I appreciate the attempt at least, and Tsubasa still looks beautiful with Wada's style. <3 I'd ask for more, but I don't wanna be a hog and take up all of your time.
She has a nice ass.

I'll be off for a bit as is, just wanted to try get the thread a bit of a momentum since the last one died
Need Ebinku pov Céline sexo
Last one since I saw it in time
I kneel...
Now I really want to see Goldmary and Soleil but maybe later...
That Delthea is so hot. More of her
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Lute capturing me and fucking me like that against my will...
Also, I feel that she would also be into footjobs.

This one is pretty hot too <3
Now I just want to do more footjobs
Something something I have a weakness for pantyhose
That's a nice Seidr there.
It makes butts look so soft
I don't know why a_meno_0 gives Lucina tits now.
Sorry about that everybody made the thread in the early hours of the morning and wasn't thinking straight. Let's just pretend I did it on purpose to follow the theme of dumb dragons.
Seidr's cute

Butt, thighs, and feet.

We forgive the dragon because she's cute
Veyle dp correction. Because one cock isn't enough for putting a brat in her place.
Not sure she can be corrected desu
I know she can. They just need to pound her harder.
Maybe it's just that she needs an adjustment of position
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Always love to see her
Anything you want to do with her?
Wonderful! It's impossible to go wrong with full nelson. She is totally at mercy of the summoners' lust there and can't do anything but endure the rough pounding while they are having their way with her. Now all depends of the stamina.
I do think she's even weaker to her brother's love to be honest. Nothing to correct her better than love
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Can you do mostly clothed POV from behind, sort of like the other one? That's how I always imagine fucking her, just hike up her skirt and take her.
Something tells me she's a little kinky, so that position makes it easier to spank her or pull her hair.
POV oral would be nice too though desu
I have a vague story about how she's into rough sex and even has a little degradation kink, but it all comes from what happened with her family's house and guilt about having had mildly incestuous feelings for her brother. Honestly, I fantasize more about holding her after a particularly rough fucking when both of us are an emotional mess and just need some comfort.
...but I'm weird like that, I guess.
For consistency same artist as last time. Hopefully this is to your liking. And I get the impression she's a bit kinky as well. I also sympathise about being more fixated on the post fucking after-care and intimacy, God knows I'm like that
Whoops, wrong one, that one's from before i re-read and saw you wanted pov
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That's hot~ I like them both, thanks anon!
Sometimes I'm afraid I'm the only one desu, I'm glad to know I'm not.
I'd be rough with her if it's what she wants, but I'd imagine coming down from that is a hell of a thing and she just needs to be held and told that she's special to me and that I care about her. I'd need it too, because I'd be pushing myself to treat her like that, even just during the sex. Just her reassurance that I gave her exactly what she needed in that moment and that she trusts me, would make all the difference in the world.
Love and cocks. Especially with cocks.
>Works with a lot of girls

I'm really happy you like them. And I feel the same, I don't really have the roughness in me, I'm more a gentle type, or power bottom than a rough person, and also I'm a sentimental bitch so that's something
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Having that emotional connection with her just makes such a difference, too.
Thanks again, anon~!
No problem anon. I think I'll head to sleep so I'll leave this gen and be off until next time
Goodnight AI anon, thank you so much for the Priscilla gens!
A slow but calm night... Need sex with Lucina...
Too bad i forgot to talk to ai anon about lilina fantasies today
Fuuuark I need this from Luci
My heroine...
Anybody here rp as FE girls?
There's a Caeda anon that appears very rarely. Other than that, I can't remember the last time I saw someone playing as an FE girl unfortunately.
What ever happened to charlotte? Not that i blame her for leaving but do we know
hello~ did someone call me?
ah apologies, college has been keeping me real busy these days
on the bright side with the new update on novel ai, I can make corrupt charlotte more reliably, sure wish mercie anon is here to see it
No, no, i didnt mean to make you apologize

Glad to hear from you though
What are your fantasies with Lilina, anon?
hehe well it is nice to see this place active than it was a long time ago, even if it is with the power of ai. sure helps makes anons imaginations run wild~
Well, i had ai anon gen one of a lilina sex in a library fantasy, but i also really like her summer outfit, so i have one about rubbing my bulging swim trunks against her bikini bottoms on the beach discreetly, to tease and annoy her
Yeah. I typically dont like it but here it seems to do nothing but good. Diversity and love for the more obscure girls, its great
yep, smut is the name of the fame here after all, while anons can write lewd stories, ai art can show the hot raunchy sex that is being described
Are you genning your own, charlotte?
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That's a nice and hot fantasy~
I hope AI anon can make it real for you later
pretty much but it is solo stuff as I'm experimenting with the ai currently before getting to the fun part~
I love her and her petite body and her skirts and herleggings and her ass and her lack of boobies
Lilina isn't that flat though
Not all the time but there are some artists who draw her flat

Either way both is hot~ heroes was bound to make her bustier
Like this one i still wanna glaze her chest
Or this one where her teacher puts her to shame and shes still hotter~
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How i wanna find her
Morgan my beloved
I don't know how I'd never though of this scenario before, but that's hot!
Like to take a bite of that.
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Ah, a fellow alt-Charlotte enjoyer
She looks so good in black lipstick +bow, with black sclera!
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>Anybody here rp as FE girls?
Yeah, I play Charlotte, Tharja and Camilla from time to time
This pic is so hot. One of my favorites.
A sequel to it
And the swimsuit one
You are so awesome
AI anon, if you're there I have a query. How many girls could in-painting change in one go? I know we've seen 2 before but I was curious as to the upper limits of in-painting using this as a base.

I just ended up doing it one girl at a time, and shifting what was inpainted. Since they're all not really interacting with each other, it felt a little more practical
Alright then, good to know. Was curious what it could handle. In that case, think you could inpaint Freyja, Nerthuz, Thorr, Loki, Seidr, Gullveig and Baldr?
I'd ask for Hodr instead of One of Seidr or Gullveig but from reports Hodr has not had the most success in AI prompts yet.
Six girls was already pushing for space a bit too much, especially given they're bustier than the last set. I'm not the best at larger scale inpainting, generally I only adjust a character or two, mine tend tend to get a bit artifacty and blurry as I go
Hmmm, ok, one more adjustment. Move Freyja to where Seidr is i.e swap Seidr with Freyja and just have the front row. So only 5 girls. and maybe if you could put vacant smiles on their face to push the idea of them being brainwashed. Since that was the context of the base image. If you'd kindly.
Apologies working with that just gives me a headache, because Freyja's horns complicate putting her between them, and then then I was like Thorr next to Lokie and Freyja where Thorr is makes logical and aesthetic sense, butt then it really fucks with the arms which are the hardest part of the gen, and then Freyja's proportions just felt really fucky having her so tall so I'm gonna back out from that one.
As apology, a Cook-Kyou Shinja Freyja Paizuri
I wonder if the ai has enough to do other stuff in Renetan style. Is this NAI4?
If I ask for Renetan I got for vibes like this.
I'm using NAI4. If there's anyone you want to see in Renetan's style, only need to ask the girl and position

Inpainting is basically designating a specific area of an image to be repainted, like the face and upper body of an individual girl in that image; you apply the tag to that area, and then you designate another area. Typically inpainting is for cleaning up a gen, if it's like 95% there, but there's a messed up hand, eye, maybe you want the breasts a bit smaller, the dick's a little off etc, you do all that with touch-up inpainting, and I tend to do it a lot when I gen, since some small details just will take a few extra attempts. it does its best to be consistent with the rest of the image, so sometimes you'll need to extend the inpaint area, which is why the black elbow glove raised arms were so difficult and can get a bit formless, because the inpainting area isn't precise enough to get the whole glove, so over time it just gets more and more off.
I want to cum in Ivy!
Very relatable

I do think they're a bit too close. The other issue is the image's proportions. I had to go back and find the source image, and it just didn't really convert the best to the Novel AI standard Landscape. So you'll notice that the girls look taller/slightly vertically stretched compared to the original in mine.. This one I think Space is a bit too tight, though the relative heights between girls is a bit better than the last one, since that's another hard thing to adjust
Had a hunch it may have been too tight. I'll see if there's anything else I could find that could work, but for now, I'll let others make their requests if they have any
To work without inpainting I can get something like this
Actually, yeah, inpainting to get Gullveig's head right is like, the only thing of note to change. I mean, maybe making their faces look more brainwashed but yeah, it's actually pretty good sans that one detail.
For whatever reason Gullveig's just the one that doesn't want to co-operate today even when inpainting. based on the issues I think it's because of Freyja's horn red, because it keeps giving Gullveig a very different look, but red streaks are the commonality
Wait no, new tool to filter on/off certain characters for tagging was a big game changer there
There we go. also why is Loki giving me the look of she's totally down to be hypnotized because of the chaos her being mind controlled might cause? In character for sure.
Once again, thanks AI anon.
No problem. For now I wanna try this style out a little more if anyone wants to test
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I do enjoy these lined up drawings... I don't know what group of girls to go for if I were to request a piece like this though...
I just went with multiple FEH goddesses as in my version of FEH my summoner is a bit of a... goddess layer. In short, Baldr is not his enemy, just the next goddess to fix through the power of human cock. And when you think about it, the summoner is not from the 9 realms, so he never would have sworn to not hurt Baldr, so he could take her on.
Could go by game, by class, maybe they all have something in common, maybe they all have the same hair colour, just something that ties them together, also depends what artist you want
Yeah I mean think of the ideas. All mages, all clerics, all pegasus knights, all dumb dragons. Green Hair gang, purple hair gang, big titty committee, who knows.
Ooh, yeah, I'd probably want something like... All mages, from Engage. Which, yeah i know reclassing makes it a bit odd, but let's just say Ivy, Citrinne, Celine, Hortensia, Veyle, and maybe Lapis because I'm totally not biased at all. <3
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This but in Wada's style? (And without pants)
And sometimes just girls you've s-ranked will do.
Not sure if you meant the image attached, or the image replied to. I'll do this, then the engage mages
The image I replied to. I probably should start to be more specific...
And, thanks!
Threw this together in the interim
>Ivy, Citrinne, Celine, Hortensia, Veyle, and maybe Lapis
No room for lapis this time unfortunately;
tried to make each girl different; womb tattoo, leaking cum, nopan, bandaid over pussy, and panty peek
>No room for lapis this time unfortunately;
I knew i shouldn't have said Hortensia </3 Ah well, that's alright. I appreciate the different stuff for the girls, that's a nice touch. Thank you!
Lapis is cute enough I'll throw her a solo for you~
The most based answer. 11/10 Always go with your faves.
I was busy the last two days and couldn't post much, it's a shame I missed the Priscilla posting.
Here's a pov oral pic since nobody posted one.
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Citrinne's thighs...
Awww, thank you <3 A butt job with Lapis does sound nice..~
are quite nice

Citrinne's thigh-job?
sure thing
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Do you have a discord?
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Love her cheeky grin~
A buttjob next?
Currently on a bit of a break from genning, will try to remember to get to it in a bitt
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Ah, thanks anon!
The way she looks at me with those eyes while she takes me all the way into her throat is hot~! It fits with my little idea of her having a bit of a degradation kink too.
How badly do I have to be injured in battle to receive this treatment?
If you're not busy, you think you could do one of lilina teasing us on the beach, rather than us teasing her? >>73703950

Same premise, but shes the tease~ idk why, but it came to me when i saw the original
A little too forward?
Not that i would mind, but more forward than i had in mind, yes

Still hot though. Shes also a little small
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Thanks, anon
Maybe a breast peek?
Ooh~ quick little flash~ naughty girl~ very nice
Does make me interested in seeing girls in each other's alt outfits again, though it's getting late
Fair is fair~ although i can talk about fire emblem bikinis all night if you want
Not tonight unfortunately, I'll be off, just gonna leave this as a companion piece to >>73719244
Sleep well~
Id cum all over both of them
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Who is the hottest girl from the Sacred Stones?
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Myrrh and L'arachel are tiers above
Was there ever any doubt?
Need to fuck that Dragon's ass
Myrrh walked so Kanna could run
There was barely any fanservice in that game. The closest thing to that was the dancer Tethys' outfit.
Compare that to modern Fire Emblem where there's a minimum of 2 eyecandy girls and bishie husbandos per roster.
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None at all
Kozaki style Nowi when?
Sleep hard. here you go
Cute dragon
There is nothing wrong with wanting to fuck Nowi
I know i would
There is, she distracts me from girls I like more
How's AI audio these days? I wanna hear FE girls beg for cock.
Who's she distracting you from Anon? And how is she seducing you away from them with her lithe energetic figure?
Got any of her taking the full nelson like the others?
Cordelia and Lucina when it comes to Awakening
Eirika in general
Myrrh is the manakete for me
An all in one

So slim with nice thighs; with Nowi's distraction points probably being her playfulness and energy compared to the more composed and dutiful Cordelia, and Lucina?
Do you think Nowi had sex with the guys she ditched?
She's been around the block a few thousand times I think she said
Probably the forbidden fruit loli appeal, mostly.
Also tummy.
Ironic given she's the most experienced of the three; two princesses and a woman with an unrequited crush, and the one who'd have the least qualms about just letting loose and having fun letting you bulge her tummy or glaze it with your seed.
I love how much more experienced the manaketes would be. They would fucking drain your soul out of your balls with ease
Savior sister on ao3 is this fucking amazing little myrrh smut i love
Hard to beat 1000 years I suppose.
Show of hands who wants to be topped by a horny manakete
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So many options
Honestly is a manakete for everyone
Yes, but probably not the ones you're thinking of
Bantu? Maybe Nagi?
Manakete ruining male humans for female humans
Makes the idea of Myrrh stealing Ephraim from his sister hotter
Grima, I want to correct the Fell Dragon
I just wanna lick Nowi's belly
If I could make a sexual FE girl voicebank I would. If we can have a spongebob sex voicebank I think we can have a charlotte or camilla voicebank.
Manakussy be gripping too tight
She takes forever to age
Will be youthful your entire life
Eirika, followed closely by L'arachel
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I want this as a fic now
Eirika pussing out on getting with her brother, then peeking in on him and Myrrh having their first time together, and tearing up as she watches Ephraim slowly forget about her
I wouldn't mind being one of Nowi's boytoys
Thank you!
Fuck it, make a series of dragon girls ruining men for anyone else
Eliwood x Ninian as a wholesome one followed up by Roy x Idunn after Idunn has her soul restored and all that (Think Ascended Idunn) that's also super wholesome because Idunn is grateful to Roy for sparing her and all that.
Adult Tiki and Male Robin. (She would have tried to get Marth but she didn't know what sex was as the time and there was too much in the way.) Could also be a double dragon in that Robin is technically Grima and we get corrupted Tiki.
Male Byleth x Rhea where Rhea steals him away from Edelgard's grasp
And then Fem Corrin on fates males as stupid dragon proves to be stupid good at sex. (And the Sequel where Fem Alear fucks Elyos's men silly.)
Fuck this is hot
Could be fun to have a dragon day
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Go for it anon~

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