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Tied together edition

Post, draw or discuss anthro females being bred by animals or Pokémon
No anthro males fucking animals or Pokémon
>>73676568 (OP)
OP image isn't anthro on feral btw. Here's something that is.
Godspeed, ambitious OP
palicos aren't feral
e621 seems to think they are. So really, who's to say?
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Renamon and horses, classic!
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Oh shit, someone made a thread for one of my favorite pairings!
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Something delicious about a royal cat being degraded and used by a mere rutting beast
Ah finally the better /wfag/, a thread just for me

nta but it depends how they are depicted (the average ones ofc). They are indeed anthro, semi-anthro at the very at least.
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This has to be based off that classic karabiner Krystal husky pic, nice
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Yep, i wanted to make a beast anim with Krystal and i always liked that pic made by Karabiner, so i wanted to do this one as a little tribute to it.

I also wanted to do the same thing with his "classic" pic with Renamon and a horse, but it just happened that Kespr (an artist very focused on Renamon xD) made a poster of that, so i didn't want to "copy" him. Instead, i did this tribute to another "classic" made by pinoytoons
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I'm glad you did anon, that's literally the pic that made me a furry all those years ago!
And another reason to be glad this thread is still up
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Wish you could do something like this with a flat chested lucario
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