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Live in your world
Fap in ours
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Need me some faun pussy
Astro Bot was just Sony going "Remember when we used to have games and not single digit exclusives after an entire console generation?". There is absolutely no reason to buy a PS5 when everything is either on PS4 or multiplatform
order up
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Cute lewd Faun
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Carmelita Fox is the reason I have a thing for Latina girls. God her voice actress from the first game sounded so fucking sexy. I'm also a Krystalfag, for the record, so I guess I just have a thing for foxes with foreign accents
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luv me ribbet
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play has no limits
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I love slutty bandicoots!
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Jak canonically fapped to her
https://youtu.be/fG-FX4vkMOQ [Embed]
i'm sure a lot of people who played her games did too. coom-inducing design
For me, it's Akie from Ape Escape 3.
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Microsoft doesn't care about exclusivity and people still see Crash and Spyro as PlayStation franchises since they peaked on PS1.
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Not sony. Go fuck yourself. Its an Xbox world now.
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getting a stiffy over carmelita...
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>not jump and press the circle button
I can't fap to this!
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there is no 'your world' or 'our world'.
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A man of culture. I wish she was my auntie
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