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Welcome to /FurNTR/, the place to come talk about your Waifurs cucking you! Or alternatively, talk about cucking anons by fucking their waifurs or just furry cuckoldry scenarios in general!

Previous thread: desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73620378
Your waifur throats zebra cocks
She would never do it with a zigger
She throats all sorts of cocks...
Are there any horsed or striped tattoo edits of Loona? Like those blacked ones? I tried looking for some but couldn’t find any


All waifurs are made for Zigger cock. It’s hard to find a waifur without a pussy made loose from BZC.
Honestly these zebra guys are kinda hot, can you gen a zebra girl in a speedo hung as fuck? Obviously fishing for "loyal" women
Tell me something I don't know.
Fuck. I meant guy can you gen a hung zebra guy
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She's pregnant and it's not yours!
Very Kissable belly!
>my autism hitting when people talk about zebra bulls when zebras have smaller penis compared to other equines

Shame, Horses are more aesthetic pleasing too
I said tell me something I don't know.
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Zebra cum bigger loads though.
I've brought it up before but if you want the biggest cocks than tapirs are the way to go, they also make great fat ugly bastards.
I prefer the variety of the anthro species as bulls. If focused too much on a single species, the thread starts to look to similiar to some other threads on /trash/
Furry porn doesn't abide by real life logic though.
Can't wait for when it's rat time!
I also like a diversity but I can accept some species naturally tend towards the bull role for various, usually obvious reasons.
While it doesn't abide by it, it is informed by it. Theres a reason you see a lot of bunny sluts and not a lotta bunny bulls for example
>inb4 suddenly flooded by fat cock femboy rabbits
All according to keikaku
Rowdy male triplets hopefully

Their cocks aren’t black though
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>Their cocks aren’t black though
And that's a good thing!
Waiting for the femboy edition, I need Shiori to empty his big kitty balls into my wife
Thick girls and lithe boys go so well together~
My Gardevoir Waif has made it very clear that I will never compare to Zebra Cock
How did she do that?
She tends to leave black and white horsecock dildos out in the open for me to find
>doesn't go for the real thing
>doesn't even make you watch her use the dildo
She's not being serious
I think she does. But I havent really followed her on her... "shopping trips" yet.
I just think it's a little silly that so much NTR somehow ends up reduced to "blacked with extra steps" sooner or later, that's all
Are you sure about that?
Yes. Yes I am.
For me it's the other way around. My base desire for ntr is hulking alpha brute taking my gf, with variations in setting (furry on human, furry specie-ism, orc on elf, etc). Blacked is just a subset of that.
I think having blacked content with fur waifu is peak
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>be garde
>psychically convince cuck trainer he's a zebra
>get 'raped' by his smol cock
>cum brains out moaning how good zigger dick is
>unlock his mind
>pull open pokepussy and drool his own load back all over his soft dick telling him how good it felt to get fucked by a zebra
>he thinks he got cucked and is throbbing while crying at the thought of zebra nut leaking on his cock
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For me, I get off to the thought of my waif being a slut. Blatantly and flaunting the fact she sleeps around with guys that are bigger than me, submitting to them as she screams about how much of a whore she is, being the willing cum dumpster and broodmare for anyone but me. Making me watch as she gets mind melted by a cock superior to mine.
How can you be so sure?
And that's a good thing!
She started wearing stripes?
It's just what's "in" at the moment!
An anon mentioned he liked a cute mouse girl last thread. I hope it works out for him with her!
Too late! Male0 turned her into a living fleshlight for an entire night. Sorry anon!
Why'd her tits shrink?
Well… maybe she’ll still like anon romantically! I’m sure anon likes her personality enough to be okay with very sloppy seconds! Besides, anon always has his old pal MalO to fall back on!
Yes! Thank you!
Of course! I can't blame her for, uh, "slipping up" around such a stud...
Look on the bright side anon at least it wasn’t a zebra, I’m sure it was a one time mistake and you can be her very special second time
I wouldn't be so sure, anon. She looks the type.

I think it was because her bust size was unspecified in the solo prompt. Her eye color also changed. Here's an improved version!

She was probably walking funny the next time you saw her. Now you know why!
>anthro hotwife's plan to introduce a bull to their relationship backfires. She is now the cuckquean
Can't help with that, but here she is wearing some stripes.
Uh-oh, no protection... I wonder if she remembered to take birth control...
Thank you anon. Those breasts were made for feeding Zebra foals
>I think it was because her bust size was unspecified in the solo prompt. Her eye color also changed. Here's an improved version!
Ah nice, thanks!

I was wondering, you think you could do another pokemon gen? Like a busty, curvy arcanine girl getting knocked up by a muscular, hunky, hung rapidash man? Through the cuck's POV of course!
Creampies are so hot!
And they will!

Well, if she did, Male0 will knot her again. And again. And as many times it takes to breed her. He's very persistent...

Arcanine! Excellent choice. She's rather regal looking, in my opinion. You sure she fucks horses, anon?
>Arcanine! Excellent choice. She's rather regal looking, in my opinion. You sure she fucks horses, anon?
Oh absolutely, with a body like that she's bouncing on any horse stud's rod!
zebranon keeps this thread and my penis on life support, i wish him ten thousand years of cuckholdry
Your gens are god tier. Do you think maybe you could do some Carmelita Fox ones?
True, she's like a fertility idol. A perfect place for a stallion to plant his seed! She'll make some beautiful foals. Make sure to rub her belly while she's pregnant, anon! Her first time with him will be enough to knock her up.
Oh absolutely, and I certainly will! Nothing is better than feeling my waifur's pregnant belly full of a stud's kids!
Well, that was her first time with that specific rapidash. She didn't want to tell you just how much she's fucked and sucked horse cock.

Congrats! She'll have a really nicely shaped belly, I'm sure.

Thanks! Not tonight but yes. The captchas I have to solve are getting exponentially more retarded.

Ten thousand years would be a lot of foals...
Thank you!
>Congrats! She'll have a really nicely shaped belly, I'm sure.
For sure! And the foals will be very well fed too thanks to her big, beautiful breasts!
Extra thick waifurs need extra doses of dick, so she usually fucked two guys at once!

>Loona NTR "dating" sim
>she can't date Vortex, reluctantly settles for (you)
>one night she drags you along to a party
>he's there and she can't hide her primal lust for him
>she softens up immediately
>her ears perk, her tail wags
>she's smitten
>she's never shown this to you, not this strongly
>bad ending: she ditches you to fuck Vortex
>good ending: she cucks you with Vortex
These are hot as fuck anon! Honestly I think a girl like her could handle a lot more horsecocks than that, I mean she’s got two hands after all. She could even use one of those hands to give her human partner a handjob, only if he promises to wear a condom though.
Damn that's good! Thanks a bunch!
Her boobs are perfect!
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>have crush on your coworker, Loona
>she’s distant but your coworkers tell you she’s just playing hard to get
>they tell you to go all out on Valentine’s day to win her over
>spend the whole day getting ready, grooming yourself, picking out flowers and chocolates, etc.
>head over to her house to surprise her
>knock on the door
>no answer
>peer inside her window to see if she’s home
>she’s being gangbanged in her living room by your coworkers
>Well, if she did, Male0 will knot her again. And again. And as many times it takes to breed her. He's very persistent...
And persistence always pays off! Eventually, my cute little rodent girlfriend's going to be swollen and gravid with his pups, and there's nothing I can do about it...
She's no stranger to gangbangs, anon. Far from it. You'd cum yourself if you knew her record of studs drained at once. She knows how to use everything she's got.
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>Vortex gives you a preview of whats to come
It's so hot seeing her get taken by multiple studs! I wonder which one will be the father!
They're perfect when she serves a stallion with them.

Based! Loona should be gangbanged!

It's okay, anon. Just think of how much he's enjoying her! She must be vacuum tight around something as big as he is~

I wish I could fill her like that. Another reason she deserves him!
The night wouldn't be complete without forgetting to post a fucking picture.
The captchas are filtering me and it's late, have a good night.
Your waifur fucks zebras, and if she hasn't yet, she will.
Good night and thank you for the pics!
Jace will always be my choice for bull
>gen anon only posts when I'm asleep
This is the true cucking
>It's okay, anon. Just think of how much he's enjoying her! She must be vacuum tight around something as big as he is~
Gah, you tease!
Good night anyway!
Excellent choice!
Imagine your waifur needing to peel his foreskin down by circling her tongue on his tip haha!
Indeed it is, himbos are the best

Better yet if he grab her by the hair when doing it.
Now that you mention it, she has been wearing stripes. At first it was some yoga pants, then it was a bikini. Surely it was just fashion trends, right?
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She also just came home yesterday with this one-piece swimsuit. Its a size smaller than her usual. Its as if shes trying to show off and squeeze her assets in it..
God. I can only imagine. It would make me so hard watching my waif run her tounge along the foreskin like a perverted French kiss
Can I see a sling bikini zebra gardevoir
Agreed, he's one of the best bulls ever conceived
Seconding this
Bitches (literal) love barbs.
My wife would rather take a spiked cock than mine...
You know it really sucks that most of my waifurs have been totally pulverized by zebras and male0z Oh well, at least my sweet little renamon is still as innocent as ever
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I accidentally put a “z” instead of a period so I’ll use that as an excuse to post a picture of my wife. She’s not my wife yet, but she will be after I ask her out!
Digital sluts like Renamon were destined for MaleO knot!
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Nope! Renamon isn’t like all those other trashy waifurs, she’s tradwife material.
Maybe for now... but she'll change her tune after getting a taste of a real man.
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She told me she’s waiting for marriage anon. She wouldn’t lie about that! Sure I’ve seen her flirt with some guys… none of which were me… and she’ll make lewd jokes now and again, but who doesn’t? I honestly think she’s really pure!
Sure... and she definitely has pure reasons for going off on her own every now and then... She's just out having some fun with some friends.
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>She's just out having some fun with some friends.
That’s right, she loves her “girl’s nights.” Every weekend she and her friends go to clubs to hang out, she’s always super tired and hungover the next morning. I try to be a supportive friend by buying her coffee or snacks to make her headache go away, hopefully if she notices how generous I am she’ll let me take her out on a date!
i love pregnant waifurs!!
theres a lot of them id love to see full with someone else's offspring
Same! I want my gardevoir wife full and pregnant.
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Would you want your waifur’s kids to all be from one guy or a different guy each time?
Different each time. But if she gets really hooked on one cock, then i dont mind. Shes not really in it for the kids, neither am i, all parties involved are ready to ditch asap. Gotta keep those orphanages full
All sorts of guys, with one or two repeat baby daddies whose kids we look after.
I want a big waifur who genuinely loves me, but simply cannot get off if she's not getting her throat and esophagus stretched, stomach directly cummed in, and womb punched by a fat cock head (mine can't even reach her g-spot)
She is, anon! Renamon is a good girl. You're a lucky man. Looks like you kept her safe from Male0!
...Anon, I think he found out. You shouldn't have said anything. He was distracted with his fleshlight mouse girl!
It’s okay, I’m sure… Renamon has kept her virginity in tact for this long, she’ll have no problem resisting his charm …and his massive cock.
for me, it's Noelle from deltarune
just a lil teen pregnancy or two!
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Not sure how to keep my gardevoir wife safe either
Maybe if we ask Male0 really nicely he’ll stop trying to fuck our waifurs? I mean shouldn’t he be all tuckered out after breeding that other anon’s mouse girl?
I doubt hes even capable of BEING tired. Bulls like this have stamina beyond compression
>you and renamon get married
>have your honeymoon
>you finally found a girl who didn't get stretched by Male0's black knot
>leave the hotel room to get a bottle of wine
>renamon is left alone
>excited to lose her virginity to you, she grooms herself, dons the lingerie she saved for this night, and scents herself with her finest perfume
>she's ready for you
>she hears a knock at the door
>"Oh, anon must have forgotten his key!"
>she goes to the door
>opens it
>7 and a half foot tall skull faced wolf man forces himself in
>"H-hey, who are you!? This is me and anon's room! Get out of here!"
>Male0 had abstained for months
>His sexual frustration, normally sated by fucking waifurs daily, was boiling over with the beautiful golden-furred fox in front of him
>Her scent
>Her luxurious fur
>But more importantly,
>Her fat
>He slams the door, then pounces on her

>you come back
>the lights are all off, except for the suite's bedroom
>you move to investigate but are hit from behind
>come to sometime later
>you're ziptied on the floor of the bedroom
>there he is, Renamon in his grip
>tears roll from her eyes
>"I-I'm so sorry anon... He, he said you owed him something..."
>his vicious paws grope her breasts incessantly
>her face is flushed deep red as his claws tear her bra
>"P-please, anon, I love you. No matter what happens. Just..."
>he similarly tears her panties and throws them aside
>"J-just, please... don't look- AH!"
>her mouth opens in wordless pleasure as Male0 shoves his fingers knuckle-deep in her cunt
Horses are boring. Zebras are just black men stand-ins. Real fans go for femboy donkey bulls.
Poor little mouse.
You're a visionary...
Wow… Male0 really is something. I really wanted our first time to be special but as long as she isn’t enjoying it I guess I can still love her… also it’s not like he penetrated her! I still have the chance to make her pregnant and raise a loving family after this unfortunate experience.
Dont you dare die on me
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I love broken condoms
Me too!
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I like when the girl is sadistic enough to want her man to find out she's cheating
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Very thankful to my wife’s work husband for keeping her company while I’m not around
Its a classic
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Oh no Anon... You were defeated and the evil Bowser captured your loyal Yoshi.
You gotta wonder where all those yoshi came from
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How often does cynder have to sneak off to find a bad dragon to fuck her silly and actually get her off?
I like a girl sadistic enough to fuck right in front of him.
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One load from Koopa King instantly fertilizes large batch of Yoshi eggs.
How fertile!
I wonder where the ai zebrabro went
his waifur is giving birth and he has to be there for her
I'm not asleep yet
Fair enough. Godspeed to him and his waifur
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Gotta induct as many pokemon to the truth of zebra cocks as you can
without BZC my life has no purpose
Feeling my waifur's huge gravid belly, full of rowdy, kicking brats that aren't mine...
If AI bro comes back, can you make some stuff with a more friendly bull angle?
Being mean and degrading in the moment can be fun sometimes, but I always preferred being on good terms with people if I'm fucking them/their gf.
The lead up is half the fun, it's a rush when you start to notice she's giving you that kind of body language right in front of her man. Cucks who are openly into it are great, but the best has to be the guys that aren't really pissed that their girls is openly hitting on me, but more pissed at themselves for being into it.
Yeah nice bulls can be pretty fun
having many (You)s in this thread is a badge of honor to me
I completely forgot that this fetish could be done consensually
Thats also nice. Bull that fucks your girl, and maybe fucks you too
I can try at some point, if someone has an idea. I'm going to finish Male0 deflowering/demolishing Renamon tonight and as many other requests as I can. But that won't be until later.
And more Mal0 with zebras. She never stops fucking them.
Id like to put in a request for gardevoir and some zebras when you have the time.
When is tonight?
That will happen tonight! If there's any specifics you'd like just say and I'll see if the AI can be wrangled into doing it.
Like 3 hours from now
Youve been giving us some really good stuff, so ill leave the details mainly up to you. As long as my waif gets plenty of zebra cock, im happy.

I might be alseep, honestly. In about 2 hours I have to sleep so I can get to work on time, but as soon as im up, ill be all over it!
Also i wanna come back to this and shame yoshi for putting the shoes on the bed. You're gonna get dirt on the sheets! Have some respect for the koopa king, will ya?
That's what I say when I plow your wives
I know!
Could we maybe get some strongfat/dadbod MaleO? Preferably plowing the mouse girl from before, or some other soft cutie.
You know this is some of the best cuck content. It’s subtle but being made fun of and teased in such a casual way about how much of a slut my wife is really gets me going.
Mouse girls love em too
>"Honey! I'm home!"
>can’t even park in your own driveway anymore because it’s full of zebras showing up at your house to get their cocks sucked
Mouse wives are so cute, even when they're caught being unfaithful!
That's an interesting perspective to have
Unfaithful mice are the cutest mice!

I meant it as having a few cars parked in your driveway but after posting I realized it could be read as a large number of hunky zebra men waiting in your driveway to breed your wife which might be even better
Just to cute to care if it's not your kid
Fuck this view is really hot
I don't blame them! She's very talented!
Are rat girls as good as mouse girls?
No kidding… I guess part of her supernatural abilities is to swallow an unlimited amount of semen? At this rate she’ll have milked every zebra in town completely dry… she hasn’t even given me a handjob
She may like you, but she loves zebras more
>imagine how loud the sound of his balls slapping against her ass is
>imagine how loud she’s squeaking and squealing while her guts get rearranged
>imagine how loudly he’s grunting while he fills your rat wife with foals
it’s like a symphony to me
She's definitely going for all of them! They really plastered her tonight. It took me forever to help her clean their sticky, ropey,
virile cum out of her fur. It was so fucking thick.

And she should!
Good gen!
Thanks! Took me forever to get it right, I'm so glad you recommended novel ai the other day, I'm in love with it
Amazing Mal0 gen. She looks right at home with her face covered in zebra spunk… seeing it really makes my heart race. I’m so happy for her, I’d gladly help her anytime she needed zebra cum washed out of her fur, or with anything else! As long as she lets me watch her next time she gets fucked
I sure do wonder what Male0 is up to!
She loves to have someone watching. A lot. I'm surprised she doesn't do this professionally...
She really, really loves this position.

You picked a good time to get on board! The previous models were much more cumbersome to use for anything beyond single characters. It could be done but not like with the new model.

Destroying Renamon as we speak! (I haven't written the rest yet, working on it next)
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IRL I only ever knowingly cucked people consentually, though there were a few times I found out after the fact that they were in a relationship and someone was pissed.

I'm bi as fuck, so do a good job eating my ass and I can probably help you out...

Requesting lean, tall, grey furred canine guy who'd share a beer with you knotting some of the waifurs currently going pls and thank you.
What style are you asking the AI for, I cant seem to make it consistent?
She’s got a lot of meat on her, perfect for groping and fondling!
>She really, really loves this position.
I love it just as much as she does, she deserves to lay down and relax after sucking all that cock

Please fuck my wife

Not my question but I figured I’d add onto it by asking which subscription you recommend?
I use artist:the_dogsmith most of the time. Any artist on E6 can be emulated by the AI, it can also mix them with varied results. Artist tags will guarantee more consistent styles.

Opus gives you unlimited free gens, which is useful for figuring out how it works, what works, and what doesn't. Tokens are used for genning variations, higher res, upscaling, and higher step images. Otherwise you'll run out of tokens pretty quick.

Random gen from last night while I finish up this Male0 thing.
Your a life saver, I love the artists style so much
Looking for another reason not to come home to you. And you'll thank her for it
Hnnngh it sucks being a raccoon cucky in heat

I need a bull to tell me how trash i am and how i'll always be inferior
Show us your waifur, anon.
I dont have one aside from the generics (rogue, amy, judy, lola) honestly i just need a bull to drag me around and make me watch how superior he is

Hnnnngh leaking just thinking abt it
Zebras are just better then you dude, give up
After this it's going on your girl, so make sure it's nice and wet
Gurk gurk gurk

(Also this random AI racoon is shockingly accurate to how i look, glasses and all)
You already know
Hiiii rogue! Shes so strong willed im sure shes not gonna submit to zebras that hard
Missed the tattoo lol, you know she has options right? Everyone knows zebra are better
She'll still love me right?
Kinda, but she got better things to do rn
At least judy still loves me
Frustrating not seeing mal0 getting DP'd by zebras when she has so many dicks to drain!
More to come, anon! I promise she WILL be destroyed by zebra cock. I really want to see it to~
I just finished the Male0/Renamon thing and I'm posting it next. Hopefully the captchas don't fuck me over.
>Renamon's mind is blank as his fingers invade her virgin depths
>Her eyes go wide, her breath hitches, then becomes heavier
>Male0's experience hand ferociously assaults her innards
>She starts quivering, biting her lip at first, but she can't contain it
>A moan slips from her lips
>She moves to cover it, ashamed, but unable to help herself
>Male0 growls, the sound like an idling chainsaw in his chest
>His rough paw pad on her clitoris is too much
>"A-anon, I-I-..."
>She cries out in pleasure and goes limp in his arms, feeling something pressing against her ass
>Something hard, and hot
>Male0 releases her and she falls to her knees

>Catching her breath from the first orgasm of her life, she looks up
>Male0 has shed his briefs
>Inch after seemingly endless inch emerges from his sheath
>Her eyes widen in a mix of fear, awe, and though she won't admit it yet, arousal
>She hasn't seen a dick before- not in real life, anyway- and never thought she'd see one like this
>Longer than her forearm, obsidian black. Slick with a natural lubrication, a trait of canines.
>His scent, hot, salty, hits her nose and the fur on her back stands on end
>"Oh... oh my..."
>His knot finally slips out of his sheathe
>Fear has become the dominant emotion in her gaze
>It's as big as both her fists

>"Y-you, n-no! You can't be serious, I-I can't-"
>He grabs her again and shoves his cock against her lips
>He silences her with his girth, then chokes her with his length
>She struggles in vain as he fucks her throat savagely
>The skull-faced wolf's jaw hangs slack, his black tongue lulling out
>His months of iron willed abstinence had saved up a load that would surely drown her
>He growls with pleasure, a rumbling sound like an idling chainsaw from his chest
>You see Renamon's tail twitch, then fold between her legs
>The sickest, lewdest noises you've ever heard from her are choked out of her by him
>Male0 grunts and his breath is heavy
>His abstinence has made him unable to last as long as usual
>Just as her lungs begin to burn from asphyxiation he grabs her
>Her lips kiss his knot
>His hips buck against her face as he feeds her his load

(interlude: https://files.catbox.moe/g6yzc7.png )
>Male0 withdrew his cock
>Renamon collapsed, lying on the floor
>She barely catches her breath as Male0 lifts her effortlessly and crawls atop her on the bed
>The bed you were meant to have her in
>He spreads her legs like he's opening a present, his tail wagging and his eyes wide
>His dick, insatiable, throbs as he draws nearer to taking her
>"D-don't... stop..."
>Words that she would soon be saying again

(6/9, actually, i fugged up)
>Her pleading did nothing to stop him from pushing his tip against her tight, virgin hole
>She's wet and hot against his tip and he tries to shove himself knot deep inside her
>Her lips do not part
>She squirms, bolts of pleasure up her spine as he tries to insert himself
>"Y-you can't fit, I've never done it before!"
>Never stopped him
>He spreads her wide and eases his flared tip in her pussy
>Her squirming turns to writhing, her moans into screams of pain and pleasure as she's rearranged to accommodate Male0
>Finally, he's up to his knot inside her
>His eyes narrow in their sockets smugly as he watches her reaction
>Her mouth is open in a wordless scream
>He rutted, and rutted, and rutted
>Pounding her viciously, every iota of his pent up arousal being taken out on your wife
>Just another fleshlight with tits for him.
>A place to sink his knot and dump his seed.
>He growls and snarls like a primal beast
>The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoes through the room
>Renamon, her brain turned to mush by his dick, moans whorishly
>How could she sound like this?
>She was so sweet.
>So caring.
>She loved you.
>"Don't... stop..."
>She pleaded again, but not like before.
>He wouldn't.
>Leaning in for a kiss, his tongue invaded her mouth
>And he sunk his knot into her willing depths.

>8 months later
>Renamon, ashamed, is heavily pregnant
>You still love her, despite everything
>You rub her belly and tell her it's okay
>She smiles thinly
>She's been distant
>Every day she has a reminder of him growing inside her
>She keeps thinking of his strength, how his paws felt on her breasts, in her pussy
>His scent is burned into her brain, along with the taste of his cum, and the exhilarating loss of control
>She denied it at first, but she's growing more and more acceptant.
>As soon as she gives birth,
>She wants it to happen again.


Your waifur fucks Male0, the end!
Thank you so much anon, from the bottom of my heart thank you
No problem! Male0 enjoyed her, anon.
The look of a confident bitch who knows she'll drain a stud many women would be absolutely destroyed by.
Yeah she loves you, but a woman can love many things
And zebras love bunny ass
Free use for zebras, as long as it's not on the street that is
Protecting and serving her community
Cant wait!>>73722465
Long shift I guess
She might need you to pick her up
Now the real question is are you going to man up and take responsibility
God i love a girl in uniform
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She still the queen of furNTR
All furry cocks have a place in the world, and that place is my waifur's pussy...
Baby bump :3
That belly was made to be felt up...
>cuck made to wear zebra print too
oh my goodness
Oh look at this cutie...
Would love to have your gf pressure you into undoing my pants and getting me warmed up yourself...
I like to think after all of this anon still hasn’t slept with Renamon. After this incident she didn’t even want to be touched, it took her a long time to even be able to look at anon. Eventually after a few months she finds the strength to give anon some attention in the form of a handjob, but poor anon can’t help but stare at her big swollen belly. Renamon doesn’t look like she’s having much fun, either. Anon’s unknotted human dick can hardly match up to Male0’s, they both find themselves thinking about him for different reasons. Anon can’t even cum because he keeps thinking about that night, so the handjob ends with blue balls. They don’t both trying something sexual again, maybe after she’s given birth anon thinks to himself, at this rate though he knows he might die a virgin.
Not that anon but it sounds hot
I'm bored what should I make next?
Busty, curvy Katia getting railed and impregnated by an orc hunk.
Wolf bull fucking a bunny hotwife when her cuck hubby watches in the cuck chair
Twink rat bull going to town on a thick or chubby wolf girl
I'll throw out my Carmelita request again! though maybe with literal bulls for the studs
Any and all gardevoir stuff is always appreciated on my end
This >>73727937 but make it rapey
ntr without racebaiting
pregnant Noelle
>Renamon was distant from anon after Male0 took her
>She flinched at his touch, was averse to hugs, kisses, cuddling
>She didn't even want to try for at least a month
>Lots of TLC and pampering eventually healed her enough she could stand it
>It was months until she could even think about anything sex related
>She agreed to try with anon, guilty for neglecting her husband and sweetheart
>She breathes in deeply and heaves a sigh as he took off his pants
>He's not small, but nothing like the black knotted bitch breaker that was her only point of reference
>Being able to wrap her hand around it feels... foreign.
>She strokes him gently, avoiding his gaze
>She can feel his eyes on her belly and tries to ignore how his cock twitches at the sight of it
>The reluctance, disappointment in her ministrations is obvious
>Anon tries to convince himself she isn't, trying to push the images of her in the paws of Male0 from his mind.
>She couldn't possibly like him.
>Not Renamon.
>She didn't want it!
>There was nothing between them, just sex, and her moans were only a natural response!
>But as she stroked him, Renamon's mind was also on that night
>More specifically, Male0's knotted shaft
>She could still feel the ridge of every vein
>The pointed tip slamming against her deepest parts
>How he broke her apart and shoved his knot in her
>And the viscous, virile cum that flooded her depths
>She feels herself getting wet at the memory
>Her hand stops, trembling, then releases anon's cock
>She tells him it's too much, she can't handle any more yet
>Not wanting to pressure her, anon is left to jack off
>Renamon didn't want to cuddle that night.
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Here is some more of your loyal Yoshi GF!
2 waifurs is no trouble for him.
She really likes him, maybe you should let him move in
Since it's taken me so long to deliver (sorry), she's really, really going to get it.
What about 3 waifurs? Surely there is a limit
Oh.. oh my.. that my wife.
My wife with all the powerful zebra musk around her.. how can she resist?
Now we're talking
Speaking of zebradommed ponies...
At least she's enjoying herself
She can't. She won't.
Fuckboy sending a married woman a cock picture? And the wife sending a tit picture back?
She likes rat dick more then food
Now when my wife kisses me next. Her tounge, her lips, forever marked by zebra superior cock. Ill taste it each time. The sweat, the precum, the seed. Tainted memories corrupted by the raw sexual power of zebras. Its so hot
Like the church?
Thanks buddy
My wife was made for vermin cock
not sure I understand lol, I meant Carmelita Fox getting fucked by a bull/oxen! Maybe in some cow print too
How long can those zebra studs resist ripping off that flimsy fabic and groping my wifes body like a trophy. A trophy taken from me. Their grubby hands squeezing her tits and figner fuck her vulnerable pussy.

Forcing me to witness it all
Why are zebra men just the hottest fucking things imaginable
I don't think there is, anon. He wants them all.
That thing looks kinda like Jason from Smiling Friends.
Like this?
Cannon btw
Yes, thanks a ton

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