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2B Edition

This thread is for anons that are into blacked/interracial content involving their waifus, without the extreme content of the main blacked thread.

No 3D/real content.
No graphs, headlines, tributes, or references to murder or suicide.
This thread is focused on netorare/netorase, if your post doesn't involve a waifu in any way and you only want to talk about black men, take it to the other general.

All games and gacha waifus welcome.
Ignore obvious bait, ignore posts you don't like if they're not breaking a rule, try having fun.


>What's the AI everyone is using?
NovelAI V.4 ($25/month for unlimited gens)

>AI Guides
https://files.catbox.moe/muu1ds.jpg (embed)

>Use the below tool to copy prompts from your favorite AI gens

>Example Prompt

>Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73651851/#73651851
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If you can gen with V4, please DM me, I wanna get my waifu blacked finally.

disc: imoutobreeding
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Exedra was announced a few days ago to come out later this month and nobody has really posted black megucas on these threads. Requesting a pan-african flag edit with one big round tattoo surrounding on of Mami's nipples. Maybe change the caption for something blacked related too.
Mami is fucking built
what series is she from?
To the anon that gened this, I want to see what she does to skk foxy wife~
Not from a series, she's a standalone character
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She has to be BUILT. How else would she afford to live alone in her apartment. Mami loves selling her BUILT JC body to the most thuggish ghetto niggers imaginable.
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Onlycakez on pixiv has all the pics of Akagi and Indy
Hopefully she starts teaching Madoka and Sayaka to take thug dick like her
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All megucas will follow Mami's footsteps once they realize that nigger cum and purify their grief seeds.
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Requesting a gen of Sunset Shimmer getting fucked pronebone
Sayaka my beloved.
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>With the fall of Prince Alain and his Liberation Army, all of Fevrith has fallen under Zenoiran control. In particular, the entire nation of Elheim has been turned into brothel where all of the soldiers and bandits are free to sow their seeds in as many elves as they wish. Elven royalty, Eltolinde and Rosalinde, are no exceptions, often seen spreading their legs for the darkest-skinned men that come their way.
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More Lilly love
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I love this ally of (social) justice so much
Did you gen this, anon?
I hope Kyoko has to lick her clean after.
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No, sorry.
She'll have to fight me for that privilege!
Just wanna say I appreciate you adding immersive story concepts for your gens.
Alternative bad endings like that are so fun to think about...
Make Kyoko go first. There's nothing hotter than a hopeless lesbian eating a creampie out of her girlfriend after getting cucked.
All megucas are for niggers.
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Fine, Kyoko can go first if I get to have my face under Sayaka while she's being bred.
She's perfect in that bikini~
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NTA but fuck yes, bad ending BLACKED NTR is hot as fuck. I like it a lot with FGO. Your max level, grailed waifus losing to lvl 1 thugs becaused they got charmed over and over until they finally got whittled down. And guess what thugs are gonna do when they have girls like this defenseless in front of them?
Madoka... I'm sorry...
Akuma Homura's craving for chocolate is Madokami's lingering influence trying to whittle her down slowly
My knights...
It's okay Homura. Madoka brought one more with her for the Law of Cycles.

A hung thug with a lot of cum to go around.
It's over for the poor little devil.
Hopefully she rewrites the universe to render all white cum useless.
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Yae needs some protein to stay healthy!
She was already best girl by far but the fact that she’s blind somehow makes the thought of her being blacked even hotter… After all, it’s not like she’d be able to tell some nigger and you apart, right? Or so you’d tell yourself. Lilly laughing mischievously as she jerks you off one night, indulging you in familiar thoughts of her having sex with other men, taking you completely by surprise when she mentions that charming black man you met during the day. Lilly’s breath hot against your face as she explains how of course she can tell the difference. His masculine smell, his dominating presence, the confidence in his voice… Because no woman needs eyes to tell when she’s met a real man…
And just imagine Lilly’s teasing smile when she asks you to check that she’s added the right bikini to her online cart. She already knows exactly what kind it is… She just wants to hear you say it aloud~
Bet Madoka is having lots of fun with him
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A monhun in her own right
Turn around and shes playing with herself as the last word leaves your mouth~
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>>73687934 (OP)
She’d look so good like that… Her pale cheeks flushed red, fingers buried in herself, thumbing her sensitive nub as she repeats your words back to herself… The fact she can’t rely on sight is what makes the thought of her obsessing over being blacked so incredible, her need to focus on those other senses, to speak so much more freely about the fantasies you share, so amazing to imagine.
Not to mention all the ways Lilly’s more playful side might come forward, teasing you in ways her condition would give her the perfect excuse for… Like, for instance, making you punch that same black man’s number into her phone on her behalf… Making you help dress her for her date, letting you choose whatever you’d like him to see her in, teasingly making you describe every piece of clothing, having you describe exactly what it says on the white waistband of that black underwear you’ve decided to dress her in~
Who's a girl you think is just too innocent or pure to get Blacked, but you want to see it anyway?
Before she goes off on her date with him, she gives you a big kiss and tells you she'll need a ride home after. Get a call from her well after midnight from her and pick her up. Hair and clothes are a mess. Her panties are missing and theres a strong smell of cock on her breath. She gives you another big kiss from her
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Thanks. Just feels weird dropping an image sometimes without saying anything.

They really are. It helps that UO has a lot of bad endings to imagine all kinds of scenarios.
Do you take requests?
Not my knights.
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Occasionally. Generally, only if I'm interested/familiar with the character,
More Unicorn, please, these are so hot.
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breaks are necessary when playing Eve's game
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Happy Birthday to one of Albert's wives!
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Maciej likes to watch
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Foreskinned black dicks are so fucking hot, jesus...
Unf, need to see my waifu like this...
Who is she nonny?
Sunset Shimmer!
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>Princess Virginia stormed out by her lonesome to take revenge against General Giethe - a traitor to the Kingdom of Cornia. But she vastly overestimated her own strength and was easily subdued. The loathsome general decided he wanted to take the captive princess as his wife, but he first needed to chip away at her rebellious spirit. Every night he made sure that his beloved's holes was slowly conforming to the sheer girth of his black cock.
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>Captured by the Zenoirans, Scarlett was deemed a suitable vessel for the soul of Norbelle, a high priestess to the ancient empire. Lost records have detailed that Norbelle was also known as the "Whore of Zenoira", a princess who lusted only for black men. To ensure that Scarlett's body was ready, the dark mage, Baltro, had dozens of dark-skinned soldiers rut the girl for hours on end, until the fated ritual was ready.
How good is v4 at genning western /co/ or vidya waifus of the more obscure sort
Asking for a friend of course
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>PS&G style
Oh my, that's pretty good
Could you try some of Misery (same series, girl I posted in my pic)
I would love to have some content of her there's practically none
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>At a staggering 88 years old, Yahna, had done the unthinkable and reversed the course of time, bringing back her days of youth. Though even if she was once the former court sorceress of Cornia, she was unable to retain her once overwhelming stores of magick. To regain even a fraction that lost power, she has opened her legs to receive charitable donations of virile sperm to harness any bit of magick they can offer her. This witch is a little selective with her suitors, however, seemingly only bedding those that contrasted her pale-complexion.
Doesn't know the character, unfortunately
Ah, that's a shame
Don't think there's any blacked of her anywhere, lol
Maybe in future ai can do it
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Blacked lane!

Thank you to all the anons that have given advice on local image gen the last few weeks, i finally made something im proud of.
damn those hickeys
>This witch is a little selective with her suitors, however, seemingly only bedding those that contrasted her pale-complexion.
are all the women in UO like this? I might have to play it
It's nice when the AI picks up old characters.
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Welcome aboard shikicuck
> "prompt": "niggersex
at least is self explanatory and direct
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>are all the women in UO like this? I might have to play it
Yes. In my head. It'd be nice if that was the case, but all the girls are overwhelmingly MC-sexual.
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Lazy editing
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Sexy! Can you edit a pan-african flag for my waifu's panties too, please~?
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Nice meguca! I love this artist for how plump and meaty he makes meguca's butt and thighs look. Please consider doing Mami, next!
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Wait a minute
Thanks, anon!
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He's a good artist
I've seen you a few times on X too
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I posted a further thought in another thread...lol
Hot scenario there.
>roguish foxy Japanese vigilante
>"some of the old, some of the new"
>continues ancient tradition while defying and changing it
>stands up to yakuza gang ruling her city
>meets black guy, instant attraction
>gets him into trouble with the yakuza as a test, they fight together and upset their plans/destroy property
>lie low at her place
>just as she planned, blacking ensues
>Kiriko is both submissive while being confident and cool about it
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>strong Swedish mechanic-squire
>tries to live up to traditional, noble and chivalric ideals
>comes from a very large patriarchal family, cranky racist father
>meets a buff African at her gym or through Overwatch work, possibly Baptiste
>Swedish girl can't resist his charm, but is a little embarrassed at first, blushing
>Her father is glad it's merely a black bf and not an omnic robot she's sleeping with
Also, something about her still being clothed while giving a bj makes pic related better imho. It makes it more realistic, as if it's a normal domestic situation for her.
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Amazing edits, anon. Thank you for making my waifu (and Mami) look more sexy.
What other game series have you played that would be ideal for blacked endings?
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Ai fag passing through, here
Can I request a gen of my waifu, anon?
sure who is she?
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Sunset Shimmer, I'd like a gen of her getting fucked in position like the image I'll post, and in afrobull's style if possible, please~
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Of all times to generate hand hold correctly it was blacked mlp, I hate my life
actually now that I look at it the hands are backwards, let me see if I can fix that
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this should be right
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Requesting 'penis over eyes' pic for Kiss shot
Thanks a bunch, anon~!
No problem, now if you'll excuse me I'll take my leave. I just popped in to see if I still have this fetish. My ruling is, not really.
Hope you have a good day, or night, anon.
Hope after the new Madoka movie there will be a lot more art of megucas getting niggered, especially Sayaka
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requesting gen of Mai Kawasumi from Kanon kissing a muscular black guy like picrel. No side-eye though, just a deep, romantic embrace.
me on the right
Tita Russell...
Built for pumping out congo black babies
Hey! That's my waifu you're talking about. Please say more.
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She is not yours and never will be, she belongs to the tall muscular black man who will fuck this slut into submission.
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fuck that's good...
would you want to do an open-mouth kiss as well? seeing lovers' tongues intertwine is so romantic and hot...
Either way, thank you very much! Makes me rock hard to see my girl so happy and in such strong hands!
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How dare you say that kind of things... please don't stop.
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Which model?
It's janitor ai anon
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thank you...
yw anon, she's a total beauty
you're lucky to have her
She needs to get abducted and taken into the Central African muslim country by her new black owner where she will forced to become his housewife and will pump out black babies for the rest of her life.
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Fire Emblem and the Neptunia series are pretty free with their settings to make up scenarios like that. A more obscure series for me is Valkyria Chronicles, which has a fantasy WW2 with analogues to real life countries.

Not necessarily related to blacked endings, but I think it'd be really easy for God Eater and Ace Attorney to get some interracial stuff.
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Good night
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you really have no idea how good it is to hear that, thank you!
her brain already melts when she thinks about all the love her gf and I give her, I can't imagine how she'd feel to know that other men love her body too.
one of the main reasons I love interracial with her so much, it really does shower and pump her full of more love than she can carry!
Thank you for reminding me I need to gen her.
>Ace Attorney
Which characters? The Feys?
Sayaka Miki getting mating pressed and impregnated
Have you got a Discord, anon?
Wonder Woman holding her face up to a massive cock
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Yeah, the Feys, Franziska, Athena, and personally, I really like Ema as well.
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War and Monster fighting stories are perfect for it.
I would gen your waifu if you posted her here but sorry anon I don't use discord
Rats.. I literally can't do it here.
>On a mission to get H.E.R.B.I.E. to Avengers Towers
>See enemy Black Panther prowling
>Turns visible on purpose so he sees her running to an isolated location, away from her team
>Once alone with him, asks if he wants to see her make his cock dissappear
Reed is such a cuck in Rivals. Literally the worst DPS while Black Panther and Namor are top tiers
She looks like the kind of gal who likes it up the ass and pussy at the same time
Black Master rank~
Thankfully both Namor and BP are in the game. Both canonically had wanted to fuck her lol

She'd also look good getting dominated by Cloak and Dagger.
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G is for Gangsta
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Ebi gens are so good
Can you do an Iowa too?
So fucking good, my god. Mind finding out if genning the Handler from Monster Hunter World like this is possible?
>Successfully lured Black Panther away from your team
>Now just need to keep him busy...
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Like this?
can you do rivals girls in that artsyle?
I've played Fire Emblem and Ace attorney. Both have great waifus for blacked.
Will you do blacked Tifa, please? haha
Based thank you!
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Which one?
I can do it, but it may not look as good. These ones were generated in V4 before upscaling in local
I'm surprised no one else is churning these out
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can anyone post or generate some Kikuri? I wanna look at her and bounce on my dildo and tug
>>73687934 (OP)
2b is Wife material. Not "hotwife" but like "snowbunny wife" material.
Forgot the picture lol
I got some time. Anything specific?
Anything with rimming or a lot of cum please...
>Spade tat on her left asscheek noticeable to scream how she like her coffee and how fat her ass is
>her hand on her black hubby's arm to show she belongs to him
>provocative dress that all but states he's showing her off.
Very much built.
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oh my God she's so built

I hope she rims him good
I understand when An Anon makes their own prompts and doesn't share it, but you literally took someone else prompt that was posted here and removed the metadata.
>Peace sign as she rims
If that was my ass, I think I'd be already cumming
What do you think happens when you download a pic lel
Right?! Tifa is absolute Blacked material, thank you!
Unless you download it in a really weird way the metadata stays right there. What do YOU think happens?
Depends on certain settings bro.
Then don't smugly ask the question as if there was only one correct answer.
okay, let's try with invisible woman and see how it turns out
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ffffuuuck this one is so good... do you have a discord by any chance?
I miss cake genner.
Horsegirls breed black
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I made a bunch of her back during the release period
Yeah but I'm not posting it at the moment
If you wanna add me mine is imoutobreeding, I love your gen style
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tats please~
and in her wedding skin too!
thanks anon!

what about street fighter?
can you do cammy?
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Sure, let me work on that
oh shit you got more sue?!
how many did you make?
>Wha... huh?
>Is the match over...?
>Did we really just fucked through the whole thing?
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There might be a few buried inside the hundreds of folders I have, lol
That was me anon. I didn't remove it intentionally. I just cropped the photo afterwards in photoshop.
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Cute greeting
Mugetsu and Gengetsu shimaidon please. Make Gengetsu the smaller one in breast department.
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Forgot to tag you on the Cammy
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I don't know about the character to write a caption
God she's so built for nigger dicks. I bet her breath reeks of black asshole.
These are great, anon! If you're still around, could you do similar gens for Sunset Shimmer too?
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This genner was good. Hope to see more.
looks amazing anon! haha
thank you, again!
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Not even this prideful tomboy can resist being cute when hung niggers are involved.
Tattoo Edit please
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My wife, Kashiwazaki Sena
your wife has the perfect assets to feed her future black children anon
shota built
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Nigger fuckmeat, Kashiwazaki Sena
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Thanks. These are amazing. I really hope Exedra will have some BLACKED modders
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>Blacked Sena
Based! She's BUILT for wrinkly old refugee niggers and ex-convicted black street gangbangers
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On a scale of 1-10 how rough do you like seeing your waifu get fucked?
Like a 3 or a 4. Not any higher cause the rougher stuff turns me off in general but not any lower because romantic Black stuff is just not interesting.
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Moments before disaster
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Mark her tits, please.
10. Any less isn't good enough
That's going to be so much shaking, imagine that doggystyle...
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Marin has been such a slippery slope for me. She took me on my journey from being anti-NTR, to pro-NTR, to BLACKED NTR.
>every single time nai updates its gonna fuck up your mixes
Just stop fucking changing shit
What was it like when you hated associating Marin with NTR?
The weird thing about this interim update is how polarizing it is. I was so mad because I just couldn't get the same quality of results over the weekend, but a lot of people were fine with it
I've never used NAI, it doesn't let you keep using the older version?
It does, you just need to enable a toggle
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File deleted.
Dunno if this is accurate, but here you go
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Noticed an issue, had to fix it
what was the issue?
If you’re doing EQG stuff could I ask for some Adagio Dazzle Rimzuri?
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Muscle qts truly are built to absorb those womb missiles
Fingers got fucked up during upscaling
Think I might draw the line after this one, but as I haven't tried making a rimzuri in V4 yet, I might as well build the template
I’m honored to have my wife as your rimzuri template tester!
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...that was ridiculously easy. Holy shit
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A biiiiiiiig piece of chocolate melting between Kirarin's buns~!
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Rupee would never....right?
I wanna lick his cum from between her tits
It just comes naturally to her. Thanks!
Would Rupee even let you do such a thing?
Thanks, anon~! I hope you can do some more later on~
I want to bury my face in her boobs
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Sorry anon! Kirarin's titties are already being occupied by big bad thug cock~!
Can I snuggle them after that thug's happy candy shower spurts on them?
I need Rupee livestream NTR
That's a good idea, I'll try that at some point
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Rupee corrupting and introducing Ein to this fine dark skinned gentleman, maybe even letting herself get fucked stupid right beside her.
She would do it for views, lol.
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I want futa Volume to fuck my Nikkes and then make rap songs about all the bad bitches she's fucking. Maybe even have my nikkes show up in her music videos to twerk and grind all over her
The outpost is Volume's bitch house.
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Imagine the scandal when a sex tape of Volume fucking one of your nikkes gets leaked...
Holy fuck, Nikkes getting BLACKED by Volume, Noise, and Aria sounds hot as fuck. Need to see them stealing all of the commander's favorites, like Mary, D: Killer Wife, Elegg, and Maxwell.
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Volume would be great since she's a rapper, just treating the girls like bitches and fucking them rough. Or could be a NTS type deal where she's just having casual sex and just slinging that BBC around the outpost
Noise would be cute to have other girls dom her
Aria for peak skin contrast
Need all three of them mating pressing and impregnating another trio squad. Maybe Matis?
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Who would go best with who? I'm thinking Maxwell with Noise, she'd dom her and use her for an experiment. But between Laplace/Drake and Volume/Aria, what pairing would work best?
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fuuuuck yes! mora Tifa please!
Volume would not give a shit and pump every single nikke while blasting hiphop
Volume/Laplace and Drake/Aria
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So fucking hot, imagine Volume just bragging openly in interviews about all the bad white bitches she's been fucking and you just know they're your nikkes
And to make it worse while she's fucking them she's gonna be playing HER own rap songs
Blanc's snowbunny ass was made to ride black cocks. Needs a space underneath those fishnets somewhere on her pale buns, the mark that means Volume has paid her more than a few visits.
Volume gets VIP at the casino and secures Blanc's white ass for her personal use for hours, if not days. Everyone but (you) knows the white bunny is her property.
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Yep, Blanc gets her ass fatter and fatter for Volume and even learned to twerk to make those lap dances extra special. And little do (You) know but Volume has actually referenced a certain bunny in her songs before, mainly just about how she's fucking a bad PAWG.
I could see Volume doing something like telling Blanc to bring her sister along next time, or set her eyes on the newer girls like Alice or Soda...
Volume hides black cock craving propaganda in her songs that makes even the most prude Nikkes present themselves to be fucked by her. One time one of her songs came on the radio at the maid cafe and she had all three of them(+Privaty) knocking at her door the next night to get fucked.
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Well you know how white girls are with rappers. You're a rapper? You swim in pussy. Nikke are no different, they're still just white girls at heart. Helps that Volume is the type to just treat them like hoes/bitches and just tear those phat white asses up
Fuck, this is so hot. Makes me want to roll more bitches for her to fuck. That reminds me that Volume was one of my first SSRs since I bought the starter pack that had her as a choice and naturally went with her. Has she been training all these sluts behind my back this whole time...?
Noir wouldn't last 5 minutes against volume's BBC. She'd cum over and over before volume even blows her first load of the night
No longer cares about her stupid white sister, only Volume's studly meatrod built for brainwashing bitches matters to her now.
Daily reminder that Blanc and Noir have to do VIP dances for rich people and nikkes can't say no.
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It's only natural, Volumes a rapper. And once the girls find out Volumes packing BBC, whether it's through rumors or a leaked sex rape, all your nikkes are gonna look at Volune differently
Yep, Noir would need to get broken in. A proper PAWG snowbunny like Blanc can take all that BBC and throw it back. No way Volume would be able to ignore Noirs phat ass though, soon Noir and Blanc are gonna show up in one of Volumes music videos
-D had to pose with skk as a husband and wife to infiltrate an organization that definitely wasn't a swingers club (it was)
-Mihara runs an s&m club
-Viper worked at a Nikke brothel
-Helm and Mast were trapped in another world for months where they ended up having to live with an ugly fat bastard and black sushi chef
-Mary and Pepper provide private and special care for certain patients at the hospital
-Rupee is constantly hit on by fans in-person and when she livestreams
-Rapunzel is a horny pervert that loves porn, would inevitably stumble upon a blacked magazine and become addicted
-Rosanna is blatant hotwife bait

Goddess of Victory: Nikke
D definitely fucked every guy at that club, lmao.
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My wife Touko is 100% Built for BBC, just like her sister.
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That was me anon, glad you liked it! :)
Can I request some gens of my waifu too, anon?
I'm still learning but I can probably make something if it's another azur lane/gacha girl.
Can you do some gens of Seydlitz from Azure Lane, please?
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Sorry I couldn't get her to look that accurate! Not sure if it's a skill issue or not enough art of her for the AI to train on.
She's pretty underrated, so don't sweat it - thank you anon!
I really did, could you do Hindenburg at some point?
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>blacked futa
absolute peak
The NAI guys are laughing at our prompts... aren't they?
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only a little bit
marriage doesn't protect you from bbc
>marriage doesn't protect you from bbc
It actually makes your wife more attractive for them
Hello, anyone, please.
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If anyone has any ideas for blacked futa gens let me know, might do them. Has to be 2 actual characters though not just a OC futa
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Miriko breeding Mai Kawasumi from Kanon would be fantastic.
If Miriko isn't dark enough for you, Korra or Rally would be great too.
And it works both ways too
She would find them more attractive as well
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Thanks anon, you're a lifesaver. Could you gen one not focused on rimming though?
Richelieu giving a squatting blowjob to Nubian or another chocobote of your choice
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Big thanks again.
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Rimming is such a hot kink.
Lisa from Dead or Alice blacking Tina, Helena, and/or Marie Rose.
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fuck yeah! certified Blacked Icon
please please get her black bred in front of her commander <3
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I love these blondes.
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The sight of a waifu nuzzling at another man's ass with love is already devastating enough; that he is also black makes it so much more raw
please do arisu

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