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tweening edition
Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73516546
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Q: I'm a total beginner. Where should I start?
A: Do the exercises in either "Keys to Drawing" by Bert Dodson or "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards. Additionally, you can try the first few lessons of https://drawabox.com/ for building up muscle memory.
>>73690423 (OP)
Oh no why did you use my animation as OP lmfao, do not perceive me

In all seriousness, whoever OP is, glad you seem to appreciate it hahah
How did you animate this? It looks like some of the things I've seen wamu do with Live2D or whatever it's called?
First for ehh... Wait I'm third
ToonSquid (iPad program), basically doing motion tweening in a minus8-esque manner, in 48 FPS for smoothness while still being able to adhere to 24FPS timings, just with double the frames. Symbols are what make the world go round here, allowing you to do things like line boil, secondary motion with retiming, and a lot more.
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Never been much of a symbol animator myself, but it would be worth looking into! Thank you for the shout
I've always wanted to symbol animate, but early on it was just too difficult for my mind to wrap around in Flash. It's probably really obvious that my original inspiration was minus8 in terms of animation, but only around now do I feel I'm starting to get the hang of motion tweening. Also ToonSquid, out of all the other iPad apps I've tried, is just a dream for both frame-by-frame and keyframing. After all, symbols are extremely useful too for frame-by-frame, such as storing loops or line boils.

Much better than that disappointment that was Procreate Dreams...
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trying to re-learn how to sketch
any tips on breaking the chicken-scratch habit?
It looks fine. Chicken scratch is okay if you're making forms. And I'd call what you have sketchy, not scratchy; there's clearly intent there.
The whole point of a sketch is to provide a guideline for inking anyways, so I wouldn't worry too much about any roughness. I think it adds character. Cool 'bold.
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redoing my tarot card prospective profile pic in a higher resolution I guess
What did you animate this on anon?
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here's the OG from like a year ago. I was sort of thinking of doing an entire deck, at least the face cards, but it's mostly boring work and I can't be bothered to work out concepts for all of them
Clip Studio Paint
I hope you keep making your animations better instead of moving to tweening or whatever. This actually has some skill behind it. I mean the hair could be less static, but hardly anyone's looking at that anyways.
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why are you so salty anon, let people choose what they want to do
Who's salty? I'm complimenting anon on his animations.
Oh boy, that one is a doozy to animate on. Back when I used to be a desktop guy, animating on there was so unintuitive to the way I was used to previous animation programs. The brushes are fire on CSP though, and it's got a lot of great drawing/editing tools.

Any reason why less detail here? Or is this just a WIP and it'll be added later on?
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>I hope you keep making your animations better instead of moving to tweening or whatever.
we're not stupid anon, we can read between the lines. why bother bringing tweenanon down while complimenting that anon's work? what happens if he decides to try motion tweening? gonna shit on him too?
Probably, yeah.
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Been a fan of zones works since I was old enough to use a computer and you know how zone gets it down with his vector based animations. FBF is just far too time consuming I do not have the stones for it.
Yeah I just haven't done any of the inking or detail yet, it'll happen soon
>anyone who does not agree with my artistic opinions is bad
you're sad.
Guess you're just gonna have to find a way to deal with it, weenie.
Let me know if you want any tips regarding tweening, especially if you decide to try ToonSquid. Even then, hybrid animation is also a thing, and you can do a lot with symbols. See what you like. Regardless, I look forward to seeing your work, FBF or motion tweened or hybrid. :]
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I don't normally come to these threads (Mainly because I often feel like people would misconstrue me as posting to flex on novice) but seeing animation as the header might actually lead me towards frequenting these places more... at least when I have an animation! Thanks I'll try to keep the info in mind (Probably will go with a hybrid)
>I often feel like people would misconstrue me as posting to flex on novice
This is a place for people to improve, which is a lifelong journey for most of us. As long as that's your goal, you have a place here. That said, if you're too far ahead, you simply might not get many responses.
What >>73694075 said: don't feel like it's flexing at all. I honestly wish there were more animators here too, and sometimes you get interesting nuggets of advice/thoughts from anyone wandering in here.

Gotta say, your pacing in this one is really great. I know I tend to make mine more bouncy an a sort of "animated emote" manner, but it's all about intention of what you want to convey.
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I got like two more, most unfinished , again biggest problem with me and animation is consistency and patience. I feel like I'm not the best at conveying energy yet, or keeping things smooth, but I'm at least stronger at it than your average beginner (All that good noise.)

Makes sense yeah, truth be told most of my energy is put into comic making rn so I'm kinda everywhere.
>Big butt nerd girl
That's the stuff.
Posting a delivery that I had fun making even if it melted a pen nib. Midna's helmet is cock and ball torture in art form.
Seriously, how did you melt a nib? Unless this is hyperbole lol. Interesting use of stippling here, feels very MS Paint-esque (and by no means in a bad way)
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Remember to use references, otherwise this shit happens.

Prickly balls. If you're going for fluffy, I think it's enough just to include the outline hair, and the median line separating the balls. You're leaning into too much detail, I think. Unless I'm somehow missing the intent?

Otherwise very nice. Your expressions are fun.
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One of my two lovely nerd girls (I adore them both)
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I used this sketchfab model of King Hippo and I think I did a pretty good job of capturing the volume of his body and using the ideas about efficiently drawing the figure, combined with basic shape structure.
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I also realized that I needed to wade in the shallow with him if I'm going to do a whole comic, so I drew what I drew. I also looked at some expressions he makes because I'm not good with faces in general, but his is challenging since it's deceptively simplified. One thing I want ask is if the muscular anatomy is good.
I have a mighty need for the one with the braces.
>Back when I used to be a desktop guy, animating on there was so unintuitive to the way I was used to previous animation programs. The brushes are fire on CSP though, and it's got a lot of great drawing/editing tools.
So the only problem was unlearning leftover muscle memory from the other programs, or are there greater weaknesses compared to other animation software? I went ahead and splurged on the expanded version of CSP on account of having ambitions of animating on it without the framecount restrictions a good while back, but never did get around to making the time commitment required to learn the basic operating principles of the animation suite. I have very limited experience with animating, only having done it by way of frame-by-frame drawing, using Photoshop to clumsily stitch it together and then going back to the drawing board for imprecise tweaking (pic related being the end result), so operational differences form other software likely won't be a factor for me.
I hate niggers
Man, I want to get into animation, but I can barely draw one pic a week. I did alright last month, but I've been coming down from that high.
So the issue with animating with software that isn't geared to be primarily for animation mostly comes from the limitations. I had a former animator buddy who kept being bothered that people would use CSP, almost acting a bit elitist that people would dare use it. Basically, he was going on about how people confuse "good drawing experience" with "good animating experience." Yet at the same time, I feel people would not berate you if you wanted to animate traditionally, even if that is way more labor intensive and has less "tools" so to speak.

Good animation software has tools that make the process so much faster and easier, from advanced looping features, or symbols (if the animation software supports it), animation groups, advanced onion skinning (such as being able to move the onion skins themselves if you need to shift them temporarily). The power of the symbol is crazy good, as shown here with Alan Becker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdwdO2ZpYI8 [Embed]

So yeah, if CSP is fine for you, don't worry about it. Dreams was extremely limited (and still is), with its lack of symbols/ways to loop animations, terrible keyframing, and baffling lack of the lasso tool. I will always be thankful to it for reinvigorating my desire to animate again (the main draw was that I could bring my Procreate brushes over), but I've outgrown it now. After all, you can learn a new program, but your skills will always persist.

tl;dr: Do the thing in a manner that keeps you doing said thing. Even if not as efficient as other software, you're better off practicing instead of not doing it at all.
What would you animate if skill wasn't an issue, anon? Curious as to what it is you want to do
I'd want to do some anime style action in between sessions of animating jiggly boobs and bouncy ass. Technically I could do both at the same time.
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the last pose with la bunny creature was chosen so i cleaned it up

yooooo these animations are sick as hell. Good work! And for the /dig/ thing, the thread encourages both getting and giving help, so whichever you wish to do is up to you. That said, again really nice lookin stuff, keep it up!
i need to draw wolf shortstack midna
>One thing I want ask is if the muscular anatomy is good.
its a little difficult to tell on the second page guys back due to the light lines, but for the first image i believe you're getting a really good grasp of the basic muscular forms! You're improving a lot, keep it up!
Clean. Also, navel piercing is PEAK
So, CSP's good for that old skool FBF look and feel both in terms of process and end product, but not much good for modern animation tricks? I suppose that's a fair cop, it is primarily a drawing and comic layout software after all. Guess I'll look into dedicated animation software should I ever end up animating projects big enough to require the enhanced efficiency to get done in anything approaching a timely fashion.
I feel like the mouth is too far forward?
There's still better FBF animation software out there IMO, but I would say for what you're currently doing, you're fine. I would say that when you get to a point where you feel a part of the process is tedious, and you think "there has to be a better way to do this," then maybe that problem might be better solved in another animation program. It all depends on what you're doing. I wouldn't worry if your current setup works for you, contrary to what some animators may think.

After all, everyone's journey is different. I'd rather you figure out what's right for you than pushing you hard in one direction. Anecdotally again with me using Dreams, if you had pushed me away from it while I was still using it, it would have ruined my flow. Only when the tedious nature of it caught up was when I finally felt ready to jump to TS, by my own terms.
>>73690423 (OP)
Love this artist and their animations
I don't like whatever they are doing here with the movement...it feels weird.
Been mostly considering doing some pixel animations lately, so I might have to look into Aseprite instead. Problem with software is that there's so much of it out there and everything's specialized for something specific. Tends to be the best results are achieved when you bounce a project around multiple programs to take advantage of these specializations, but then you invariably run into compatibility issues between file formats. Guess I'll just have to experiment, but making that kind of time commitment is daunting and I've always got something getting in the way IRL these days.
I feel you man. It's why I couldn't handle working in Flash/Animate because I would sometimes see if I could make my assets in Procreate since I hate the vector brush in Flash. The issue would be that if there was some editing needed, I'd have to back into Procreate and reimport things.

It's good to use multiple programs in your workflow, but certain steps should stay in their own programs to avoid that kind of annoying behavior. Right now I sketch things in Procreate first and then I build *and* animate assets in ToonSquid. And everyone's got their own workflow haha, so it's confusing to find the path best suited towards you. But I believe in you anon.
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Doing blind contour drawing to up your confidence in your marks in a great way of getting out of it

If you want to take shortcuts and don't mind vector brushes, Blender is imo becoming one of the best animation apps out there. It takes a bit to get into, but the 2D animation toolkit is amazing and full of tons of time savers. Plus under very active development for new features
NTA but I totally forgot about Blender as a 2D animation tool as well. Again, I don't use desktop stuff, but I have heard some good things about it.
It's gotten very good over the last few years! Which is surprising given it's a 3D modelling software. I think up next on their todo list are revamping the brushes for some more natural media feels, and adding more storyboarding tools
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>18 years since original

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I'm drawing Rivulet from Rain World.
Can I have any feedback before I start inking?
Overall composition and perspective mainly, but also whether I've drawn an appealing and dickable slugcat.
>2 slits
That's a MAN, baby. Still would though.
I think it looks good overall, from my admittedly retarded perspective foundation. I think its body is lacking a bit of form and appears a bit flat (maybe some folds would sell both its form and the curvature of its body as it relaxes in the water would be good?). Just a suggestion.
Overall, definitely dickable/10, male or female.
Tell me a current or consistent problem you're having with your drawing or something you're studying. Or ask me questions.
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So... i was having problems getting the dragon in perspective right. So i "mathed" it. I sketched green lines from the dragon's head to the fireplace. Put the dragon on top, drew under the green lines and it locked fucked...
Then i was like "fuck it" searched for a dragon 3d model, posed it in perspective, sketched it, colored over it and... it looks pretty good.
Also another lesson for me to
References help plenty.
>Anybody have examples of chastity gear, but for sheathed cocks?
Here's one. Not my kind of thing usually, but I had a hunch combining some tags might land the desired results. Can't be bothered to go through all of them to find other examples, but I'll link it for you to peruse at your leisure:
Jump rope
Who blushes during jump rope?
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this was hell to draw. Critique?
I ordered some felt nibs with this new tablet and flattened it out already likely from the grittier texture and too much pressure. I'm still fucking around with brushes but I'm happy that this textured one I use seems to be eye-catching. Thanks and I took no offense from your comment.
Thanks. Its one of those details I carry over from sketching that I guess doesn't translate well on the rendering stage so your assumption is right. I've tweaked them since and they do look much more pleasant and squishable. No intent missed. I think your cow lady looks gorgeous and despite your hurdles with it I think it looks nice. That kind of position is a pain no matter what you do.
You should totally do it because Midna anything is free dopamine. Very cute fluffy gal by the way.
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This will help
Nice foreshortening. I would like to see a bit more consistency with the line color. It swings between too light, too saturated, and black too quickly and becomes kind of distracting for me.
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Trying to keep things messy while I get the other figures down. Will try to get things more refined afterwards. It's weird to wrap my head around without doing a straight up sketch/outline pass
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>have to study to improve
>instead of actually practicing my studying I just look at it as inspiration and do nothing with it
Strange... I don't remember making this post.
Somehow replied to my self it seems
How many split personalities do I have?
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>>73690423 (OP)
took longer than expected, but I had fun with the bg and lighting. crit appreciated
>but I had fun with the bg
Was about to say, it looks like you pasted in a different pictures entirely.
Looks very nice anon
Those are some glorious hips.

I like the colors. As other anon said, good foreshortening on the lower leg. As a pawfag, I'd like to see some more definition on her stretched out foot, but that's okay.
Do you think real life anthros would shave the base of their tail if it grew out like that? Seems like it'd be itchy. :(
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I love your forms, great stuff!
>>73690423 (OP)
All this talk about animation reminded me of a practice animation I started a while ago and never got around to finishing...
thanks, anon. I tried something out with the bg and scene styles and that was a concern. I'll revise for the next time.

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