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Free Use Edition

Previous thread: >>73621615

Booru Backup:

Carmillanon’s NTR captions:

DarkNation's NTR captions:

Succubus dating guide:

Wombs of the Gods archive:

>Post your "loyal" waifu, tell us all about them!
>Discover that your waifu might not be as satisfied with you as you thought.
>Learn that your waifu will always secretly hate you for being such an inferior, cringy cuck
>Post pictures of your waifu for bulls to save and steal.

>Tease cucks and enjoy their trust shattering with your every post.
>Sneed and fuck (and maybe impregnate!) other anons' waifus while they watch.
>Make fun of their waifus for being horny cumdumpsters.

>Post and see if any bulls and/or cucks bite.
>Ramble on about your love of big cocks.
>Wax poetic on how tempted you are to cheat
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>favorite cuck broke and deleted just when I was starting to really like him
The long-term arrangement I dream of hasn't quite arrived.
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Could you support your waifu despite her history of sex work?
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What kind of sex work would you support the most?
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prostitution easily
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of course
not that bad, good money and she only is dancing sensually for clients, noithing to worry about
this would be the most dificult, becouse hse would be whoring to strangers, i would totally support her, but i would be weary , not becouse of the sex, but maybe some bad clients, i dont want my girl to be mistreated
less problematic then whoring, most porn is pretty professional,. maybe i would get to meet and hang out with her cooworkers, knowing they pipe her down a good dozen of times, but everyone whoul know my wiifu sucks cocks professinally, and is not mine so is more humilliating
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Why's that in particular? Excited thinking about how men bought her pussy while she made you work for it?
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I guess it's more of the just fucking random guys because they offered her money even though she doesn't need it
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Would you be devastated if you learned she was practically limitless as a prostitute? Never saying no to gangbangs, creampies, DDLG, etc?
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knowing she's willing to do anything slutty would make me love her even more
im terrible at RP but i like to give one or two ideas i found intresting, feel free to use this if anyone wants
>scenario: is a remote village somewhere in the mountains, japanese, cuz im a weeb and shit
>town has their own traditions, aside the normal at large society
>town founded by some random warlord using his warriors and some slaves, especially womens, to stablish
>centuries pass, society change around them but they keep their way of living, with some diferent interpretations
>slavery is no longer a thing, but the town is still highly separate into "masters" and "slaves", in modern terms would be "alpha" and "betas"
>normally "alphas" come from the old aritocratic-warrior classes, and "betas" from peasants and slave classes, but is no longer extrictly about birthright anymore, but about an attitud towards life and others
>due to this cuckolding is quite common among "betas", becouse the Alphas can essencially take their womens if they want, so they have adopted a passive stance regarding infidelity
>in return when they marry a women they are entitled to their first child to the be teh Beta's, but is not rare those families have more then a single kid, most of them are non from the father of the house however
of course, when she confessed she has been a prostitute since before we dated, i reassured her it won't change anything between us
Funny, I need to get my girlfriend to treat my 4chanbull's cock like this
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>erupt from cucksplosion at the end
>>73691881 (OP)
>Free use
>Payment listed
You retards, I swear
Must be the cuck price, but even that's cheap
Most cucks run away once it starts getting too real, anon. You sure you wouldn't break after I got her number, started making plans, sent you a few of her nudes that you'd never seen before?
what would you do if your old high school crush reached out to you and told you how she lost her virginity?

actually happened to me
Share some details, anon. Did you get off to it?
This hurts the bull a lot more than cucks realize. When cucks ask why im "mean" or reject them despite their partner being attractive, this is often a major reason why.
she had gone silent on social media for some time and one day came back, told me she had ran away from home and while finding a place to go met a this guy, and he had his way with her the night he took her in
It could have been you if she had run straight to your place, anon...
i always wonder about that, if i could have done what he did...she told me he took her to a house that was mostly empty, say for a tv, couch, mattress and so on
shortly after they got there...he put his hand up her shirt and started gropping her...kissing her neck...she didn't know what to do
If it's for the sake of saving the world, then it doesn't count.
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She wouldn't hide like that from you
That's not a bad idea anon
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Have to admit I enjoy secretive aspect of NTR. Girls kissing their boyfriends with womb full of stranger's semen really activate my neurons.
So even with my waifu doing any kind of sex work it'll be nice of her to downplay it some way.
Even if she came by, you might have never put a hand on her... You might have stopped when she pulled away or said she wasn't sure. You would have, wouldn't you? But this guy just kept going, he got to pop her cherry, and here you are getting hard thinking about his rough hands on her untouched breasts, slipping under her shirt, leaving hickies all up and down her neck...
you're right... i wouldn't have forced her to do it... even with how much i wanted to be her first

the moment she realized she couldn't stop him... she gave in and started undoing his pants...the first time i read that my heart sank, i knew she was only doing it to get it over with but knowing this wasn't the only time they did it now, i can't help to wonder if any part of her wanted him from that moment on...
Well, that's why you're the guy she came to talk all about it with, right? Because she knew you were kind, safe... And you'd happily catch her if she fell, even though she told you all about that man taking her first. Taking something both of you know you'd never get...
If she truly only wanted to get it over with, she wouldn't have gone back. She'll never forget that first guy she was with. Even if the two of you end up together... She'll still think about him, even when you're inside her. It just won't be the same as when that man nearly forced her to give her virginity to him.
by the time she came to talk to me about it... she was different, it was as if it had gone from a traumatic experience to just talking about a guy she fucked...
she pulled down his boxer, his cock was apparently huge and she started stroking him while he pulled at her nipples and took off her shirt... he then grabbed her by the neck and said she was gonna pay her stay this way...
One man, and she's already gone from being your pure, perfect crush to a girl comfortable talking about what some guy she fucked did with her. How he used her as he took her first time. A girl who can just say that she repaid a man with her body, let him do whatever he wanted with her. Wasn't it humiliating hearing her tell you about how huge his cock was? She wouldn't say something like that if she saw you in the same way even a little bit...
Be honest, you'd happily take her even now if she offered, wouldn't you?
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a man who started playing with her pussy as she could do nothing but moan as his fingers went in and out of her pussy...her hand jerking faster and faster wanting his cum to explode out of his cock so she'd be done with it... but a man like won't stop until that cherry is his
...yes, i would take her now... the sad truth of that is, she did ask back then... but i couldn't do it
By the end of the night, I'm sure she knew exactly what his cum tasted like. Exactly how his fingers felt pinching her nipples and churning up her cunt. Exactly what it felt like to get creampied by a man who wasn't afraid to take what he wanted.
Anon... You missed out. Even if it wasn't her first, you could have lost yours to her. She might not be quite as... Excited, but at least you would have gotten to be with the girl you loved, right? And when she came back to you the morning after an argument, still wearing the same clothes and smelling like sweat and sex, you wouldn't even have to ask. You'd know she went back to him.
Who knows how far she's fallen now? Maybe you still have a chance...
What happened? Why'd they break?
he tossed her onto that bed and mating pressed her... made sure she knew what it felt to have a massive cock deep inside her quivering pussy... that she knew what it was like to get fucked like an animal
she asked very casually, it really meant nothing to her at that point... to me it was like a fantasy made reality but for her, it was just getting dicked by another guy she happened to know... but the worst part was and the reason i coudn't accept, was that she said "i'll ask if he'll let us use his place to do it"...
You know he would have asked her to "pay" if she wanted to use his place. If you had taken her up on that offer, you would have walked in on that man's cock spreading her pussy lips, stretching out the girl you always had a crush on. If she could still even focus with her legs up around his shoulders, she'd just turn to you and ask if you mind sloppy seconds.
It might not have seemed like such a fantasy when it was your turn, and she was already gaping, dripping another man's cum. She'd barely even be able to feel you after that, while you did your best to fuck her sloppy pussy...
Even knowing all that, you still wish you would have. You might even wish you tried to make her your girlfriend, am I right?
it would have turned into my worst nightmare... the girl i loved the most for so long being turned into a fuck toy by a real man... while me, the virgin boy, did my best to make her feel good, his cum lubricating my little dick's thrusts...she would have never been able to feel me, but i want her so bad even now
if only i could go back in time, to be her first and her boyfriend... would she have been satisfied with just me?
The best part is not knowing about it
Even if you were her first, even if you were her loving boyfriend, you wouldn't be able to perform. Eventually, she'd get fed up with your little dick, ask you how it's fair that you're the only one who gets to cum when you fuck, push you away, leave... And end up under another guy just like the one who took her virginity, getting used like a cumdump bitch for the first time. She'd love it. Even when she came back, crying and apologizing for arguing with you, she'd know she was going to do it again and again, until even you couldn't help but notice. The only question is how you would have reacted when her secret finally came out.
i would have been the same as i am now, a pathetic loser who could never satisfy the girl of his dreams
she would describe every single detail with tears in her eyes, how she knew it was wrong to cheat but how he felt so good inside of her, how his cock has so hard and reached places i never had and how his cum was thick and tasted so good but she felt immense shame... i would have to comfort her and tell her every was gonna be okay
... and the worst part is, that's the best case scenario, because the reality is, we never had sex together, i've never had sex with anyone...
She'd have noticed how hard her confession was getting you, even while she was in your arms on the edge of crying. What would she have thought? Knowing her boyfriend was actually turned on, listening to the horrible way she betrayed you, all the shameful details of what she let that man do to her... If you told her everything was going to be ok after that, she might wonder if you'd be happy just forgiving her, or if you'd want her to get what she needs elsewhere.
Your best case scenario's being your crush's cuck, anon... That makes me want to keep playing with you. Better a cuck than a virgin, right? As long as you get to be with the girl you love, you can accept her not being yours.
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maybe she would have been shocked... realizing that all her harsh words from before, and her horrible betrayal of our relationship turned me on so bad, that hearing how she gagged on his cock as he fucked her face, the spanks from his big hands leaving her ass cheeks completely red and her legs trembling at that very moment, this was the moment she knew she had been dating a cuck this entire time...
i want to be with her, i need to be with her, it doesn't matter how many men use her like a whore... i'll always be her loving cuck
She might have been shocked, but soon she'd reach down, stroking you through your pants as she continued her story, telling you how good it felt as he wrapped his hands around her neck, choking her as he used her like a whore... How good it felt feeling his cum filling up her womb, when she was used to your little dribbles. She'd lean in close and whisper it all to you while she reached into your pants to jerk you off, and when you came, she'd softly, teasingly say "cuck~" in your ear.
You need her. Even when she comes back next time, openly dripping his cum down her thighs, you'd need her, begging to hear what she let him do...
Why's chovy looking at me that way? Doesn't she have a boyfriend? Where'd he go off to, anyway...
i would have felt shivers down my spine, with her telling me the truth right after i sprayed a pitiful watery load of cum onto my boxers hearing her now excitedly recount every little detail of how this better man handled her like a piece of fuckmeat and took her from the girl upset at her useless boyfriend to a cock hungry slut that needed to get filled up by him all night long
her hair being an absolute me, her clothes clumsily put on, her sweater even backwards, the pubes on her mouth from sucking his cock and the stench of his seed conquering her womb filling the room...making my small penis harder that it's ever been
Imagine your mom dies
Then your rich bully buys her fresh corpse
Reanimates her with cyberware and uses her as a meat toy
You gave her permission to be as much of a whore as she wanted to be. You couldn't give her what she needed, so this really is the best you could hope for... Her pushing you softly onto the bed as she tosses off her soaked, sweaty clothes, showing off her cum-filled cunt to you. She knows you love it. She'd tell you every dirty detail of her night with a real man as she grinds her leaking pussy against your dick, never letting it in... And then she'd straddle your face, telling you to clean it up if you wanted her to help you cum tonight.
This is what you wanted, right? She's happier than she ever was with just you, so you must be too...
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She wants you to fuck her
Well then, ciao bella. Her boyfriend could be back any moment, but that won't stop me. She doesn't look too worried either.
as she sits down on my face, teasing me about how much cum he left for me to clean up, an image flashes on my mind, of how frustrated she was with my dick, of how no matter how hard of fast, no matter how many positions we tried, i was never able to satisfy her and all i could do was shoot way too fast and beg her for another chance...but now things are different, now she gets all the dick she could possibly want, she'll get fucked by any man she desires, muscular, fat, skinny, it doesn't matter to her, what she wants it's their hands to play with her tits and ass, her neck sucked and bitten and her throat to be completely sore and her pussy to be a mess filled with their cum, she wants to be bred by these men, not by me...
as much as pains me, to know i'll never be enough for her, seeing her be this assertive and this excited, i could never be happier
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It would be truly awful to walk in on her whilst another guy is balls deep in her
Nice Yukikazes. Taimanin prostitutes are the best!

Stripping and dancing and serving drinks in a red-light district establishment, which could involve some prostitution
She'd grind against your face while you licked up every drop, teasing you about how much better you are with your tongue than you ever were with that little dick. She'd stroke it as you licked, and you'd shoot after just a few touches, like always... She's used to it by now, but this is different. She used to have to try to be happy with that pathetic, quickshot dick... But now, dripping the cum that shot out of a real man's cock and painted her insides white, she's got nothing to complain about. Her loving boyfriend's under her licking her clean, she gets fucked any way she could ask for, and, well... If she ends up getting knocked up, you both know you'll take responsibility, right?
You might never be enough for her in the bedroom, but she's never going to leave you, not when she's got you like this.
(heading to bed, tag is nontaurus if you want some more later)
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Literal NTR waifus
Well, then don't walk in. Just stay on the other side of that door and listen to her moans and my balls slapping against Anchovy's tight little ass with every thrust. Would you be able to stop yourself from opening the door just a little to peek?
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If I hear a really loud moan I might have to open it just to see that she's okay
Yukikaze especially, her story is built around it. The others are just as good for ntr fantasies if you don't mind some darker themes.

And when you see her back arching as her pussy swallows my cock, you'd know she's better than ok. It's not like either one of us would really notice you while I'm busy splitting her open, so feel free to stay and watch your girlfriend's chest bouncing with every thrust.
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Make her moan and pant like the cheating bitch she is
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>built around ntr
That's what makes her the best
She'll shiver as she cums around my cock and her pussy squeezes down around me, milking my shaft. She'll be panting like a bitch in heat while she moans me in a voice. You've never heard her say your name that way...
I'm a fan of Asagi because she's the strongest, so seeing her fall hits the hardest. Plus bigger titties. But Yuki is a real treasure, her corruption is done so well
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and i'll love her no matter how many cocks she cums on
You don't mind that I forgot to use a condom with the love of your life, right? She just spread her legs and begged me to slide it in.
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I prefer smaller chests but I can appreciate the sight of a big pair bouncing as the girl they belong to rides dick
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it's too late now anyway she's already filled with your seed
It's not like that would stop me. I'm going to keep going until she's so stuffed it's leaking out of her pussy, all while you watch. You'd better hope it's not a dangerous day for her.
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Oi once is enough her womb only needs one load not multiple
Love the contrast between her petite form and the cow outfit there!
I'm usually a fan of thicker girls but for Yuki I make an exception. Her ass is thick enough anyway.
She needs some form of padding for the hundreds of cocks she takes
Nope, I'm breeding your girl until I'm sure she's all full of my sperm. Her womb's going to be painted with my sticky seed. She's barely going to be able to move once I'm done with her, she'll just lay there while it spills out of her hole. You have a problem with that?
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If I did there isn't anything I can do about you well and truly breeding my slutty gf anyway
That's the spirit. I'm going to keep using your gf's pussy like a living onahole until I'm sure she's knocked up, then I'll leave you to get all lovely-dovey together with your beloved whore. She'll reek like sweaty sex and my cum, but I'm sure you're used to it.
The girl with the mask looks fucking hot
The toilet sign on her belly is a nice detail.
And yes especially since she's probably getting it doggy or prone bone most of the time (but she's good for any position).
Igawa Sakura, the main character's little sister. Canonically gets her breasts expanded in the OVA and in one of the VN's bad endings. Another good Taimanin slut
i hate to come back so late just to say i don't have discord but i'll post on the next thread
maybe about how a long distance friend texted me about her having sex with her boyfriend and thought i should know she has a crush on me right after, i have a lot of real cuck stories
>the main character's little sister
I got excited because I thought the protagonist was a guy...laugh at me!
I admit that the way it was worded, one not familiar with the series could easily make that mistake. But no, it's two sisters.
>Being a human conqueror/warrior
>A younger man and somewhat 'heroic' figure with a beautiful, adoring, plump red headed sweet wife
>...meanwhile my embarrassing, tiny, little, itty bitty secret....of having a microdub babydicklet and babysack
>My sweet, adoring, loving, plump and super loyal red-headed wife totally doesn't care and loves me anyway....! Though naturally her progressively sexually frustrated body instinctually craves...
>Despite my hard fought victories and prejudices against them, she is secretly sympathic of the powerful Drow/dark elfs...
>Finds a cute Drow boy up for auction...and just HAS to save him from a potentially cruel master! Much to my own annoyance though...
>Hearing definitely exaggerated rumors of wives falling to Drow lovers...and even husbands debased and humiliated.
>Building up jealousy and insecurity towards my loving wife and our/her pretty Drow servant...
Well, I found out (as I was still dating her) that my wife used to be an escort, and that's where her ex husband found her and took her out of.
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nice to see i am not the only cuck who loves yukikaze
I would still love her yes. I would also hope she has stories of some of her favorite clients
Weird she doesn't have more fans since she's canonically an NTR queen. Must be because the Asagi branch is way more popular.
>Weird she doesn't have more fans since she's canonically an NTR queen.
Maybe not here, but she won the last Taimanin popularity poll.
Oh, didn't know that. Then I guess she's more popular in JP because they have RPGx which is still getting content. Here most people know about the OVAs, less about the VNs, the gachas are pretty unknown.
It's mostly because she's the only flatty. So all small tits lovers voted for her, whole the cowtits votes were spread among the rest.
Good point too. The usual range goes from normal to humongous for all the others. And we know how much they like flatties in JP
>>73691881 (OP)
>Shiranui pic
It's like seeing a great portent. I must steal her away from the Incubus King.
I wanna post my tag and maybe find someone to talk about this with~ tie8023
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She'd be everyone's favorite waitress! She loved it when customers slapped her firm across the ass as she walked by
Not even if you saw her contacts list? There must've been 100 men filed under "daddy"
Limitless girls make the most money too
>She'd be everyone's favorite waitress
Not her fault if her sensitivity has been altered to the point a simple slap on her ass makes her cum...
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Squirting through her fishnets and kissing her customers. She's very talented to be able to have that many climaxes in a night and still be able to walk in heels, she'll be wife material!
Decades of ninja training makes her able to take anything! Those climaxes aren't much compared to what she went through when she was captured and god body modifications.
>wife material
Well, with the experience and sensitivity even I could make her cum...
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You could! Even though you're ...less endowed and quick, she's even faster. She'd probably cum once from getting laid on the bed, again from penetration, and a third time when she feels the cum inside her!
So it would be three times in less than a minute! Provided I can actually put it inside and not just shoot outside while trying. Oh well, I can still use my tongue.
10/10 gf who would dump you if she ever suspected you have a cuckold fetish, 7/10 gf who isn't really into it but puts up with it from time to time to try to make you happy or 5/10 gf who has been training her whole life to find the perfect cuckold bf (you)?
>Hypercompetent women enjoying being in a subordinate role
NTA, but nice!
>5/10 gf who has been training her whole life to find the perfect cuckold bf (you)
This. Looks are less important. I'd also feel too bad forcing my cuck fetish on my partner.

To me it's when they're strong, like fighters and such. It's so nice to see them fall to such a low role.
Competence can take many forms, of course. Be if a physically strong fighter, a genius or even of a royal bloodline. It's all about them being 'better' then the role.
she's only calling them that because it's her job to make them feel good, there's no way they're really making her that lustful
(sorry, didn't realize the fishnet focus until after my first reply)
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Dude my waifu is medb, I can't think of a bigger whore than her in fiction and I love her anyway
What is MedB? Sounds interesting
Really? She has them all labeled as different kinds of daddy too
>rich daddy
>white daddy
>black daddy
>anal daddy
>throat fuck daddy
She seems to really like them all
And it doesn't matter if they enjoy it or not. Although I like corruption, so it's best for me if they don't at first but then get trained until they love their new role
You've been posting quite a bit of these sluts, anon(s). Are you that desperate to get their backs blown out by an anon right in front of you? Not like I couldn't use a cumdump right about now...
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level 1 goblins
she's clearly not interested in their names because the only important part is who she'll serve, it's not like she has a preference for any of them... i mean she said she'll serve anal daddy tonight with a smile but that's because he always takes her somewhere nice before he... stretches her out
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It would be terrible in the most erotic way possible. An empty husk in the shape of my mom, artificially animated to behave like a slut? Programmed to say whatever the bully wishes and fulfill all his desires? She would never get any rest, beyond the grave or otherwise...
Doubly so if they believe themselves to be undercover, slowly making rationalizations for their own behavior.
>There were a bunch of Edgerunners who liked her
>Rich boys days are numbered, though he doesn't know it yet.
And a literal goddess
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Describe it too me
You'd be welcomed home by slapping sounds coming from the kitchen, interrupted by the kind of moans you'd never forced out of her. You'd quietly peek your head around the corner just to see her, face pressed against the kitchen counter as I grabbed her hair to hold her down, sliding into her from behind. My hips would smack her ass with every thrust as I took your gf, a little trail of her juices dripping down onto the floor every time I split her hole open with my shaft... She'd open her eyes, locking them with you, and she wouldn't say a thing, knowing you're watching her get fucked better than you ever could.
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red bokoblins...
I found this artist yesterday. It's great to see his work translated
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I'm trying to translate the new one but I'm slow and lazy
don't worry, take your time
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Fuck keep going
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My Jap is also ass
It's for the mission. If they showed how much they're hating this the cover would be blown! Better act like they are actually wanting to be treated like sex toys.
I'd grip her roughly by those nice wide hips while you watched me prop her up on the counter. You'd get to see every second of it, as I slowly pushed your gf's tight, pink pussy lips apart with the head of my raw cock, slowly pushing back into her while she shivered in pleasure, begging me to put it all in. She'd keep eye contact with you as I thrust into her, my balls slapping against her as the walls of her cunt squeezed around me. And you... Well, you'd just watch. You could stop this right now... But you won't. You'll just stare at her, rock-hard as you watch her giving it up to me. Go ahead and stroke yourself, cuck.
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This is so much hotter than Ganon NTR. In lore, Bokoblins lived for thousands upon thousands of years even after Ganondorf was sealed away and they’re exclusively male with no way to breed amongst themselves. The idea that breeding with hylians can’t be completely dismissed is so much hotter than some literal 11/10 omegachad fucking the princess as he takes over the kingdom. It’s subtle, disgusting but also hot because it actually makes sense in the universe (ie Link saving the world wouldn’t have any bearing on Hylians secretly bearing boko-babies)
What a clever way to make her admit Naruto is tiny down there.

NTA but agreed. I can also imagine how good-hearted Zelda feels bad about those little monsters, despite being a threat (but much less now that Ganon is sealed away). She doesn't want them to die out, maybe even thinks that by helping them they'd stop hurting others and such.
Or maybe that's just her making up reasons when she's just driven by the insatiable lust they provoke in Hylian women, which is the way they survived until now.
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one of my favorite ntr scenes is the defeated accepting of reality
after getting thoroughly cucked a normal everyday interaction flipped into something sexual for the wife and bull while the cuck has to go about the rest of the day normally
I love the stage right before this one. The cuck still can't believe what's happening and that it's slowly becoming his new reality, while his girl is treating the new situation as perfectly normal
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I'm trying to write a post ToTK fic, after Ganon's defeat and the end of blood moons, monsters are effectively extinct except for bokoblins, whose populations stayed stable and is even rising based on what she's heard
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two sides of the same coin I think
Yes, they are both great, one comes after the other
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so she kidnaps a red bokoblin and "studies" him, long story short, instead of marrying Link to signify the rebirth of the kingdom after Castle Town's rebuilding, she ends up marrying a bokoblin and preaches coexistence throughout the kingdom
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Make her pregnant
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dunno if anyone else has any examples but ive started to collect these
theyre more prominent in hypno ntr
I've stopped at BoTW but I guess it could fit after the end of it too.
I'd still have her marry Link, just that she frequently goes on "study trips" that last a few weeks and comes back a bit rounder, her breasts and hips fuller, her face glowing.
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Link finding bokosex in the Sheikah Slate/Purah Pad gallery
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This is actually pretty hot, yeah. I can imagine her doing in depth “research” on Bokoblins, monsters strong enough to pose physical dominance but never strong enough to actually harm a Hylian. There’s a risk involved but no dangerous that it’s perilous, maybe the pain is a turn on for some. Who knows?
This is also hot, and it would make sense that the reason they never died out was because they were born from Hylian wombs, unaffected by the blood moons. They’re just as sentient to the world as regular people but instead wait around in camps as they parade their Hylian goddesses in droves as a sort of festival ritual before breeding. Rough but never quite rape, just strong enough for the women to betray their husbands and have a little or two of bokos in secret.
And if she actually starts enjoying it, it's just an aspect of her own sexuality she's just now discovering! Certainly not something being induced in her!
Standing there, jerking yourself off until she finally breaks eye contact, closing her eyes as she leans back, showing off those sharp teeth as she cums around my cock. She'll go limp in my arms as I use her, accepting that she's going to get bred by a real man right in front of her pathetic cuck of a bf. All she'll be able to do is moan quietly, wrapping her legs and arms around me, pulling me in closer, not wanting to waste a single drop of my seed. You'll get to watch every second as my balls twitch after I slam myself into her as deep as she can take me, covering her womb with hot ropes of sticky semen. You'll shoot all over your own hand while I'm still filling her up, and once I'm done, leaving her impregnated and leaking right there on the counter, I won't even acknowledge that you exist. I'll just slap my cock, all covered in my cum and her juices, against her face, and she'll take it into her mouth to lick it clean.
>There’s a risk involved but no dangerous that it’s perilous, maybe the pain is a turn on for some
Maybe it's the bokos' pheromones that dull out the pain they inevitably inflict and turn them into pleasure. And it also makes that perceived risk erotic. A natural adaptation to make sure they always have Hylian women wanting to breed with them.
Their double nature, monsters but born from Hylian wombs, is why they didn't disappear but also they lost their violent instincts, not attacking unless provoked. Still they can't find a way to tell that to Hylians, so they'll still live separately from them: except for the secret encounters women share with them.
>Zelda finding bokosex featuring a crossdressing Link in the Sheikah Slate/Purah Pad
Exactly! They've just repressed their instincts for too long due to their military training. Now finally they're free to express their sexuality fully, and if it helps them in the mission it's even better. They certainly aren't being dragged down until they're too weak to escape.
Or being so changed that even if they did accomplish their mission, they'd simply start to looking for similar work on their own terms...
That was their last mission... But not in the usual sense. They came back safely, destroyed the enemy, just they resigned from military life right away.
Months later one of their male comrades, seeking consolation after the girl he loved left, finds them in a gentleman's club...
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Fuck i cum to that
And immediately finding himself paying for a good time with her... unaware that this new club was owned by the same people who ran the old one, in a typical 'cut off one head, two more grow' hydra scheme.
And this time there's no pretending she's doing it for the mission anymore. The criminals won, their worst enemies now harmless, their empire growing as the guy starts frequenting the club often to be with the girl he loves. Of course she has to entertain many others, breaking his heart... But he is totally addicted to her now.
Maybe he gets a hint about the new club being a cover, and more Taimanin women get sent there, repeating the cycle.
Imagine kissing those lips coated in semen.
A tasty treat after your hard work
Course, he might be subtly nudged to bring in other girls he likes... or other high value Taimanin. With the promise of getting to sample them once they're broken.
Once he realizes the love of his life will never be truly his, nothing matters anymore. He can just abandon himself to a life of lustful pleasures and even find satisfaction in bringing other women down just like his former beloved was.
I wish I could find an anon who would help me and give my waifu the mana refillment she needs
It's hard to have a magus wife...
Well, she could always be 'his' in a manner of speaking... having a 'husband' and a 'home' is very convenient for her employers. It just will never be an exclusive thing... but there are other wives he can be taking care of, if she's too busy.
Yeah, once he forgets all about the feelings he had for her, that could be convenient for him too. And an ulterior prize he gets for bringing the other Taimanins down. Who wouldn't want a slut at home? Even if she still needs to work. He could even be climbing the ranks of that criminal association and become more powerful that he'd ever have been if he stayed on the 'good' side. And have many more women eager for his cock too.
And it wasn't like he didn't get to experience the domestic bliss of coming home to his wife after work... it's just who is 'wife' on any given day might change depending on availability.
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Rebb <3
What does not change is that every wife of his is gorgeous, amazing in bed and super hungry for sex. And he knew each and every one of them before, when they all were in the military, and he jerked off to all of them. Now they're always serving him. One can get used to this
If you have a discord I might be able to help with that~
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More married vtubers need to make ntr videos
Terraria zoologist?
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slutty oshis...
Most vtuber fans would secretly love it if they heard some mysterious sounds in the background while their oshi was playing a game, seeming to have a hard time concentrating. Nothing's stopping them from streaming while they're riding their fuckbuddy's cock.
Of course, continued access means... continued service to their bosses. Something that's never quite forgotten.
yep! after the results of a goblin invasion
I admit, i love all terraria npcs. Most of ntr stuff ive seen was with the mechanic, but I'd not mind being a -lowly- goblin if it means getting to take them all either way
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The vtuber acting nonchalantly, as if everything is normal and stiffling her moans would be so fucking hot
post disc!
Would your oshi manage to close the stream before it got too obvious that she was feeling it? Or would you get treated to her having a shuddering orgasm in the middle of gameplay before she got herself together and tried to play it cool?
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I dont have one :>
I think his dick would start making feel her so good that she would get lost into it. She would forget/stop caring about being on stream and showcasing all of that to her audience until she recovers from her climax. Then she would realize what she just did, she would get super embarassed and hastily end the stream
She'd stop paying any attention to the game at all and just go afk while you can clearly hear her bouncing up and down on his cock. That mic would pick up every slimy little squish as he impaled the pussy every one of you viewers has dreamed about fucking, and she'd be too far gone to even realize it. It'd keep getting louder and louder, sloppier and messier, until her moans peaked the mic as she came... And then a few seconds of silence before a quiet "oh, fuck" and lots of fumbling to cut the stream. Expect a twitter damage control post soon! She's still pure!
Maybe with enough damage control on twitter, telling us a really bad explanation about how the sounds we were hearing were something else and with a strict chat moderation, she could sweep this incident under the rug. But her chat would never forget that experience, and they want to know more. They would ask her about her boyfriend and how experienced she is. At first she would try to ignore it, then get mad at them and pull out the banhammer. After getting too annoyed and realizing chat was never letting her go away with it, she would start induling them: she admits that despite being a streamer who pretends to be chat's boyfriend, she has a bf of her own, he has a huge dick and they have sex all the time. She would see the chat explode, with sadness, regret, anger, but also curiosity and arousal, making her very amused despite everything.
but i want to talk about 3d hotwaifus!
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we can still talk about them here
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is Rebb your only one?
If chat wasn't ever going to forget about it, and it seemed like they were enjoying it, she might as well start going along with it. It's not like all the other GFE tubers don't also have boyfriends, it's just that hers is a bit more of an... active participant. She might have to move to a different site after her first stream blew up, but her loyal fans would follow her. And it's not like she'd stop doing GFE, it'd just be GFE for fans interested in a certain kind of GF. Or fans coping about how they're totally self-inserting as the boyfriend.
I love Natalie too! especially that video of her making out with that black guy...
Yeah her new kind of content on youtube would not be the smartest idea. But there are plenty of other sites where her loyal fans would follow her to. She will finally be able to be more open about how she's like and what she wants her fan to see: their oshi getting railed on camera. Many of them were hoping for this moment from this start: they send donation to Kiara during the stream, asking her how good his huge cock feels inside of her while asking her to berate them for having such small dicks. Others are still in disbelief, they spent so many years fantasizing about becoming her prince that they really deluded themselves into thinking it was ever going to happen. They still jack off to the stream, because they still hear their beloved moaning in pleasure, but they have tears in their eyes and try to forget that it's another man fucking her.
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it's so hot! blacks are just one kind of male my hotwaifus should cuck me with...
>>73712162 (me)
I realized I said "Kiara" when this was a general fantasy. I guess I can't hide how much I want to be cucked by her
Who else?
Admitting it's wawa, admitting you'd be one of those fans donating to her begging her to get railed on camera... No hiding it, anon. Or would you pretend to hate it, and start off as one of those fans jacking off to the stream, trying to ignore the reality of what's happening on the other side of the screen?
Not that I don't understand your feelings. She's hot as fuck, vtuber and roommate. If you didn't have any experience with women like that, I can see why you'd be happy to see her in any sexual context... Even with another man. Are you one of those guys who can't quite give up on the dream of being her prince? Even while you're listening to another man grind her face into a pillow as she's getting plowed face-down, ass-up on stream? You could still save her, anon... Or try to, even if she'd never stop enjoying fat cocks no matter what her loving cuck of a boyfriend did.
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Warriors submitting to orcs
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blacks, shotas, homeless, dogs, geriatrics, fat slobs, horses, etc...
built to be knotted....
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Nat is mainly for refugees/"urban youth"
i've got other waifus that love the knot though
I can't do it. I'm not strong enough, neither phisically nor mentally. I'm not worhty of her, she's too beautiful to end up with something like me, I can't delude myself to that level. But it's not just that...the idea of my beloved oshi being such a big cock sex addict whore is more erotic than I can describe. No matter how shameful and pathetic this feeling is, I can't deny it. I want to see her getting her brains fucked on stream while all I can do is sending her money to buy condoms for him, I want her to ridicule me for being so powerless and worthless. I want keep jacking off to her and pathetically cumming on tissues while her boyfriend comes inside her beautiful pussy.

(Sorry for the late reply, I was busy with something)
Ouch, not even good enough for her in your imagination? You really are a cuck... But there's nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with your oshi riding cocks that would dwarf your little dick while she tells her chat aaaaalll about it. Maybe she'd even get a guest on every now and then, call it a holotalk reboot. Is it pathetic that you'd be showering her in superchats as you hear her boyfriend bottoming out inside her, shooting her full of thick, hot seed? Sure, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't feel good for you to shoot your own weak little load all over yourself at the same time... Not even imagining it was you inside her any more, just cumming to the thought of her getting fucked properly by a superior male. You're not worthless, though... To her, you're another KFP ATM, and she loves you for it as long as you keep supporting her streaming sex career. You should be proud.
(No worries, it's always nice getting to mess around with another holofan)
That's good to hear...even if I'm a pathetic cuck who gets off the idea of my oshi being a huge slut, jumping from one dick to another without any shame whatsoever, I can still be of use to her. I can support her and make her happy, sending her money to support her career as a professional slut. I'm sure being the one to fuck her once would feel great too, making love to my oshi who I have adored and supported for years, but spurting my worthless seed on the floor hearing her moan in a blissful pleasure I could never make her feel, feels just as good, right?
It might feel good for you, but think about it. Would she really get anything out of feeling you thrust uselessly inside her a few times before you shot a thin, weak little spurt into her? That's just a waste of her time, anon, and it wouldn't be good for you or her. It probably feels almost as good for you to use your hand, and let's be honest, it's all you deserve. Even if you had her in front of you, every curve yours to do as you please with, you wouldn't last two minutes before you came all over her, stammering out some pathetic apology while she mocked you. You're both happier when she's getting a real big dick, one with stamina, one that's going to paint her insides with the thick ropes she deserves.
If you love your oshi, you'll want the best for her, no matter what that means. If that means funding her travel, hotel rooms, meetups with fans better than you in every way... You'd love that, right?
You are absolutely right...I bet I would cum just from kissing her, I would wet my pants with my pathetic seed just from the feeling of her tongue inside of my mouth. Let alone if I were to see her beautiful body naked, or my dick being in the proximity of her pussy. I will never be able to give her what she deserves, the kind of sex a perfect woman like her is owed. I should just keep working hard for her sake, making a lot of money for her that she can use to buy nice clothes, sexy lingerie so she can seduce real men, men that could make her reach the star with their huge dicks, their strong arms wrapped around her tiny body while they relentlessly pound her pussy until they flood it with their superior and virile seed.
I would love to support her from the sidelines, stroking my little dick off thinking about her sex escapades when I have free time
Your money might just be a drop in the bucket, a few extra dollars she doesn't even acknowledge as she's arching her back, the lips of her pussy stretched to their limits as she takes another girth shaft. You're ok with that, right? Just being another faceless ATM cuck on the sidelines, one of thousands spilling their useless seed to her while she's on her back, under men who actually deserve to use her body. You've got to do your best, and maybe, after you've saved up enough for a nice, big supa, she'll manage to stammer out a "thanks anon" as a man holds her by the hips, piercing her from behind, hitting spots you don't even know exist. Of course, she'll forget all about it the second she feels him burst inside her until his seed's dripping out of her slit...
Don't get too distracted thinking about what she's up to, anon, you need to keep making enough to support her!
It hurts hearing her struggling to say my name properly while thanking me for the superchat I worked hard for. She can't even finish pronouncing it that she instinctively screams "oh god, oh fuck" while moaning at the top of her lungs. The doggystyle is the most convenient position during her sex streams because she can both feel his huge dick penetrating her in her deepest spots and because she can look at the screen at the same time. I send her another big superchat, hoping to get thanked properly, it's my only purpose after all, I need her kind words to make me keep working hard for her sake. But just as she was about to say my name, her boyfriend grabs her torso, pulls her towards her face and gives her a passionate french kiss. She melts instantly and kisses him back with as much fervor.
All that money straight to her, and even your name gets completely wiped out by the pleasure her boyfriend's giving her. Forgetting all about that cuck's name she couldn't finish saying as she stares at the screen with glazed eyes, her tits swinging as her boyfriend stretches her from behind. You've already lost to him in every way imaginable, but now... He's even taken that little victory of having her say your name. You don't even get to imagine it's you bringing her some little bit of that pleasure. Trying again, only to feel your heart sinking as he pulls her up, roughly groping her breasts as she twists back, surrendering her mouth to him... At least you'd get a good view of her pussy lips hugging his shaft while he wipes any memory of your name out of her mind. Maybe next stream... You can keep working hard for that, right?
(Going to be away for a bit. Back later, unless you want to share your tag)
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You’re preparing for a date with your gf/waifu/etc when she sends you this pic, what do
I'll have go to sleep soon (it's past 2am here), but I'll gladly share my tag
Reply telling her to have a great night.
Steal him away from her for a date.
>>73691881 (OP)
Need AI anon that will gen my waifu fucking any character he want.
Discord: razoredges
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Cucks and low-effort "bulls" who just come in to drop a tag and bail are the worst~
Put some effort in, give the lurkers something to beat it to, and share your tags once you're done! It's just good manners.
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Other men are playing ROUGH with your wife and she loves it...
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Who's your waifu?
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NTA, but maybe you can make some gens of my waifu fucking all sorts of bulls, anon~?
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>>73691881 (OP)
What makes you come back here?

Nowadays you can role-playing getting NTR/NTSed by AI chatbots or role-play NTRing a character. You can also just browse images easily through Pixiv and Danbooru. So... what makes you come back?
I like to play as an observer or bull, it would just feel silly to do that with AI. The whole point is to get an anon and his waifu hooked, then have fun finding out exactly what flavor and style of NTR makes him tick until he's just cucky putty in my hands. I also think it's better for my writing skills to play with a real person than AI. I keep coming back here to mess around in public, mostly. There's also the fact that cucks have a tendency to spiral out into shame and ghost+delete instead of asking to take a break, so the cuck roster often needs to be refilled.
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I rarely (actively) participate in the roleplay here although some of them are quite hot to read through
My favorite dynamic is swapping stories and fantasies with fellow cucks and empathizing with their heartbreak
also some of the prompts and responses get my head whirring in pleasant ways (as a matter of fact I love the sex work one~)
I come here every now and then to read anything I find hot and in rare occasions participate.
You have to pay for anything decent. As shitty as these theads are, I'd rather post here instead.
Because I like interaction with another person instead of text generator. My main problem is that AIs tend to go on to some weird tangents and it ruins the immersion, when I have to make them redo their answers.
>also, I don't consider this cheating if Ivy was defeated by the lizardman and used by him.
i like snapping anons' minds in half and making them type in all caps that they're my cuck
are you the anon that was posting her in that /v/ thread a while back..?
Body filled with cyber parts to keep her alive just to be a living sex doll
Memory completely wiped, replaced with terabytes of porn and sex positions
Can effortlessly milk dozens of drug addicted cocks
Would suck if that happened to your dead mother or girlfriend
Rich bullies disposing of her out of boredom later on
knowing i'm wasting the time i could spend learning to flirt with women by talking to anons who want nothing but to make me into a submissive cuck is so exciting
You should waste your time talking to me!
Which gacha has ntr, implied or otherwise?
Nikke if I am right, I think it even had some drama behind it.
That taimanin gacha game and FGO where Mash (almost) fucked a Lion.
what would you do to my waifu and me? i've never been able to fully satisfy her insatiable lust but maybe a man like you could
Id start by making her give my sweaty cock and balls a tounge bath while i stroke her hair
>low effort "bull"
this is why we take it to discord
Got more like this ?
she's so good with her tongue i can barely hold it in when ever she suck my dick, she'll have your cock and balls as good as new
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Not sure if this is raceplay but I have this fantasy where white people are banned form having sex altogether, both men and women, and they are forced to watch every other ethnicity in the world racemix togheder and fuck all day
Then id make her call her friends over so i can fuck them too! And so they can laugh at you >w<
i'm sure they'll all want a piece of you, you can call your friends too, make sure they all get a real man to fuck their curves the way my laughably small dick could never
Silly billy why would i share these wonderful pieces of fuck meat with anyone!

Besides they need to line up for their facials
they'll be so happy to taste your thick creamy seed, while i dribble a sad watery load as they lap up all the cum you covered their face in
Next i'll take turns fucking each of them doggy style! The others will twerk while they wait their turn

You can even touch their butts this time
ngh, thank you sir, ochako said she can't wait to feel your massive cock inside her anymore, but the girls won't let me touch them

they said their bodies are for alphas only
Then make yourself useful by rubbing my balls while i give these girls orgasms!
o-of course, i'll be sure to massage and lick your balls as you pump these girls into a heavy breathing mess
Dis you know your girl is a squirter btw!
As an AGP anon I’ve had to deal with my fair share of problems with both cucks and bulls but I’ve always found low effort bulls to be the worst. Some people here are just naturally boring and assume the mere mention of cock is enough to get you on your knees. No flirting, no teasing, no back and forth, hell some of them don’t even add pictures to their posts.
>TLDR: the worst you’re gonna see from a see from a cuck i-i-is s-somebody w-who t-types l-like this e-every 3 seconds but the worst bull will type like “plapping my big cock for you sluts!”
i want to feel that squirt on my face so bad, i wanna hear her moan in ecstacy and ask you to put a baby in her so bad
If i put a baby in any of these girls you have to raise them
then i'll do my best to raise them right while you and ochako fuck nonstop
kek >>73722441
Good nonny hows that cock of yours holding up
Didn’t the Taimamin gacha let you NTR people if they lost their PvP but everyone just ended up using the couple men so they didn’t lose their waifu
ochako anon here and i'll admit, compared to what we did on this same thread last night, this is getting boring

i'm going to bed, maybe next time i come by it won't end on a wimper
I already planned on ending it for night its ok nonny
I don’t blame you I could tell by your posts how little fun this seemed
>anal daddy
Please tell me more about it.
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Which vtuber do you think would cuck you if she had the chance?
Korone hopefully
Deku is so cute with a cock on his face
>You have to watch this! I'm so glad! But, I have to warn you that if you're going to get it, you're going to need to start drinking right now.
I am missing something here
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The ideal cuck POV
Her new student watching as she rewards the winner of the last dojo tournament
My wife making a dick sleeve mould of anon's cock and only letting me have sex with her if I wear it
Don't be silly. The mold isn't for you, is for her. She feels so blessed to be fucked by me that she wants to share the pleasure and peg you with the same shape. I am sure you'll love my cock poking your prostate.
How embarrassing, I eagerly start to wear your dick, excited despite how emasculated needing to wear it makes me, only for her to laugh and ask what I thought I was doing. What it's for is actually much much more emasculated. Especially when she makes me moan your name while she pegs me with it
I personally find it more emasculating if she were to cage my penis and then wear anon's dick mould over it. Even more if I'm wearing a flat cage so she can screw the dildo over it and it looks like it's my actual cock.
Things will get much worse when she actually starts to treat you like I do her. Hair pulling until you starts crying, her pointed nails digging in your ribs and drawing a bit of blood, her firm palms constantly making contact with your jiggling ass, her arms wrapping around your neck and getting tighter with each thrust inside your bitch hole... it's almost as violently and wild as I am. Almost.

Just be careful. If Makima notices you getting hard by any of that, she might offer you the real thihg.
This is basically what I had in mind at first. It's very embarrassing to have to have sex with a better man's penis
Demoted from boyfriend to the bottom of our food chain. You roughly fuck Makima until she's crying your name, for her to then roughly fuck me until I'm crying your name, but then it seems there's no one for little cuck me to fuck. If I want an orgasm it'll have to come from Makima making me a bitch with your cock, until I can't fight it anymore, trying so hard to hold back to preserve some dignity, but as the woman I love (the woman you fuck) pins me down and thrusts harder ordering me to moan your name, I can't help but spurt out a few pitiful cuck drops. She'll never look at me the same after that
wrong. Ideal is when she's getting fucked from behind while holding your hand, kissing you, and telling you how much she loves you and how good she feels
Sad. Your dicklet crying your watery load on the sheets is the worst it could happen. It won't be long before there's a leash around your throat and you're being dragged to my house, tied to my bed and watching from up close my she kneeling before me just by your side, removing my pants and revealing to you the veiny, throbbing template that was used as base to turn you into a moaning mess. Rock hard cock resting over her flushed face while she side eye you and asks if you want to taste "the real thing" with her.
>It's very embarrassing to have to have sex with a better man's penis
Even worse if she never allowed you to put your penis inside her...
I like how he's shivering and traumatised. He didn't ask for this too.
The difference between a cuck and a threeway is if you'll fuck her from behind or not
>firmly grasp his balls
>lift up until his anus can be seen
>fuck his asshole
>use your other free hand to play with her holes too (this part is optional)
Why would you fuck a goblin?
A hole's a hole, and they might be tight. If you can't fuck your lover, may as well fuck the goblin that's fucking her.
Imagine how fucked up it'd be for him to be forced to fuck his own mom
Fucking love this image. Can someone edit the guys to have black skin, like nomus, and this is some sort of way to temporarily incapacitate them.
I'm here to hang out with the boys
>the boys in question
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A computer telling me about fucking my waifu isn't as hot. And they just reflect what I'd want to hear rather than having their own desires.
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>And they just reflect what I'd want to hear rather than having their own desires.
This tbdesu. I find more enjoyment in playing along with the bull's fantasies than my own even if they push some of my limits. In a realistic scenario the cuck would have very little power over over the situation.
It goes both ways I think.
It's not as fun to have a bot try to pretend to get cucked while you fuck a waifu in front of them.
Weird as it might be NTR seems to need both parties play into the scenario fully or it's not the same, might as well fap to normal erp corruption at that point.
My waifu wears more revealing outfits when strangers are around
god I hate this tsundere bitch so much
That's just her way of showing hospitality, you want your guests to leave with a good impression right?
They always go back to abusechad
Asanagi changed our planet forever.
I suppose you're right, they always leave happy. She's very excited to keep them company, too
Yes, it's also good manners for her to take care of their needs at all hours. So it's natural that she spends long hours with them alone.
Such a diligent girl.
Just spending time with the fellas
She insists on waiting on them personally, her hard working nature is part of why I love her! She delivers whatever they like to their chambers all by herself whenever they call. She does it all without question.. she's wonderful.
She's really a great catch. She knows you are tired and wants you to relax, that's why she tells you to stay in your room while she moves into their chamber and locks the door behind.
She works so hard she is always sweaty and short on breath after looking at your guests.
>what she's wearing for him tonight
She speaks so highly of them every time she returns, I'm glad she enjoys serving them! I hope they enjoy her hospitality as much as she enjoys being called on. Seeing her put her all into making sure they're well taken care of makes me happy..
God I love this artist so much.

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