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Good day everyone, I hope you're all doing okay lately. I'm happy to be alive and happy to post another monthly thread. I look forward to seeing your posts this month, and until next time, I wish you the best!
A collection of greentexts, prompts, and other writing from WifWolf Monthly:
View all previous monthly threads:
An archive of related art:
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>>73695054 (OP)
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Wiif you, a woolf?
I desperately need those muscular arms around me.
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How many fictional works out there, be it movies, games, comics, TV shows, or even books, feature full-on werewolf nudity?
With genitals? Outside of furry culture? I’d expect none.
Is this just hmofa but focused on wolves?
Chica knows how to deal with her wolf wife.
Ok, fortune cookie. I'm gonna hold you to that.
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You are not wrong....
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Is this a Roxy thread? What is this thread?
A thread mainly for female werewolves, but female wolf characters in general are accepted.
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I’m not going to dump pics alone. Next bump won’t be from me.
I'd spend all day doing that.
If only that greentext on /co/ was finished...
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I'm stuck at work so I can't bump too much. Thank you for your service anon.
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