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Previous Thread: >>73624878

Archives: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/aibf/

Image Creation:

Video Creation:

Song Creation:

Sekret Klub: https://discord.gg/yPzqegrG7v

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugiugMgIiZw [Embed]
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Apparently, prompting for "HACKING CIA" or similar text is a big no no.
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Fifi is cute and talented!
>>73697687 (OP)
>Hacker Edition
Is hack-and-slashing allowed?
Instead of hacking computers can we hack jeets heads off?
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Be careful. He might be hacking your IP right now!

Only good hacker I can think of..
Can't remember if his hair is green or purple?
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Perchance refuses to do wrestling gear in the color I ask but gets bra and panties right 100% of the time.
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She's typing "%appdata%"
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Hacking into the mainframe as we speak.

Greetings, fellow hackers.
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>>73697687 (OP)
Some older gens that seem appropriate
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l-lewd! is that viperia??!

whats this cutie going to do with my information?
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Yes and she wants the snexo
i would be more than happy to participate in snexo >:3
>>73697687 (OP)
Thanks for baking, Fifi (hacker)!
Can't have that happen. CIA won't let anyone steal all the information they stole first.
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>>73697687 (OP)
Shadowrun Troll cracking a server.
How scandalous! It's wrestlers gone wild!
The server was cracked alright.
She looks great in that outfit. A hoodie with a hole for a ponytail is actually kinda clever idea. Hope everyone had a nice day. The weekend is getting closer and very soon we shall all be free again.
Good night everyone.
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>>73697687 (OP)
I love that late 90s "surfing the web" aesthetic
Brain hacking?
Good morning, thread!
>But can she run Doom?
I wish you a good night, fren. Hope things have been good to your side of things. All the best!
Hope you slept well, fren. The roof might not be the comfiest place to sleep but at least they are wearing pyjamas.
Why not? Anything can be hacking if you call it that. They had that whole "life hack" thing not that long ago. Kids got really hyped up over concepts like reusing plastic bags, kek.
Good morning to you and your cute weasel girls.
Good morning/night to Emma too.
Good morning to you too, anon! That is an amazing gen. I love the style.
Binge watching those cheese videos again. I see.
>"Welcome to the web young Pip.'
and welcome to another 15 minute wait, aaaghh!
Ok, so the 1,200 odd klm drive is finished (almost), now the bit I hate, the 12 hour ferry trip 0_0
More cyber Pip.
And I lose internet once we set sail...
Turns out, yes!
Just don't get coy about what the controller might be.
A bit up and down, spent too much to get something fixed, but at least it works again! Hoping things are good for you and everyone reading this.
Good morning-afternoon-evening to you as well. It's getting pretty late at the moment, but daylight savings has thrown off my sense of everything.
Yes. Very yes.
Trippy and awesome! Reminds me of entirely too many times making geographic elevation maps
That looks great. Love the pose.
That's a long trip. Hope the sea will be calm for the ferry part. See you again when you get the connection back.
This is a very intriguing look.
Noice! Time for a speedrun.
Thanks and same to you, fren. At least your project was a success. :)
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90s kids after downloading their first porn jpeg.

Good morning. These girls look like trouble. The good kind of trouble.

Good morning. That is a beautiful gen!

Have a safe journey!
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Thanks! My go to prompts are "cinematic lightning" and "golden/silver dust".
I wish a safe trip to you and Pip.
Thanks! That's what it unfortunately does.
Good morning! So it yours!
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Mining for gems is hard work
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Good afternoon. (Animated version of >>73710840)
Digital end-times as everything is formatted
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Pajeet needs to quit the microshit censorship department and go back to running the kwik-e-mart. It's not working for him.
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They're never going to improve this thing. It's less functional than they day they released it while billions of dollars continue disappearing down the toilet and third world inbreds that don't even use one fight to stop you from genning a woman's bare ankle.
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Winter fit

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