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>Ponytail edition

A place to discuss anything related to established or up-and-coming DTVA shows and other Western cartoons that feature cute n' funny female protagonists.

>MEGAS (to be expanded):

>The Ghost And Molly McGee

>Hailey's On It!

>The Owl House



>Hamster And Gretel

>Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur


>Star vs. the Forces of Evil


>Twelve Forever


>Harriet The Spy


>Big City Greens

>Previous thread:
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Red is cute! CUTE!
Red has the cutest little toes.
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>>73698625 (OP)
Who's she dressed as?
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/4purh7.png
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I miss Andy.
Generic Belly Dancer. I want to say Shantae but I'd be wrong. Got to say, she's definitely got the gams for dancing, just needs a teacher that isn't a book and actually can walk the walk instead of just talking the talk.

Nah. She'd probably try, and fail, at ballroom dancing before also failing to perform another meme dance.
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she found me. So I'm all hers?
She's suffering from a Vampire Bunny Curse. Breeding Frenzy. You will not survive.
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best way to go I guess
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>swampman is back
That was a great delivery. Gotta make my own version later
She doesn’t have a penis so no kidding
Never been a fan of massive booba, and it looks extra ridiculous on a loli.
we need more of her
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Sexo Peni
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>>73698625 (OP)
Long bigger ponytail and dancer outfit

God now I wanna put her in shantae's outfit or some sort of slave girl outfit
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Post Francis
The nifty girl.
Massive frog milkers.
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I want to rub her privates through her swimsuit
it could be the perfect ending
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Possibly the most wincest ship ever
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The soft spider girl cheeks.
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Maybe some of the girls from this show weren't half bad.
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>>73698625 (OP)
that is one biiig ponytail
she'll be back for sure.
whbooo is this?
it goes like
pines > ben and gwen > jane and trent > wilykit and wilykat > pietro and wanda
she was bad though.. she needs comeuppance
She'd give you the same smile throughout but it would still be fun.
anon that is gross

don't call them 'privates'
Eww! They are cousins! GROSS!
cousins have always been okay.
but if your parents are cousins, you might not wanna repeat that with your cousins. Couple times in a row, that can be an issue.
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she is a cute cousin
That's some good Gwen. Is it a Yoruichi fusion or something?
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Swampman's back with Maddie's front.
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Thought so. I recognized that cat lightning form. Guess it was a request then.
Numbuh 3 with the ability to make imaginary friends would be a nightmare
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that's way cute
new disney elf girl?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HdAXetubTU [Embed]
wow this looks prtycute.
i appreciate the sideways mouth spider guy
and I'm amazed in this day and age of nintendo suing the fuck out of people, they had the balls to just use zelda music for the unfinished trailer.
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My attempt at a pantyshot edit
lil sneaky peak
only problem is the pattern on the skirt is being eaten up instead of squished. yeah the original does that too, but it's weirder here. at least one line would help, to outline the curve
Made for Big Ten Cock (both of them)
>More WMxF content
Based but what the fuck is this? This is some pretty quality animation but in 6 hours it doesn’t even have 600 views? Some kind of indie animation or a cancelled show?
nobody watches anything anymore
we are on the fading embers of a fire that will never be relit, followed by endless darkness.
Is there no animator who can link the fire?
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that would require an industry to exist.
Right now, even if everybody in the world did exactly what I told them, I don't think there's any recovering here. It's not just the damage China has done, it's the dwindling existence of basic intelligence and skills.
it's a disney tva show
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Yes, very. We need more.
>get a job as a disney animator
>they show you the collection of erotic fanart people have done, so you know what you're in for
>"hey, that's one of mine!"
Yes, Korean-American loli is very kawaii.
she looks a lil tan to be korean. are we sure?
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>Anon hasn't been black-pilled on Asian beauty standards
so you're suggesting she's using tanning agents like a 90s ganguro? Is there an equivalent to that in Korea? because she's not from korea, she's from america. Does she just live somewhere really sunny? Meaning there's tanlines under there? because koreans are pale as shit. even more than chinese and japanese.
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>Disney finally spends millions of dollars to perfect ass shaking 3D animations and it's for the most unappealing designs possible

>named Gordita
>is thin as shit
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A lot of East Asians have that tawny brown skin tone with a yellowish tint, the only truly paper white ones are usually outlier groups or are doing something to make them whiter, that said yeah she should still be a probably a bit lighter, tgamm did the same weird thing too by making that “Korean” popstar group look like Filipinos
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do not reply to it
nnnnooooo... southeast asians have that skin tone. arctic asians have that skin tone
sino-japanese are pale. yeah they can tan, just like a lot of white people can. but in their default state, they're whitepeople-colored. I have no idea where that 'yellow' shit comes from.
anyway yeah either way it's more extreme. which is fine, if it's a sunny area. i'm sure sunny parts of china have really tan people too.
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It's an ironic nickname from her grandma. Her real name is Heather
Yes. Very much so.
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Hehe, these two <3
Ah, i remember i named those two qnd made them gay for eachother...
Good times
you have never seen an east asian 99 percent of the time chang is very obviously not the same color as brad
chang is absolutely the same color as brad
vienthong isn't
and in fairness, none of them are the same color as paddy. that's pushing pale to new heights.
Seems like it? Though that channel has a lot of random pitches and test footage. Following the links it seems like he's an animator. I wouldn't be surprised if that Nutwood was a pitch from a while back that didn't go anywhere either. Or maybe we'll be hearing about it soon. All of that channel's videos are relatively new uploads. He even had the Star Vs Nick pilot which I am not sure I've seen before.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdj8VHbXiGU [Embed]
i still kinda wish we got this version of Star.
i await the next female protag who is just full gremlin mode most of the time.
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>i await the next female protag who is just full gremlin mode most of the time

i got you. I'm right here
I do too. Maybe one day we'll get a girl like comic schizo Star as a lead.
die already maggot
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I actually came up with a fake magical girl idea myself back in like 2000. For my anime story that I never even properly started but had characters and plot outlines for.
She was going to bring her costume around in her backpack and then dance around while getting dressed in it and pretend it all took three seconds and nobody can attack her in the meantime. Which they don't because they're too bewildered. And this setting -had- people with low-level powers and scifi junk, so...
she cute. what from.
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Lego Elves
holy shit.
i guess i shouldn't be surprised. 'lego friends' was the first thing with good art in CG since ReBoot.
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anon, saying kill yourself is THEIR thing. it's their thing they say to us. along with 'bruh'
just starve it of attention. eventually it'll die on its own from brain no worky.
Not him but that hasn’t worked for nearly 2 years so I doubt it
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Its actually being 4 years
this one doesn't seem autistic. this is an oldschool troll.
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And in that time I scared away the /TLHG/ autist from blog posting after a 2 year reign, saving the threads. Scared away South Korean transdrea posters and Murrlogic1 from the /tgamm/ threads. And outlasted the scatposters from the /cuteboygeneral/ threads, turning it into a reformed general. Building up my stats as the gojira of /trash/

All at times when you guys got tired of me, so I went to do something else. Definition? I'm like really cool and you should like me. I do this for you, keeping away weirdos. Y'all should like Primos a little bit as thanks in return
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Look, it may not seem like it. But, you guys are unhealthy obsession with girls. And it's banned on this board. But, you should check out good shows, with good writing. Like Primos. I've been watching it for 3 years. It will make you happy. Like the beatles said "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."
And then awesome harmonies on the last album. All the shows you thought would be good sucked. This is your last chance to like something good that's on topic for the general
You seem like-minded. Drop me a name sometime. I think guys like us should, team up. Do some good. Like, if you draw we could collab
Kong would be better actually*
fucking souless primo poster
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>souless primo po-ACK!
hmm. I do draw.. and I do think we should team up. But I fail to see what we can do.
Well let's just say I might drop some art in tonight if I can finish it, and the name I'm usin' is my Discord.
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Hmm, is "drop" a clue? Wink, wink, knudge knudge. If not it's cool. Maybe we can art trade, maybe not. I don't got many ideas either. Just keep your head up, on the straight and narrow path, my friend.
Hearty kek
hm no, but 'cool' might be a clue.
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Hmm, interesting.
well that was a painfully gay exchange
She certainly looks like she's in need of one. Even if I don't remember her at all.
iirc the deal was she strung the boys along for her own benefit, and then felt bad about it, but not that bad

back to 2013 for some cute shit I thought of.
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Not as cute as my all time fav, but...yes.
What is this girl's name?
Full Image Please?
Lily Wyld/Pak
Cropping it just enough to hide Molly's sweet soles. You always do know just how to tease. Lily is cute. Here's hoping her show is fun.
A rare Mabel-less episode. No less cute though. Always did like that fluffy hat she had. Cute stuff CF. Wasn't sure if we'd be getting solo and duo episodes like these a long the way.
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Here's Amity ass
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Eww, that's disgusting. She poops from there!
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>No, you can't lick my armpits
Tan Amity and her tight round butt. Nice stuff Smoke.
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Molly McSneed
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Amity doesn't poop actually she does that thing Hogwarts wizards do where they magic their feces into the streets like Indians
Thanks anon
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MIR, your presence in the Primos thread hasn't been felt. We miss you
They actually wore cheerleader outfits?
Just the witches. Sadly we never see Hedgehog wearing one. Such a miss opportunity
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I wasn’t asking
Mir feet how I missed ye
>indian hogwarts
Horrifying thought
Excellent booty DOE
Overalls are so hot

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