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Big Steppy Edition

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73685983
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Macro mustelid ladies for life!
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How do you wear your micros?
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>like macro
>90% of macro art is either city rampage or footfag shit
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>Genetically modify wolves as bipedal giants to act as bio superweapons for a war
>War eventually ends
>Now have a race of giant wolf people with human intelligence and the ability to reproduce
>Hire them for jobs that take advantage of their size such as couriers
>Guess humanity has giant wolf-people as coworkers now
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If I have to wait this long for chapter 3 and there ends up being no Susiezilla I'm going to turn Tobyfox inside out
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This was posted in the previous thread, does anyone happen to know the source?
susiezilla works best as a muscle macro desu
It'll be Toriel instead
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strongfat is a good bodytype for Susie
why not both? you need two kaiju to have a giant monster fight after all
grow up/stay in your containment
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>stay in your containment
No! Let me out of here!
Ahhh~ sorry anon, you stay in the jar until there's enough liquid so that you can fill out the top, you know the rules.
Dude, go back to /pol/, we just want to post and talk about giant furries here.
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You can't swim *glub* in semen *glub* you bastard! You just *glub* sink to the bottom. Get met *glub* out here, I'm *glub* drowning!
Oh uh... Whoops. Ill fish you outta there when i feel like getting cum on my paws
This is the type of macro that gets poisoned in it's sleep
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sekvra my beloved
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