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Sesbian Lex Edition

A general for those who enjoy the lewd side of the vtuber world.
Fantasize, discuss, ERP with, or post NSFW of your favorite corpo or indie vtubers!
Don't just lurk, feel free to contribute in any way: by worshipping your oshi in the thread, joining other anons having fun, or even indulging other anons's fantasies about any chuuba!

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73629044/
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I love it when chuubas get a bit gay.
I NEED to fuck a Suisei crossplayer while I'm wearing my Pioneer gear. I'd even buy the cosplay for him if he's cute.
Last thread there was talk about doing an anon orgy, but what about an anon gangbang?
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What is the difference?
Wonder if someone has ever fulfilled the Suisei friend thing in real life. Sounds like a good time.
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In hindsight I should have replied directly here instead of last bread, but thank you to this anon >>73701153 for mentioning the concert, it made me happy to know you liked it too.

I think it makes for very good eye candy.
I wanna shove my tongue there in the middle
My only wish for her rm now is to be this thicc.
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It was her first 3d birthday live so I wasn't going to miss it!
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Possibly all day and every day, and in company.

Ah, of course, of course. It's a little thing but, again, I appreciated it.
The MV was nice too.
Howree sheet that cameltoe.

Its like...she's anticipating me to do her dirty.
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Somehow this makes me want to give Erb some anal.
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Raora likes to watch!
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It looks like GG is enjoying herself too.
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There must be a cute anon or two out there who'd be up for it. Anons are all friends with each other, so it would basically just be one of your friends crossdressing to cheer you up.
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I like this one in particular.
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I've shot cum all over myself to this one so many times.
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I've used that one before too!
dangerous lion smell
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Mating musk
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I wish the full set had the otomo audience, that's the hottest part.
For me personally, girly look 98% otherwise my boner would die. I cannot get gay unless the other party can pass for a girl. Hope you get lucky tho.
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Nta but, say no more. Easy peasy.
Sorry about the litter, but she looks a bit too flat here and I'm paranoid.
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You're amazing! If you could add the otomos outlines in the corner, that would make me cum buckets.
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Ah, sorry! They totally escaped my field of vision. So that's what you meant, I thought it was just the text.
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These are awesome, thanks!
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I'm not sure why those little guys tickle your fancy there, but we may as well do the whole thing now. All Otomos are my tomos.
Do you want the both the text and the Otomos? Or just the latter?
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Just the otomos are fine since it makes more sense for these. I love the idea of Ceci having her otomos watch as she gets bred.
Thanks so much for your edits, you're a doll. Pun intended.
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>I love the idea of Ceci having her otomos watch as she gets bred.
Well, if that gets you going, Otomo audience it is. It's a very easy thing to do.
>Thanks so much for your edits, you're a doll.
Chu, chu, chu. Feel free to ask for whatever else may go through your mind, if you ever spot me.

I think this should be all of them?
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Perfect! Thanks again, kind anon.
I want to cum on Anya's cute doll face...
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Unenthusiastic clock paizuri or unenthusiastic clock buttjob... I can't choose.
Buttjob sounds like the wurst~
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Yeah, it'd be awful having her plush cheeks envelop your shaft while she half-heartedly grinds her hips up and down on it. The most she'd react is when you inevitably lost to her ass and shot all over her back.
It also make a silly pun about sausages and buns that CC would like.
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Anon.. dahlah..
That means I did a good job right?
After quickshooting for Shion. I really need to blow a fat nut to this slutty cat. Next time for sure.
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Getting Lap-Sama pregnant? What a joyous occasion. Will be getting her more and more pregnant and have many breeding sessions to have one big happy family. Also use her horns as handle bars during sex.
Impregnation good
Laplus passed out full of cum, unable to walk from the pounding she got good
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If your goal was to make me say "dahlah" you did exceptionally well. Keep it up and I may even go for "haiyaa" next time.

I can't read pregnancy tests.
Isn't she mocking him for not getting it? Is she in for a bad surprise?
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I just wanted a smile.
>I can't read pregnancy tests.
one line not pregante
two lines pregante
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It's okay, I was just joking. I like puns, the sillier the better.
I also like saying dahlah, though.

Thank you, very clear.

Oh yeah, I could have done that as well. Thank you.
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Try using pregnancy tests a few times until you're sure you understand how they work.
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Shrek NO!
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That sounds like a solid idea, but I'd need some volunteers.
I like to think I could do it first try.
That shouldn't be too hard, right?
It's not a race, take your time. You'll be at it all night anyways to make sure the test can pick up an accurate result later.
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Big ups for my man Sherk!
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There is no better oyakodon in all of vtubing.
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Breed the Pippa and make her wear the cum in her suit
whoever pulled me out of that would be crowned king arthur
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Breed the Pippa tight bunny pussy and make her wear the BRkini
Breedable bunny.
Turns out nurgle rabbit was really slanesh all along
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This yabbit gonna get it.

Capcha: kok 8g
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A little change of pace
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This pink bitch has almost single-handedly given me a 'flatty with a fat ass' fetish.

Never pictured myself being the nasty motherfucker stroking his shit at a normal fucking stream wondering what this dumb hick bunny sounds like cumming her brains out.

So you want to fuck Pippa?
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I do, I want to fuck her HARD!

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I think he wants to fuck Pippa.

L-Lewd audio.
Portable sex rabbit
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I m a g i n e
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Precisely were she belongs
On the end of a fat cock?
But hotter if the man reverses his position
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True. This bratty yabbit needs to be creampied & impregnated.

Any position is fine imo, as long as she's getting fucked.
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Just look at how pink those nipples are
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I'm starting to think that anons want to have sex with Pippa.
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Why would you think that?
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Nah, I don't want to have sex with Pippa.
What I want is to FUCK Pippa.
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You're banned from Pippakistan.

It's a mere hunch.

Also valid!
Don’t know anything about her but her looks make her breedable.
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Who so mean
Would you still love your oshi if she fucked giant insects?
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>It's a mere hunch.
An accurate one.

Because you didn't want to fuck the mouldy yabbit.

I would love her more, and maybe even join her.
Big bugs hot.

Erotic Italian brat.
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The most erotic
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I love Panko "Hard R" Manko too, but Pippers is my #1 Sad Girl.
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Both of them need severe fucking
She better keep the ears on
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>keep the ears on
What about the tail plug?

The sad girls need a nice, long, rough fucking to make them less menhera.
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Nothing can fix her
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Anon, have you SEEN how Shiina treats her Sad Bees?
The woman is begging to be bred & knocked up.
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it still wouldn't fix her
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It would help.
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She's such a sexy brat
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Really wish I could cum all over Panko, Pippa & Shiinas feet.
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cum goes in her manko
Need to impregnate Ina
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Yeah, I'm putting mine in her footmanko
I respect this anon.
If I had this present for Christmas. I wouldn’t ask for anything for the rest of my life. Perfect, fun size onahole.
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Find it hilarious how they depict her as a loli when she is clearly a teen on her way to adulthood.
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Raora and Kiara should ride cocks together.
Off after I fill it and plug it back up. I want to breed Shina she is asking for it
Delusion time:

She gives herself to me(or a clone of her as Shion)as her graduation gift.
Real friends get bred together!
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>air force ones
erofi with style, nice.
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They should ride mine.
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So anyways, what happened to glazedincubus, did he die or something?
Erofi is always fashion forward
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He went quiet a while ago I think, at least here.
Though Lulu anon will always be the local chuuba anon for me.
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Well, as long as he didn't off himself or anything. I don't know, I had a bad feeling.
>Though Lulu anon will always be the local chuuba anon for me.
Of course, that's like saying coughing baby vs white phosphorus bomb.
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Velecks tight (rapeable) ass
Tell us more about her and her butt?

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