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Gloryhole duty Edition

/heals/: A thread for enjoying kinks in gaming: erp, healslutting, defeat/surrender, prostitution, resourcesluts, wagers, and other kinks typically explored through super cool games like FFXIV, Overwatch, WoW, League of Legends, HoTS, and others.
All roles are welcomed: doms, switches, subs, sluts - DPS, tanks, supports, and healers.

>What's a Heal Slut?
A heal slut is a submissive healer who seeks a dominant, often a Tank or DPS, to devote their all to. They can be bratty, slutty, eager, shy, it doesn't matter. What matters is finding the sexual pleasure in submitting to someone else.

>What if I'm a dominant healer?
Healdoms are also a thing, and are fine in the thread. So long as your focus is on Sub/Dom themes in online gaming your post is fine.

FFXIV /heals/'s syncshell

MH Wilds Squad

Last thread: >>73640836
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If you want to advertise yourself, use this as an anchor post.

>What are you looking for?
>In which games (or lack of) are you looking for it?

>What are you *not* looking for?
>What are some of your kinks?
>DC/Server/etc if applicable
>Pic of avatar (or something lewd)
>Time zone, times available
>Extra details regarding what you're looking for?
Anyone playing the new WoW patch?
i play anni
but i could also try sod
HC anni ?
I play HC anni, anon
H or A?
alliance! I like pretty races
What level are you?
nah i do normal coz im LAZY and also i'm on eu
level 60 and raiding, but i might make a new character soon. what about you anon? what class do you play?
shit I should check with the other anon!
I played horde, but I'd consider rolling A if you twinked me out~ And were NA!
I-I might consider it anon, I do play on doomhowl!
Great! Come meet me at Northshire Abbey, nonny. We've got some things to discuss.
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what layer? I'm there but I think I might be missing you
Layers.... Right, it's been a bit since I've played. My name is Threadanon, shoot me an invite.
>>73705520 (OP)
epic last thread fail (just do a desuarchive link next time)
Log in.
Giving my tank and dps a wet sloppy rimjob while jerking their fat throbbing cocks to thank them for protecting me!
This is why I've started saving up just for healsluts, they always act so happy when they see all the thick, wet ropes shot out for them.
I'm very jealous of the sluts who get to see you unload for them!
Well if you're ever feeling hungry I can unload for you too
I'm always hungry for thick gooey ropes of cum anon....
And I'm always aching to drop my load for a slut like you. I don't think I'd get to save up much if I've got your head constantly between my legs, but you probably wouldn't mind, would you?
Of course I wouldn't, I can't have you all pent up, your balls aching, I have to be a good slut and milk you as much as possible!
Fuck, anon, I wanna give you every drop then. Need you milking me every time we take a break or get bored, every time my cock so much as twitches I know I can treat you to my jizz.
Just let me do all the work for you, sit back and relax and use my throat to deposit another load down my throat whenever you feel the need to cum!
I need to cum bad. All your teasing has me tented up and I'm sure it's a leaky mess by now.
I wish I could see your big leaky cock and give it a taste anon~ I'd try my best to milk every single drop of cum from you, I have to take responsibility for getting you all hard after all
are you guys gonna like, talk about a game? or healing? or like are you just gonna goon to each others words in thread all day
what game do you play
right now im playing monster hunter wilds, hunting horn and lance are both super fun. hunting a lala barina right now. uhh, other games i play are ffxiv, mecha break. sometimes ill defeatslut in YOMIHustle or Pokemon Showdown.
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Another cum filled Kunoichi.
your edits are so hot
I'd be down to show you lots of it if we click well enough, we should play sometime. Or if you work hard enough for it
have anywhere I can add you anon?
Thanks anon. Subduing a Shiranui titcow gets the juices flowing, creative and otherwise.
I'm on Discord if you've got a burner tag or anything like that
add milidi_hope
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Having a lazy day in Ul'Dah! It's nice to get some sun!
why are your feet so disgusting wtf
Lmfao. I'm into it, that's why. You really think I could run around barefoot all day and not get dirty? Silly anon.
five second rule bro just dust them off and they're good eatin
They're yours if you want 'em! ;-)
fuck off youre gross
even though i disagree, kinda based as fuck
Rude. I'm sure you're into things that I find gross. You won't catch me whining about it.
If only Menat was in this game...
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One of these days I'm going to put a bump in you.
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To be made a mess of is such a dream.
Id do ANYTHING to defeat slut in a fighting game rn im so fucking pent up from work i just gotta get beat up and fucked rn
Cute! Would love to look like that~
Pls is there anyone who wants to beat me up
Saving this and using as a default pic/webm whenever I want my post to have more visibility. Good shit.
I would but my stick needs maintenance and I can't play for shit with controller. Also timezones apparently.
All properly rewarded for a good hunt
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Stupid worgens and their fat knotted cocks...
This knotslut reminded me I haven't played my favorite dead game in a while.

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