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Dude, Where's My Harem? Edition

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73686479/

>What's the AI everyone is using?
NovelAI V.4 ($25/month for unlimited gens)

>AI Guides

>Use the below tool to copy prompts from your favorite AI gens

>BLACKED Modding
(Genshin Impact)https://pastebin.com/3ti2AxjC
(Zenless Zone Zero)https://pastebin.com/i2PP2m1p
(Doki Doki Literature Club)https://pastebin.com/emBKEb3e
(more NIKKE)https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UjEelZO611p-x98YkPuGKXGfPP4DQGMr

>Official BLACKED Clothing

>Pan-African Clothing

>Other BLACKED Merch


>BNWO Dictionary

>Slur Strokes/Earned Orgasms Program

>PMV Torrent

>Templates/Editing Tutorials:

>Discords (Dead), tutorials, templates, etc

>Blacked Cards:
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TQ: Where is my Persona Blacked thread?
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Just here passing by with some cool facts.

>The average African American averages a 5.7 inches cock! (woah, tiny!)
>Black men are the least desired men in online dating, by far, by women of all races! From hookup apps, to serious dating apps, jeez...
>"Once you go ACK-", BMWF's divorce rate is so high it looks like a statistical anomaly, much higher than any other racial pairing, what a shame!

And my new favorite:
>There are more mixed-race kids born in the US in the last 5 years from a black mother than mixed-race kids born from a black father, even though BM are in way more interracial relationships than BW, LOL!

Have a great week! Back to roleplaying for you!
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yikes! he's still going!
You know what time it is, right, Sensei?
Reality check pit stop before you can roleplay:

>Additionally, Asian, Latina, and white straight women all refute messages from Black men, while Asian, Latino, and white gay men are also unlikely to message Black men
>White women are unlikely to respond to non-white men, and almost every other racial group readily responds to white men more often than to men from their own racial group. Even gay Asian and Latino men prefer white men. The pervasiveness of white desire paints online dating as an effective tool for white daters to not only succeed, but enjoy.

>Asian, Latina, and white straight women all refuse messages from Black men -2021

> Black men and women daters were particularly discriminated compared to other minority daters.
>White straight women are twice as likely to respond to White men compared to Black men.
>Black women are as likely to respond to White men’s messages compared to Black men’s messages. -2022

>“Black and Latin men faced ‘similar discrimination,’ while white men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

>For ethnic minority men in western countries, it usually manifests itself in feeling undesirable - and Asian men are among the worst-affected.

>White women were the most discriminatory in their exclusion of Black daters, which is also an important finding.

>Meeting online has become the most popular way U.S. couples connect, Stanford sociologist finds
white boy virgin 25

fell into porn addiction at a very young age. it was sissy porn and since then bbc porn

i have done so many humiliating and degrading things because of these fetishes

i want to quit but it just feels truly impossible. no suggestions have ever worked and i have relapsed over 100 times by now
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Don't bother trying to quit, your kind never can for very long. Just give up and accept your place.
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Have you tried having a gf?
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Fern being used as a nigger sextoy is oddly fitting
i love watching black men in control so much and i love watching women submit to them. i can’t stop fucking my hand and watching as a white boy virgin who is constantly struggling with the temptation of becoming a femboy
yes a few of them most of them were online and the only ones irl weren’t good people. one of them dominated me financially pretty much. i actually sent my online ex girlfriend blacked porn recently and begged her to go black because she’s built for it and stuff… >.<
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She already mocked Starks dick so I wouldn't say that it's odd at all.
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requesting genshin edit
Don't give a cent to females unless it's for groceries
i want one of my online ex girlfriends to go black so bad. i anonymously sent her blacked porn and we spoke about it but then she blocked me because i think i asked too many personal questions before i could offer to buy her a black dildo. it would fuck with my head and push me so deep…
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I wish I could exploit you for things anon
Frieren rimmimg would be hotter though...
Looking for other addicted anons that also appreciate gens of their favorite waifus

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Looking for other cuck sons to talk to about our moms going black only!
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Could some kind edit anon try to give her as many tats as visibly possible + an xray black triplets alt of possible please?
Open wide~
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Lookin to findom paypiggies, betas,sick cucks,cunny lovers

Please do not approach me if you are too poor to compromise~ xoxo

Tag: mon3miss
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I wish some anon would milk me to blacked waifus...
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Need more blacked Becca
Cute cuckie
>words words words
Shut up fuck up and spam already, insecure faggot
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How extreme do you like your blacked anons?
Pretty tame honestly. I just made the thread because they do not have a tag anchor in /bwg/.
Gay and very hardcore
Just let it die bro and request that they make a tag anchor for bwg.
Plapping to this right now
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Extreme is such a vague term, I've seen CBT-themed tattoos being called extreme
The most for me is abortion but I don't like abortion itself, it's more QOS's telling other women to stop procreating with whites right now even if they're already pregnant, because they themselves of course wouldn't be pregnant with a white
I think I did so once but I was ignored. Its not a big deal. I can handle seeing stuff I am not into.
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based taste
Why thank you :3
If I wasn't such a socially anxious shut in freak I'd be permanently leaking cum from both ends
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I need a Rias (snowbunny) in my life
Spoken like an unironic cuckold
same the only reason I'm not a total snowbunny whore is just because I'm way too shy and terrified and also the lack of realistic options
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That’s what I am. Holy fuck. This fetish broke me.
Find a nice white guy on grindr to fuck your ass, he'll be gentle if you're open about being inexperienced. After a few runs, if you enjoyed it, you can try going for a black guy
Yup. I just wish someone other than me could piss on my face just one time
interesting strategy for this thread lol, but I'm not nervous because the guy would be black but because I would meet up with a guy period
not really my cup of tea but I hope you achieve your dreams nonny
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Need a brainless whore rias to cuck me
>but because I would meet up with a guy period
Nah, I understood, I'm suggesting you find someone willing to guide you for your first times with a man before engaging in full faggot sex (if you don't give up beforehand).
Like 1% of black guys will be willing to guide you (but 50% of them will say they're willing to only to fuck you, it won't be a good first experience), while like 10% of white dudes will be willing to and they'll mean it, so it'll be easier and safer to find one. After you're confident you can start to expand.
>hope you achieve your dreams nonny
It's one of top fetishes but I love anything humiliating and nasty. I love making myself gag really hard on my dildo too, seeing it all wet and dripping with slimy spit makes me leak
I used to like it but it’s too white-focused. I stopped liking the more extreme stuff once I felt the effects of nigger cocklust for myself. You really can’t go back
In terms of extreme, I like girls chanting "black lives matter", the girl calling her cuck all sorts of humiliating nicknames like loser or simp, censorship, the girl forcing her cuck to wear flat chastity cages, niggers only punching the cuck once to knock them to the ground but still conscious enough to see the bull fuck their girl in front of them (a light beating, but nothing too serious), and sometimes the girl forces the cuck to wear feminine clothes while lightly slapping their little balls with a big black dildo until they spurt hands free. No hard slaps or anything directly gay like the cuck handling an actual black cock.

Harsh beatings, suicidal or genocide remarks, and actual male-on-male sex is too much and takes a lot of the focus away from the girl which is the main point in my opinion
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BLACKED sports bra and panties please. Maybe a tattoo would be nice too
well I dont know if I'll do it but I'll keep your tip in mind should I ever commit to becoming a homo slut
>I love making myself gag really hard on my dildo too, seeing it all wet and dripping with slimy spit makes me leak
now that sounds more like it, thats probably one of the thing I'd like to experience most, some black guy just pushing my head down on his cock and holding me there as long as he needs :3
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I could never get into this. I do love the extremely degrading and humiliating stuff though. Being a total cuck, bitch and toilet for girls and BBC
>some black guy just pushing my head down on his cock and holding me there as long as he needs :3
I want him to enjoy seeing me struggle and gag on his dick
Only Jesus Christ can free you. Something needs to rival the pleasure, and thats the Holy Ghost.
our oxygen is less imporant then his pleasure
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Blacked lesbian enjoyers?
Where are my cute little paypigs? The ones who are ready to worship me as they should?
If you want to play, feel free to add me!

tag: thecutestmisaki

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Somewhat but I feel bad about it


weak whiteboi loser here <3 i want someone to cuddle up with me in bed while we worship superior black men breeding tight white cuties~


snowkune, bbc, blacked, bnwo, sissy, trans, nl, sph...
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Same. The guiltfaps go crazy...
Has anyone here unironically donated to this fag, or does he do it for the (you)s?
why are you pinging them and not the other dumbfuck
oh right you're the original finfag, kys
They're all faggots he was the closes faggot at the bottom of the thread. I ain't reading all their poorfag posts.
I hate how twerking used to be nigger behavior and then white women took to it and now it’s just a negro mating call. I hate how hard it makes me to see pretty white women twerk and shake their asses :/
I used to despise it and think it's cringe until I saw my crush doing it, life has only gotten better and better now
I think I’d be crushed if I saw my crush twerking like a hoe. Cause I know I’d tug it like crazy imaging her twerking and getting banged by bbc
That's why life has only gotten better since it feels that great to tug to the thought of her getting demolished lol
All I’d hope for would be her holding my tiny dick in her hand while getting wrecked lol
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They just do it because they want to see Rin-Anon again. They are clearly tsundere.
Can't stop cumming to Niggers
Just made the first PMV for women, go take a look anons ^^

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Just came to this picture of a built redhead at a BLM protest. It's so insanely over for me.
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Like other anons, I love the humiliation/degradation. Also bi sub, so finally getting BLACKED was pretty extreme.
On the most extreme fantasy side, gradual white genocide? Abortions/murder is way way too far but White girls and whitebois gradually choosing to get fucked into extinction is pretty hot.

>once I felt the effects of nigger cocklust for myself.
Do you mean people around you or did you get fucked?

I was like you both for the longest time. Read up on how to bottom, stay safe out there but find the real you. Depends on your area but there are plenty of hot black guys that want to give you a good time.
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I can enjoy a good beatdown or extinction cap so even though I say I'm pretty tame I'm obviously more fucked up than a lot of people, but even still most of my blacked faps are purely hung niggers + built waifus. I'm just a giant cuck and niggers are the easiest thing to make NTR out of, I prefer femboy/futa bulls but it's rarer.
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Extreme. I love the absolute worst kinds of depraved blacked. It's too bad that wh*te bois bugchasing for toxic nigger loads isn't more popular.
>POV: You are about to get taught a lesson
One can only wonder what she's doing now...
semi rural europe just isnt a great place to be a fag with this fetish unfortunately, but as a certified coward finding a nice guy who wants be rough with me (in a safe way) would be amazing
I forgot the image :/
hot stuff anon, the more stuff mean for Blacked queens the better
Well, you got me beat. I feel like I'm pretty extreme but I think that's finally something I can't get off to.
Yknow, when most of the tats are about killing white people, doesn't that mean you're kinda more into that than interracial sex? Think about it logically.
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>semi rural europe
That's sad to hear anon, are you at least in western europe with a gay friendly big city near by or sol in eastern europe?
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Professional nigger leglocker
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Biiiiiiiig piece of chocolate melting between Kirarin's buns~!
yeah, I live about 30 minutes by train from the next big city, though I'm not sure about the gay scene there, and I'm thankfully not in eastern europe lol
You wouldn't say any of this to my face.
>k-kill whites
Yeah, how about I shove you into a locker or down the stairs again instead? Nigger.
>builded for be be see!
That's why you're here jerking your tiny black pecker to cartoons. Any of these White girls would reject your coon ass and you know that.
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I don't disagree, I think there's an erotic balance between sex and violence but like the tats picture, it's easy to just make it violence over sex. I'm down for pretty much most extreme, but I'm personally mostly into when it's subtly implied or used in tandem with blacked(BLM, so WLDM)
>add a spade UwU
Poker was invented by White people. The spade originates from White nobility. The idea that any of this has to do with niggers is as hilarious as it is ahistorical.
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genuinely BUILT
>The spade originates from White nobility
White nobles are BUILT
For enslaving and killing niggers.
For getting raped and replaced by niggers*
A total of 0 rapes were done by niggers onto the White nobles of the past.
An unknown number in the hundred of thousands of worthless niggers were killed by Aryans.
Only thing being replaced is niggers with better farm equipment.
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>A total of 0 rapes were done by niggers onto the White nobles of the past.
They have a lot to catch up then
God I love black cocks
Get it queen
>he ignores the white nobles in the present who are ruining their genes by marrying niggers
lmao, get fucked
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Doing a little googling:
Amsterdam, Berlin, Barcelona, London, Stockholm to get some cock. Very diverse too.
There's this site too: https://gaytravelr.com/locations

Like I said before, stay safe and study anon. Get some toys on your own, learn how to use them (similar rules apply to regular anal; diet cleansing, lube etc) and makes sure you like it. You should speak beforehand to know both your boundaries. He should wear a rubber and you should be taking PreP (if europe has that).

You deserve to be happy, anon.
Small percentage of the peasant class being manipulated by Jews*
>calling a norwegian princess who married a nigger a few years ago part of the peasant class
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BBC won, there's no going back to the way things were before
That would be correct, yes
Wild cope
Hitler 2 Revenge of Jesus, soon.
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white girls are evolving
Ballbusting and being cucked by cups...
perfect isn't it
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For any black men who find there way in here:
I'm sorry for being white. I'm sorry for thinking I was ever better than you, or that I could even compare.
Sauce? is it floox?
Honestly thanks for the tips and help, its a lot more than I expect from these threads, and while my big city of choice isnt listed on that site that just means I'll have some research to do the coming days
>Get some toys
I already have some, I just rarely use them since cleaning out and everything just to masturbate is kind of a hassle
>you should be taking PreP (if europe has that)
we do, and after a short google search it seems like my insurance will pay for it as long as I tell my doctor I'm a fag
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>its a lot more than I expect from these threads
Admittedly I didn't expect to hand out so much real advice on a fetish thread on 4chan lol. I just regret it too me so long to bite the bullet and you both reminded me of myself.
>rarely use them since cleaning out and everything just to masturbate is kind of a hassle
Very true, you already know the process how to not hurt yourself with anal. That was the point of the advice about toys.
>my insurance will pay for Prep
Perfect! Like I said, stay safe anon. Better safe than sorry.

No need to rush into things anon, but everyone deserves to be happy.
One day you'll have the time of your life in a smart way. Just promise to come back and tell us all about it. :)
You sweet summer child.
>Just promise to come back and tell us all about it. :)
When it happens this thread will be the first to know it lol
Thanks again, I'll go to sleep now but I hope you have a great rest of your day
what if a nigger wanted your waifu to eat his shit
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BLM collab for NIKKE when?
>thought pops into my head unbidden
>'Why would I wrap up, anon? You're not gonna get anyone else sick, you're not even using that dick.'
>nearly cum handsfree instantly

That's enough brainrot for today. I'm going home.
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so new NAI can draw spades AND black toddlers decently. That opens up some possibilities.
imagine cutting open her stomach and pulling out the fetuses loll
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this is amazingggg
female focused+amateur stuff is so good together and sooo much hotter than the usual pmv content (professional porn w/ weird captions)
i hope you make more!!
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got a white kid getting bulied in the background as a bonus?
I noticed there seems to be a disproportionate amount of blacked Ochako, is there a reason for that? I'm definitely cumming and not complaining, just curious
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Pretty much happened already with the Dave the Diver collab lol
Latinas x niggers
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>tfw jerked off to that exact fantasy multiple times
One of the few things that still makes me feel post-nut shame.
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Trashy island whores for American nigger dick
Wish it was easier finding extreme captions, particularly videos with captions. They always do things to my cock, but I can never find enough of them that hit that spot just right.
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kino miku. island latinas fucking DROOL for nigger cock. no wonder they love rap so much
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yes we do, thugdick is so addictive. Brown spic bitches ride nigger dicks too good it’s underrated
No denying that. Brown teen girls are BUILT as fuck, and they have such a wild fucking sex drive, nothing but a thug nigger can handle them in bed. ZERO contraception too
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zoomer Latinas are OBSSESSSED with niggers it’s crazy.
And I love it
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It's so fucking hot. They just openly let niggers DM their BBCs and finger nonstop to it. Then they'll drop to their knees and twerk to the latest nigger thug rap in absolutely slutty clothes
Fetish aside, unironically true. I had a conversation with my latina coworker where she was telling me how she wasn't into white guys. I even bumped into her coming out of the men's restroom with a black coworker once.
he left without seeing if I finished...or telling me when he came..
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Gotcha melon.
I just opened up the thread to request this again. The BLACKED omnimind is real. Thanks anon, I appreciate it.
why do they have vault-tec suits?, is this the BNWO vault?
Let's share the black man's burden together, anon...
>>73706144 (OP)
>Dude, Where's My Harem? Edition
The idea of having a harem that cucks you is very based.
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I love that dynamic
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i also love these kind of images where each passing generation is getting less and less white, although idk if these have a name
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>Oh you sweet summer nigger
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What are alt hoes for?
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For nigger thugs
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for keeping their drug dealers balls empty
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This is heavenly
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propaganda works and we feel for it, plus AI also helped by pumping endless amounts of content
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Hello to both of you!
How's your search for a job going?
Please update me, I am genuinely curious~
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I feel like I'm getting the hang of editing
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They are getting more built. Making their bodies vessels for black babies, leaving white bois behind.
It needs her nursing him
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Double breastfeeding feels so raw and hot...don't know why
Those veins...fuck
This is just too hot for me, I don't know why it turns me on so much seeing white women with lot of babies and nursing them....
Does your waifu work hard on the Reparations Plantation?
I agree. Although when writing it I was just thinking of the movie.
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Don't know if this is considered extreme, probably not but I love cheating waifus that feels guilty but couldn't help themselves. If they give in immediately without resistance it's less hot.
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optimally, that they aren't into it at all so i can convert them to my liking. or just tease the ones into it and shame them for being into it
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Should I let my daughter watch BLACKED Jr?
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I love plapping to my wife while Im caged up
Odds are she's already watching it behind you back.
But yes. Encourage it, even.
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I'm looking for a gif that has five women, highlighting one ass at a time, with a BBC behind them, asking which ass is your favorite.
Any ideas?
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She has parental lock on her phone. pretty sure that blocks porn sites like BLACKED... Unless she figured out a way to disable it.
ugh... Girls really like watching other girls their age getting pressed by dark thugs
Encourage it how? 'Okay sweetie now make sure you watch lots of porn before bedtime'
>She has parental lock on her phone
Does it block her friends group?
Does it block Tinder?
This fetish used to be good before MINORITIES took over.
>She has parental lock on her phone
Dumb dad is unaware dozens of niggers have nudes of his little girl already...
You would always give your little girl a good night kiss right?
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Tinder...? Don't you have to be 18 for that?
Uhm... I did see that she had some nudes of herself saved on her phone. But she just likes taking cute pictures of herself. She wouldn't send them to anyone. Especially not niggers twice, or even three times her age.
If you kept scrolling her gallery you would have noticed the bunch of black dick pics she's getting in return.
Exactly! Let her watch lots and lots of Blacked Jr, pull it up for her before bed! And maybe put a parental lock on that icky white-on-white porn.

You don't have to *be* 18, you just have to *tell them* you're 18. Big difference! And your baby girl has plenty of incentive to lie~
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No way little girls these days have galleries filled with nigger dick pics. There needs to be something in place to stop those coons from sending unsolicited dick pics to underage girls!
I'm pretty sure that's how the parental lock already works. It seems to have a bias towards white-on-white porn and alters her search history to include interracial options.
I heard that all the 'popular' girls in her class have tinder profiles. They're way too young for that though. Realistically, what X year old girl is looking to match with an adult thug nigger?
>There needs to be something in place to stop those coons from sending unsolicited dick pics to underage girls!
That sounds a little racist, anon...
>Realistically, what X year old girl is looking to match with an adult thug nigger?
Um... all of them? It's called having a sugar daddy, dummy!
I'm not racist. I just don't want rowdy criminal apes showing up at my door asking to see my daughter
>It's called having a sugar daddy, dummy!
But I'm already her daddy... No girl would seek a relationship like that unless they were really horny...
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I'm pretty sure calling them "coons" and "apes" just a little bit racist. Besides, daddy doesn't give her money (or fat nigger dick) like Daddy does. And she *is* really horny (that might be because of all those "unsolicited" dick pics that Daddy brainwashed her with), it's just that Daddy keeps her satisfied so you don't see it! Otherwise you'd be dealing with a horny, frustrated brat 24/7~
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Fuck. I really need to stop my daughter from being mindraped with dick pics, Pretty sure he streams for her too. She's laying on bed naked showing off for him while he strokes his huge nigger cock. It's disgusting. At least she's not actually with him. Imagine how fucked up her head would get if she could smell him
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Here nonon
Ah, ah, ah! Mind*fucked*, daddy. You can't call it rape if she wants it, and if she didn't want it she'd just block him.
>Imagine how fucked up her head would get if she could smell him
Imagine how fucked her pussy would be if she were with him! She'd be sooooo loose~
.She's laying on bed naked showing off for him while he strokes his huge nigger cock.
Eww, are you *watching*? God, what a fuckin perv. It's one thing for it to happen, it's another for you to watch.
>It's disgusting.
Yeah, sorry, I don't buy that for a minute. If you wanted to stop it, you could. Y'know, instead of *watching* like freak? You don't even have the excuse of that "nigger thug" beating your ass if you try, if he's not there in person!
Tattoos please
god i need new snuffed content, blown so many loads to it
I only made one more since then and shit was too disturbing so I deleted it lol
Sometimes I watch through the crack in her door because I want to make sure she's okay and stop him from corrupting her further. He makes her dance and spread her cunny for him... He degrades her too and she's just weirdly okay with it.
She invited him over for a 'date' three days from now. I really should say something and put a stop to this.
twerking snowcunnies
But you won't. If she "invited him over", he'll be there. And if you try to stop it then? Well, good luck~
They have the perfect bodies for it.
Gulp... Why do I have the feeling he invited himself over just to slamfuck my little girl in her pretty pink bedroom?
>Why do I have the feeling he invited himself over just to slamfuck my little girl in her pretty pink bedroom?
Cause you're not a total idiot? What else would happen? He's been mindfucking her with his huge dick for almost as long as she's been showing off her soaked little cunny, and now he wants to come over? Kind of obvious, dummy~
god yes
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>"Ayo throw it back slut"
>"Ay hol up nigga aint this bitch in preschool?"
>"I don give a fuk nigga. I'll rape that underage cunt if she keep shakin' it like that"
There needs to be studies dedicated to the effects of nigger dick on snowcunnies. Just seeing or smelling one seems to put them into a trance.
Anyone have more of those flashbang gifs? I saw one a thread or two ago and ive been thinking about it nonstop
Mmf, totally! And as an added bonus, it's a perfect excuse to take some "pure" girls and slap some porch monkey thug's fat, African cock on their face! You wouldn't want your "test subjects" to be snowcunny sluts from the start, after all, that'd mess it all up!
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You'd have to instruct the niggers to really go hard with it, grinding their seeping fat cockheads into their cute little cheeks and noses. The study makes a breakthrough when one of those pale girls reaches up to grab the nigger's cock between her tiny white hands before bringing the unwashed head to her nose for a deep inhale
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lol niggers
Thank you anon
oh, wish I had seen this sooner
Got more s*uffed albums?
Would you though? Oh sure, you could study how quickly they give in when their partners just grab the brats by their heads and shove that fat, dirty fuckpole into their drooling mouths~
Or you could just leave it available, give your assistants something to do in the room (maybe let them clean up the last batch's mess~) and then send them in, ten-inch thugdicks swinging and just... see how long it takes the girls to start making another one all on their own~
Is there any recent raceplay porn productions? I find myself watching the old stuff and there seems like no studio puts out anything new.
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There's this if you want the new BLACKED porn movie thats BMAF
Thanks for the vid, I feel like that recent blacked is way "PC" than what it used to be. They don't even say black in their scenes even more or mention anything like that for some reason anymore and I don't understand why
Built for violent black breeding
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Absolutely. I don't think anything would stop me from doing that...
File deleted.
This Takagi looks so damn cute...
I will delete it soon so if you wanna download something from there be sure to do it before I swoosh it
Rimming niggers!
new monster hunter girl starting to get her share of Blacked porn
>literally every white girls dream
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This is some good twisted shit. Thanks nonners!
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I'm looking for some more tattoo templates that I didn't find in the OP, does anyone have any of these?

Might as well include the full pics.
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To like those pictures.. You are both terrible :3
Twisted beyond repair
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>>73706144 (OP)
Whites and asians will always be on the forefront of BBC worship!
Yep and that's why I support snowcunny suffering with my chest (and cummies)
catbox isn't working for me...hope my IP didn't get filtered
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Thoughts on futa BBC?
boizotheclown. I like blacked moms, fighting game waifus, ff7 and dc comics :). dm me for anything.
Would get on my knees and worship it
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Do you guys give any time to relapsers? This is the third time I've had someone re-add me and I know how its going to end but at least I can get off for a few hours before he disappears once more
I personally just want to see a hung nigga with a futa girlfriend because I like tranny porn.
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Fuck I wish black futas were real
Trannies are not the same
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Only when they're cute. Meanies deserve to suffer
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>>73706144 (OP)
Persona 5 coal burners are such prime nigger breeding material it's unreal, they'd all have OnlyFans videos of them sucking on niggers and getting creampied by BBC, it's like they were specifically designed to be nigger-loving mudsharks.
Illya = instant neuron activation
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>whiteboi calls me a nigger
>instantly get rock hard
Evil fetish.
Holy fuck I need to see them get dicked by BBC, especially the Ann and Haru.
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>nonnie makes me admit my waifu is nigger bait
>instantly get rock hard
it's a very very evil fetish
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>nigger calls me a whiteboi
>instantly get rock hard
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I guess we can have a symbiotic relationship.

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