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For Twinks, Traps, Femboys, Cross-Dressers, Cuteboys and Gays

pro op - lingerie edition~

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73658585/

>/cbg/ tagmap
original: tagmap.io/tag/cbg
new: tagmap.io/tag/cuteboy

>Pastebin with weight loss/workout help (check /fit/ too)
>Use it as a first step, but remember that it's always best to do your own research!
>A guide for femboys for other stuff. Includes a few good tips :3

Things you should do here:
>Discuss cute things! Lewd things! Self care too! And also post advice to help others become cute as well!
>Post pics of yourself! Fully clothed, crossdressing, or nude!
>Post your collections (NO underage/shota) (NO CUNTBOYS)
>Put yourself on the tagmap if you don't want to stay lonely forever!
>IGNORE BAIT!!!. /cbg/ is a thread that gets a lot of baitposting/shitposters- if it's a bad take, wrong, or aggravating; report and ignore,hide it.
>don't reply to bait! otherwise you're part of the problem!! and try to stay on topic~ :3
>>73706771 (OP)
baka beat me to posting images
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>>73706771 (OP)
i told him to shake it for a Nebraska dollar
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>Meanwhile at the /cbg/ house.
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ummm woof?
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>pride month and pedo pride is good for homosexuals representation
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tonight, you
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Such shit opinion with such a good pic
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op should post cawk

thats not accurate, it should be a room full of men yelling at eachother with a group of 2 or 3 cute oc posters in the corner trying to have a conversation

can you quit bitching and contribute something worthwile to the thread? the people who do nothing but cry about a problem are almost as bad as the problem itself
boys should be illegal
post more animated stuff! :3
>massaging the inner thighs
Wtf, he stole my technique!
i just want to hug a cutie
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Fencesitter. Remember, if you support Pride & it's commercialization then you're supporting trannies & lesbians too.
caged bratty boys
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>Stop noticing or thinking just clap like a seal
Must be cool being a cattle like you
i want to slap a femboy in the face with my cock while we listen to heaven knows im miserable now
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tops are cattle for bottoms.
"power" bottoms ACTUALLY believe that
OP sponsors it.
i must admit the ragebaiting samefag is at least adaptive with their bait

why that song specifically and not just The Smiths in general? also, i doubt youd be miserable if you were in that sceneario.
i like melancholy music. i could also take any of tv girls music during it. but that song specifically talks about how happiness is short term and eventual good things end. at least in my own opinion of it.
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It's pretty easy to tell when it's him since he's always constantly agreeing with himself.
we actually have pretty similar music taste... and perhaps i would be alright with a cock slap to the face...
but in due time, my body still isnt as attractive as i want it to be yet

yeah, tis true. what im saying tho is they are really on the ball about switching topics. before it was like they just drilled on the same stuff over and over, but now they are adapting their bait
Greco Roman boys in robes with floppy cocks
>we actually have..
sweet. i love music. i enjoy all types except rap. not a huge fan. i like stuff from tv girl to megadeth and back to daft punk. pretty diverse stuff. and on the body topic, i understand. im losing a bunch of weight. i dont want to be a cuteboy or anything. im just building a bunch of muscle and losing all the fat i had.
They get plapped by demon boys.
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reminder to tops keep your bottoms caged like good girlies
Please please please let me get what I want...
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>t. tranny groomer
be a good boy and we will see ;)
also there is a light that never goes out
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Easily their best song.
its a good one but i do like this charming man a tad bit
I promise I'll be a good boy...
I didn't like charming man that much, too corny and upbeat.
is that so? how can you promise that?
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agreed. we need to bring back bathhouses

i can tolerate a pretty decent range of music. i used to be a /mu/ fag, so a good chunk of my taste comes from there, but in general my favorite categories are usually types of rock or metal. but even just that has a wide range of stuff sonically.

and noice, even if not to be a femboy getting in shape is always a good goal. i was weight training as well but havent been able to go to the gym for a while now, but ive been doing cardio, pushups and stuff, and dieting still. have some butt and feet.

my favorite is i know its over

also theres a lot of Smiths replies all of a sudden, pls dont tell me its samefagging
I can pinky promise!!
i suppose. i actually think its pretty sad. the words are sad imo

>i can tolerate a pretty..
looks good keep it up. and yea metal is sick. i like to be angry lol. stuff like megadeth/Havok/Stabbing westward

and no the smiths isnt samefagging. im some of the replys but there is someone else

ok fine. you get a cock slap.
Goth-core type shit:
>Pastel Ghost
>Mr. Kitty
>Crystal Castles
Mr. kitty is the only one i know from that list. i should listen to more. goth boys are what actually got me into girly dudes. the makeup and long hair
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you forgot one
goth bf WHEN
You have to sell your soul to Satan then he will grant you 1 goth femboy.
abusing anons with my manic man cock
is spiritbox cuteboy coded?
Treating my bottoms like complete disgusting sluts in bed, then being cuddly and lovey dovey after.
as it is intended to be
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how do (You) feel about cock size disparity between femboys and non-femboys? for being 5'4 i have a what i think is a big dick at 6 inches it is bigger than most tops i meet and im fucking pathetic in stature
>will i ever take new photos?
my chair is too comfy sorry
You better kiss em on the neck or your ass is gettin GHOSTED
>am top
>small cock
i think tops just have smaller cocks. while femboys/cuteboys have big dick. its kinda weird.
I want a goth top to manhandle me...
Doesn't look that big, looks more like a 4 incher. Still big enough tho that I can easily give you a reach around
also just clarifying. i dont think its weird if a bottom has a big dick, i think its weird alot of tops have small dicks
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dont get it confused, even though im fully naked and wearing only socks, im a top and still feel immasculated but i feel theres a point where its too big with it mainly being in the category of girth
but its 6 :(
yea i dont know. im in the same boat. i have a smaller dick than you and a top so yea lol. im pretty self conscience of that so im not sure
So what is the appropriate tip cock length?
I’m 7 inches
cute cock would slap
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You should get a top bf instead, that way he can buy you some cute clothes instead of wearing the same old socks
ugh i know right, i didnt take any photos with them but i do have a pair of white socks and pink socks
Fuck the socks, you need a skirt, thong, tanktops, tight sweaters, all the cute stuff. You have the femboy body already so you should flaunt it
i agree with this anon, a thong would be hot on you >>73709282
have a few
not sure what exactly what kind you want
>tight sweaters
i normally wear loose big sweaters & sweat shirts that belonged to other boys
>you have the femboy body already
my femboy body isnt good enough
Make sure it's a high rise thong
>my femboy body isnt good enough
id fuck desu. as for thongs, i prefer string thongs
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If you have a loose big sweater, you can go for the bingus cat look especially when you already got the socks.
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Shimakaze’s outfit should be the universal bottom uniform
im a top but id lose myself for a femboy dressed as shimakaze. become a total slave
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i might take some new pics this weekend, post ideas
Right, its so cute! I'd have no idea what I would want to do to him first if a boy looked like this on my bed.
you eat his ass of course
why are cocks so aesthetic
like poses? i like ass but your cock is nice. so more cute poses with your cock out would be hot
yeah mainly stuff like that, also if anyone wanted to know i take all my photos on my old iphone 13
because you're gay and so am i
Immediately heard this to the tune of Never gonna give you up
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damn bratty boys..
smooth boy legs....
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where is everybody
we all got given bfs
Where the fuck is my boyfriend
it was a time offer, you missed it
I love my new bf
I love your new bf too
I support pride
however I don't support womens rights
i liked small cock tops because i never stretched my ass out with ridiculous toys or did a lot of anal in general so letting a small cock top fuck me didn't ruin my night
gay sex
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op you forgot to post it
or maybe it was unneeded
bald has been losing it lately lol
sorry i was testing something
next thread i will post it at the start again for everyone
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Bald is the one on the right with the shitty hair correct?
i hope you fuckers are ready for these pics, i just bought $40 worth of shit so you better cum buckets over them
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pedobald is the left with the receeding hairline
Left is what i meant. I cant say im surprised the guy that likes shota is fat and looks like this.
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where is your ass?
take off the clothes, crossdressing is not for you
I dont think anyone is going to care about $40 of cheap chinese clothes
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>where is your ass?
here u go, i still have a small ass tho
I'm sure they will be adorable on you even if they are cheap chinese clothes
Bitch please, I'm 160lbs.
And I don't like shota.
Tell that to my boyfriend, he thinks I look good.
>fat spilling out the side of pants
>shitpost in cbg allday everyday
Thank god every day this isnt me
thats not what i bought, its fancy stuff for my skin :) also im set for the clothes but i need to find my briefs cause normally i just walk around my house naked in a robe
shit i meant to direct this to >>73717325
cheap temu shit always looks awful
youre free to buy me shit
>wasting money on poor uglies
thats fair
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now this is a cute boy
latex and collar and ears AND BLONDE???
...they won
so who the fuck is this?
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Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet.
The guy who reddit spaces and mass replies to everyone while being ignored. He larps as a femboy but thats what he actually looks like lol
yeah he is not a cuteboy
makes sense in retrospect why he hates attractive people now
they are the cutest mfr i have seen in a very long time. all that latex must be expensive too, i guess you have a lot of money when youre hot like them. people will pay to see you and people will buy you things.
>all that latex must be expensive too
I spent ~$125 Canadian dollarydoos on a cheap latex dress that ripped after a couple months. Amazing to wear, but holy shit, it's expensive asf and you have to be really, really, really careful with it.
>i guess you have a lot of money when youre hot like them.
I think it's a bit of a feedback loop. You wear hot latex outfits, so people give you money, so you can buy more latex, so people give you more money, so you can buy more latex.
>people will pay to see you and people will buy you things.
If it was that easy, I'd do it.
it is that easy i see hot people on twitter all the time making bank from their looks. its probably not possible if you are not attractive sorry.
Oscar… Osc𝒶r…
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>its probably not possible if you are not attractive sorry.
C'est la vie. I'll estrogenize myself enough to become attractive enough one of these days.
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above average size bottom gang, im about 7 inches myself
>will i ever take new photos? my chair is too comfy sorry
:( pls?
and idk i think its just random. ive seen plenty of tops on discord that have big dicks and make it their whole personality, as well as plenty of bottoms with cute smol peens. but its discord not irl so idk

yusss, more oc!
a view of your butt from below while standing would be cool, or anything of you wearing cute clothes while showing off your cock and balls

cause they are a perfect breeding tool, molded by mullions of years of evolution. nature is a really good and practiced artist

stop larping as op, he would never be that cringe

ignore the guy saying that shit about you, hes just the ragebaiting samefag.

you uh... need a roommate?
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>i guess you have a lot of money when youre hot like them. people will pay to see you and people will buy you things.
Picrel became a millionaire from their looks. We live in the best time ever for cute people to get rich :)
ew begone
Oscar is so pretty without trying unlike u hideous NIGGERS
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kek this is the guy that attacks op all the time? i can see why, op is cute and this nigga ugly as shit. keep coping fatty you will never be as cute as op.
Boys should be more pretty like this
We need more pretty kitty boys in the world
Oopsie meant to >>73717824
Not a good smart day
Anybody know some literature I can read to capture pic related's feel? LOVE me some feminization.
what do i do to look like this?
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Get a bf who will feminize you (like me)
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furboys are best boys
they're pretty hot
my bf is giving me e...
does that count?
im working on getting a furry boyfriend
Good morning. Another day and still 0 BFs...
lurk moar
its a mystery
does this dude use estrogen...
Pass, I don't need a boy that relies on a crutch
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Based actually man liker
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Thread immediately went to shit as soon as the cringe samefagger showed up
i cant tell if hes a tranny or a tranny chaser, probably both
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>Everyone disagreeing with me is samefagging

The lack of sharties should have clued you in these aren't the same people
Wait... thats awsome i love femboys
Where can i see more of their stuff
samefag alert
based. trappy-chan on twitter/onlyfans.
no thanks, trannies are gross
Meth is a hell of a drug.
Thanks anon i just subbed to their ofs
>cbg helping a trans person get richer
uh oh chuds are not going to cope with this
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Samefag to 300 replies, please.
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prone bone is the best position
explain how you got this answer
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It's a troon fetish
MtF like cock and assume women are preferable
FtM like cock so much they wish they could have one
its easy for the top to dom and for the bottom to feel submissive, the top can hold the bottom down, also the top can easily bite the bottoms neck from that angle. its the best position!
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It's a transbian fetish, they wish they had a vagina pic related
ah, it all makes sense now
transbians are icky. Transfems that lust after men are fine though, as long as they TRY GOD DAMN IT
I would never accept anyone that can't accept themselves, they are a bunch of freaks and groomers
good argument
however i would suggest missionary is best because you can see each others facial expressions
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>good argument
>however i would suggest missionary is best because you can see each others facial expressions
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you can still do that with prone! well the top can see atleast. missionary is nice for the romantic love making though.
took 2 days break from the cardio, meant to only take 1, but tonights run was great because of it. you better have done your cardio cbg, if your ran your legs as much as youre running your mouths we'd all be cute and slim

also skinnyanon pls save continue to redeem this thread and post moar

when they decide to use their words, yus they are.
im friends with one on discord, and 9/10 times he responds with just emotes, or 4 words at max. but that 1/10 time hes awesome and great to have a conversation/share lewds with. it angers me

same shit different thread, unfortunately

men... mmmmm

obviously you posting this shit isnt anything new, but the op literally says no cuntboys, so you cant complain about the thread if youre actively breaking the rules of it and shitting it up
im a romantic
i like the slow sensual stuff over the rough freaky sex
>pls save continue to redeem this thread

my bad, tired bottom attention span moment
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>im a romantic
>i like the slow sensual stuff over the rough freaky sex
>6 years on hrt
that is the samefag alright
i mean everyone does but this is a porn thread so obviously we're talking about kinky sex positions here etc.
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>i mean everyone does but this is a porn thread so obviously we're talking about kinky sex positions here etc.
Riding is the best. Bottoms should serve tops and do all the work moving up and down during cowgirl.
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>Riding is the best. Bottoms should serve tops and do all the work moving up and down during cowgirl.
missionary plus choking is that better?
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>missionary plus choking is that better?
doggy is better
>open thread
>massive polfag meltdown
Y'all are talking about sex again aren't you
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not even sex just positions...
whatever the one is called where your both on your side facing the same way i like that one
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>tranny still replying to itself
I am starting to see why troons hate femboys, YIKES!
This guy is our threads lolcow
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>This guy is our threads lolcow
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why chuds always trying to ruin our thread
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>why chuds always trying to ruin our thread
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Kind of crazy to think this guy is refreshing this thread every second looking for a post he doesnt like to greentext.
Hes doing it all by hand btw.
idk but im starting to think any "trans" stuff isnt so bad in comparison to this spam
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>Kind of crazy to think this guy is refreshing this thread every second looking for a post he doesnt like to greentext.
>Hes doing it all by hand btw.
just ghosted a guy because i found out he was french

imagine being born a cuck lel
cuntboys and trannys go hand in hand, whats the problem?
nightmare fuel ahh thread
been a while since ive seen balds overweight trainwreck of a body.
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>been a while since ive seen balds overweight trainwreck of a body.
it reassures you who the real shitposters are in our general
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>it reassures you who the real
>shitposters are in our general
what was his name
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/pol/ didn't turn you into an ugly tranny, that was your choice just like your eventual suicide
is anyone here even trans?
the tranny samefag posting cuntboys while trying to get boys onto hrt is definitely a troon
There's a bunch of unpassable, mentally ill troons in /lgbt/ so it's no surprise that one of them slipped through the cracks and shitposts here as well.
Please never post that shit on posts about me, it makes people think I'm the one posting it.
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>Please never post that shit on posts about me, it makes people think I'm the one posting it.
amazing how bald is here every single day exactly when the pol posts are happening its almost as if-
I'm here every single day, whenever I'm awake.
Nope, only a schizo
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>amazing how bald is here every single day exactly when the pol posts are happening its almost as if-
tfw no dom femboy to sit on my face
meep mew
guess pedobald ran out of steam
Im glad op stopped talking to that weirdo
all boys are sluts, especially the virgin ones they just dont know it yet
what if they stay virgins their entire lives
there are solutions
and no reddit spacing posts...interesting
can you guy stfu im trying to bed dogy anon
Why are latino bottoms so horny? My boyfriend tells me that he's going to shatter my pelvis with how much stamina he has.
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im gay but i support trans rights
based gay
lgbt strong together
It quiet when he asleep
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there was a gay rp thread on v it was hot
you mean the hello tranished one?
not enough cute images
nah another one that got 404
hispanics in general are very horny. males and females

trannies are gross. yuck
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holy fuck, the samefag tranny groomer got roasted and toasted
It was completely unncessary since if he wanted to look at an ugly tranny, all he had to do was look in the mirror.
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Try to at least post some shit that is good to look at shartnigger

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