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/Collared/ - Human Dominance General #197

>"Omni-Tool" Edition

>What is /Collared/?
Collared is dedicated to human males dominating anthros or other creatures in a variety of scenarios.

-- Stories and Projects --

By Anonymous

By Mountlear
>Helluva Mindbreak (Ch.3)
>Curiosity and Cat

By EfOvEs
>Pythagas (Ch. 1-14)

By Wizdoggo
>His Lil Bunny Gal

By Anonymous
>WIP Cow Story

By Anonymous
>Murder Mystery CYOA

By TheHonorableAjax
>Cultural Exchange
>Collecting Debts

By Anonymous
>Neon Dream of Organic Toys
https://rentry.org/33k5y (Ch. 1-5)
https://rentry.org/nxev842g (Ch. 6-X)

By Anonymous
>Grand Marshal CYOA

By Lord_Boop_the_1rd
>Cold Blooded Dairy
>Bunny Byers Beware

By Anonymous

>/Collared/'s Dungeon of Stories
>/Hmofa/ Masterbin
>Previous Thread
>Past Threads
clover's sperm vs kanako's eggs bullet hell battle
Would you rather live in a world where:
>Anthros are legally pets with no rights
>Anthros have rights, but they are mentally submissive towards humans
definitely the first one. There's no challenge otherwise.
The second one. I think enthusiastic submission is extremely hot, especially when otherwise abusive and degenerate actions are happily accepted and maybe even encouraged.
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>undertale yellow mentioned

I was gonna say "1st one, definitely" but now that I think about it, #2 sounds more in line with what I think of when I imagine human supremacy. Anthros shouldn't be unwilling when it comes to worshipping BHC, and, I imagine you can violate plenty of rights once you gain their consent (which, by nature of being submissive, shouldn't be too hard to get)

scenario one sounds like a good way to get murdered in your sleep by your petwife
I don't know, the second one gives you the fun of them resisting, but giving into base instinct and hating themselves for it, and actively giving up freedoms
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2nd. I like it when both parties are thoroughly happy with the master/pet dynamic from the get-go and they're still room for agency.
>>73708824 (OP)
>/Collared/'s Dungeon of Stories
Attention OP: someone should take a look at the link. It be gibberish. New link?
Yeah, looks like it was altered today.
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It's looks like it was taken over by some tranny.
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Wayback machine might have the old stuff?
Shocker, the Super Fags being a bunch of little shits and ruining a good thing
>Collared is dedicated to human males dominating anthros or other creatures in a variety of scenarios
Worst comes to worst, we can rebuild the rentry using the old OP's, it's less than 200 threads.
I think you can request a takeover on a rentry if it's a common word/name, but only if it hasn't been touched in a year. So it's odd it got changed. Maybe somebody can send a request on their contact page and get the old one back, or at least the content?
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2nd give me a gal who eggs me on.
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did they have plastic anal beads in the middle ages?
Depends on how generous your definition of plastic is. The first official human made plastics were being cooked up around about 1848 and thereafter.
From the natrual world alone, stuff shaped from horns and hooves? Granted, that's stretching it a bit as we usually think of plastics as being man made.
Human male and an anthro "male"
>>73708824 (OP)
I think I'm starting to figure out where bleachedfags get their fetish from, the contrast between skin tones and one party submitting fully is doing it for me, plus it's not specifically designed to insult me as a white man and hasn't been spammed out of childish rage on every board I've ever been on

Damn, Pavel a freak
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Breaking in a bitchy anthro woman
>Guards probably not intended to be XCom Vipers
Even still. Damn.
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The husbands of cuck queens make the best diplomats.
I have had to make up like 3 separate reasons why advanced polymer science already exists for my ~1880-1930 setting for this exact reason

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